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The major element composition of plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine,and magnetite, and whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr data are presented forthe uppermost 2·1 km of the layered mafic rocks (upperMain Zone and Upper Zone) at Bierkraal in the western BushveldComplex. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios are near-constant (0·7073± 0·0001) for 24 samples and imply crystallizationfrom a homogeneous magma sheet without major magma rechargeor assimilation. The 2125 m thick section investigated in drillcore comprises 26 magnetitite and six nelsonite (magnetite–ilmenite–apatite)layers and changes up-section from gabbronorite (An72 plagioclase;Mg# 74 clinopyroxene) to magnetite–ilmenite–apatite–fayaliteferrodiorite (An43; Mg# 5 clinopyroxene; Fo1 olivine). The overallfractionation trend is, however, interrupted by reversals characterizedby higher An% of plagioclase, higher Mg# of pyroxene and olivine,and higher V2O5 of magnetite. In the upper half of the successionthere is also the intermittent presence of cumulus olivine andapatite. These reversals in normal fractionation trends definethe bases of at least nine major cycles. We have calculateda plausible composition for the magma from which this entiresuccession formed. Forward fractional crystallization modelingof this composition predicts an initial increase in total iron,near-constant SiO2 and an increasing density of the residualmagma before magnetite crystallizes. After magnetite beginsto crystallize the residual magma shows a near-constant totaliron, an increase in SiO2 and decrease in density. We explainthe observed cyclicity by bottom crystallization. Initiallymagma stratification developed during crystallization of thebasal gabbronorites. Once magnetite began to crystallize, periodicdensity inversion led to mixing with the overlying magma layer,producing mineralogical breaks between fractionation cycles.The magnetitite and nelsonite layers mainly occur within fractionationcycles, not at their bases. In at least two cases, crystallizationof thick magnetitite layers may have lowered the density ofthe basal layer of melt dramatically, and triggered the proposeddensity inversion, resulting in close, but not perfect, coincidenceof mineralogical breaks and packages of magnetitite layers. KEY WORDS: layered intrusion; mineral chemistry; isotopes; magma; convection; differentiation  相似文献   
The Visdalen valley, situated at the northwestern corner of Edgeøya, was investigated with respect to lithostratigraphy and depositional environments of the Quaternary sediments. Eight major lithostratigraphic units are recognised of which seven were deposited during the Late Weichselian to early Holocene glaciation, deglaciation and the subsequent emergence of the area, and one unit deposited prior the last glaciation. Till deposition from a west-flowing glacier was followed by glaciomarine and later marine deposition of fine-grained sediments. Coarse-grained colluvial and alluvial-fan deltas were deposited along the mountainsides in the Visdalen palaeo-bay, and distal sediment gravity-flow deposits from these deltas were interbedded with the glaciomarine-marine sediments. A spit-platform (riegel) was built up across the Visdalen bay contemporaneously with the alluvial fan-deltas. Its formation was time-transgressive, with its highest part in the south close to the marine limit at 85 m a.s.l. and its lowest part in the north at ca 65 m a.s.l. The sediment source was alluvial and colluvial debris, which was entrained by longshore currents along the more exposed coast south of Visdalen and transported northwards to the final place of deposition. The bulk part of the riegel ridge is composed of progradational successions of steep foresets dipping towards NW, N and NE, and clearly rejects an earlier ice-contact model. Datings suggest that the fan-delta deposition and the riegel formation ended before 9,000 BP. A meltwater-fed lagoon with a highest level at >50m a.s.l. was formed behind the riegel ridge in which, according to varve counting, glaciolacustrine sedimentation lasted more than 250 years and occurred within the time span 9,000-8,500 BP. Gradual uplift of the area resulted in drainage of the glaciolacustrine lagoon. Beachface processes and fluvial down-cutting took place during the emergence of the area.  相似文献   
Annually laminated sediments (glacial varves) from Lake Silvaplauna, a High Alpine proglacial lake in the Central Swiss Alps, were compared with glacier monitoring data and instrumental climate data from 1864 to 1990. Long-term and short-term responses to climatic change as well as anthropogenic influence can be traced separately in the varve succession. Economic development in the lake catchment has resulted in higher autochthonous production in recent years. Autochthonous components contribute around 10% to the total amount of sediment accumulated annually since 1960 but their contribution is negligible before this date. Decadal-scale varve thickness trends correlate with glacier size-variations. A stepwise, running multiple regression analysis demonstrates that interannual changes in varve thickness are strongly correlated with changes in mean summer temperatures, but cannot be sufficiently explained without considering summer precipitation and the number of days with snow per year. The wide range of observed correlation coefficients reveals the sensitivity of the archive to temporal variability of the climatic forcing factors and makes the development of transfer functions ambiguous.  相似文献   
