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The focus of this work is to explore the use of the netted whelk, Nassarius reticulatus (L.), as an indicator of mercury (Hg) contamination, by assessing the concentration of Hg in the sediments and in the whelk along the entire Portuguese coast. Total Hg concentrations ranged from below the detection limit (0.01 ng absolute mercury) up to 0.87 mg kg(-1) dry weight (dwt) in sediments and between 0.06 and 1.02 mg kg(-1) (dwt) for organisms, with no significant differences between males and females. Although organic mercury was not detected in the sediments, it represented, on average, 52% of the total Hg in the whelk tissues, and as high as 88% in some cases, suggesting mercury accumulation from dietary intake. Significant negative correlations were found between the total Hg concentrations in the sediments and the log(10) of Hg concentrations in whelk tissues males (r=-0.64; P<0.01) and females (r=-0.52; P<0.01) indicating that the species is a poor indicator of Hg contamination. Nevertheless, since the highest concentrations of organic mercury in the whelk tissues were found in the least contaminated areas, this species must be highly relevant in the trophic web, namely on the possible biomagnification of mercury. The high dietary mercury accumulation from feeding on carrion and the low bioavailability of mercury to whelks in estuarine sediments may be the basis of the mercury accumulation pattern in N. reticulatus.  相似文献   
A total of 3086 samples, both marine (2916) and freshwater creeks/outfall samples (170) were collected and analyzed for enterococci during October 2002-April 2005, from 52 designated beaches in Oregon. A total of 3.2% (99/3086) of the samples at 21 beaches exceeded 158 most probable number (MPN)/100 milliliters (mL). The average enterococci levels of these 99 exceedances was 559 MPN/100 mL, with a maximum of 4352 MPN/100 mL (Otter Rock and Ona) and a minimum of 160 MPN/100 mL (Sunset Bay State Park, Bastendorff, and Mill). For marine water, 77/2916 (2.6%) exceeded 158 MPN/100 mL. For freshwater, 22/170 (12.9%) exceeded 158 MPN/100 mL, with a maximum of 587 MPN/100 mL at Sunset Bay. Sixty percent of the marine and 9% of freshwater exceedances occurred during the winter. Seventy-two percent (55/77) of the marine exceedances occurred after rainfall events (0.01-60.0 mm). At Harris and Mill Beaches, cumulative rainfall was highly correlated with bacterial densities, R = 0.7. Rainfall, at both beaches, explained about one-half the variation in log10 bacteria density (R2 = 0.5). Additional monitoring is warranted to further characterize bacterial contamination in Oregon waters.  相似文献   
Sedimentation and sediment metabolism was measured at eight active milkfish fish pens and at one abandoned site in the Bolinao area, Philippines in order to examine the interactions between sediment and water in this shallow coastal zone. The rates of sedimentation were high in the area due to siltation, but the activities in the fish pens also contributed to enhanced sedimentation as indicated by the difference between the abandoned and active sites. The sediment metabolism appeared to decrease with increasing rates of sedimentation indicating that the microbial activity reached a saturation level in the fish pen sediments. Anaerobic processes dominated the organic matter decomposition, and sulfate reduction rates are among the highest measured in fish farm sediments. The rates decreased with increasing organic loading despite high concentrations of sulfate (>10 mM) at all sites. Presence of methane bubbles in the sediments suggests that sulfate reduction and methanogenesis were coexisting. The sediment metabolism was significantly reduced at the abandoned site indicating that the stimulation of microbial activities is due to active fish production. The anaerobic activity remained high at the abandoned site indicating that the sediment biogeochemical conditions remain affected long time after fish production has ceased.  相似文献   
已知沿落基山最东边缘的碱性岩内赋存许多种矿床,包括大型金矿床(>1,000,000盎司)。新墨西哥州林肯县有11个这样的碱性岩中心,其中最大的碱性岩中心赋存诺加尔矿区的各种矿床。该矿区位于新墨西哥中-南部谢拉布兰卡山,矿床分4种类型:(1)含Au矿脉和角砾岩;(2)Ag-Pb-Zn矿脉;(3)Mo-Cu矿点;(4)砂金矿。矿区岩石以安山岩流和塑流角砾岩占优势,有3个浅成碱性岩株侵入其中。本文通过对矿区各类矿床流体包裹体、稳定同位素和热液蚀变形式的研究,提出该区Ag-Pb-Zn矿床在成因上可能与青磐岩蚀变有关;金矿床则形成较晚,有两个金矿床具有与碱性岩有关金矿床的共同特征,而海伦雷伊矿床却表现为岩浆热液与浅成热液之间的过渡性特征。  相似文献   
This in situ study used photosynthetic activity (measured as chlorophyll a fluorescence) and photosynthetic pigment concentrations to assess the effect of copper, cadmium, lead and zinc on the seagrass Zostera capricorni. Custom-made portable in situ exposure (PIE) chambers were developed so seagrasses could be dosed within the meadow. Z. capricorni was exposed to 0.1 and 1 mg l−1 of metal solutions for 10 h. During this time and for the subsequent four-day recovery period, the effective quantum yield of photosystem II (PS II) (ΔF/Fm) was measured. While the results were variable, copper and zinc exposed samples had a depressed ΔF/Fm during the exposure period. Samples exposed to zinc recovered to pre-exposure levels but those exposed to copper did not. Cadmium and lead did not impact on the chlorophyll a fluorescence and the chlorophyll pigment data supported these findings. This study presents an innovative new application of chlorophyll a fluorescence stress assessment.  相似文献   
