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Irigaray  C.  Fernández  T.  Chacón  J. 《Natural Hazards》2003,30(3):309-324
This paper aims to examine the impact of large-scale structuraladjustments (like the Greater Dhaka Flood Protection Project, GDFPP) on local living environment.It focuses the importance of environmental factors in flood hazard mitigation, and examines theenvironmental attitudes of the floodplain residents arising from the large-scale structural adjustments.Based on `perceived natural hazard research perspectives', this paper examines: (i) the reasons for persistentfloodplain occupation, and (ii) the importance of environmental factors in the choice, motivations and decision-makingof floodplain residents.This research used data collected from 300 households situated inthe eastern part of Dhaka. The face-to-face household survey data provided individuals' responses to a structuredquestionnaire on hazards and environment. Survey concerned urban floodplains, and looked fordata on housing, household characteristics, and residents' attitudes. Results of interview surveys wereused to: (i) explore the reasons of floodplain occupation, and (ii) residents' attitudes to tolerable levelof flood risk and willingness to accept environmental change resulting from the proposed structural embankments inthe eastern perimeter of Dhaka City, Bangladesh.Findings revealed that floodplain occupation (by theindividuals' decision-making) was a result of overall reaction to the Government's structuraladjustment policies that resulted from institutional, locational and socio-economic factors. The attitude survey results provided residents' perception to hazards and environment to be dependenton the socio-economic factors – but in a complex manner, many factors are interrelated.In addition to support for structural embankments, the study sample displayed a common concernand widespread environmental awareness. In terms of any `trade-off' between thebenefits (resources) from the embankments and costs (hazards) due to the detrimental impact on environment, the residents of Dhaka, despite some concern forsacrificing embankments for environment, tended to show a generalconsensus for embankments.  相似文献   
Here we perform an inventory of tsunamis recorded by tide gauges in the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. This paper also reveals nine tsunami records that had not been published before, at Puntarenas tide gauge corresponding to the 1979 Colombia tsunami and at Quepos tide gauge corresponding to the 1985 Mexico twin tsunamis, the 2010, 2014 and 2015 Chile tsunamis, the 2006 Tonga tsunami, the 2011 Japan tsunami and the 2013 Solomon Islands tsunami. The original record of 1990 Cóbano tsunami at Quepos was digitized again at a higher resolution and re-processed. The arrival of 1979, 1985, 2006 and 2014 tsunamis to Costa Rica is not listed on tsunami catalogs. The maximum tsunami height obtained here after processing 1990, 2011 and 2013 records was higher than reported on catalogs. The opposite happened for the 2010 tsunami. Quepos gauge record for January 2007 was analyzed as it seemed to have registered the Kuril Islands tsunami, but the results were not conclusive due to the low sample rate and the small tsunami amplitude if any. All those eleven tsunamis were modeled and the results compared with the records. A good agreement was obtained for the Quepos gauge, although the modeled 2011 and 2013 tsunamis had a difference of 8 min on the arrival time. An acceptable agreement was obtained for the Puntarenas gauge for 1979 tsunami, considering at least the first 4 h of the marigram is lost.  相似文献   
A Rb-Sr whole-rock investigation of suites of samples from two orthogneiss bodies in the Almendralejo area of the Oporto-Portalegre-Badajoz-Córdoba belt points to an Ordovician age for the granitic magmatism: about 470 Ma for the Almendralejo Gneiss (peralkaline metagranite) and about 425 Ma for the Ribera del Fresno Gneiss (leucocratic subaluminous metagranite), both with high initial87Sr/86Sr ratios. This points to a post-Ordovician (Hercynian) age for the metamorphism and tectonic deformation that affected the area, including the gneisses, and rules out the alleged Cadomian or even older age.
