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The distribution of macroinvertebrates on Connecticut tidal marshes corresponds well with that reported for other marshes along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. The greatest densities and biomass of the ribbed mussel,Geukensia demissa, were found on marshes in the central and western part of the state where both the annual production ofSpartina alterniflora and tidal range are large. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY019 00011  相似文献   
华南栖霞组菊花石假象内正延性玉髓的成因及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
正延性玉髓常被视为干旱蒸发沉积环境的标志。正延性玉髓亦广泛分布于华南地区栖霞组菊花石 (目前绝大多数为天青石假象 )内。本文在天青石后期矿物交代序列识别的基础上,通过对菊花石内各期次碳酸盐交代矿物的电子探针分析,发现菊花石内正延性玉髓形成于富含硫酸根离子和镁离子的成岩介质条件中。结合已有的正延性玉髓研究报道和栖霞组的沉积、成岩作用环境特征分析,认为华南地区栖霞组菊花石内正延性玉髓的形成环境与高蒸发沉积环境或高盐度成岩环境无关。因此,仅根据正延性玉髓的出现不足以确定沉积或成岩环境的盐度条件。  相似文献   
We report the first spectroscopic detection of discrete ammonia ice clouds in the atmosphere of Jupiter, as discovered utilizing the Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS). Spectrally identifiable ammonia clouds (SIACs) cover less than 1% of the globe, as measured in complete global imagery obtained in September 1996 during Galileo's second orbit. More than half of the most spectrally prominent SIACs reside within a small latitudinal band, extending from 2° to 7° N latitude, just south of the 5-μm hot spots. The most prominent of these are spatially correlated with nearby 5-μm-bright hot spots lying 1.5°-3.0° of latitude to the north: they reside over a small range of relative longitudes on the eastward side of hot spots, about 37% of the longitudinal distance to the next hot spot to the east. This strong correlation between the positions of hot spots and the most prominent equatorial SIACs suggests that they are linked by a common planetary wave. Good agreement is demonstrated between regions of condensation predicted by the Rossby wave model of A. J. Friedson and G. S. Orton (1999, Bull. Am. Astron. Assoc31, 1155-1156) and the observed longitudinal positions of fresh ammonia clouds relative to 5-μm hot spots. Consistency is also demonstrated between (1) the lifetime of particles as determined by the wave phase speed and cloud width and (2) the sedimentation time for 10-μm radius particles consistent with previously reported ammonia particle size by T. Y. Brooke et al. (1998, Icarus136, 1-13). A young age (<two days) for most SIAC cloud particles is indicated. To the south, the most prominent SIACs are located to the northwest of the Great Red Spot, in a region where a westward flow of jovian air, diverted approximately 10° of latitude northward by the Great Red Spot, encounters a large eastward flow. SIACs have been observed repeatedly by NIMS at this location during Galileo's first four years in Jupiter orbit. It is speculated that due to the three-dimensional interactions of these flows, relatively large amounts of ammonia gas are steadily transported from the sub-cloud troposphere (below the ∼600-mbar level) to the high troposphere, nearly continuously forming fresh ammonia ice clouds to the northwest of the Great Red Spot.  相似文献   
The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, and the eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki have been introduced worldwide, but the interactions between these invasive species are not well known. The effects of crayfish presence, crayfish size and water depth on the consumption of G. holbrooki by P. clarkii were analyzed, as were the effects of mosquitofish presence and water depth on the consumption of recently hatched crayfish (RHC) by mosquitofish. To better understand this subject we conducted aquaria and open air mesocosm experiments simulating a rice field section. Aquarium experiments showed that P. clarkii consumes G. holbrooki and that G. holbrooki consumes RHC. Adult crayfish size did not significantly affect the consumption of mosquitofish and water depth had no effect on the consumption of G. holbrooki by P. clarkii and vice versa. In the outdoor mesocosm experiments P. clarkii caused no statistically significant effect on G. holbrooki numbers or biomass when compared with controls without crayfish. In spite of this, the analysis of crayfish stomach contents clearly demonstrated that several G. holbrooki individuals were consumed, indicating that crayfish can profit from the presence of G. holbrooki. Results from our study suggest that in shallow pools there are strong interactions between the two invasive species since adult crayfish predate mosquitofish and mosquitofish predate recently hatched crayfish. Therefore, there are bidirectional trophic interactions between these invasive species which change depending on their relative size. We believe that these interactions should become more relevant in confined areas such as small shallow pools formed during the late summer and autumn.  相似文献   
