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北京地区云蒙山变质核杂岩在白垩纪阶段抬升的早期,伴随着沿四合堂剪切带由北向南的拆离滑脱和大型花岗闪长岩的垂向侵位,晚期变形发生在花岗闪长岩岩基周边及其邻近围岩中,形成云蒙山剪切带,并伴随大量同构造的花岗岩和伟晶岩岩脉灌入。剪切带中所有的岩脉都随时间发生了不同程度的变形,较老的岩脉形成紧闭的圆柱状褶皱,枢纽与剪切带的线理和面理接近平行。岩脉与剪切带中L-S组构的平行化作用主要是由于这种转动的结果。岩脉的成分和长英指数随它们的变形程度发生变化,说明持续的岩浆分异作用与韧性剪切变形是同时发生的。云蒙山剪切带由岩浆底辟引起的上盘岩石重力所驱动,并不断得到同构造侵位岩脉的补充,起到存储和不断改造侵位岩脉的作用。早期伸展体制下形成的四合堂剪切带局部遭受云蒙山剪切带的改造或复合。该地区的岩石、构造和同构造岩脉的变形几何学和运动学证据表明,太古宙结晶基底的抬升是下部岩浆底辟与上部地壳伸展拆离共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
In the Saint-Barthélemy Massif, French Pyrenees, a ductile thrust zone developed in gneisses during retrogression from lower amphibolite facies conditions to the upper greenschist facies. The last major structures formed in the zone are isolated shear bands, divided into three types.Anastomosing, inhomogenous ultramylonitic shear bands (Type I) are subparallel to the mylonitic foliation in the gneiss (Sg). Most of these bands developed by ductile deformation processes only.Planar, homogeneous ultramylonite bands (Type II) are usually oblique to Sg. They generated as pseudotachylyte bands by brittle fracturing and underwent strong subsequent ductile deformation.Type III shear bands are planar and oblique to Sg. They consist of pseudotachylyte, weakly affected by ductile deformation.Type I, II and III bands seem to represent progressively younger structures on a local scale, linked to falling P-T conditions. The systematic variation in orientation of the different shear bands with respect to Sg is interpreted as being due to a different response of brittle and ductile structures to the orientation of the kinematic frame and the rock anisotropy.  相似文献   
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is a technique that has been applied from the mid‐1980s, mainly for sediment dating. The OSL technique is based on sample stimulation by light to determine the luminescence signal that is stored in the crystal lattices of sediment grains after deposition, burial by later sediment and subsequent exposure to ionizing radiation from radioactive elements in the surrounding sediment. In such sediment dating, two parameters are required: the equivalent dose (i.e. the luminescence signal stored in the grains), and the dose rate (i.e. the ionizing energy from α, β and γ radiation emitted by naturally occurring radioisotopes in the deposit, plus the effects of cosmic radiation). In this research, the OSL technique is not used for dating. The study goal is to analyse only the luminescence signals (the total photon counts) in polymineral samples obtained after light stimulation in the blue (BLSL) and infrared (IRSL) wavelengths using a portable OSL reader designed and built at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC). Three fluvial case studies – from Cambodia, Australia and Mexico – are used to illustrate the geomorphological interpretations possible with the portable OSL reader data from sediments resulting from a range of different depositional processes. The case studies show that aspects of sediment's transport and depositional processes can be inferred from the portable OSL reader data, providing valuable insights into geomorphological history. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Calcium carbonate deposits from ancient water systems such as aqueducts are a hidden archive for archaeology and environmental sciences. These deposits formed wherever carbonate-rich water was in contact with a water-containing structure and recorded water composition, temperature, biological content, the operation or nonoperation of a water system segment, flow discharge and velocity, the shape of disappeared segments of water structures, the number of years a water supply system was active, disruptions of the water supply and water management such as repairs, adaptations and cleaning. Indirectly, urban development, resilience, population- and socioeconomic dynamics can be studied through the stratigraphy of carbonate in water systems. Carbonate archives can also give insight into long-term changes in paleoclimate and on environmental pollution, deforestation, extreme floods, droughts, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Archaeological and environmental investigations of carbonate deposits can provide data with up to daily resolution over decades to centuries. Although absolute dating of carbonate from water systems is still problematic, each study on the aqueduct of an ancient city, together with its carbonate deposits, provides its own microstory in Roman life.  相似文献   
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