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Seven distinct phases of Variscan two-mica granite are recognized in the Guarda-Sabugal area. They intruded the Cambrian schist-metagraywacke complex, crystallized in the middle crust, and are syn- to late-D3 (309.2 ± 1.8 Ma), late-D3 (304–300 Ma) and late- to post-D3 (299 ± 3 Ma; ID-TIMS ages on zircon and monazite). Two of the granites, G2 and G5, are close in age and have similar Sr, Nd and O isotope characteristics but contrasting whole rock and mineral features and formed by sequential increasing degree of partial melting of a common metasedimentary protolith. During sequential melting Ti, total Fe, Mg, Ca, Zr, Zn, Sr, Ba and REE contents and (La/Yb)N increase and Si and Rb contents decrease, plagioclase becomes richer in anorthite and biotite and muscovite richer in Ti and Mg. Each of these granites evolved subsequently by fractional crystallization of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and ilmenite, defining separate series G2–G3–G7 and G5–G6 containing late Sn-bearing differentiates. Two other granites G1 and G4 represent distinct pulses of magma with individual fractionation trends for major and trace elements and distinct (87Sr/86Sr)300, ?Nd300 and δ18O values.  相似文献   
River flow variability is known to influence estuarine production, yet knowledge on its effect upon estuarine food webs dynamics is still scarce. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes were used to assess the effect of river flow in the connectivity and food web interactions between the two main fish nursery areas of the Tagus estuary. The aims of the present work were to investigate the seasonal variation in food web structure and the exchange rate of individuals of marine juvenile fish among estuarine nurseries, to compare the spring of a rainy year (2001) with that of an average year (2000), and to investigate the impact of the winter floods of 2001. A low level of connectivity was observed for the fish species that use these areas as nurseries. In low river flow conditions, two isotopically distinct food webs were established in each nursery area. These food webs were very sensitive to small variations in the freshwater input. Winter floods seem to disrupt the localized food webs that are established in low river flow periods, leading to the re-establishment of a wider food web. While in rainy years this wide food web is maintained until spring, in average years the food web undergoes fragmentation into two localized and isotopically distinctive food webs. The increase in frequency of droughts due to climate change should lower the connectivity of the estuarine fish nurseries food webs, causing habitat fragmentation and consequent loss in complexity and resilience.  相似文献   
The study region is located in the Lower Tagus Valley, central Portugal, and includes a large portion of the densely populated area of Lisbon. It is characterized by a moderate seismicity with a diffuse pattern, with historical earthquakes causing many casualties, serious damage and economic losses. Occurrence of earthquakes in the area indicates the presence of seismogenic structures at depth that are deficiently known due to a thick Cenozoic sedimentary cover. The hidden character of many of the faults in the Lower Tagus Valley requires the use of indirect methodologies for their study. This paper focuses on the application of high-resolution seismic reflection method for the detection of near-surface faulting on two major tectonic structures that are hidden under the recent alluvial cover of the Tagus Valley, and that have been recognized on deep oil-industry seismic reflection profiles and/or inferred from the surface geology. These are a WNW–ESE-trending fault zone located within the Lower Tagus Cenozoic basin, across the Tagus River estuary (Porto Alto fault), and a NNE–SSW-trending reverse fault zone that borders the Cenozoic Basin at the W (Vila Franca de Xira–Lisbon fault). Vertical electrical soundings were also acquired over the seismic profiles and the refraction interpretation of the reflection data was carried out. According to the interpretation of the collected data, a complex fault pattern disrupts the near surface (first 400 m) at Porto Alto, affecting the Upper Neogene and (at least for one fault) the Quaternary, with a normal offset component. The consistency with the previous oil-industry profiles interpretation supports the location and geometry of this fault zone. Concerning the second structure, two major faults were detected north of Vila Franca de Xira, supporting the extension of the Vila Franca de Xira–Lisbon fault zone northwards. One of these faults presents a reverse geometry apparently displacing Holocene alluvium. Vertical offsets of the Holocene sediments detected in the studied geophysical data of Porto Alto and Vila Franca de Xira–Lisbon faults imply minimum slip rates of 0.15–0.30 mm/year, three times larger than previously inferred for active faults in the Lower Tagus Valley and maximum estimates of average return periods of 2000–5000 years for M 6.5–7 co-seismic ruptures.  相似文献   
