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The Huaniushan granite is located at the Beishan orogenic belt, northwestern China. At the contact zone between the granite and marble, a hydrothermal Pb-Zn and skarn Au deposit is formed. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 229.5±2.6 Ma (MSDW=0.93) for the Huaniushan granite, imply-ing its Late Triassic intrusion. Geochemistry analyses show that the Huaniushan granite is enriched in Si, K, Na, and REE, and depleted in Mg and Ca, with contents of SiO2 (70.8% to 74.4%), Na2O+K2O (8.8% to 10.2%), CaO (0.93% to 1.44%), and MgO (0.14% to 0.48%). REE is characterized by obvious negative Eu anomaly. Rb, Th, U, K, Pb, Nb, Zr and Hf elements are rich in the granite while Ba, Sr, P, Ti and Eu are deplete. The granite has a high (Zr+Nb+Ce+Y) abundance and 104 Ga/Al ratios. Petrology, major and trace elements data all indicate that the Hua-niushan granite is A-type granite which intruded in a post-collisional extensional tectonic setting. The magma was dominantly sourced from partial melting of crustal intermediate-felsic igneous rocks. Intensive magmatic activities and Au-Cu-Mo mineralization occurred throughout the Beishan orogenic belt during the period from ca. 240 to 220 Ma.  相似文献   
在分析以往煤炭资源管理信息系统优缺点的基础上,利用Visual C++6.0、SQL Server2000、ADO技术以及MapGIS二次开发技术,开发了山西省煤炭资源有效保障能力分析信息系统。该系统具有数据管理、信息查询、地图操作、统计输出、环境承载力评价、煤炭用途评价、煤炭优质环保评价、矿井资源保障度评价、估算井田生产规模等功能,为煤炭资源管理提供适时、动态和高效有序的资源数据,为加强煤炭资源的开发部署及管理,制定能源政策以及中长期规划,合理开发利用煤炭资源,保障煤炭工业可持续发展提供科学的宏观决策依据。  相似文献   
Diagenesis has a significant impact on reservoir quality in deeply buried formations. Sandstone units of the Shahejie Formation (Es1 Member) of Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China is a typical deeply buried sandstone with large hydrocarbon accumulations. The methodology includes core observations and thin section studies, using fluorescence, scanning electron microscope (SEM), cathodoluminescence (CL), fluid inclusion and isotope and electron probing analysis as well as the numerical determination of reservoir characteristics. The sandstones consist of medium to coarse-grained, slight to moderate sorted lithic arkose and feldspathic litharenite. Porosity and permeability values range from 0.5 to 30% and 0.006 to 7000 mD, respectively. The diagenetic history reveals mixed episodes of diagenesis and deep burial followed by uplift. The main diagenetic events include compaction, cementation alteration, dissolution of unstable minerals and grain fracturing. Compaction resulted in densification and significantly reduced the primary porosity. Quartz, calcite and clay are the dominant pore-occluding cement and occur as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Alteration and dissolution of volcanic lithic fragments and pressure solution of feldspar grains were the key sources of quartz cement whereas carbonate cement is derived from an external source. Clay minerals resulted from the alteration of feldspar and volcanic lithic fragments. Porosity and permeability data predict a good inverse relationship with cementation whereas leaching of metastable grains, dissolution of cement and in some places formation of pore-lining chlorite enhanced the reservoir quality. The best reservoir is thicker sandstone bodies that are medium to coarse-grained, well-sorted sandstone with low primary ductile grains with a minor amount of calcite cement. The present study shows several diagenetic stages in the Es1 Member, but the overall reservoir quality is preserved.  相似文献   
