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Coalbed methane: From hazard to resource   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Coalbed gas, which mainly consists of methane, has remained a major hazard affecting safety and productivity in underground coal mines for more than 100 years. Coalbed gas emissions have resulted in outbursts and explosions where ignited by open lights, smoking or improper use of black blasting powder, and machinery operations. Investigations of coal gas outbursts and explosions during the past century were aimed at predicting and preventing this mine hazard. During this time, gas emissions were diluted with ventilation by airways (e.g., tunnels, vertical and horizontal drillholes, shafts) and by drainage boreholes. The 1970's ‘energy crisis' led to studies of the feasibility of producing the gas for commercial use. Subsequent research on the origin, accumulation, distribution, availability, and recoverability has been pursued vigorously during the past two decades. Since the 1970's research investigations on the causes and effects of coal mine outbursts and gas emissions have led to major advances towards the recovery and development of coalbed methane for commercial use. Thus, coalbed methane as a mining hazard was harnessed as a conventional gas resource.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first SHRIMP zircon age data from bentonitic ash fall layers intercalated with the Irati sedimentary rocks, as well as palynofossils retrieved from the PETROBRAS-Six mine, Paraná State, southern Brazil. The Permian Irati Formation is one the most important oil source horizons within the Paraná Basin, and consists mainly of siltstones, gray claystones, as well as organic-rich claystones intercalated with limestones. Zircon morphology based on cathodoluminescence images includes two different populations: a dominant population of euhedral, prismatic, elongate to acicular grains which are most likely related to an ash fall volcanism; and a population of rounded to large prismatic grains, that were interpreted as detrital grains. SHRIMP analysis performed on the euhedral and prismatic grains revealed an age of ca. 278.4 ± 2.2 Ma (7 points with 95% confidence) interpreted as the crystallization age of the volcanic eruption. Based on this new dating, the Irati Formation should be placed on the Lower Permian (Cisuralian), Artinskian in age, modifying substantially the traditional ages previously attributed to this unit. The palynofossils from this level include key species of the Lueckisporites virkkiae Zone (such as L. virkkiae, L. densicorpus, L. stenotaeniatus, Weylandites lucifer, Alisporites splendens). Typical species of this zone also occur in African and other South American (Argentina) Permian strata, allowing stratigraphical correlations. The origin of the ash falls is not clearly defined. It may be related either to calc-alkaline arc magmatism associated to the Sanrafaelica Orogeny (275 and 250 Ma) or to bimodal volcanic events associated to an early intracontinental rift developed within southwestern Gondwana at ca. 278 My. The dating of this unit is significative to calibrate biostratigraphic schemes along the Paraná Basin, as well as equivalent zones in Gondwana areas, mainly in its Occidental portion.  相似文献   
Aircraft measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) during the Large-Scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) were conducted over the Southwestern Amazon region in September–October 2002, to emphasize the dry-to-wet transition season. The CCN concentrations were measured for values within the range 0.1–1.0% of supersaturation. The CCN concentration inside the boundary layer revealed a general decreasing trend during the transition from the end of the dry season to the onset of the wet season. Clean and polluted areas showed large differences. The differences were not so strong at high levels in the troposphere and there was evidence supporting the semi-direct aerosol effect in suppressing convection through the evaporation of clouds by aerosol absorption. The measurements also showed a diurnal cycle following biomass burning activity. Although biomass burning was the most important source of CCN, it was seen as a source of relatively efficient CCN, since the increase was significant only at high supersaturations.  相似文献   
The influence of emissions of an active volcano on the composition of nanoparticles and ultrafine road dust was identified in an urban area of the Andes.Although many cities are close to active volcanoes,few studies have evaluated their influence in road dust composition.Air quality in urban areas is significantly affected by nonexhaust emissions(e.g.road dust,brake wear,tire wear),however,natural sources such as volcanoes also impact the chemical composition of the particles.In this study,elements from volcanic emissions such as Si>Al>Fe>Ca>K>Mg,and Si-Al with K were identified as complex hydrates.Similarly,As,Hg,Cd,Pb,As,H,Cd,Pb,V,and salammoniac were observed in nanoparticles and ultrafine material.Mineral composition was detected in the order of quartz>mullite>calcite>kaolinite>illite>goethite>magnetite>zircon>monazite,in addition to salammoniac,a tracer of volcanic sources.The foregoing analysis reflects the importance of carrying out more studies relating the influence of volcanic emissions in road dust in order to protect human health.The road dust load(RD10)ranged between 0.8 and 26.8 mg m?2in the city.  相似文献   