Deficient management of cinnabar mining left the San Joaquín region with high concentrations of mercury in its soils (2.4 – 4164 mg kg-1). Numerous cinnabar mines have contributed to the dispersion of mercury into agricultural (0.5 –314 mg kg-1) and forest (0.2 – 69 mg kg-1) soils. Sediments are a natural means of transportation for mercury, causing its spreading, especially in areas near mine entrances (0.6 – 687 mg kg-1). The nearness of maize crops to mines favors mercury accumulation in the different plant structures, such as roots, stems, leaves, and grain (0.04 – 8.2 mg kg-1); these being related to mercury volatilization and accumulation in soils. Mercury vapor present in the settlements could indicate a constant volatilization from lands and soils (22 – 153 ng m-3). The mercury levels found in the soils, in maize grain, and in the air resulted greater than the standards reported by the Official Mexican Norm (NOM) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Mercury in rainwater is due mainly to the presence of suspended atmospheric particles, later deposited on the surface (1.5 – 339 μg |-1). Mercury dissolution was found in the drinking water (10 – 170 ng |-1), with concentrations below those established by the NOM and the WHO. The contamination existing in the San Joaquín region does not reach the levels of the world’s greatest mercury producers: Almaden (Spain) and Idrija (Slovenia). It is, however, like that found in other important second degree world producers such as Guizhou (China). The population of San Joaquín, as well as its surrounding environment, are constantly exposed to mercury contamination, thus making a long term monitoring necessary to determine its effects, especially to people.  相似文献   
Aquatic primary productivity, mangrove ecology, and fish community dynamics were investigated in the Teacapán-Agua Brava lagoon-estuarine system, the most extensive mangrove ecosystem on the Pacific coast of Mexico with three species of mangroves distributed heterogeneously (Laguncularia racemosa, Rhizophora mangle, andAvicennia germinans). Tree density was 3,203 trees ha?1 and basal area was 14.0 m2 ha?1. Litterfall was 1,417 g m?2 yr?1, characteristic of a productive riverine forest. The degradation constant forLaguncularia racemosa leaves varied from 1.71 to 4.7 yr?1 and mean annual net aquatic productivity was 0.41 g C m?3 d?1. There were high concentrations of humic substances (up to 150 mg l?1) early in the wet season. Seasonal variations of the above parameters seemed closely related to the ecology of fish populations. There were 75 fish species distributed in two principal assemblages associated with wet and dry seasons. Diversity and biomass analysis indicated 18 dominant species. Total biomass of the community in this coastal system was estimated at 10 g wet wt m?2. The highest biomass occurred in the wet season. The most common fish species wereMugil curema, Achirus mazatlanus, Galeichthys caerulescens, Arius liropus, Diapterus peruvianus, Lile stolifera, Centropomus robalito, andEucinostomus sp., all of which have fishery importance. Primary productivity and fish community ecology are controlled by habitat characteristics, river discharge, and climatic seasonality.  相似文献   
The observation of extreme waves at FINO 1 during storm Britta on the 1st November 2006 has initiated a series of research studies regarding the mechanisms behind. The roles of stability and the presence of the open cell structures have been previously investigated but not conclusive. To improve our understanding of these processes, which are essential for a good forecast of similarly important events offshore, this study revisits the development of storm Britta using an atmospheric and wave coupled modeling system, wind and wave measurements from ten stations across the North Sea, cloud images and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. It is found here that a standard state-of-the-art model is capable of capturing the important characteristics of a major storm like Britta, including the storm path, storm peak wind speed, the open cells, and peak significant wave height (H s ) for open sea. It was also demonstrated that the impact of the open cells has negligible contribution to the development of extreme H s observed at FINO 1. At the same time, stability alone is not sufficient in explaining the development of extreme H s . The controlling conditions for the development of Britta extreme H s observed at FINO 1 are the persistent strong winds and a long and undisturbed fetch over a long period.  相似文献   
