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Three major fault systems have been recognized in Venezuela: the Oca, Boconó, and El Pilar fault zones. The Boconó-El Pilar system is an active, Late Pleistocene-Holocene fault system, which extends for over 1300 km between the Venezuela-Colombia border, through the Venezuelan Andes and along the northern Venezuelan coast, to the east of Trinidad. Recent tectonic evidence suggests that until the Late Tertiary or Early Quaternary, the Caribbean Plate-South America Plate boundary included the El Pilar and Oca fault systems. Since then, it has included the Boconó fault system. Right-lateral offset along these fault systems is not sufficient to derive the Caribbean Plate from Pacific crust; alternatively, the Caribbean Plate may have been a part of the South America Plate until comparatively recent geologic-time.
Zusammenfassung Drei wichtige Bruchsysteme sind in Venezuela festgestellt worden: die Oca, Boconé und El Pilar Bruchzonen. Das Boconó-El-Pilar-System ist ein aktives, Spätpleistozänes-Holozänes System, daß sich über mehr als 1300 km erstreckt, von der venezolanischkolumbianischen Grenze, durch die venezolanischen Anden und längs der nördlichen venezolanischen Küste, bis östlich von Trinidad. Rezente tektonische Daten lassen andeuten, daß bis zum Spättertiär oder Frühquartär, die Grenze zwischen der Karibischen Platte und der Südamerika-Platte die El Pilar- und Oca-Bruchsysteme einschloß. Später hat sie das Boconó-Bruchsystem eingeschlossen. Rechtsinnige Blattverschiebung an diesen Bruchsystemen ist nicht groß genug, um die Karibische Platte als ein Stück pazifischer Kruste zu betrachten; oder aber, die Karibische Platte war mit der Südamerika-Platte vereinigt bis zu einem relativ jungen geologischen Alter.

Resumen Se han establecido tres sistemas mayores de fallamiento en Venezuela: las zonas de falla de Oca, Boconó y El Pilar. El sistema de Boconó-El Pilar es un sistema de falla activo pleistoceno-holoceno, el cual se extiende por más de 1300 km entre la frontera colombo-venezolana, a traves de los Andes venezolanos y a lo largo de la costa norte de Venezuela, hasta más al este de Trinidad. Evidencias tectónicas recientes sugieren que hasta el Terciario Tardio o Cuatemario Temprano, el límite entre las Plaças del Caribe y de América del Sur incluía los sistemas de falla de Oca y El Pilar. Desde entonces incluye al sistema de falla de Boconó. El desplazamiento de rumbo hacia la derecha a lo largo de estos sistemas de fallamiento no es suficiente para derivar la Plaça del Caribe de la corteza pacifica; alternativamente, la Placa del Caribe puede haber sido parte de la Placa de América del Sur hasta una época geológica relativamente reciente.

: , ' El Pilar. - / , 1300 - , . , 1 Pilar. '. , , , , , .