The ratio between chrysophycean cysts and diatom valves (CD ratio) in lake sediments has been suggested as a useful indicator of changing trophic state conditions in oligotrophic lakes. Other environmental factors, however, may influence the CD ratio because chrysophycean cysts usually reflect conditions in the planktonic environment and diatoms reflect benthic conditions. We investigated the CD ratio in 76 mountain lakes in the Pyrenees to determine the environmental drivers that influence the ratio and assess its value for paleoenvironmental inference. The lakes surveyed included a broad range with respect to bedrock type, altitude and surface area, characteristics that cover much of the variability that can be found in cold, oligotrophic mountain lakes. Lake depth and Ca2+ concentration explain most of the variation in the CD ratio. Trophic state factors (e.g. total phosphorus, TP) play a secondary role. As a predictor, CD ratio performs primarily as a lake depth indicator. The predictive models can be improved if trophic state (i.e. TP) and chemical conditions (Ca2+) are known or can be estimated independently. Use of the CD ratio for inferring Ca2+ oscillations only makes sense in lakes with Ca2+ <200 µeq/L or in those that oscillate below and above this threshold through time. Other interpretations of the CD ratio (e.g. lake trophic state changes, ice-cover duration) make sense if complementary paleolimnological evidence indicates that neither water depth nor Ca2+ concentration changed significantly. Indeed, paleolimnological interpretation of the CD ratio requires considering the particular characteristics of the lake and may vary depending on the temporal scale considered. This study provides some guidelines for evaluating critically the use of the CD ratio.  相似文献   
Supergene enrichment of Cu deposits in the Atacama Desert has played a critical role in making this the prime Cu-producing province of the world. Previously, this has been believed to have occurred exclusively over a long period from the middle Eocene to the late Miocene, which ended when climatic conditions changed from arid to hyperarid. Here, we report U-series disequilibrium ages in atacamite-bearing supergene assemblages that provide a new conceptualization on both the supergene enrichment process and the onset of extreme hyperaridity in the Atacama Desert. 230Th–234U ages of gypsum intergrown with atacamite in supergene veins from Cu deposits cluster at ~240 ka (Chuquicamata), 130 ka (Mantos Blancos, Spence), and 80 ka (Mantos de la Luna, Michilla). When coupled with previous data, these results indicate that supergene enrichment of Cu deposits did not cease after the onset of hyperaridity. We propose that supergene enrichment in the Atacama region developed in two main stages. The main phase, caused by downward circulation of meteoric waters in a semi-arid setting, was active from 45 until ~9 Ma, with a last pulse ca. 5 Ma in the southern Atacama Desert. During this phase, atacamite-bearing supergene assemblages were not preserved because atacamite requires saline water for its formation and rapidly dissolves when contacted by meteoric water. This was followed by a second stage starting at ~2–1.5 Ma and continuing until at least the late Pleistocene, when deep formation waters derived from the basement passed up through and modified the pre-existing supergene Cu oxide minerals. Atacamite has then been preserved in the prevailing hyperarid climate.  相似文献   
Absolute rate coefficient measurements have been carried out for the reactions of Cl atoms with propene and a series of 3-halopropenes, at room temperature (298 ± 2) K using a newly constructed laser photolysis-resonance fluorescence (PLP-RF) system. The rate coefficients obtained (in units of cm3 molecule–1 s–1) are: propene (1.40± 0.24) ×10–10, 3-fluoropropene (4.92 ± 0.42) ×10–11, 3-chloropropene (7.47 ± 1.50) × 10–11, 3-bromopropene (1.23± 0.14) ×10–10 and 3-iodopropene (1.29± 0.15) ×10–10. In order to test this new system, the reactions of Cl atoms with acetone and isoprene have also been studied and compared with data previously reported. The rate coefficients determined at room temperature for these last two reactions are (2.93 ± 0.20) ×10–12 cm3 molecule–1 s– 1 and (3.64± 0.20)×10–10 cm3 molecule–1 s–1, respectively. The measured values were independent of pressure over the range 20–200 Torr. The influence of the different halogen atoms substituents on the reactivity of these alkenes with Cl atoms as well as the atmospheric implications of these measurements are studied and discussed for the first time in this work and compared with the reactivity with NO3 and OH radicals.  相似文献   
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