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广东2008年低温雨雪冰冻灾害及气象应急响应   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
2008年初我国南方遭受了百年一遇低温雨雪冰冻灾害,广东的受灾程度属80年一遇,造成了重大经济损失和严重社会影响.分析发现:灾害过程在近年来最严重的一次"拉尼娜"事件背景下发生的,与欧亚地区持续大气环流异常密切相关.在"北脊南槽"和西太平洋副高偏北偏强的形势下,冷暖气流在我国南方地区频繁交汇,使对流层中低层形成逆温层和局地经向环流产生异常,造成了此次持续低温雨雪冰冻过程.面对灾害引发的公共事件,广东省气象部门打破常规、准确预警,启动预案,通过媒体和"公共事件预警信息发布平台",及时传播权威的公共预警信息,为安定民心、稳定社会、减少灾害起到积极作用.灾后反思发现,山区冰灾的监测、灾害的评估、公共信息发布等的能力和规范均亟待加强.  相似文献   
蔡秀华  陈辉  曹鸿兴  吕文忠 《气象》2009,35(12):83-87
核电站因它不排放如二氧化碳这样的温室气体,核电对降低能源部门的碳密集作出了贡献,因此愈益受到人们的重视.在对核电站地区的天气、气候环境进行分析的基础上,对影响靖宇核电站地区的温带气旋作了研究.结果表明:1949-2007年期间影响靖宇地区的温带气旋计111个;受温带气旋影响的年数有41年(约2/3).影响靖宇地区且产生强降雨的温带气旋,主要发生在6、7、8月这3个月,并且一半以上出现在7月.影响靖宇地区的温带气旋大部分是东北气旋,占总数的65%;蒙古气旋与华北气旋次之.此外,对造成严重影响的温带气旋的个例也从天气学角度进行了分析.  相似文献   
We have performed X-ray Raman scattering (XRS) measurements on the oxygen K and silicon L absorption edges of four silica minerals: α-quartz, α-cristobalite, coesite, and stishovite. We have also calculated the partial electron densities of states (DOSs) and compared these with the XRS spectra. This study demonstrates that the short-range structure around the atom of interest strongly influences the XRS spectral features. Importantly, the oxygen K-edge XRS spectra are found to reflect the p-orbital DOS while the silicon L-edge spectra reflect the s- and d-orbital DOSs, even when a product of a momentum transfer and a mean radius of a electron orbit (1s for oxygen and 2p for silicon), Qr, is close to or larger than unity. Building on this, calculations of the partial DOSs for other silica phases are presented, including ultra-high-pressure phases, which provide a good reference for further XRS study of silica and silicate minerals. XRS measurements should be performed on not only either of oxygen or silicon but also on many kinds of constituent elements to reveal the structural change of glasses/melts of silicates under extreme conditions.  相似文献   
文章基于山东半岛岩溶洞穴(上小峰洞)一根长约41 cm的石笋SD1的铀系测年和稳定同位素组成分析,获得138. 0~125. 8 ka B. P.平均分辨率为30年的石笋δ18O 和δ13C时间序列,并据此讨论了倒数第二次冰消期区域气候和环境变化的特征及与全球变化的联系.在倒数第二次冰消期,上小峰洞石笋( SD1)δ18O的变化与中国南方石笋δ18O的变化具有类似的阶段变化特征,进一步确认了冰消期北大西洋气候对亚洲季风的重要影响.通过对山东石笋高分辨δ18O记录进行时间序列分析,发现该记录存在显著的约60年、 75年和1620年周期,表明太阳活动和北大西洋涛动与该地区气候变化有紧密的联系.同时,通过对比东亚季风区高分辨率石笋记录,认为在倒数第二次冰消期为"两步冰消"的变化特征.除此之外,上小峰洞石笋碳酸盐δ18O冰期和间冰期平均值的差异仅为0. 7‰,远小于内陆洞穴石笋碳酸盐δ18O冰期和间冰期平均值的差异(羊口洞约为1. 4‰,董哥洞约为2. 2‰,三宝洞约为2. 4‰).这一显著差异可能主要源于海岸线迁移造成的海陆格局的变化对区域季风降水及降水氧同位素组成的重要影响;并且冰期-间冰期海平面变化对近海环境记录、大陆架下垫面、海洋沉积物气候指标等都可能产生影响.  相似文献   
Entrainment rate refers to the ratio of surrounding air quality to air quality involved in rising unit distance, including turbulent entrainment and dynamic entrainment, which are applied to the boundary layer parametrization of convective clouds, the improvement of numerical model, the observation of cloud droplet spectral dispersion and the study of tropical cyclones.Based on the daily data at 07:00 and 19:00 every 10 m of five stations such as Minqin, Yuchong, Pingliang, Yinchuan and Yan'an from May to September during 2006-2016, combined with the daily observation data on the ground, the Entrainment Rates(ER) of different heights were calculated, and the relationships between ER and height in different regions, precipitation as well as monsoon during the monsoon period were further obtained. The main results were as follows: The ER was proportional to air temperature and saturated water vapor pressure, but inversely proportional to relative humidity. The relative humidity threshold of cloud was 65%. The higher the relative humidity threshold was, the lower the cloud height of different orders of precipitation was, and the cloud height was higher with the increase of rainfall. ER had obvious diurnal changes and regional differences: It was obviously smaller at 07:00 than at 19:00 from ground to 3 km, which weakened with the increase of height in the near surface , but strengthened with the increase of height above 500 m; From small to large, the monsoon