Zusammenfassung Die Rb-Sr-Gesamtgesteinsanalysen von Probeserien zweier orthogneisischer Körper der Almendralejo-Region des Oporto-Portalegre-Badajoz-Córdoba-Gürtels weisen auf ein ordovizisches Alter des granitischen Magmas hin: rund 470 Ma für den Almendralejo-Gneis (peralkaliner Metagranit) und rund 425 Ma für den Ribera del Fresno-Gneis (leukokratischer Metagranit), beide bei einem hohen initialen87Sr/86Sr. Diese Ergebnisse deuten auf ein post-ordovizisches (herzynisches) Alter der Metamorphose und der tektonischen Deformation hin, die das Gebiet, einschließ-lich des Gneises, beeinflußt haben. Sie schließen ein vermeintliches kadomisches oder älteres Alter aus.

Résumé Une étude par Rb-Sr sur roche totale de séries d'échantillons de deux massifs d'orthogneiss de la région d'Almendralejo, dans la ceinture Oporto-Portalegre-Badajoz-Cordoue, indique un âge ordovicien pour le magmatisme granitique: environ 470 Ma pour le gneiss d'Almendralejo (métagranite peralcalin) et environ 425 Ma pour le gneiss de Ribera del Fresno (métagranite leucocrate subalumineux), tous deux avec des rapports initiaux87Sr/86Sr élevés. Ces résultats indiquent un âge post-ordovicien (hercynien) pour le métamorphisme et la déformation tectonique qui ont affecté la région, y compris les gneiss, et éliminent l'hypothèse proposée par ailleurs d'un âge cadomien ou même plus ancien.

— — — Rb/Sr : 425 -- ( ) 470 ( ) 87Sr/86Sr . - ( ) , , . , .
Ground subsidence in the southeastern border of the Granada Basin (SE Spain) has been studied using remote sensing techniques. Over the last decades, the region has experienced a huge urban expansion, which has caused a substantial increase in water supply requirements. Water needs are exclusively met by groundwater by means of numerous pumping wells, which exploit a confined detrital aquifer of alluvial fan deposits with a heterogeneous facies distribution. A general piezometric level decline (up to 50 m) has been recorded in the aquifer during the past 30 years that has induced the generation of a subsiding area with oval shape oriented WNW‐ESE just where the new urban areas and pumping wells are located. Subsidence has been monitored by exploiting synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images from ENVISAT (2003–2009) and Cosmo‐SkyMed (2011–2014). A new approach, which combines A‐DInSAR and small‐area persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) analysis, has been applied obtaining a good accuracy regarding temporal and spatial dimension of the subsidence. ENVISAT data (2003–2009) reveal subsidence rates up to 10–15 mm/year, and Cosmo‐SkyMed (2011–2014) values slightly lower; up to 10 mm/year. Temporal variations in the subsidence velocity are in accordance with the rainfall pattern and piezometric fluctuations in the aquifer. The sector with highest rates of subsidence does not correspond to the area with more intense groundwater exploitation but to the area with greater presence of clays in the confining layer of the aquifer. There is a clear lithological control in the spatial distribution of the ground subsidence. This work integrates detailed geological and hydrogeological data with differential SAR interferometry monitoring with the aim to better understand subsidence processes in detrital aquifers with small‐scale heterogeneity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Although subduction zones around the world are known to be the source of earthquakes and/or tsunamis, not all segments of these plate boundaries generate destructive earthquakes and catastrophic tsunamis. Costa Rica, in Central America, has subduction zones on both the Pacific and the Caribbean coasts and, even though large earthquakes (Mw = 7.4–7.8) occur in these convergent margins, they do not produce destructive tsunamis. The reason for this is that the seismogenic zones of the segments of the subduction zones that produce large earthquakes in Costa Rica are located beneath land (Nicoya peninsula, Osa peninsula and south of Limón) and not off shore as in most subduction zones around the world. To illustrate this particularity of Costa Rican subduction zones, we show in this work the case for the largest rupture area in Costa Rica (under the Nicoya peninsula), capable of producing Mw ~ 7.8 earthquakes, but the tsunamis it triggers are small and present little potential for damage even to the largest port city in Costa Rica.The Nicoya seismic gap, in NW Costa Rica, has passed its ~50-year interseismic period and therefore a large earthquake will have to occur there in the near future. The last large earthquake, in 1950 generated a tsunami which slightly affected the southwest coast of the Nicoya Peninsula. We present here a simulation to study the possible consequences that a tsunami generated by the next Nicoya earthquake could have for the city of Puntarenas. Puntarenas has a population of approximately eleven thousand people and is located on a 7.5 km long sand bar with a maximum height of 2 m above the mean sea level. This condition makes Puntarenas vulnerable to tsunamis.  相似文献   