Focal mechanisms of small earthquakes with magnitudes of about 3 in the SE Brazilian shield are calculated using S / P amplitude ratios. Low attenuation ( Q p from 400 to 800) in the shield upper-crustal layers allowed sharp S arrivals to be recorded up to distances of 100 km. Besides P -wave polarities, SH -wave first motions were also used to constrain the nodal-plane orientations. Normal and reverse faulting mechanisms with strike-slip components were found. The inversion of four mechanisms to estimate the stress tensor indicated a strike-slip stress regime with roughly E–W-orientated σ 1 and N–S σ 3. Both the orientations and the shape factor ( φ =0.7) of the inverted stress are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions for that part of Brazil from the driving-force model of Coblentz & Richardson (1996) . Good agreement with the nature of the stress, as well as its orientation, was also found for the model of Meijer (1995) . Both of these theoretical models include spreading stresses along the continent/ocean lithospheric transition. Because the earthquakes are more than 300 km from the continental shelf they should not be affected by the local flexural forces caused by sediment load in the marginal basins. The agreement between observed and theoretical stresses then confirms the importance of continental spreading forces in modelling intraplate stresses.  相似文献   
Ondes de surface     
Résumé Le but de ce mémoire est de démontrer quelques nouvelles propriétés générales d'une classe de fonctions (les ondes de surface) très importante par son rôle en physique et en géophysique.On commence par la démontration d'un théoréme fondamental qui établit l'identité de l'ensemble des ondes de surface et de l'ensemble des fonctions pour lesquelles, à tout instantt 0 et en tout pointA 0 de leur domaine d'existence, on peut écrire une proportionnalité entre intervalles de temps (situés, en général asymétriquement, de part et d'autre det 0) et rayons des domaines circulaires centrés enA 0, telle que les moyennes temporelles et spatiales correspondantes soient égales. Ce théorème permet d'écrire, en termes finis, la solution des équations aux dérivées partielles de toute onde de surface.On applique ensuite les résultats généraux: 1° à la variation diurne de la pression lce qui permet de voir que ce phénomène peut être considéré comme une onde de surface et donne la loi fondamentale en cos3 ( latitude) pour l'amplitude de l'onde semidiurne progressive]; 2° aux ondes de variation de la pression synoptique. Pour ces ondes de variation on établit les relations qui existent entre leurs paramètres caractéristiques et on détermine finalement leur configuration théorique.
Summary The aim of this paper is to give the proof of some new general properties of a class of functions (the surface waves) which is very important in physics and geophysics.We first give the proof of a fundamental theorem establishing the identity of the set of all surface waves and the set of functions for which, at any momentt 0 and at any pointA 0 of their domain, there exists a proportionality between time intervals comprisingt 0 (asymmetrically, in the general case) and the radius of the circular domains centered onA 0, such that the corresponding temporal and spatial means are equal. This theorem allows to write in finite terms the solution of the partial differential equations of any surface wave.The general results are then applied: 1° to the diurnal pressure variation, showing that this phenomenon can be considered as a surface wave and giving the fundamental law cos3 ( latitude) for the amplitude of the progressive or travelling 12-hourly wave; 2° to the waves of the synoptic pressure variations. For these waves the relations between their characteristic parameters is first established and finally their theoretical spatial configuration or pattern is deduced.

Communication faite le 23 Avril 1957 à la Cinquième Assemblée de la «Società Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia» (Genova, 23–25 Avril 1957).  相似文献   
The precise estimation of precipitation quantities in tropical mountain regions is in great demand by ecological and hydrological studies, due to the heterogeneity of the rainfall distribution and the lack of meteorological station data. This study uses radar images and ground station data to provide the required high-resolution precipitation maps. Also wind data are taken into account, due to its influence on the precipitation formation and to demonstrate the relation between synoptic wind, topography and the precipitation distribution inside small mountain valleys. The study analyses the rainfall distribution and amounts of 4 days inside the San Francisco Valley, a small catchment in the tropical Andes of southern Ecuador, representing different seasons and the typical atmospheric flows, which are correlated to the annual precipitation map. The results show that the rainfall distribution and amounts are generally defined by the wind direction and velocity, besides the topographic location in relation to the main barriers and pathways. The dominant wind direction causes a division of the catchment in a wetter eastern and a dryer western part. Moreover, the annual seasons are reversed; the main rainy season for the eastern part occurs between June and August, while the western part reaches the precipitation maximum between January and March. This may have influence on the species composition at the different slopes and the annual hydrological cycle inside the catchment.  相似文献   
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