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时间延迟对劈裂试验条件下岩石凯塞效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢强  余贤斌 《岩土力学》2010,31(1):46-50
验证了粗晶花岗岩在劈裂试验条件下凯塞效应的存在性。进行了循环加卸载时间间隔分别为2、15d和45d时岩石的声发射试验,讨论了时间延迟对花岗岩凯塞效应的影响。研究结果表明,前期荷载越接近极限强度,岩石的凯塞效应越不明显;凯塞效应随再次加载时间延迟的增加而削弱,在对花岗岩的声发射试验中观察到15d以后岩石的凯塞效应仍然很显著,45d后凯塞效应基本消失。文中同时对试件与加载设备之间的接触状态对声发射试验结果的影响作了初步的定性分析。  相似文献   
Three major fault systems have been recognized in Venezuela: the Oca, Boconó, and El Pilar fault zones. The Boconó-El Pilar system is an active, Late Pleistocene-Holocene fault system, which extends for over 1300 km between the Venezuela-Colombia border, through the Venezuelan Andes and along the northern Venezuelan coast, to the east of Trinidad. Recent tectonic evidence suggests that until the Late Tertiary or Early Quaternary, the Caribbean Plate-South America Plate boundary included the El Pilar and Oca fault systems. Since then, it has included the Boconó fault system. Right-lateral offset along these fault systems is not sufficient to derive the Caribbean Plate from Pacific crust; alternatively, the Caribbean Plate may have been a part of the South America Plate until comparatively recent geologic-time.
Zusammenfassung Drei wichtige Bruchsysteme sind in Venezuela festgestellt worden: die Oca, Boconé und El Pilar Bruchzonen. Das Boconó-El-Pilar-System ist ein aktives, Spätpleistozänes-Holozänes System, daß sich über mehr als 1300 km erstreckt, von der venezolanischkolumbianischen Grenze, durch die venezolanischen Anden und längs der nördlichen venezolanischen Küste, bis östlich von Trinidad. Rezente tektonische Daten lassen andeuten, daß bis zum Spättertiär oder Frühquartär, die Grenze zwischen der Karibischen Platte und der Südamerika-Platte die El Pilar- und Oca-Bruchsysteme einschloß. Später hat sie das Boconó-Bruchsystem eingeschlossen. Rechtsinnige Blattverschiebung an diesen Bruchsystemen ist nicht groß genug, um die Karibische Platte als ein Stück pazifischer Kruste zu betrachten; oder aber, die Karibische Platte war mit der Südamerika-Platte vereinigt bis zu einem relativ jungen geologischen Alter.

Resumen Se han establecido tres sistemas mayores de fallamiento en Venezuela: las zonas de falla de Oca, Boconó y El Pilar. El sistema de Boconó-El Pilar es un sistema de falla activo pleistoceno-holoceno, el cual se extiende por más de 1300 km entre la frontera colombo-venezolana, a traves de los Andes venezolanos y a lo largo de la costa norte de Venezuela, hasta más al este de Trinidad. Evidencias tectónicas recientes sugieren que hasta el Terciario Tardio o Cuatemario Temprano, el límite entre las Plaças del Caribe y de América del Sur incluía los sistemas de falla de Oca y El Pilar. Desde entonces incluye al sistema de falla de Boconó. El desplazamiento de rumbo hacia la derecha a lo largo de estos sistemas de fallamiento no es suficiente para derivar la Plaça del Caribe de la corteza pacifica; alternativamente, la Placa del Caribe puede haber sido parte de la Placa de América del Sur hasta una época geológica relativamente reciente.

: , ' El Pilar. - / , 1300 - , . , 1 Pilar. '. , , , , , .