Fossil stromatolites may reveal information about their hydrochemical palaeoenvironment, provided that assignment to a specific microbial community and a corresponding biogeochemical mechanism of formation can be made. Tithonian stromatolites of the Münder Formation at Thüste, north Germany, have traditionally been considered as formed by intertidal cyanobacterial communities. However, thin sections of the stromatolites show elongated angular traces of former gypsum crystals in a dense arrangement, but no algal or cyanobacterial filament traces. Moreover, high Fe2+ and Mn2+ contents, oxygen‐isotope and sulphur‐isotope ratios of carbonate‐bound sulphates, and sulphurized hydrocarbon biomarkers of the stromatolitic carbonate indicate that CaCO3 precipitation occurred near the oxic–anoxic interface as a result of intensive bacterial sulphur cycling rather than photosynthetic activity. Furthermore, anaerobic oxidation of methane by Archaea may have driven CaCO3 precipitation in deeper parts of the biofilm community, as reflected by high concentrations of squalane with a strongly negative δ13C in conjunction with evaporite pseudomorphs showing extremely low δ13CCarb ratios. Consequently, the Thüste stromatolites are now interpreted as having initially formed by gypsum impregnation of biofilms. Subsequently, early Mg‐calcitic calcitization within the biofilms occurred because of combined bacterial iron, manganese and sulphate reduction, with an increasing contribution of anaerobic oxidation of methane with depth. This model plausibly explains the prominent preservation of signals derived from oxygen‐independent metabolic pathways, whereas virtually no geochemical record exists for an aerobic community that may, nevertheless, have prevailed at the stromatolite surface. Photic‐zone stromatolites with a prominent signal of anaerobic oxidation of methane may be common in, and indicative of, oxygen‐depleted sulphate‐bearing environments with high rates of methane production, conditions that possibly were fulfilled at the Archaean to Proterozoic transition.  相似文献   
Marine, fluvial and glacigene sediments exposed in coastal cliffs and stream-cut sections in East Greenland between latitudes 69° and 78° N display a record of Quaternary climatic and environmental change going back to pre-Saalian times (> 240 ka), but with main emphasis on the last interglacial/glacial cycle. The stratigraphical scheme is based on studies on the Jameson Land peninsula, and contains five glacial stages and stades with the Greenland ice sheet or its outlets reaching the outer coasts. Individual sites are correlated and dated by a combination of biostratigraphy, luminescence dating, amino acid analyses, as well as 14C- and uranium series dating. The pre-Weichselian Lollandselv and Scoresby Sund glaciations were the most extensive. During the Weichselian the Inland Ice margin in this part of East Greenland was apparently very stable. The Aucellaelv, Jyllandselv and Flakkerhuk stades mark the advance and subsequent retreat of outlet glaciers from the Inland Ice which advanced through the wide Scoresby Sund basin and reached the inner shelf. In-between the glacier advances, three interglacial or interstadial periods have been recognized. During the Langelandselv interglacia-tion (≅ Eemian) the advection of warm Atlantic water was higher than during the Holocene, and the terrestrial flora and insect faunas show that summer temperatures were 3–4°C higher than during the Holocene optimum. There is no unambiguous evidence for cooling in the sediments from this interval. Later, in isotope stage 5, there were apparently two ice-free periods. During the Hugin Sø interstade, stable Polar water dominated Scoresby Sund, and the terrestrial flora suggests summer temperatures 2° -3° lower than the present. The marine and fluvial sediments from the second ice-free period, the Mønselv interstade, are devoid of organic remains.  相似文献   
Deposits of Late Pleistocene age were investigated near the Fynselv river on the southwestern coast of Jameson Land. East Greenland. The deposits are of fluvial, deltaic shallow marine and glacigenic origin. Four stratigraphic units are recorded. Unit I consists of deltaic and shallow marine deposits reflecting a relative sea level of at least 20 m above the present. Elevated fluvial deposits represent the subaerial part of the depositional system. The system existed during full interglacial and subarctic conditions as indicated by remains or flora and Fauna and unit I is correlated with the Langelandselv interglaciation (isotopic substage 5e). Unit II consists of a till deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the beginning of the Early Weichselian referred to as the Aucellaelv stade. The glacier probably melted in a marine environment. Unit III represents a marine delta system during the Hugin Sø interstade. and reveals a relative sea level of at least 62 m above the present. Unit IV consists of till and kame deposits assumed to be deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the Flakkerhuk stade. probably a Late Weichselian glacier advance.  相似文献   
Based on field investigations in northern Russia and interpretation of offshore seismic data, we have made a preliminary reconstruction of the maximum ice-sheet extent in the Barents and Kara Sea region during the Early/Middle Weichselian and the Late Weichselian. Our investigations indicate that the Barents and Kara ice sheets attained their maximum Weichselian positions in northern Russia prior to 50 000 yr BP, whereas the northeastern flank of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet advanced to a maximum position shortly after 17 000 calendar years ago. During the Late Weichselian (25 000-10 000 yr BP), much of the Russian Arctic remained ice-free. According to our reconstruction, the extent of the ice sheets in the Barents and Kara Sea region during the Late Weichselian glacial maximum was less than half that of the maximum model which, up to now, has been widely used as a boundary condition for testing and refining General Circulation Models (GCMs). Preliminary numerical-modelling experiments predict Late Weichselian ice sheets which are larger than the ice extent implied for the Kara Sea region from dated geological evidence, suggesting very low precipitation.  相似文献   
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