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本研究采取苗种强化培育、坑道培育大规格苗种、湖间带鲍参混养等相结合,并配套适当技术措施,促进鲍快速生长,缩短养殖周期一年左右,提高成活率15%以上,增加经济效益200%左右,形成鲍高效养殖的较理想模式。  相似文献   
Although thin on the order of several to tens of millimeters, sheet flows normally comprise a lower pick-up sub-layer and an upper contact-load sub-layer, separated at the bed level (z = 0). The time-averaged concentration profile in the pick-up sub-layer shows a ‘convex upward’ curvature, but ‘concave upward’ shape characterizes the time-averaged concentration profile in the contact-load sub-layer. The time-dependent concentration in the contact-load sub-layer is approximately in-phase with the free stream flow velocity, whereas it is nearly in anti-phase with the free stream flow velocity in the pick-up sub-layer. Two distinct analytical expressions of the time-averaged concentration profiles for the respective sub-layers are proposed. The expressions are validated with detailed observation datasets collected in the Groβer Wellenkanal (GWK) prototype wave flume in Hannover, Germany. The agreement between the predicted and the measured values is excellent. Interparticle collisions in the pick-up sub-layer and convective lifting processes associated with vortex shedding in the contact-load sub-layer are considered responsible for the opposite curvatures and in-phase/anti-phase concentration variations. Both transitional boundary and reference concentration are also elaborated.  相似文献   
Changes of subaqueous topography in shallow offshore water pose safety risks for embankments,navigation,and ports.This study conducted measurements of subaqueous topography between Datong and Xuliujing in the Yangtze River using a Sea Bat 7125 multi-beam echo sounder,and the channel change from 1998 to 2013 was calculated using historical bathymetry data.The study revealed several important results:(1)the overall pattern of changes through the studied stretch of the river was erosion–deposition–erosion.Erosion with a volume 700×10~6m~3occurred in the upper reach,deposition of about 204×10~6m~3occurred in the middle reach,and erosion of about 602×10~6m~3occurred in the lower reach.(2)Dunes are the most common microtopographic feature,accounting for 64.3%of the Datong to Xuliujing reach,followed by erosional topography and flat river topography,accounting for 27.6%and 6.6%,respectively.(3)Human activities have a direct impact on the development of the microtopography.For instance,the mining of sand formed holes on the surface of dunes with lengths of 20–35 m and depths of 3–5 m.We concluded that the overall trend of erosion(net erosion volume of 468×10~6m~3)occurred in the study area mainly because of the decreased sediment discharge following the closure of the Three Gorges Dam.However,other human activities were also impact factors of topographic change.Use of embankments and channel management reduced channel width,restricted river meandering,and exacerbated the erosion phenomenon.  相似文献   
The China Seas include the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea, and Bohai Sea. Located off the Northwestern Pacific margin, covering 4700000 km~2 from tropical to northern temperate zones, and including a variety of continental margins/basins and depths, the China Seas provide typical cases for carbon budget studies. The South China Sea being a deep basin and part of the Western Pacific Warm Pool is characterized by oceanic features; the East China Sea with a wide continental shelf, enormous terrestrial discharges and open margins to the West Pacific, is featured by strong cross-shelf materials transport; the Yellow Sea is featured by the confluence of cold and warm waters; and the Bohai Sea is a shallow semiclosed gulf with strong impacts of human activities. Three large rivers, the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Pearl River, flow into the East China Sea, the Bohai Sea, and the South China Sea, respectively. The Kuroshio Current at the outer margin of the Chinese continental shelf is one of the two major western boundary currents of the world oceans and its strength and position directly affect the regional climate of China. These characteristics make the China Seas a typical case of marginal seas to study carbon storage and fluxes. This paper systematically analyzes the literature data on the carbon pools and fluxes of the Bohai