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Introduction An MS=6.0 earthquake occurred on February 23, 2001 in Yajiang county, Sichuan Province. The earthquake is located on the east of the southeast segment of the Litang-Dewu fault with strike of NW. Before the event, on February 14, an MS=5.0 earthquake took place nearly in the same place. In 1948 an MS=7.3 earthquake occurred on the northwestern segment of the Litang fault. The length of the surface rupture belt caused by the earthquake is 70 km, which extended from Litang to…  相似文献   
ZWICK-100高频试验机在岩石力学性能研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从岩石强度理论及振动理论的基本原理出发,通过实验的方法,对岩石在静动态荷载下的力学性能进行了试 验分析,通过实验初步掌握了Zwick--100HFP5100高频振动实验机在岩土工程某些领域的应用。  相似文献   
程万正 《内陆地震》2004,18(1):20-28
分析了雅江地块的构造环境、地震活动和震兆异常,探讨2001年雅江6.0级地震、2002年新龙5.3级地震发生后雅江地块的强震趋势。重点对理塘-德巫断裂带,新龙、白玉、德格及贡觉一带地区的异常地震活动图像进行分析,认为该区存在强震填空的潜在危险性。  相似文献   
青藏高原的水塔功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青藏高原是维持我国乃至东亚地区生态系统的重要水塔。高原平均海拔在4000m以上,与周边地区形成了巨大的地势差。高原东南部不仅具有丰富的降水,而且在3500m以上以冰川雪被形态储存了巨大的水资源,因此,高原具有重要的水塔功能。基于高原潜在输出总水量和不同海拔区域水体所具有的势能两个方面,建立了高原水塔功能的模型,从而利用GIS方法,通过对我国1∶400万系列图和相关资料的统计分析,计算出高原不同高度带贮存的大气降水、冰川储水量、湖泊水量以及工农业用水量。计算结果表明,青藏高原冰川湖泊的淡水储量达39921×108m3,其中冰川储水量为39228×108m3,可利用湖泊储水量为693×108m3,平均每年由降水获得的水资源量为8495×108m3,高原工农业用水量为129×108m3。因此,高原的输出水量即出境河川径流量为6870×108m3。高原储水主要分布在海拔3000~5000m间,与高原周围相比,平均势差在2000~4000m间,最大的势差达5500m。水体具有巨大的势能,在势能的作用下,自然向周边区域输送汇集,维持着周边地区的生态过程和社会经济活动,因此,青藏高原的水塔功能对于周边地区的生态系统和社会经济系统是极其重要的。  相似文献   
1会议概况 2008年7月610日,第6届国际天然气水合物大会在加拿大温哥华举行。参会人员共计526人,其中亚洲参会人员占38%,欧洲参会人员占25%,美洲参会人员占37%。本次大会共提交论文417篇,主题发言2篇,分别由加拿大地调局DallimoreS和美国地调局ColleztT所作,题目分别是“2007年Mallik天然气水合物开发情况介绍”和“印度天然气水合物国家计划成果介绍”。  相似文献   
Based on detailed and systematic researches of the geology of ore deposits, fluid inclusions and isotope geochemistry etc., and regarding the Late Paleozoic fluid system of the Yuebei Basin as an integrated object in this paper, we have revealed the temporo-spatial evolution law of the basin's fluid system and discussed its ore-forming effects by simulating and analyzing the distribution of ore-forming elements, the fluid thermodynamics and dynamics of evolution processes of this basin. The results show that Late Paleozoic ore-forming fluid systems of the Yuebei Basin include four basic types as follows. (1) The sea floor volcanic-exhalation system developed during the rapid basin slip-extension stage in the Mid-Late Devonian, which affected the Dabaoshan region. It thus formed the Dabaoshan-type Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe sea floor volcanic-exhalation sedimentary deposits. (2) The compaction fluid system developed during the stable spreading and thermal subsidence-compression stage of the basin in the Mid-Late Devonian. The range of its effects extended all over the whole basin. It resulted in filling-metasomatic deposits, such as the Hongyan-type pyrite deposits and pyrite sheet within the Fankou-type Cu-Pb-Zn-S deposits. (3) The