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基于功能性状的生物多样性分析是当前生态学研究中的常用方法之一.浮游动物作为水生态系统食物网的重要组成成分,其功能多样性受关注的程度远不如其重要性.本文通过对14个水体浮游甲壳动物群落结构的研究,分析了环境因子对其功能多样性指数,包括功能丰富度(FRic)、功能均匀度(FEve)、功能离散度(FDiv)和功能分散度(FD...  相似文献   
国际气候与社会研究所(The International ResearchInstitute for Climate and Society,IRI)原名国际气候预测研究所,于1992年开始筹建,早期设在著名的Scripp海洋研究所(在加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥),后于1996年迁至在纽约的哥伦比亚大学。IRI隶属于哥伦比亚地球研究所,坐落在景色秀丽的Lamont-Doherty地球观象台。IRI的使命是提高社会认识、预测和应对气候变化影响的能力,以改进人居环境,确保生态系统的永续性。  相似文献   
地基微波辐射计因天线罩疏水层老化,在雨天探测时天线罩上易形成积水从而造成探测性能的不稳定,是影响其在科研业务中广泛应用的关键问题之一。本研究利用2017—2018年北京地区6台微波辐射计降雨期间的观测数据,分析天线罩疏水层老化对其观测亮温的影响,结果显示随着天线罩使用时间的增长,尤其是使用3个月以后,降水时亮温增大的幅度明显变大,降水结束后亮温增大的持续时间也有增长趋势。同时,在北京南郊站开展的微波辐射计天线罩淋雨试验结果表明,天线罩使用40 d以后,随着天线罩污染老化,淋雨时观测亮温增大的幅度呈跳跃式增长,且淋雨结束后亮温仍然偏高,最长时间达2 h以上。因此,为提高微波辐射计观测数据的可用性,建议在实际使用过程中每季度更换一次天线罩,对于京津冀等重污染地区可根据实际情况适当提高更换频次。  相似文献   
惠民县上一轮规划是根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》和中共中央国务院《关于加强土地管理切实保护耕地》的要求,在县政府统一领导下,于1997年12月至1998年10月完成的县、乡(镇)两级土地利用总体规划的编制任务。规划是以1996年为基期,以2000年为近期目标年,2010年为规划目标年。该规划以控制建设用地保护耕地为重点,以耕地保有量和基本农田面积不低于上级下达的控制指标,建设占用耕地和城镇规模不突破上级控制指标,补充耕地面积不少于上级下达的控制指标为总原则,规划指标落实方法是在专题研究的基础上,实行逐级控制,上级控制下级,层层分解落实。  相似文献   
本文以表格形式列举了1993年1月至1993年12月经《国际矿物学协会(IMA)新矿物与矿物命名委员会(CNMMN)》批准并在各国矿物学杂志上发表的42个新矿物的中文英文名称、化学式及其他数据。数据依次为:矿物的晶系、空间群、晶胞参数、主要粉晶数据(I、hkl)、物理性质(晶形、颜色、条痕、光泽、解理、发光、硬度、密度等)、光学性质(一、二轴晶,正、负光性,折光率,反射率,双反射,2V,色散,吸收性,多色性等)、产状、共生矿物等。  相似文献   
There are two types of lead–zinc ore bodies, i.e., sandstone-hosted ores (SHO) and limestone-hosted ores (LHO), in the Jinding giant sulfide deposit, Yunnan, SW China. Structural analysis suggests that thrust faults and dome structures are the major structural elements controlling lead–zinc mineralization. The two types of ore bodies are preserved in two thrust sheets in a three-layered structural profile in the framework of the Jinding dome structure. The SHO forms the cap of the dome and LHO bodies are concentrated beneath the SHO cap in the central part of the dome. Quartz, feldspar and calcite, and sphalerite, pyrite, and galena are the dominant mineral components in the sandstone-hosted lead–zinc ores. Quartz and feldspar occur as detrital clasts and are cemented by diagenetic calcite and epigenetic sulfides. The sulfide paragenetic sequence during SHO mineralization is from early pyrite to galena and late sphalerite. Galena occurs mostly in two types of cracks, i.e., crescent-style grain boundary cracks along quartz–pyrite, or rarely along pyrite–pyrite boundaries, and intragranular radial cracks in early pyrite grains surrounding quartz clasts. The radial cracks are more or less perpendicular to the quartz–pyrite grain boundaries and do not show any overall (whole rock) orientation pattern. Their distribution, morphological characteristics, and geometrical relationships with quartz and pyrite grains suggest the predominant role of grain-scale cracking. Thermal expansion cracking is one of the most important mechanisms for the generation of open spaces during galena mineralization. Cracking due to heating or cooling by infiltrating fluids resulted from upwelling fluid phases through fluid passes connecting the SHO and LHO