New Rb–Sr age determinations using macrocrystal phlogopite are presented for 27 kimberlites from the Ekati property of the Lac de Gras region, Slave Province, Canada. These new data show that kimberlite magmatism at Ekati ranges in age from at least Late Paleocene (61 Ma) to Middle Eocene time (45 Ma). Older, perovskite-bearing kimberlites from Ekati extend this age range to Late Cretaceous time (74 Ma). Within this age range, emplacement episodes at 48, 51–53, 55–56 and 59–61 Ma can be recognized. Middle Eocene kimberlite magmatism of the previously dated Mark kimberlite (47.5 Ma) is shown to include four other pipes from the east-central Ekati property. A single kimberlite (Aaron) may be younger than the 47.5 Ma Mark kimberlite. The economically important Panda kimberlite is precisely dated in this study to be 53.3±0.6 Ma using the phlogopite isochron method, and up to six additional kimberlites from the central Ekati property have Early Eocene ages indistinguishable from that of Panda, including the Koala and Koala North occurrences. Late Paleocene 55–56 Ma kimberlite magmatism, represented by the Diavik kimberlite pipes adjacent to the southeastern Ekati property, is shown to extend onto the southeastern Ekati property and includes three, and possibly four, kimberlites. A precise eight-point phlogopite isochron for the Cobra South kimberlite yields an emplacement age of 59.7±0.4 Ma; eight other kimberlites from across the Ekati property have similar Late Paleocene Rb–Sr model ages. The addition of 27 new emplacement ages for kimberlites from the Ekati property confirms that kimberlite magmatism from the central Slave Province is geologically young, despite ages ranging back to Cambrian time from elsewhere in the Slave Province. With the available geochronologic database, Lac de Gras kimberlites with the highest diamond potential are currently restricted to the 51–53 and 55–56 Ma periods of kimberlite magmatism.  相似文献   
This paper reviews key characteristics of kimberlites on the Ekati property, NWT, Canada. To date 150 kimberlites have been discovered on the property, five of which are mined for diamonds. The kimberlites intrude Archean basement of the central Slave craton. Numerous Proterozoic diabase dykes intrude the area. The Precambrian rocks are overlain by Quaternary glacial sediments. No Phanerozoic rocks are present. However, mudstone xenoliths and disaggregated sediment within the kimberlites indicate that late-Cretaceous and Tertiary cover (likely <200 m) was present at the time of emplacement. The Ekati kimberlites range in age from 45 to 75 Ma. They are mostly small pipe-like bodies (surface area mostly <3 ha but up to 20 ha) that typically extend to projected depths of 400–600 m below current surface. Pipe morphologies are strongly controlled by joints and faults. The kimberlites consist primarily of variably bedded volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK). This is dominated by juvenile constituents (olivine and lesser kimberlitic ash) and variable amounts of exotic sediment (primarily mud), with minor amounts of xenolithic wall-rock material (generally <5%). Kimberlite types include: mud-rich resedimented VK (mRVK); olivine-rich VK (oVK); sedimentary kimberlite; primary VK (PVK); tuffisitic kimberlite (TK) and magmatic kimberlite (MK). The presence and arrangement of these rock types varies widely. The majority of bodies are dominated by oVK and mRVK, but PVK is prominent in the lower portions of certain kimberlites. TK is rare. MK occurs primarily as precursor dykes but, in a few cases, forms pipe-filling intrusions. The internal geology of the kimberlites ranges from simple single-phase pipes (RVK or MK), to complex bodies with multiple, distinct units of VK. The latter include pipes infilled with steep, irregular VK blocks/wedges and at least one case in which the pipe is occupied by well-defined sub-horizontal VK phases, including a unique, 100-m-thick graded sequence. The whole-rock compositions of VK samples suggest significant loss of kimberlitic fines during eruption followed by variable dilution by surface sediment and concurrent incorporation of kimberlitic ash. Diamond distribution within the kimberlites reflects the amount and nature of mantle material sampled by individual kimberlite phases, but is modified considerably by eruption and depositional processes. The characteristics of the Ekati kimberlites are consistent with a two-stage emplacement process: (1) explosive eruption/s causing vent clearing followed by formation of a significant tephra rim/cone of highly fragmented, olivine-enriched juvenile material with varying amounts of kimberlitic ash and surface sediments (predominantly mud); and (2) infilling of the vent by direct deposition from the eruption column and/or resedimentation of crater rim materials. The presence of less fragmented, juvenile-rich PVK in the lower portions of certain pipes and the intrusion of large volumes of MK to shallow levels in some bodies suggest emplacement of relatively volatile-depleted, less explosive kimberlite in the later stages of pipe formation and/or filling. Explosive devolatilisation of CO2-rich kimberlite magma is interpreted to have been the dominant eruption mechanism, but phreatomagmatism is thought to have played a role and, in certain cases, may have been dominant.  相似文献   
