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The eastern end of the Haylayn massif exposes a complex paleoridge structure interpreted as the tip of a northwestward propagating segment (Nicolas et al., this issue). The area, revisited from a petrostructural and geochemical viewpoint, offers the most documented exposures of the association of olivine gabbros and gabbronorites in Oman (Juteau et al., 1988). Gabbronorites were injected while the main gabbro unit was deforming in the magmatic state. Both units do not differ chemically, except for the SiO2 enrichment of the orthopyroxene-rich gabbros relative to olivine-gabbro. In addition, they display the same trace element signature, which implies the same parent magma for both units. The extension of the stability field of orthopyroxene is assigned to increase of oxygen fugacity due to hydration. The source of hydration is the ridge axis hydrothermal circulation, suggesting hydrothermal/magma interaction at temperatures above the gabbro solidus. The distribution of gabbronorites at the scale of the entire ophiolite suggests a relation with ridge tectonics where high-T conditions of hydrothermal-magmatic interaction are met. Such conditions are met when propagating segments rotate the structures of the dying magma chamber.  相似文献   
The increase in global climate change incidents is a glaring indication that more pragmatic and direct approaches to tree and forest management are urgently nee...  相似文献   
Excessive macrophytes can cause significant problems in agricultural waterways requiring active management. Conventional control techniques can have a range of adverse effects. We investigated several control tools in two experiments: firstly, we tested eight treatments at a small-scale (2?m?×?2?m). We found intensive hand weeding, weed mat and herbicide spraying to be effective treatments, reducing macrophyte cover to <5%. Hand weeding and weed mat immediately reduced cover, while dieback from herbicide took two months. Weed mat was a novel and effective control mechanism along stream banks. Secondly, we tested the impact of shading on macrophyte growth. Macrophyte growth was enhanced under partially shaded conditions, but with 80% effective shading over the entire channel, cover was reduced to 17%. Once treatments ceased, macrophytes grew back within 3–5 months. Long-term, control methods will require combinations of tools but will need to include optimal shading for the target species.  相似文献   
The Baula-Nuasahi Complex, on the southern flank of the Singhbhum Archaean nucleus in north-eastern India, exposes a series of Mesoarchaean igneous suites. These are (1) a gabbro–anorthosite unit, which is petrographically homogeneous, although mineral-chemistry data hint at a subtle eastward differentiation; (2) a peridotite unit (with three chromitite layers) together with (3) a pyroxenite unit which display cumulate textures, modal layering, and (for the peridotite unit) differentiation trends in both mineralogy and mineral chemistry; and (4) the Bangur gabbro (~3.1 Ga), which defines an oblong intrusion, crosscutting the older igneous suites in the southern part of the complex, with a curvilinear NW-trending apophysis, 2 km long and up to 40 m wide. Magmatic breccia comprising ultramafic and chromitite wall-rock clasts in a gabbro matrix is exposed at the contact of the main Bangur gabbro body and also forms the entire Bangur gabbro apophysis. Concentrations of platinum-group minerals (PGMs) are found where the breccia contains abundant chromitite clasts, and two types of platinum-group-element (PGE) mineralisation are recognised. Type 1 (Pt 1.1–14.2, Pd 0.1–2.1 ppm, with an average Pt/Pd=8–9) is a contact-type mineralisation which occurs in the breccia at the contact between the Bangur intrusion and its ultramafic host. The PGMs—Pt alloys (isoferroplatinum) and sulphides (braggite, malanite)—are enclosed by pyroxene and plagioclase, reflecting a magmatic origin. Significant wall-rock assimilation by the magma (giving rise to the Bangur gabbro) is indicated by changes in pyroxene composition and by the presence of relicts of chromite (from the host) now altered to secondary ferritchromite in the contact zone. Type 2 PGE mineralisation (Pt 0.3–1.6, Pd 1.8–6.0 ppm, with Pt/Pd~0.5–3.0) is restricted to the breccia apophysis of the Bangur gabbro where it occurs in the breccia matrix, associated with an intense hydrothermal alteration which does not exist in the contact zone. PGMs (PGE arsenides, tellurides, bismuthides and antimonides) and, where present, base-metal sulphides (BMSs) form intergrowths with hydrous silicates, reflecting a hydrothermal origin. Oxygen isotope geothermometry documents the main stages of hydrothermal alteration within a decreasing temperature range between 700–1,000 and 500–600 °C, and oxygen, hydrogen and sulphur isotopes show that the hydrothermal fluids were derived from the magma rather than an external source. Pervasive hydrothermal alteration in the breccia apophysis likely represents upward channelling of late-magmatic fluids along a narrow, near-vertical, subplanar conduit which led away from the main magma chamber. We suggest that Type 2 mineralisation was produced by late-magmatic hydrothermal remobilisation and reconcentration of Type 1 PGE mineralisation, and that the composition of the hydrothermal fluids controlled whether BMSs were enriched along with the PGMs.Editorial handling: P. Lightfoot  相似文献   
Like Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS) and Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) crowdsourced collaborative mapping is often imagined as an alternative to conventional cartographic practice. This paper examines collaborative mapping projects designed to assist in humanitarian work and respond to catastrophes. These projects, their technological complexity and wide range of collaborators, including affected locals, international Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and anonymous online contributors, invite closer consideration. In this article I unpick the gnarly question of how the remote sourcing of information through cloud collaboration and satellite imagery jostles with grounded work encouraging local control of local geoinformation. My critical analysis of these projects explores: (1) justifications for action – what is being promised through digital mapping as aid or satellite salvation?; (2) forms of participation – the role of ‘hotties’ ‘nodders’ and ‘digital jedis’; and (3) contingencies of mapping practices and the assemblages of actors within which they are embedded – as the mysteries of the ‘missing maps’. The conclusion considers differing approaches towards the inclusion of local knowledges within participatory digital aid mapping and identifies remote mapping practices that are both incognito and incognisant.  相似文献   