bodies, provided significant spaces for crystallization of galena. The differences in coefficients of thermal expansion between pyrite and quartz led to a difference in volume changes between quartz grains and pyrite grains surrounding them and contributed to cracking of the pyrite grains when temperature changed. Combined thermal expansion and elastic mismatch due to heating and subsequent cooling resulted in the radial and crescent cracking in the pyrite grains and along the quartz–pyrite grain boundaries.  相似文献   
The permafrost environment in the Muli mining area, an opencast mining site in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, is now undergoing significant degradation because of the ongoing mining activities. The permafrost environment in this mining site had already been evaluated by previous study, in which analytic hierarchy process was applied. Although this method can roughly characterize the permafrost environment of this mining site, it has limitations by being easily affected by man-made factors. In view of this limitation, this study attempts to employ a new method, the catastrophe progression method, to estimate the current stage of the permafrost environment in this mining area. The results show that, by catastrophe progression method, currently the calculated indexes of the permafrost freezing–thawing disintegration, permafrost thermal stability, permafrost ecological fragility, and the permafrost environment are 0.43 (general situation), 0.77 (general situation), 0.71 (bad situation) and 0.83 (general situation), respectively. These values imply that the permafrost environment has been damaged by anthropologic activities to a certain degree and potentially may be further degenerated. However, at this degree, a new equilibrium stage of permafrost environment could be achieved if the current state of environmental degradation is stabilized and treatments are constructed against further damages.  相似文献   
甘肃第四纪古地理环境   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
曹兴山 《甘肃地质》1996,5(2):40-56
第四纪在全球性冰期和间冰期气候影响下,甘肃气候呈干旱、寒冷与温暖、湿润交替变化。沉积物以灰色格调为主,水平和垂直分带规律明显,成因类型复杂。各地区在小气候影响下植被发育不平衡。总的看来,以干旱区系草本植物为主,喜温暖湿热的木本植物较少,一般呈荒漠草原型和疏林草原型,局部为森林草原型。动物群的分布和古人类的发展受古地理环境影响:早更新世早期以大型哺乳动物为主;早更新世晚期和中更新世以穴居的鼠兔类为主;晚更新世以干旱—半干旱草原型动物群为特征;全新世在适宜条件下人类文化得到发展,部分野生动物在人类豢养下成为家畜  相似文献   
资源利用与环境改变、资源再生与环境净化互为因果。因资源开发所触发的环境灾害已成为环境地质学与地球化学的研究热点。贵州阿哈湖汇水区煤炭资源的不合理开采导致铁、锰在沉积物中蓄积并产生湖水季节性二次污染。文中以此为例 ,并依据地球化学过程是认识污染机理的关键、地球化学原理是污染控制技术的科学基础 ,讨论环境物质释放、运移、转化和界面作用与环境质量变异的关系。  相似文献   
位于阿拉善北部中蒙边境地区的雅干花岗岩体以二长花岗岩为主,岩体的锆石离子探针U-Pb年龄为283.2±2.2Ma (n=14,MSWD=0.016).该花岗岩体具有相对较低的SiO2含量(66.96%~70.71%),和较高的A12O3(15.05%~16.05%)和(Na2O+ K2O)含量(7.24%~9.19%),且岩体钠含量稍高(Na2O/K2O>1).雅干花岗岩体总体上表现为高钾钙碱性及偏铝质-过铝质的特征.岩体稀土元素总合量为101.9×10-6~133.1 ×1O-6,在稀土元素配分模式图中,岩体表现为轻-重稀土元素中等程度-强烈分异,同时具有明显的负Eu异常(δEu =0.59 ~0.77);在微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图中,岩体表现为亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti,富集Ba、Rb、Cs、Th、K等大离子亲石元素;岩体同位素特征则表现为具有高的(87 Sr/86 Sr)i值(0.707654 ~0.710235)以及负εNd(t)值.根据雅干花岗岩体的形成时代、地球化学特征以及相关的沉积建造特征,可推断该岩体形成于后碰撞环境,表明古亚洲洋在阿拉善地块北缘北部地区的分支于早二叠世(283.2 ±2.2Ma)之前已经闭合.  相似文献   
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