足尺磁流变阻尼器的建模及动态特性   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
在过去三十年左右的时间里,结构保护系统受到了广大研究者的普遍关注.这种保护系统可以用来降低自然灾害(如地震、强风)对上木工程建筑的损害.由于磁流变阻尼器机械结构简单,动态范围大,能耗低,回复力大,鲁棒性良好,能够在满足不同工程项目需求的同时提供有效的结构抗震抗风手段,目前它是一种非常有前途的半主动结构减震装置.本文首先介绍了磁流变液体和装置的主要特性和优点,建立了磁流变阻尼器的伪静力轴对称模型,并将其结果和平行板模型以及阻尼器实验结果进行了比较.尽管伪静力模型对于阻尼器的设计十分有效,但是它们还不足以描述阻尼器的动态特性.对实际工程应用来说,动态响应时间是一项非常重要的性能指标.文章还讨论了影响磁流变阻尼器动态响应时间的因素,建立了基于Bouc-Wen模型的阻尼器动态模型.同时文章也提出了优化阻尼器动态响应的途径和方法以及其实验验证.  相似文献   
Paleoenvironmental interpretation of proxy data derived from peatlands is largely based upon an evolutionary model for ombrotrophic bogs, in which peat accumulates in still environments. Reports on proxies obtained from minerotrophic fens, where hydrologic inputs are variable, are less common. In this study, a highland peatland in southern Brazil is presented through ground penetrating radar (GPR) and sedimentological, palynological and geochronologic data. The radar stratigraphic interpretation suggests a relatively complex history of erosion and deposition at the site since the beginning of Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) interstadial period. In spite of this, radar stratigraphic and palynologic interpretations converge. Electromagnetic reflections tend to group in clusters that show lateral coherence and correlate with different sediment types, while pollen grains abound and are well preserved. As a result, the study of minerotrophic fens provides a source of proxies, suggesting that ombrotrophic bogs are not the only reliable source of data in wetlands for palynological analysis.  相似文献   
Urban forests play an important role in the thermal comfort and overall life of local populations in large-and medium-sized cities.This study analyzes urban forest loss and maps land use and land cover (LULC) changes between 1991 and 2018 by evaluating the use of urban planning instruments for the mitigation of urban forest loss in Jo~o Pessoa,Brazil.For this purpose,satellite-derived LULC images from 1991,2006,2010 and 2018 and data on urban forest loss areas obtained using the Google Earth Engine were used.In addi-tion,this paper also discusses the instruments used for integrated urban planning,which are(a) the legal sector,responsibility and nature;(b) the urban expansion process;and (c) the elements of urban infrastructure.The results show a clear shift in land use in the study area.The major changes in LULC classes occurred in urban areas and herbaceous vegetation,while the greatest loss was in arboreal/shrub vegetation.Thus,an increase in the pressure to occupy zones intended for environmental preservation could be estimated.Our results showed similar accuracies with other studies and more spatial details.The characteristics of the patterns,traces,and hotspots of urban expansion and forest cover loss were explored.We highlighted the potential use of this proposed framework to be applied and validated in other parts of the world to help better understand and quantify various aspects of ur-ban-related problems such as urban forest loss mapping using instruments for integrated urban planning and low-cost approaches.  相似文献   
Downward precipitating ions in the cusp regularly exhibit sudden changes in ion energy distributions, forming distinctive structures that can be used to study the temporal/spatial nature of reconnection at the magnetopause. When observed simultaneously with the Polar, FAST, and Interball satellites, such cusp structures revealed remarkably similar features. These similar features could be observed for up to several hours during stable solar wind conditions. Their similarities led to the conclusion that large-scale cusp structures are spatial structures related to global ionospheric convection patterns created by magnetic merging and not the result of temporal variations in reconnection parameters. The launch of the Cluster fleet allows cusp structures to be studied in great detail and during changing solar wind conditions using three spacecraft with identical plasma and field instrumentation. In addition, Cluster cusp measurements are linked with ionospheric convection cells by combining the satellite observations with SuperDARN radar observations that are used to derive the convection patterns in the ionosphere. The combination of satellite observations with ground-based observations during variable solar wind conditions shows that large-scale cusp structures can be either spatial or temporal. Cusp structures can be described as spatial features observed by satellites crossing into spatially separated flux tubes. Cusp structures can also be observed as poleward-traveling (temporal) features within the same convection cell, most probably caused by variations in the reconnection rate at the magnetopause.  相似文献   
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