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Cathy Busby   《Tectonophysics》2004,392(1-4):241
Mesozoic rocks of the Baja California Peninsula form one of the most areally extensive, best-exposed, longest-lived (160 my), least-tectonized and least-metamorphosed convergent-margin basin complexes in the world. This convergent margin shows an evolutionary trend that may be typical of arc systems facing large ocean basins: a progression from highly extensional (phase 1) through mildly extensional (phase 2) to compressional (phase 3) strain regimes. This trend is largely due to the progressively decreasing age of lithosphere that is subducted, which causes a gradual decrease in slab dip angle (and concomitant increase in coupling between lower and upper plates), as well as progressive inboard migration of the arc axis.This paper emphasizes the usefulness of sedimentary and volcanic basin analysis for reconstructing the tectonic evolution of a convergent continental margin. Phase 1 consists of Late Triassic to Late Jurassic oceanic intra-arc to backarc basins that were isolated from continental sediment sources. New, progressively widening basins were created by arc rifting and sea floor spreading, and these were largely filled with progradational backarc arc-apron deposits that record the growth of adjacent volcanoes up to and above sea level. Inboard migration of the backarc spreading center ultimately results in renewed arc rifting, producing an influx of silicic pyroclastics to the backarc basin. Rifting succeeds in conversion of the active backarc basin into a remnant backarc basin, which is blanketed by epiclastic sands.Phase 1 oceanic arc–backarc terranes were amalgamated by Late Jurassic sinistral strike slip faults. They form the forearc substrate for phase 2, indicating inboard migration of the arc axis due to decrease in slab dip. Phase 2 consists of Early Cretaceous extensional fringing arc basins adjacent to a continent. Phase 2 forearc basins consist of grabens that stepped downward toward the trench, filled with coarse-grained slope apron deposits. Phase 2 intra-arc basins show a cycle of (1) arc extension, characterized by intermediate to silicic explosive and effusive volcanism, culminating in caldera-forming silicic ignimbrite eruptions, followed by (2) arc rifting, characterized by widespread dike swarms and extensive mafic lavas and hyaloclastites. This extensional-rifting cycle was followed by mid-Cretaceous backarc basin closure and thrusting of the fringing arc beneath the edge of the continent, caused by a decrease in slab dip as well as a possible increase in convergence rate.Phase 2 fringing arc terranes form the substrate for phase 3, which consists of a Late Cretaceous high-standing, compressional continental arc that migrated inboard with time. Strongly coupled subduction resulted in accretion of blueschist metamorphic rocks, with development of a broad residual forearc basin behind the growing accretionary wedge, and development of extensional forearc (trench–slope) basins atop the gravitationally collapsing accretionary wedge. Inboard of this, ongoing phase 3 strongly coupled subduction, together with oblique convergence, resulted in development of forearc strike-slip basins upon arc basement.The modern Earth is strongly biased toward long-lived arc–trench systems, which are compressional; therefore, evolutionary models for convergent margins must be constructed from well-preserved ancient examples like Baja California. This convergent margin is typical of many others, where the early to middle stages of convergence (phases 1 and 2) create nonsubductable arc–ophiolite terranes (and their basin fills) in the upper plate. These become accreted to the continental margin in the late stage of convergence (phase 3), resulting in significant continental growth.  相似文献   
Seismic analysis and geochemical interpretations provide evidence that two separate hydrothermal cells circulate within the greater Lassen hydrothermal system. One cell originates south to SW of Lassen Peak and within the Brokeoff Volcano depression where it forms a reservoir of hot fluid (235–270 °C) that boils to feed steam to the high-temperature fumarolic areas, and has a plume of degassed reservoir liquid that flows southward to emerge at Growler and Morgan Hot Springs. The second cell originates SSE to SE of Lassen Peak and flows southeastward along inferred faults of the Walker Lane belt (WLB) where it forms a reservoir of hot fluid (220–240 °C) that boils beneath Devils Kitchen and Boiling Springs Lake, and has an outflow plume of degassed liquid that boils again beneath Terminal Geyser. Three distinct seismogenic zones (identified as the West, Middle, and East seismic clusters) occur at shallow depths (< 6 km) in Lassen Volcanic National Park, SW to SSE of Lassen Peak and adjacent to areas of high-temperature (≤ 161 °C) fumarolic activity (Sulphur Works, Pilot Pinnacle, Little Hot Springs Valley, and Bumpass Hell) and an area of cold, weak gas emissions (Cold Boiling Lake). The three zones are located within the inferred Rockland caldera in response to interactions between deeply circulating meteoric water and hot brittle rock that overlies residual magma