Sea,Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea, including different interfaces(land-sea, sea-air, sediment-water, and marginal sea-open ocean) and different ecosystems(mangroves, wetland, seagrass beds, macroalgae mariculture, coral reefs, euphotic zones, and water column). Among the four seas, the Bohai Sea and South China Sea are acting as CO_2 sources, releasing about0.22 and 13.86–33.60 Tg C yr~(-1) into the atmosphere, respectively, whereas the Yellow Sea and East China Sea are acting as carbon sinks, absorbing about 1.15 and 6.92–23.30 Tg C yr~(-1) of atmospheric CO_2, respectively. Overall, if only the CO_2 exchange at the sea-air interface is considered, the Chinese marginal seas appear to be a source of atmospheric CO_2, with a net release of 6.01–9.33 Tg C yr~(-1), mainly from the inputs of rivers and adjacent oceans. The riverine dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) input into the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea are 5.04, 14.60, and 40.14 Tg C yr~(-1),respectively. The DIC input from adjacent oceans is as high as 144.81 Tg C yr~(-1), significantly exceeding the carbon released from the seas to the atmosphere. In terms of output, the depositional fluxes of organic carbon in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea are 2.00, 3.60, 7.40, and 5.92 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. The fluxes of organic carbon from the East China Sea and South China Sea to the adjacent oceans are 15.25–36.70 and 43.93 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. The annual carbon storage of mangroves, wetlands, and seagrass in Chinese coastal waters is 0.36–1.75 Tg C yr~(-1), with a dissolved organic carbon(DOC) output from seagrass beds of up to 0.59 Tg C yr~(-1). Removable organic carbon flux by Chinese macroalgae mariculture account for 0.68 Tg C yr~(-1) and the associated POC depositional and DOC releasing fluxes are 0.14 and 0.82 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. Thus, in total, the annual output of organic carbon, which is mainly DOC, in the China Seas is 81.72–104.56 Tg C yr~(-1). The DOC efflux from the East China Sea to the adjacent oceans is 15.00–35.00 Tg C yr~(-1). The DOC efflux from the South China Sea is 31.39 Tg C yr~(-1). Although the marginal China Seas seem to be a source of atmospheric CO_2 based on the CO_2 flux at the sea-air interface, the combined effects of the riverine input in the area, oceanic input, depositional export,and microbial carbon pump(DOC conversion and output) indicate that the China Seas represent an important carbon storage area.  相似文献   
探讨了1597年10月6日(明万历二十五年八月二十六日)地震的烈度特征,地震伴随的湖震和火山喷发,以及地震类型与规模.结果表明, 1597年10月6日地震为可能发生在ldquo;珲春——汪清深震区rdquo;的一次Mge;8深源地震;地震在中国东部地区产生了广泛的湖震,其多种形态可与1775年葡萄牙里斯本地震产生的湖震比拟;地震触发了望天鹅火山的一次中小规模爆发式喷发,其地点在中国吉林省长白县境内.   相似文献   
不同生活型水生植物对水环境的影响和碳固持能力不同,开展大尺度范围内不同生活型水生植物的时空分布和动态变化研究,是全面掌握湖泊水生态环境变化趋势、准确核算水生生态系统碳源/碳汇的前提。以长江中下游10 km2以上(共131个)的湖泊为研究对象,基于野外调查和先验知识,通过光谱分析,研发了不同生活型水生植物遥感高精度机器学习识别算法,解析了长江中下游湖泊群不同生活型水生植物的时空变化规律。研究表明,长江中下游湖泊群不同生活型水生植物遥感监测精度为0.81,Kappa系数为0.74;1986—2020年长江中下游湖泊群水生植物面积为2541.58~4571.42 km2,占湖泊总面积的15.99%~28.77%,沉水植物是优势类型(Max1995=2649.21 km2,Min2005=921.38 km2),其次是挺水植物(Max2005=1779.44 km2,Min2020=569.05 km2)和浮叶植物(Max2015=685.68 km2,Min2000=293.04 km2);水生植物主要分布在长江干流流域湖泊群,其次是鄱阳湖流域、洞庭湖流域、太湖流域和汉江流域;变化趋势上,1986—2020年长江中下游湖泊群水生植物面积呈现先增长(1986—1995年)、后下降(1995—2010年)、再增加(2010年后)的趋势。本研究可为长江中下游湖泊群生态环境调查及水环境管理提供重要参考。  相似文献   
利用安徽省地磁台站2007-2009年数字化观测资料,应用地磁转换函数方法,对华东地区ML4.0以上地震进行对应关系研究,发现不同台站、不同周期的转换函数参量与安徽及邻近地区地震存在一定的对应关系,为今后数据研究提供参考.  相似文献   
本文以江淮地区典型场地资料为原型,选取不同深度的岩层位置作为地震动输入界面,构造多种场地土层模型,选择Taft、Kobe和E1centro 3条强震记录作为地震输入,采用一维频域等效线性化波动方法重点分析了地震动输入界面对场地地表地震动参数的影响。研究结果表明,随着输入界面深度的增加,场地地表的峰值加速度逐渐增加,且增加的幅度呈逐渐减小的趋势,但输入界面深度对地表加速度反应谱特征周期的影响较小;输入界面剪切波速值对反应谱特征周期影响有限,但对地表峰值加速度影响较为显著,地表峰值加速度随着输入界面剪切波速的增大而增大,且两者的增幅呈现近似的线性关系。  相似文献   
整理蓟县地震台小辛庄山洞定点形变观测资料,分析强降雨、气压变化、机井抽水、爆破、仪器故障和标定、人为干扰等因素对观测数据的影响,强化认识干扰特征和一般规律,为地震前地球物理异常判定提供准确可靠依据,为同类型地震观测台站提供借鉴。  相似文献   
帕米尔东北缘乌泊尔地区是正确认识帕米尔北缘盆山结构和构造变形特征非常关键的地区,本文利用连续电磁剖面(CEMP)资料和地震资料,并结合野外地质调查资料和钻井资料,对帕米尔东北缘乌泊尔地区的盆山结构和构造变形特征进行了研究。认为帕米尔东北缘及其以北地区的盆山结构表现为帕米尔造山带向北冲断和南天山向南冲断所形成的对冲结构; 帕米尔山前为基底卷入式构造,古生界—中生界沿高角度的逆冲断层推覆到新近系和第四系之上,形成山前的古生界—中生界逆冲推覆带; 北侧由受乌泊尔断裂控制的深部隐伏冲断体系和浅部的第四纪背驮盆地所构成。研究区的新生代构造变形时间开始于上新世晚期,并持续变形至今,形成了下更新统西域组(Q1x)与下伏上新统、Q2与Q1和Q3 4与Q2之间的不整合。研究区最小构造缩短量为486 km,缩短率为481%。  相似文献   
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