Dedicated to the memory of John D. Weaver.  相似文献   
The Late Cretaceous Sabzevar ophiolite represents one of the largest and most complete fragments of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere in the NE Iran. It is mainly composed of serpentinized mantle peridotites slices; nonetheless, minor tectonic slices of all crustal sequence constituents are observed in this ophiolite. The crustal sequence contains a well-developed ultramafic and mafic cumulates section, comprising plagioclase-bearing wehrlite, olivine clinopyroxenite, olivine gabbronorite, gabbronorite, amphibole gabbronorite and quartz gabbronorite with adcumulate, mesocumulate, heteradcumulate and orthocumulate textures. The crystallization order for these rocks is olivine ​± ​chromian spinel → clinopyroxene → plagioclase → orthopyroxene → amphibole. The presence of primary magmatic amphiboles in the cumulate rocks shows that the parent magma evolved under hydrous conditions. Geochemically, the studied rock units are characterized by low TiO2 (0.18–0.57 ​wt.%), P2O5 (<0.05 ​wt.%), K2O (0.01–0.51 ​wt.%) and total alkali contents (0.12–3.04 ​wt.%). They indicate fractionated trends in the chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) plots and multi-element diagrams (spider diagrams). The general trend of the spider diagrams exhibit slight enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to high field strength elements (HFSEs) and positive anomalies in Sr, Pb and Eu and negative anomalies in Zr and Nb relative to the adjacent elements. The REE plots of these rocks display increasing trend from La to Sm, positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu1 ​= ​1.06–1.54) and an almost flat pattern from medium REE (MREE) to heavy REE (HREE) region [(Gd/Yb)N ​= ​1–1.17]. Moreover, clinopyroxenes from the cumulate rocks have low REE contents and show marked depletion in light REE (LREE) compared to MREE and HREE [(La/Sm)N ​= ​0.10–0.27 and (La/Yb)N ​= ​0.08–0.22]. The composition of calculated melts in equilibrium with the clinopyroxenes from less evolved cumulate samples are closely similar to island arc tholeiitic (IAT) magmas. Modal mineralogy, geochemical features and REE modeling indicate that Sabzevar cumulate rocks were formed by crystal accumulation from a hydrous depleted basaltic melt with IAT affinity. This melt has been produced by moderate to high degree (~15%) of partial melting a depleted mantle source, which partially underwent metasomatic enrichment from subducted slab components in an intra-oceanic arc setting.  相似文献   
Projections of climate change are essential to guide sustainable development plans in the tropical Andean countries such as Peru. This study assessed the projections of precipitation and potential evaporation, rain erosive potential, and precipitation concentration in the Mantaro River Basin, in the Peruvian Andes, which is important for agriculture and energy production in Peru. We assumed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) A1B greenhouse gas emission scenario and simulated the global climate change by the HadCM3 global climate model. Due to the steepness of the mountain slopes and the narrowness of the river valley, this study uses the downscaling of the global model simulations by the regional Eta model down to 20-km resolution. The downscaling projections show decrease in the monthly precipitation with respect to the baseline period, especially during the rainy season, between February and April, until the end of the 21st century. Meanwhile, a progressive increase in the monthly evaporation from the baseline period is projected. The Modified Fournier Index (MFI) shows a statistically significant downward trend in the Mantaro River Basin, which suggests a possible reduction in the rain erosive potential. The Precipitation Concentration Index (PCI) shows a statistically significant increasing trend, which indicates increasingly more irregular temporal distribution of precipitation towards the end of the century. The results of this study allow us to conclude that there should be a gradual increase in water deficit and precipitation concentration. Both changes can be negative for agriculture, power generation, and water supply in the Mantaro River Basin in Peru.  相似文献   
This study investigates strategies for solving the system reliability of large three-dimensional jacket structures.These structural systems normally fail as a result of a series of different components failures.The failure characteristics are investigated under various environmental conditions and direction combinations.Theβ-unzipping technique is adopted to determine critical failure components,and the entire system is simplified as a series-parallel system to approximately evaluate the structural system reliability.However,this approach needs excessive computational effort for searching failure components and failure paths.Based on a trained artificial neural network(ANN),which can be used to approximate the implicit limit-state function of a complicated structure,a new alternative procedure is proposed to improve the efficiency of the system reliability analysis method.The failure probability is calculated through Monte Carlo simulation(MCS)with Latin hypercube sampling(LHS).The features and applicability of the above procedure are discussed and compared using an example jacket platform located in Chengdao Oilfield,Bohai Sea,China.This study provides a reference for the evaluation of the system reliability of jacket structures.  相似文献   
