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Saltmarsh vegetation, seston and microphytobenthos are all conspicuous components of most temperate estuaries and they potentially contribute to the estuarine food chain. Yet their relative contributions are unclear, as is the significance of saltmarsh losses through natural and human-induced impacts. This study aimed to quantitatively determine the contribution of various types of primary producers to detritus in the Walpole-Nornalup Estuary and Leschenault Inlet, two permanently open estuaries in SW Australia, and, estimate the flow of different types of detritus to higher trophic levels, using carbon ((13)C) and nitrogen ((15)N) stable isotopes as tracers. Results of the mixing model indicated that seston, microphytobenthos and to some extent seagrass and fringing saltmarsh were the main contributors to the detrital pool in both estuaries. However, the relative contribution of different primary producers varied both within and between estuaries. The contribution of saltmarsh was higher at sites close to rivers and dense fringing vegetation, while seston, microphytobenthos and seagrass dominated the detrital material at other sites. Benthic harpacticoid copepods were shown to feed on detritus though they appeared to actively select for different components of the detritus depending on site and estuary. Isotopic signatures of other consumers indicated that fish and invertebrates derived nutrients from MPB and detritus, either directly as food or indirectly through feeding on invertebrates. The overall contribution of saltmarsh to detritus was lower in Leschenault Inlet than in Walpole-Nornalup Estuary, possibly as a result of increased clearing of fringing vegetation around Leschenault Inlet. This pattern was however not reflected in harpacticoid food. Therefore, although losses of fringing saltmarsh around estuaries have the potential to significantly affect estuarine food webs, the significance of such losses will be site- and estuary-dependent.  相似文献   
In response to public concerns about discharges from large cruise ships, Alaska's Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) sampled numerous effluents in the summer of 2000. The data showed that basic marine sanitation device (MSD) technology for black water (sewage) was not performing as expected. Untreated gray water had high levels of conventional pollutants and surprisingly high levels of bacteria. Both black water and gray water discharges sometimes exceeded state water quality standards for toxicants. The state convened a Science Advisory Panel (the Panel) to evaluate impacts associated with cruise ship wastewater discharges. The effluent data received wide media coverage and increased public concerns. Consequently, legislative decisions were made at the State and Federal level, and regulations were imposed before the Panel completed its evaluation. The Panel demonstrated that following the rapid dilution from moving cruise ships, the effluent data from the Summer of 2000 would not have exceeded water quality standards, and environmental effects were not expected.  相似文献   
The managed realignment of coastal defences and subsequent creation of intertidal habitats is one of several 'soft' engineering options that could reduce the costs of maintaining embankments and at the same time deliver environmental benefits. The managed realignment at Tollesbury was one of the first in the UK, undertaken as an experimental test case to improve understanding of the practical techniques and processes involved. Independent studies were undertaken on the development of soils, benthic invertebrates and vegetation within the site in addition to methods of enhancing the process of natural colonisation of saltmarsh plants. Bathymetric and vegetation monitoring were undertaken on the adjacent estuary to determine any breach effect that may be attributed to the realignment. This paper summarises the results from the vegetation, sedimentation and invertebrate monitoring and discusses the implications for other managed realignment schemes in the UK.  相似文献   
Seagrasses of the Great Barrier Reef predominantly occur in coastal regions where terrestrial inputs modify water quality and photosynthetic light is highly variable. Responses to shading were tested for Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Thalassia hemprichii and Zostera muelleri. In aquaria, four light treatments - high (66% surface light), moderate (31%), low (14%) and very low light (1%) treatments - were applied for 102d. Stress responses in the low and very low light treatments occurred in the following sequence: metabolic and physiological changes (reduced growth, increased pigment concentrations and photosynthetic efficiency); shedding (leaf loss, shoot loss) and production of new, altered tissue (leaves with reduced length, width and thickness). Complete shoot loss was projected after 76 (Z. muelleri) to 130d (T. hemprichii). Responses were slower in the low than in the very low treatment, therefore, efforts to minimize water quality degradation will be rewarded with delayed impacts to seagrasses.  相似文献   
A large chromium plume that evolved from chromium releases in a valley near the Mojave River was studied to understand the processes controlling fate and migration of chromium in ground water and used as a tracer to study the dynamics of a basin and range ground water system. The valley that was studied is naturally arid with high evapotranspiration such that essentially no precipitation infiltrates to the water table. The dominant natural hydrogeologic processes are recharge to the ground water system from the Mojave River during the infrequent episodes when there is flow in the river, and ground water flow toward a playa lake where the ground water evaporates. Agricultural pumping in the valley from the mid-1930s to the 1970s significantly altered ground water flow conditions by decreasing water levels in the valley by more than 20 m. This pumping declined significantly as a result of dewatering of the aquifer, and water levels have since recovered modestly. The ground water system was modeled using MODFLOW, and chromium transport was simulated using MT3D. Several innovative modifications were made to these modeling programs to simulate important processes in this ground water system. Modifications to MODFLOW include developing a new well package that estimates pumping rates from irrigation wells at each time step based on available drawdown. MT3D was modified to account for mass trapped above the water table when the water table declines beneath nonirrigated areas and to redistribute mass to the system when water levels rise.  相似文献   
The present state of knowledge regarding the input of anthropogenic pollutants into Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island was reviewed and benthic infaunal communities present at four depositional environments within the upper Bay were characterized. Inter-station differences in species composition and abundance of these assemblages were examined in relation to established pollution gradients.Using diversity curves and multivariate statistics, evidence of significant anthropogenic impact on the structure of benthic macrofaunal communities in Narragansett Bay was identified. The magnitude of this impact was greatest at stations closest to the Bay’s urban centers, where exposure to multiple stressors had resulted in communities of opportunistic taxa which persisted in a state of low faunal diversity characteristic of early stages of species succession. As was expected based on historic models of faunal succession; the apparent maturity of benthic assemblages in Narragansett Bay increased along the north-south gradient of decreasing anthropogenic stress.  相似文献   
BIOSCREEN-AT: BIOSCREEN with an exact analytical solution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BIOSCREEN is used extensively for screening-level evaluation of the transport of dissolved contaminants in ground water. The code has an effective graphical user interface that makes it ideal for use in both professional practice and as a teaching aid. BIOSCREEN implements the approximate transport solution of Domenico (1987). This note describes an enhanced version of the program, BIOSCREEN-AT, which supplements the Domenico solution with an exact analytical solution. The exact analytical solution has been integrated seamlessly within the BIOSCREEN interface and provides a simple and direct way to calculate an exact solution to the transport equation and, if desired, to assess the significance of the errors introduced by the Domenico (1987) solution for site-specific applications. The modified version of BIOSCREEN is designated BIOSCREEN-AT and can be downloaded free of charge from http://www.sspa.com/./software/BIOSCREEN.htm.  相似文献   
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