affected area, the monsoon swing area and the non-monsoon area were in turn, and there was no regional difference above 3 km. ER was closely related to the intensity and property of precipitation in monsoon period. The ER weakened with the enhancement of rain intensity from near ground to below 600 m, but strengthened with the enhancement of rain intensity from 500 m to 2~3 km.From near ground to below 700 m, the ER of stable precipitation was strong, but that of convective precipitation was strong above 700 m. The convective precipitation had big saturated water vapor pressure and strong ER , while the stable precipitation had big saturated water vapor density, rich water vapor but weak ER. The relationship between ER and monsoon as well as its duration: From no monsoon to monsoon ER was weakened, the strongest maximum height was also decreasing. There was no significant difference in the duration of ER between the non-monsoon area and the monsoon affected area, but the longer the monsoon swing area lasted in the near ground layer, the smaller the ER was, while the opposite was at 1~2 km in the high altitude. The relationship between ER and the APO monsoon intensity index showed that: At 07:00, the ER strengthened with height from near ground to below 800 m, but weakened with height above 800 m,and the monsoon intensity was not related to the ER. At 19:00, the ER strengthened with the height near ground but weakened with the height above 300 m, and the stronger the monsoon was, the smaller the ER was. The ER weakened with the decrease of boundary layer height.  相似文献   
蔡志川  李运怀 《江苏地质》2019,43(2):341-348
城镇垃圾填埋场场址选择受经济、交通、气候、自然地理、环境保护、水文工程地质等诸多因素影响,是一项十分复杂的工程。结合环巢湖地区的实际情况,筛选各影响因子,最终确定符合该地区的评价体系。利用分级加权法进行垃圾填埋场选址评价,将研究区依次划分为适宜区、较适宜区、适宜性差区。根据已有规范对填埋场分区结果的验证,评估方法可行,评价结果合理,为安徽环巢湖地区垃圾填埋场选址提供了可靠的地学依据。  相似文献   
时间域航空电磁系统探测深度与采样时间、发射磁矩、大地电导率、仪器背景噪声和灵敏度等诸多因素相关。本文基于时间域航空电磁一维正演对时间域航空电磁系统探测深度进行研究。正演算法从麦克斯韦方程出发,结合准静态近似条件,得到一维层状介质上空中心回线频率域电磁场响应的垂直分量,并采用汉克尔积分进行计算,进而通过时-频变换获得时间域电磁场响应。探测深度研究参考仪器背景噪声水平,通过设定最小可识别信号阈值(本文设定为系统背景噪声三倍)获取最大可探测分离时间,进而利用该分离时间结合平均电导率求取最大探测深度。最后本文以VTEM系统为例,对不同层状介质模型以及不同发射磁矩、背景噪声、发射脉宽和飞行高度下的时间域航空电磁系统最大探测深度进行分析和讨论。  相似文献   
Zhou  Zilong  Du  Xueming  Wang  Shanyong  Cai  Xin  Chen  Lu 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(3):825-841
Acta Geotechnica - Cement-based grout has been widely used in various civil engineering applications. The diffusion of cement-based grouts in porous media is an important issue in soil sealing and...  相似文献   
This study uses an incompressible smoothed‐particle hydrodynamics model to investigate the interaction between dry granular material flows and rigid barriers. The primary aim is to summarise some practical guidelines for the design of debris‐resisting barriers. The granular materials are modelled as a rigid‐perfectly plastic material where the plastic flow corresponds to the critical state. The coupled continuity equation and momentum equation are solved by a semi‐implicit algorithm. Compared with flows in controlled flume experiments, the model adequately reproduces both the kinetic of the flows and the impact force under various conditions. Then the numerical simulations are used to study the detailed interaction process. It is illustrated quantitatively that the interaction force consists of two parts, ie, the earth pressure force caused by the weight of the soil and a dynamic force caused by the internal deformation (flowing mass on top of a dead zone). For the estimation of impact load, this study suggests that an increased earth pressure coefficient depending on the Froude number should be incorporated into the hydrostatic model.  相似文献   
借助社会网络分析方法研究“互联网+”发展的空间关联网络特征,并利用QAP方法探究中国“互联网+”空间关联网络的影响因素。研究发现,“互联网+”发展的空间关联呈现显著网络特征,可划分为“净溢出”“经纪人”“主受益”以及“双向溢出”四大类型板块,并且板块内部具有较明显的“等级”属性。技术创新、基础设施、人力资本、市场发展、对外开放对“互联网+”发展的空间关联网络存在正向影响。地理距离对“互联网+”空间关联网络存在抑制作用,随着地理距离的不断增大,“互联网+”的知识溢出和流动效应逐步衰减。  相似文献   
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