GIS techniques have been used in the evaluation of favorability for base-metal mineralization in an area comprising the Cerro Azul and Apiaí quadrangles (SG.22-X-B-IV and V, scale 1:100.000), Ribeira Valley, São Paulo and Paraná States, Brazil. Methods have been employed for selection and weighting of prospective variables when applying GIS techniques to a digital database consisting of geological, geochemical and airborne geophysics, and mineral occurrence information. The exploration variable selection and analysis were based on two mineralization models: (1) Panelas type, vein-type carbonate hosted, and (2) Perau type, sedimentary-exhalative. The overlay was performed by weighted linear combination (WLC) and order weighted average (OWA) methods. Both methods proved suitable for the study area, yielding similar results. The ordered weighted averaging analysis provided the best results, with favorability maps showing a large number of classes occupying relatively minor areas. In comparison, the weighted linear combination analysis produced more coherent results but without details for minor areas. The prospective parameters obtained are considered suitable for both Perau and Panelas types. Both methods are inexpensive, and are suitable for selection of prospective areas during geological surveys in areas similar to the studied one.  相似文献   
In the Iberian Pyrite Belt, volcanic rocks are relatively scarce, accounting for approximately only 25% of the geologic record, with the remaining 75% consisting of sedimentary units. This association is very clear in the host succession to the Neves Corvo massive sulfide deposit in Portugal. The Neves Corvo host succession comprises the products of explosive and effusive rhyolitic eruptions intercalated with mudstone that records a submarine below-wave-base environment and provides precise biostratigraphic age constraints. The first and second volcanic events involved eruptions at local intrabasinal vents. The first event generated thick beds of fiamme breccia that are late Famennian in age. The fiamme were originally pumice clasts produced by explosive eruptions and were subsequently compacted. The second event was the late Strunian (latest Famennian) effusion of rhyolitic lava that was pervasively quench-fragmented. The third and final event is younger than the massive sulfide deposits poorly represented in the mine area and minor compared with the two other events. The integration of biostratigraphic data with the volcanic facies architecture indicates that the Neves Corvo ore deposits are similar in age to the late Strunian rhyolitic lava. Although regionally the Iberian Pyrite Belt is essentially a sedimentary succession, ore formation at Neves Corvo can be closely linked to discrete volcanic events that produced a relatively narrow range of volcanic facies.  相似文献   
Passive treatment systems are widely used for remediation of acid mine drainage (AMD), but existing designs are prone to clogging or loss of reactivity due to Al- and Fe-precipitates when treating water with high Al and heavy metal concentrations. Dispersed alkaline substrate (DAS) mixed from a fine-grained alkaline reagent (e.g. calcite sand) and a coarse inert matrix (e.g. wood chips) had shown high reactivity and good hydraulic properties in previous laboratory column tests. In the present study, DAS was tested at pilot field scale in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) on metal mine drainage with pH near 3.3, net acidity 1400–1650 mg/L as CaCO3, and mean concentrations of 317 mg/L Fe (95% Fe(II)), 311 mg/L Zn, 74 mg/L Al, 20 mg/L Mn, and 1.5–0.1 mg/L Cu, Co, Ni, Cd, As and Pb. The DAS-tank removed an average of 870 mg/L net acidity as CaCO3 (56% of inflow), 25% Fe, 93% Al, 5% Zn, 95% Cu, 99% As, 98% Pb, and 14% Cd, but no Mn, Ni or Co. Average gross drain pipe alkalinity was 181 mg/L as CaCO3, which increased total Fe removal to 153 mg/L (48%) in subsequent sedimentation ponds. Unfortunately, the tank suffered clogging problems due to the formation of a hardpan of Al-rich precipitates. DAS lifetime could probably be increased by lowering Al-loads.  相似文献   
A high-resolution, multi-proxy record has been used to determine the environmental changes during the Holocene on the southern Brazilian shelf. Present oceanographic conditions reveal wind and freshwater input as the determinants of short-term productivity changes in the study area. Magnetic susceptibility and grain-size variations, together with proxies of productivity (organic carbon, carbon accumulation rate, Ba, Sr, and Ca content, Ba/Al, Ba/Ti, and Al/Ti ratios) were analyzed and compared with proxies of redox condition (V/Ti ratio), terrigenous input (Fe/Ca and Ti/Ca ratios), as well as other Element/Ti ratios, to evaluate the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes over the period.The core covers a time interval of about 7650 years, with sedimentation rates varying from 0.025 to 0.250 cm a−1, which represent time intervals of between 8 and 80 a per sample. There is a clear change in the sedimentation rate at about 2800 B.P.All grain-size and elemental results indicate the occurrence of conspicuous changes between 5200 and 5000 cal. B.P., as well as between 3000 and 2800 cal. B.P. A comparison of the results with the palynological information available from the adjacent continental areas suggests that the sedimentary changes in this last interval may be correlated with the onset of modern climatic conditions in South America, and especially, with the onset of the Plata Plume Water, a water mass that carries cold, less saline waters towards the north. However, minor changes are observed at ca. 1500 B.P. and are correlated with an increase in the atmospheric humidity. Furthermore, a time-series analysis undertaken using several proxies indicated the occurrence of Sub-Milankovitch cycles, which may be compared with those reported worldwide.  相似文献   
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