We investigated the concentration and site occupation of ferric iron (Fe3+) in (Mg,Fe)O to understand the influence of point defects on transport properties such as atomic diffusion, electrical conductivity and viscosity. We conducted Mössbauer spectroscopy of (Mg0.8Fe0.2)O single crystals synthesized at temperatures from 1673 to 2273 K and pressures from 5 to 15 GPa with Re–ReO2 and Mo–MoO2 oxygen fugacity buffers. The isomer shift of the Mössbauer spectra suggests that Fe3+ occupies mostly the tetrahedral site at reduced conditions and both the octahedral and tetrahedral sites at oxidized conditions. We formulate a thermodynamic model of point defect dissolution in (Mg,Fe)O which suggests that unassociated tetrahedral Fe3+ is more stable than unassociated octahedral Fe3+ at high-pressure and low oxygen fugacity due to the effect of configurational entropy. The pressure dependence of Fe3+ concentration indicates a change in the dominant site occupancy of Fe3+: (1) Fe3+ in the tetrahedral site, (2) Fe3+ in the octahedral site, and (3) defect clusters of Fe3+ and cation vacancy, in the order of increasing oxygen fugacity and decreasing pressure. This is in reasonable agreement with previously reported experiments on Fe3+ concentration, Mg–Fe interdiffusivity and electrical conductivity. We consider it plausible that (Mg,Fe)O accommodates Fe3+ in the tetrahedral site down to the lower mantle. Based on our results and available experimental data, we discuss the solubility competition between Fe3+ and protons (H+), and its implications for transport properties in the lower mantle.  相似文献   
Large-scale runoff routing models (RRMs) are important as a validation tool for GCMs, and to close the hydrological cycle in fully-coupled climate models. The model RiTHM was developed to simulate the discharge of large rivers from the total runoff simulated by the LMD GCM. It uses a 1024×800 grid, nested in the 64×50 grid of the LMD GCM. The runoff simulated in a GCM grid cell is uniformly distributed over the underlying cells, where a series of two reservoirs accounts for the delay related to infiltration through the unsaturated zone and aquifers. The resulting riverflow is routed assuming pure translation along the drainage network, extracted with a GIS from a 5 min DEM. The transfer time from a cell to the outlet depends on topography, and on a basin-wide parameter, the time of concentration. RiTHM was calibrated in 11 river basins, using a realistic runoff forcing (computed by the land surface model SECHIBA from reanalyzed meteorological forcing). This led to a very satisfactory reproduction of observed hydrographs. The main problems were related to hydraulic processes neglected in RiTHM (reservoirs, diversion of riverflow because of flooding or irrigation). These results helped to validate SECHIBA, except for its snow processes, shown to be too simple. With the same parameters, RiTHM was also forced with runoff from the LMD GCM. This induced an important degradation of the simulated hydrographs, regarding both volume and timing. It was largely explained by errors in precipitation, and more generally climate, in the GCM. The direct calibration of RiTHM under the GCM-runoff forcing markedly improved the timing of simulated discharge, which could be interesting for land–atmosphere–ocean coupling. This work demonstrated that the usefulness of RRMs for GCMs strongly depends on their adequate calibration.  相似文献   
A brackish-water cold seep on the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in the Marmara Sea was investigated with the Nautile submersible during the MarNaut cruise in 2007. This active zone has already been surveyed and revealed evidence of active seeping on the seafloor, such as bubble emissions, patches of reduced sediments, microbial mats and authigenic carbonate crusts. MarNaut was the first opportunity to sample benthic communities in the three most common microhabitats (bioturbated and reduced sediments, carbonate crust) and to examine their relationships with environmental conditions. To do so, faunal communities were sampled and chemical measurements were taken close to the organisms. According to diversity indices, the bioturbated microhabitat exhibited the highest taxonomic diversity and evenness despite a lower number of samples. Conversely, the reduced sediment microhabitat exhibited the lowest taxonomic diversity and evenness. The carbonate crust microhabitat was intermediate although it had the highest biomass. Multivariate analyses showed that (1) fauna were relatively similar within a single microhabitat; (2) faunal community structure varied greatly between the different microhabitats; (3) there was a link between faunal distribution and the type of substratum; and (4) chemical gradients (i.e. methane, oxygen and probably sulphides) may influence faunal distribution. The estimated fluid flow velocity (0.4–0.8 m/yr) confirmed the presence of fluid emission and provided evidence of seawater convection in the two soft-sediment microhabitats. Our results suggest that the reduced sediments may represent a harsher environment with high upward fluid flow, which restrains seawater from penetrating the sediments and inhibits sulphide production, whereas bioturbated sediments can be viewed as a bio-irrigated system with sulphide production occurring at greater depths. Therefore, the environmental conditions in reduced sediments appear to prevent the colonization of symbiont-bearing fauna, such as vesicomyid bivalves, which are more often found in bioturbated sediments. Fluid flow appears to control sulphide availability, which in turn influences the horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of fauna at small spatial scales as observed at other seep sites.  相似文献   
This article explores the role of risk perception in adaptation to stress through comparative case studies of coffee farmers’ responses to climatic and non-climatic stressors. We hypothesized that farmers associating these changes with high risk would be more likely to make adaptations than those who saw the events as part of normal variation. Nevertheless, we found that farmers who associated events with high risk were not more likely to engage in specific adaptations. Adaptive responses were more clearly associated with access to land than perception of risk, suggesting that adaptation is more a function of exogenous constraints on decision making than perception.  相似文献   
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