Dedicated to the memory of John D. Weaver.  相似文献   
Late Pleistocene glacial features in the Páramo de La Culata region, north-central Venezuelan Andes, include: 1. depositional features: morainic till and fluvio-glacial deposits (terrace gravels); 2. sculptured features: glaciated valleys, cirques, horns, and arêtes; and 3. erosional features: striation and grooving, polished rock, roches moutonnées and whaleback forms, and erratic boulders. Two main levels of moraines were found, an older one at 2600 m elevation, and a younger one between 3000 and 3500 m. The difference in age is reflected by the higher degree of weathering, erosion, and vegetation cover of the lower level, as compared with the higher level. Radiocarbon dating, and a comparison and correlation of these glacial features with those of adjacent regions, indicates that the lower morainic level (2600 m) is probably the result of the main glacial advance of the Late Wisconsin Glaciation. The main morainic level (3000 to 3500 m) was probably formed by the latest Wisconsin glacial advance. The Late Pleistocene snow-line depression reached approximately 1200 m below the present snow-line (i. e., down to approximately 3500 m).  相似文献   
A new equation to assess hillslope sediment production, based on physical and probabilistic approaches, is presented. The equation, which allows the computation of the delivery ratio for every event, considers the physical variables of travel distance, stream power, settling velocity and gross erosion. The probability density function that arises from the new formulation is solved using the principle of maximum entropy. Based on data from five watersheds in both tropical and temperate zones, the new delivery parameter Kv is calibrated and associated with vegetation cover and conservation practice. The proposed equation is rationally based in relation to parameter Kv. The entropy‐based equation was applied to assess sediment yield in two other experimental watersheds, showing good predictability for the set (mean absolute error of 20·8%). No systematic error was found in the analysed data. The entropy‐based equation showed good predictability for long‐term sets of data and for high‐erosivity events, but did not perform well for the low‐erosivity ones. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Natural disasters, particularly those triggered by heavy rainfall, may cause major damage and death. However, if an accurate early warning is issued, the damage can be mitigated. In Latin America and Brazil, characteristics of socioeconomic development often lead to a disorderly growth of cities and, consequently, occupation and irregular construction in risk areas. Therefore, forecasts of heavy rainfall, as well as preventative and mitigatory actions based on meteorological data/alerts, are essential to saving lives and minimizing material loss. An event that would have benefited from such actions is that which occurred in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro in January 2011, when over 800 people lost their lives. This work describes the first research initiative on resilience engineering domain in systems to forecast heavy rains in Rio de Janeiro. The results indicate important sources of brittleness in the system that supports the work of meteorologists, mainly related to the technical and organizational framework, and suggests that the main source of resilience in dealing with critical situations is the tacit knowledge of experts.  相似文献   
Recently, the interest in PS-converted waves has increased for several applications, such as sub-basalt layer imaging, impedance estimates and amplitude-versus-offset analysis. In this study, we consider the problem of separation of PP- and PS-waves from pre-stacked multicomponent seismic data in two-dimensional isotropic medium. We aim to demonstrate that the finite-offset common-reflection-surface traveltime approximation is a good alternative for separating PP- and PS-converted waves in common-offset and common shot configurations by considering a two-dimensional isotropic medium. The five parameters of the finite-offset common-reflection-surface are firstly estimated through the inversion methodology called very fast simulated annealing, which estimates all parameters simultaneously. Next, the emergence angle, one of the inverted parameters, is used to build an analytical separation function of PP and PS reflection separation based on the wave polarization equations. Once the PP- and PS-converted waves were separated, the sections are stacked to increase the signal-to-noise ratio using the special curves derived from finite-offset common-reflection-surface approximation. We applied this methodology to a synthetic dataset from simple-layered to complex-structured media. The numerical results showed that the inverted parameters of the finite offset common-reflection-surface and the separation function yield good results for separating PP- and PS-converted waves in noisy common-offset and common shot gathers.  相似文献   
The viability of a complete structural characterization of civil structures is explored and discussed. In particular, the identification of modal (i.e. natural frequencies, damping ratios and modal shapes) and physical properties (i.e. mass and stiffness) using only the structure’s free decay response is studied. To accomplish this, modal analysis from free vibration response only (MAFVRO) and mass modification (MM) methodologies are engaged along with Wavelet based techniques for optimal signal processing and modal reconstruction. The methodologies are evaluated using simulated and experimental data. The simulated data are extracted from a simple elastic model of a 5 story shear building and from a more realistic nonlinear model of a RC frame structure. The experimental data are gathered from shake table test of a 2-story scaled shear building. Guidelines for the reconstruction procedure from the data are proposed as the quality of the identified properties is shown to be governed by adequate selection of the frequency bands and optimal modal shape reconstruction. Moreover, in cases where the structure has undergone damage, the proposed identification scheme can also be applied for preliminary assessment of structural health.  相似文献   