登陆北上台风暴雨突发性增强的一种机制研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用一个三维混合模式对1992年8月30日至9月2日一次登陆北上台风暴雨过程进行了模拟。模式可以较准确地预报出与地面倒槽相一致的地面降水位置及降水量值。模拟的台风云系结构与卫星云图比较表明,外围云场与实例云况吻合很好,验证了本模式模拟卫星云图的能力,对卫星云图预报有实际意义;暴雨突然增幅的直接原因是高层冰云与低层供水云的突然北移重叠造成的。受地面倒槽附近强烈辐合抬升的动力作用,各相态云系的分布与垂直运动紧密相关;辐合线右侧的东南低空急流为降水的增幅及维持提供水汽来源;云的相变潜热非绝热加热作用对暴雨的增幅及维持具有正反馈作用,它对暴雨维持具有积极贡献。  相似文献   
20世纪80~90年代我国气候增暖进程的统计事实   总被引:44,自引:8,他引:44       下载免费PDF全文
运用统计诊断方法分析了近50年来我国年平均及四季的气温变化特征,重点研究了20世纪90年代和80年代气温变化的主要差异及其增暖进程。结果表明,我国年平均气温是呈上升趋势的,但80年代以前年代际变化并不明显, 升温幅度不大。我国气候增暖始于20世纪80年代后期,90年代增暖加速,急剧增暖的主要原因是长江流域以南地区经历了由偏冷向偏暖的趋势转变。我国四季气温变化趋势在80~90年代增暖的进程中存在明显差异:其中冬季增暖开始时间最早、幅度最大、持续时间最长;90年代我国气候增暖急剧加速,其原因除了冬季气温持续攀升作用外,春、夏、秋季气温上升, 特别是春、夏季增暖幅度的加大增暖区域的显著扩展也起到很重要的作用。  相似文献   
一种新的统计回归模型及其建模方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陶云  曹杰  严华生  谢应齐 《大气科学》1999,23(3):333-339
根据经典门限自回归模型的基本思想,引入半截多项式变换,导出了一种新的统计回归模型,并提出了相应的一整套建模方案。这种模型和建模方案的特点是:(1)解决了统计回归分析中逐段线性化模型的检验问题;(2)在确定统计回归模型中各待估参数和变量——包括门限变量、门限值、阶数、时滞和回归系数时显得十分方便、快捷。试验结果表明,根据此方案建立的统计回归模型具有较高的拟合和预报精度,同时具有良好的稳定性。  相似文献   
利用平面照相法,以江苏南热发电有限责任公司#Q2号烟囱为研究对象,进行了500次拍摄,通过风向风速、云量、太阳高度角等气象数据,确定了不同稳定度下南京北郊大气扩散参数的特征。与P-G扩散曲线对比发现,在强不稳定A、弱不稳定C、中性D层结中,南京北郊的大气垂直扩散参数在距离排放源200 m范围内更不稳定,而在200—1000 m范围内更稳定。其中,不稳定B层结的扩散曲线与P-G扩散曲线一致,较稳定E、稳定F层结出现于白天的频率很低。对比垂直扩散参数幂函数表达式σ_z=γx~α的系数值γ和α,本研究中α值分别比国家标准增加了28. 6%(A层结)、56. 4%(C层结)、30. 4%(D层结),而B层结的α值却比国家标准减少了22. 9%。此外,通过高斯扩散公式计算得到SO_2和NO_X扩散到观测点的浓度,发现该计算值仅占气象楼污染气体监测平台实测SO_2和NO_X浓度的0. 82%和0. 69%。结合风场发现,SO_2和NO_X实测值受观测点东部工业污染物排放的叠加效应影响较大。其中,NO_X的实测值在受到偏东风和偏南风的影响时具有较大值,且在0. 5~1. 5 m·s~(-1)的较弱风速影响时,NO_X的实测值将达到60μg·m~(-3)以上。  相似文献   
利用L波段探空资料的相对湿度值及温度值计算水汽压时,由于探空测量的是相对于水面的相对湿度,只能用相对于水面的饱和水汽压公式来计算,低温时用相对于冰面的饱和水汽压公式计算水汽压可能不正确.对水相和冰相的不同处理所带来的偏差进行了分析和讨论.以CIMO规定的温度-45℃和0℃为界,分别计算了用相对于冰面的饱和水汽压公式和相对于水面的饱和水汽压公式得到的水汽压值,并进行了比较.结果表明,在计算实际水汽压的过程中,用不同的饱和水汽压公式所产生的绝对偏差虽然不大,但相对偏差最大可能达到50%,不容忽视,对确定对流层上部的气候效应可能产生影响.  相似文献   
Variations of precipitation over the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau are analyzed by using data over station Yaan including daytime, nighttime, and daily-mean precipitation and satellite-derived information. A comparison of some features over Yaan and other stations is also carried out. Over Yaan, light-moderate precipitation contributes significantly to both the number of rainy days (96.9%) and the amount (66.9%) of total precipitation. The light-moderate precipitation occurs more frequently at nighttime than at daytime (by 44.5 days, or 33.4%, and by 520.6 mm, or 134.4%, each year), and the nighttime precipitation is mainly in the form of light-moderate precipitation. The number of rainy days and the amount of total precipitation have decreased from the 1950s to the 1970s and during the recent 20 years, associated with negative trends of light-moderate precipitation. Similar features are also found in the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite data. Local convective precipitation is the main form of the light-moderate precipitation over Yaan. The absorption of latent heat at the lower troposphere and the release of latent heat at the upper troposphere are larger at nighttime than at daytime by 1–2 times and 2–3 times, respectively. Both the peak value and the total release of latent heat over Yaan are significantly larger than those over the Tibetan Plateau, eastern China, and the western Pacific warm pool. These distinct local characteristics of the “rain city” Yaan are closely related to the interaction between the atmospheric circulation and the steep topography on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
我国月降水和气温网格点资料的处理和分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
魏凤英  曹鸿兴 《气象》1994,20(10):26-30
用逐步搜索逼近法的客观分析技术计算出1951-1992年中国月降水量和月平均气温的格点资料,并利用图象识别原理对格点值和站点观测值进行了比较。  相似文献   
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