Fish farms represent a growing source of anthropogenic disturbance to benthic communities, and efficient predictors of such impacts are urgently needed. We explored the effects of fish farm benthic organic and nutrient inputs on the population dynamics of a key seagrass species (Posidonia oceanica) in four Mediterranean deep meadows adjacent to sea bream and sea bass farms. We performed two annual plant censuses on permanent plots at increasing distance from farms and measured benthic sedimentation rates around plots. High shoot mortality rates were recorded near the cages, up to 20 times greater than at control sites. Recruitment rates increased in variability but could not compensate mortality, leading to rapid seagrass decline within the first 100 m from cages. Seagrass mortality increased with total sedimentation rates (K=0.55, p<0.0002), and with organic matter (K=0.50, p=0.001), total nitrogen (K=0.46, p=0.002) and total phosphorus (K=0.56, p<3.10(-5)) inputs. P. oceanica decline accelerated above a phosphorus loading threshold of 50mg m(-2)day(-1). Phosphorus benthic sedimentation rate seems a powerful predictor of seagrass mortality from fish farming. Coupling direct measurements of benthic sedimentation rates with dynamics of key benthic species is proposed as an efficient strategy to predict fish farm impacts to benthic communities.  相似文献   
Partial mortality and fission on colonies of four common massive coral species were examined at sites differing in their exposure to river sediments in St. Lucia, West Indies. Rates of partial mortality were higher close to the river mouths, where more sediments were deposited, than away from the rivers in two coral species. Frequency of fission showed no significant trend. The percent change in coral cover on reefs from 1995 to 1998 was negatively related to the rate of partial mortality estimated in 1998 in all species. This suggests that partial mortality rates could reflect longer-term temporal changes in coral communities. Similar conclusions could also be reached using a less precise measure and simply recording partial mortality on colonies as <50% and >/=50% dead tissue. We conclude that partial mortality in some species of massive reef corals, expressed as the amount of dead tissue per colony, could provide a rapid and effective means of detecting sediment stress on coral reefs.  相似文献   
Iron isotope fractionations produced during chemical and biological Fe(II) oxidation are sensitive to the proportions and nature of dissolved and solid-phase Fe species present, as well as the extent of isotopic exchange between precipitates and aqueous Fe. Iron isotopes therefore potentially constrain the mechanisms and pathways of Fe redox transformations in modern and ancient environments. In the present study, we followed in batch experiments Fe isotope fractionations between Fe(II)aq and Fe(III) oxide/hydroxide precipitates produced by the Fe(III) mineral encrusting, nitrate-reducing, Fe(II)-oxidizing Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1. Isotopic fractionation in 56Fe/54Fe approached that expected for equilibrium conditions, assuming an equilibrium Δ56FeFe(OH)3-Fe(II)aq fractionation factor of +3.0‰. Previous studies have shown that Fe(II) oxidation by this Acidovorax strain occurs in the periplasm, and we propose that Fe isotope equilibrium is maintained through redox cycling via coupled electron and atom exchange between Fe(II)aq and Fe(III) precipitates in the contained environment of the periplasm. In addition to the apparent equilibrium isotopic fractionation, these experiments also record the kinetic effects of initial rapid oxidation, and possible phase transformations of the Fe(III) precipitates. Attainment of Fe isotope equilibrium between Fe(III) oxide/hydroxide precipitates and Fe(II)aq by neutrophilic, Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria or through abiologic Fe(II)aq oxidation is generally not expected or observed, because the poor solubility of their metabolic product, i.e. Fe(III), usually leads to rapid precipitation of Fe(III) minerals, and hence expression of a kinetic fractionation upon precipitation; in the absence of redox cycling between Fe(II)aq and precipitate, kinetic isotope fractionations are likely to be retained. These results highlight the distinct Fe isotope fractionations that are produced by different pathways of biological and abiological Fe(II) oxidation.  相似文献   
Santos-São Vicente estuary, located in São Paulo State, Brazil, has a history of contamination by inorganic chemicals such as mercury (Hg). In the 1980s the Cubatão was considered one of the most polluted sites in the world as a consequence of the intense industrial activities located in the city close to the estuary. To provide data and evaluate the local biota, total mercury (THg) contents were determined in sediments and in fish, Cathorops spixii, from different areas of the Santos-São Vicente estuary. For comparison, samples were also collected in a non-polluted system with similar hydrochemistry characteristics, the Cananeia estuary. The water characteristics and THg levels in sediment and fish samples confirmed a high human influence in the Santos-São Vicente estuary. The lowest THg values, observed in Cananeia, were evidence of low anthropogenic influence. High values observed in Santos-São Vicente show the necessity for a monitoring program.  相似文献   
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