Parameterization of wave runup is of paramount importance for an assessment of coastal hazards. Parametric models employ wave (e.g., Hs and Lp) and beach (i.e., β) parameters to estimate extreme runup (e.g., R2%). Thus, recent studies have been devoted to improving such parameterizations by including additional information regarding wave forcing or beach morphology features. However, the effects of intra-wave dynamics, related to the random nature of the wave transformation process, on runup statistics have not been incorporated. This work employs a phase- and depth- resolving model, based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, to investigate different sources of variability associated with runup on planar beaches. The numerical model is validated with laboratory runup data. Subsequently, the role of both aleatory uncertainty and other known sources of runup variability (i.e., frequency spreading and bed roughness) is investigated. Model results show that aleatory uncertainty can be more important than the contributions from other sources of variability such as the bed roughness and frequency spreading. Ensemble results are employed to develop a new parametric model which uses the Hunt (J Waterw Port Coastal Ocean Eng 85:123–152, 1959) scaling parameter \(\beta \left (H_{s}L_{p}\right )^{1/2}\).

The Valdivia River (Lake Region, Chile) originates in Riñihue Lake and flows into the sea at Corral Bay (39°52′S latitude), changing names several times along its course. The aquatic benthic flora (algae and aquatic plants) of the Valdivia River was characterized, based on 22 sites sampled and 124 plant species collected. Four benthic vegetation zones were established using presence-absence data: a freshwater zone and a marine zone were found at the extremes of the transect; an estuarine zone and a discontinuity zone were detected in the middle of this transect. The freshwater zone was characterized by a relatively diverse assemblage of vascular plants, the marine zone was dominated by algae and was rich in species. By contrast the estuarine zone was inhabited by only a few species but in great abundance, while the discontinuity zone was poor, in species and low in cover vegetation.  相似文献   
Cored sediments from the Pigmy Basin, northern Gulf of Mexico, were analyzed in order to better constrain late deglacial and early Holocene paleoenvironmental and sedimentary changes in response to North American climate evolution. Mineralogical and geochemical proxies indicate the succession of two sedimentary regimes: dominantly detrital during the deglaciation (15–12.9 cal ka BP) whereas biogenic contribution relatively increased later on during the Younger Dryas and early Holocene (12.9 and 10 cal ka BP). Geochemical data reveal that the deglacial record mainly reflects variations of terrigenous supply via the Mississippi River rather than modifications of redox conditions in the basin. Specific variations of almost all the parameters measured in this paper are synchronous with the main deglacial meltwater episode (Meltwater Spike) described or modeled in previous marine or continental studies. During this episode, most parameters display “stair-step-like” – pattern variations highlighting three successive steps within the main meltwater flow. Variations in grain-size and clay mineral assemblage recorded in the Pigmy Basin indicate that the erosional regime was very strong on land during the first part of the Meltwater Spike, and then milder, inducing more subtle modifications in the sedimentary regime in this part of the Gulf. Specific geochemical and mineralogical signatures (notably, clay minerals and trace metal geochemistry) pinpoint a dominant origin from NW North America for detrital particles reflecting meltwater outflow from the south-western Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) margin during the most intense freshwater discharge. The observed decrease of the sedimentation rate from about 200 to 25 cm/ka at ca 12.9 ka evidenced a drastic decrease of erosional processes during late phase of discharge, consistently with the hypotheses of major reduction of meltwater flow. The major modification at 12.9 cal ka BP is interpreted to result from both modifications of the main Mississippi fluvial regime due to eastward and northward rerouting of meltwater flow at the onset of the Younger Dryas, and the increase of sea-surface temperature linked to insolation. Finally, slight grain-size modifications suggest that some freshwater discharges may have episodically reached the Gulf of Mexico after the Younger Dryas reflecting possible small adjustments of the postglacial hydrological regime.  相似文献   
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