Chacón  José  Corominas  Jordi 《Natural Hazards》2003,30(3):263-264
Geomorphological changes in recent decades in an arid transgressive coastal dune system (Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands) are analyzed. The methodology used is based on the generation of two geomorphological maps (1961 and 2003) by interpretation of digital orthophotos. The overlay of both maps in a geographic information system (GIS) enabled the spatial and surface changes of the landforms to be determined, and the processes that generated these changes. Twelve cultural and geomorphological processes were identified from highest to lowest importance, namely: anthropization by urban occupation (114 ha changed), stabilization (92.5 ha), barchanization (37 ha), salinization/halophytication (15 ha), anthropization (12.4 ha), deflation (11.8 ha), dune loss/beach gain (11.3 ha), dune formation (9.6 ha), progradation (8 ha), retrogradation (7.7 ha), destabilization (2.7 ha) and flooding (0.7 ha). Geomorphological changes are associated with a combination of five main factors, three of anthropogenic origin and two natural ones. The natural factors are: (1) the arid climate, which favors changes occurring at high speed; (2) the existence of a progressive sedimentary deficit. Anthropogenic factors are: (3) construction of tourist urbanizations, infrastructures and facilities; (4) installation of equipment or infrastructure on the beaches; (5) the activities carried out by users. These human factors have altered the aeolian dynamics and reduced the area occupied by vegetation in some areas, causing changes in aeolian sedimentary processes. The geomorphological processes identified can be used as indicators of environmental change, allowing us to synthesize the changes in landforms detected, and group all combinations derived from the analysis by GIS and analyze them spatially. Thus, the environmental changes in the transgressive coastal dune systems could be interpreted more effectively. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In order to characterise the influence of the heavyrains on the observed landslides during the 1996–1997hydrological cycle, rainfall records for the last 100years are analysed from 104 stations in easternAndalusia. Regarding the amounts of rain recordedbetween October 1996 and March 1997 in the 104stations studied, 31 presented new all-time records;15 presented values that were 80–100% of thepre-1995 record; 49 stations, 80–50%; and 9stations, < 50%. A map has been devised of thesusceptibility of the materials through which thesouth-eastern Andalusian road network crosses,together with an inventory of the damage caused byinstability phenomena on banks and cuttings of theroad network during the winter of 1996–1997. Therelationships between the rainfall during the studyperiod, the damage caused to the road network and thesusceptibility of the materials affected are analysed.The results indicate that there is a clearcorrespondence between the rainfall recorded and thesusceptibility of the materials with the inventorieddamage. It is concluded that the widespread seriousdamage caused in early 1997 to the roads andsurrounding areas in the Alpujarra region and thecoast of the Province of Granada was mainly caused bythe extraordinarily heavy rains. However, considerablyless damage was observed where the susceptibility ofthe terrain is low, thus highlighting the extremeusefulness of terrain-susceptibility maps for riskprevention and territorial planning.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new, fast and economical method for digitizing a rock surface profile to determine its joint roughness coefficient (JRC) value (Barton and Choubey, Rock Mech Rock Eng 10:1–54, 1977) using a set of existing parameters, the appropriateness of which has been tested. The new procedure was applied to four rock road cuts in the Alpujarra area of Granada province (Andalusia, Spain), supported by 117 digitized profiles. The method avoids any personal subjectivity bias. The usual subjectivity in the visualization and assessment of the JRC value is estimated here by a survey test answered by 90 trained users. The survey test consisted of a set of JRC visual comparisons of 12 roughness profiles, selected from the 117 profiles surveyed during the field research in the Alpujarra region, with the Barton typical profiles. The results of the survey clearly show systematic inaccuracies in the traditional procedure that are reduced if the advice presented in the conclusions of this paper is taken in account when performing the visual estimation.  相似文献   
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