associated with the Lassen Volcanic Center. Earthquake focal mechanisms and stress inversions indicate primarily N–S oriented normal faulting and E–W extension, with some oblique faulting and right lateral shear in the East cluster. The different focal mechanisms as well as spatial and temporal earthquake patterns for the East cluster indicate a greater influence by regional tectonics and inferred faults within the WLB. A fourth, deeper (5–10 km) seismogenic zone (the Devils Kitchen seismic cluster) occurs SE of the East cluster and trends NNW from Sifford Mountain toward the Devils Kitchen thermal area where fumarolic temperatures are ≤ 123 °C. Lassen fumaroles discharge geothermal gases that indicate mixing between a N2-rich, arc-type component and gases derived from air-saturated meteoric recharge water. Most gases have relatively weak isotopic indicators of upper mantle or volcanic components, except for gas from Sulphur Works where δ13C–CO2, δ34S–H2S, and δ15N–N2 values indicate a contribution from the mantle and a subducted sediment source in an arc volcanic setting.  相似文献   
Noncondensible gases from hot springs, fumaroles, and deep wells within the Valles caldera geothermal system (210–300°C) consist of roughly 98.5 mol% CO2, 0.5 mol% H2S, and 1 mol% other components. 3He/4He ratios indicate a deep magmatic source (R/Ra up to 6) whereas δ13C–CO2 values (−3 to −5‰) do not discriminate between a mantle/magmatic source and a source from subjacent, hydrothermally altered Paleozoic carbonate rocks. Regional gases from sites within a 50-km radius beyond Valles caldera are relatively enriched in CO2 and He, but depleted in H2S compared to Valles gases. Regional gases have R/Ra values ≤1.2 due to more interaction with the crust and/or less contribution from the mantle. Carbon sources for regional CO2 are varied. During 1982–1998, repeat analyses of gases from intracaldera sites at Sulphur Springs showed relatively constant CH4, H2, and H2S contents. The only exception was gas from Footbath Spring (1987–1993), which experienced increases in these three components during drilling and testing of scientific wells VC-2a and VC-2b. Present-day Valles gases contain substantially less N2 than fluid inclusion gases trapped in deep, early-stage, post-caldera vein minerals. This suggests that the long-lived Valles hydrothermal system (ca. 1 Myr) has depleted subsurface Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of nitrogen. When compared with gases from many other geothermal systems, Valles caldera gases are relatively enriched in He but depleted in CH4, N2 and Ar. In this respect, Valles gases resemble end-member hydrothermal and magmatic gases discharged at hot spots (Galapagos, Kilauea, and Yellowstone).  相似文献   
The three-dimensional arrangement of volcanic deposits in strike-slip basins is not only the product of volcanic processes, but also of tectonic processes. We use a strike-slip basin within the Jurassic arc of southern Arizona (Santa Rita Glance Conglomerate) to construct a facies model for a strike-slip basin dominated by volcanism. This model is applicable to releasing-bend strike-slip basins, bounded on one side by a curved and dipping strike-slip fault, and on the other by curved normal faults. Numerous, very deep unconformities are formed during localized uplift in the basin as it passes through smaller restraining bends along the strike-slip fault. In our facies model, the basin fill thins and volcanism decreases markedly away from the master strike-slip fault (“deep” end), where subsidence is greatest, toward the basin-bounding normal faults (“shallow” end). Talus cone-alluvial fan deposits are largely restricted to the master fault-proximal (deep) end of the basin. Volcanic centers are sited along the master fault and along splays of it within the master fault-proximal (deep) end of the basin. To a lesser degree, volcanic centers also form along the curved faults that form structural highs between sub-basins and those that bound the distal ends of the basin. Abundant volcanism along the master fault and its splays kept the deep (master fault-proximal) end of the basin overfilled, so that it could not provide accommodation for reworked tuffs and extrabasinally-sourced ignimbrites that dominate the shallow (underfilled) end of the basin. This pattern of basin fill contrasts markedly with that of nonvolcanic strike-slip basins on transform margins, where clastic sedimentation commonly cannot keep pace with subsidence in the master fault-proximal end. Volcanic and subvolcanic rocks in the strike-slip basin largely record polygenetic (explosive and effusive) small-volume eruptions from many vents in the complexly faulted basin, referred to here as multi-vent complexes. Multi-vent complexes like these reflect proximity to a continuously active fault zone, where numerous strands of the fault frequently plumb small batches of magma to the surface. Releasing-bend extension promotes small, multivent styles of volcanism in preference to caldera collapse, which is more likely to form at releasing step-overs along a strike-slip fault. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The Pine Creek Orogen, located on the exposed northern periphery of the North Australian Craton, comprises a thick succession of variably metamorphosed Palaeoproterozoic siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary and volcanic rocks, which were extensively intruded by mafic and granitic rocks. Exposed Neoarchean basement is rare in the Pine Creek Orogen and the North Australian Craton in general. However, recent field mapping, in conjunction with new SHRIMP U–Pb zircon data for six granitic gneiss samples, have identified previously unrecognised Neoarchean crystalline crust in the Nimbuwah Domain, the eastern-most region of the Pine Creek Orogen. Four samples from the Myra Falls and Caramal Inliers, the Cobourg Peninsula, and the Kakadu region have magmatic crystallisation ages in the range 2527–2510 Ma. An additional sample, from northeast Myra Falls Inlier, yielded a magmatic crystallisation age of 2671 ± 3 Ma, the oldest exposed Archean basement yet recognised in the North Australian Craton. These results are consistent with previously determined magmatic ages for known outcropping and subcropping crystalline basement some 200 km to the west. A sixth sample yielded a magmatic crystallisation age of 2640 ± 4 Ma. The ca. 2670 Ma and ca. 2640 Ma samples have ca. 2500 Ma metamorphic zircon rims, consistent with metamorphism broadly coeval with emplacement of the volumetrically dominant ca. 2530–2510 Ma granites and granitic gneisses. Neoarchean zircon detritus, particularly in the ca. 2530–2510 Ma and ca. 2670–2640 Ma age span, are an almost ubiquitous feature of detrital zircon spectra of unconformably overlying metamorphosed Palaeoproterozoic strata of the Pine Creek Orogen, and of local post-tectonic Proterozoic sequences, consistent with this local provenance. Neoarchean zircon is also a common detrital component in Palaeoproterozoic sedimentary units across much of the North Australian Craton suggesting the existence of an extensive, if not contiguous, Neoarchean crystalline basement underlying not only a large part of the Pine Creek Orogen, but also much of the North Australian Craton.  相似文献   
Atmospheric remote sensing from satellites is an essential component of the observational strategy deployed to monitor atmospheric pollution and changing composition. During this decade, remote sensors using the thermal infrared (TIR) spectral range have demonstrated their ability to sound the troposphere and provide global distribution for some of the key atmospheric species. This article illustrates three operational applications made possible with the IASI instrument onboard the European satellite MetOp, which opens new perspectives for routine observation of the evolution of atmospheric composition from space.  相似文献   
Abstract. This study examines the composition and partitioning of lipids in the alvinocarid shrimp Rimicaris exoculata from Mid-Atlantic hydrothermal vents. Juveniles and adults at different stages of reproductive development were dissected into abdomen, branchial and ovary/hepatopancreas tissues. Each of these tissues was analysed for total lipid and lipid class composition, and fatty acids and fatty alcohols were identified using GC and GC-MS. Adult and juvenile shrimp differ in the partitioning of lipids between tissues. Juveniles store lipids in the abdomen as wax ester droplets and may use phosphatidyl choline as an additional reserve. Adult shrimp use triglycerides as an energy store, and triglycerides and polar lipids accumulate in ovary and hepatopancreas tissue during reproductive development. The wax ester storage droplets of juvenile shrimp contain high concentrations of n-3 fatty acids, which are photosynthetically-derived and thought to be important for reproductive development in crustaceans. These n-3 fatty acids are concentrated in the ovary and hepatopancreas of adults compared to other tissues. The n-3 fatty acid content of these adult tissues is well within that estimated for whole juvenile shrimp, supporting the hypothesis that the n-3 fatty acids putatively required for adult reproduction are stored from the juvenile stage.  相似文献   
A 33,000-yr pollen record from Carp Lake provides information on the vegetation history of the forest/steppe border in the southwestern Columbia Basin. The site is located in the Pinus ponderosa Zone but through much of late Quaternary time the area was probably treeless. Pollen assemblages in sediments dating from 33,000 to 23,500 yr B.P. suggest a period of temperate climate and steppe coinciding with the end of the Olympia Interglaciation. The Fraser Glaciation (ca. 25,000–10,000 yr B.P.) was a period of periglacial steppe or tundra vegetation and conditions too dry and cold to support forests at low altitudes. Aridity is also inferred from the low level of the lake between 21,000 and 8500 yr B.P., and especially after about 13,500 yr B.P. About 10,000 yr B.P. Chenopodiineae and other temperate taxa spread locally, providing palynological evidence for a shift from cold, dry to warm, dry conditions. Pine woodland developed at the site with the onset of humid conditions at 8500 yr B.P.; further cooling is suggested at 4000 yr B.P., when Pseudotsuga and Abies were established locally.  相似文献   
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