hot water circulation system of sea floor developed during the stage of basin uplifting and micro-aulacogen from the late Late Carboniferous to Middle Carboniferous. The range of its effects covered the Fankou region. It thus formed MVT deposits, such as the main orebody of the Fankou-type Pb-Zn-S deposits. (4) The gravity fluid system developed during the stage of fold uplifting and the basin closed from Middle Triassic to Jurassic, forming groundwater hydrothermal deposits, e.g. the veinlet Pb-Zn-calcite orebodies of the Fankou-type Pb-Zn- S deposits. Migration and concentration of the ore-forming fluids were constrained by the state of temporo-spatial distribution of its fluid potential. Growth faults not only converged the fluids and drove them to move upwards, but also the fluids often crossed the faults to the edges of the basin at the bottom of these faults and the lithologic interfaces, and even migrated to the basin's edges from top to bottom along the faults, which may be one of the basic reasons for the stratabound deposits to cluster mainly along the contemporaneous faults on the inner border of the basin. The superposed mineralization resulting from the multi-stage activity of contemporaneous faults and ore-forming fluid systems in the basin may be one of the key factors for forming superlarge ore deposits.  相似文献   
滇东南薄竹山花岗岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年及地质意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对滇东南薄竹山花岗复式岩体3个代表性花岗岩样品的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素年龄测试,获得了该岩体的形成时代。其中,雷达站单元样品的206Pb-238U加权平均年龄为(86.51±0.52) Ma(MSWD值为2.4);所作底单元样品的206Pb-238U 加权平均年龄为(87.54±0.65)  Ma(MSWD值为1.6);洋芋树单元样品的206Pb-238U 加权平均年龄为(87.83±0.39)  Ma (MSWD值为0.15)。这些分布比较集中的年龄数据为薄竹山花岗岩体提供了一个准确的形成时限。这些年龄数据表明,薄竹山花岗岩体同区域内的其它岩浆岩和与之相关的个旧、大厂、都龙超大型锡多金属矿床等都是晚白垩世的产物,均为华南西部地区岩浆-成矿带的重要组成部分,也是华南西部晚白垩世大规模成岩成矿作用在滇东南地区的又一具体表现。  相似文献   
运用多学科、多手段相结合的方法,从区域构造稳定性、构造岩研究、构造裂隙统计分析、红外相位法位移监测,高密度电阻率法、钻探验证、年代学研究、新构造运动分析、遥感图像解译、地震安全性评价、数值模拟、工程地质条件分析等方面入手,对信阳市燃气混气站的断裂活动性和场地稳定性进行了全面而系统的论证;指出场区断裂规模小,第四纪无大规模差异升降运动,无活动断裂通过,邻区地震活动小且弱,区域构造稳定性高,应力平缓,工程地质条件良好,是一个稳定的“岛区”,井指出系统而全面的综合研究方法是研究工程稳定性项目行之有效的手段。  相似文献   
贵州碳酸盐岩岩性基底对土地石漠化时空演变的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解碳酸盐岩岩性基底对土地石漠化时空演变的作用, 利用RS、GIS和GPS技术构建了贵州20世纪80年代、90年代和21世纪初3期1∶10万的土地石漠化历史空间分布图, 结合碳酸盐岩岩石组合类型分布数据, 利用数学建模的方法进行空间分析.结果发现: (1)石漠化的演变方式与碳酸盐岩的类型有关, 而与其纯度关系不大; (2)石漠化演变规模、演变速率和演变频率与碳酸盐岩岩性纯度呈正相关; (3)在石灰岩组合类型区, 无石漠化土地易演变到中度石漠化土地; 而在白云岩组合类型区, 无石漠化土地易演变到轻度石漠化土地; (4)无论碳酸盐岩纯度和组成如何, 在石漠化演变的长期过程中, 强度以上石漠化波动较小, 轻度、中度石漠化波动较大.因此, 碳酸盐岩岩性基底对土地石漠化的时空演变过程有明显的控制作用.   相似文献   
为探究湖北清江和尚洞岩壁放线菌物种组成及其与碳酸盐岩相互作用的关系,分别采集该洞穴无光区风化岩壁样品2份(W1和W2)和弱光区风化岩壁样品1份(W3),采用经改良的5种已知放线菌分离培养基及1种自主设计的风化岩壁浸汁培养基两种策略优化设计分离培养基。采用稀释涂布法分离放线菌,并选择放线菌特异引物进行16S rRNA基因扩增和序列测定并构建系统发育树。结果表明,从3份风化岩壁样品中共纯化到放线菌72株,分属于放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)的4个属:链霉菌属(Streptomyces,69株)、红球菌属(Rhodococcus,1株)、冢村氏菌属(Tsukamurella,1株)和微杆菌属(Microbacterium,1株),其中链霉菌属为优势菌属。无光区样品W1和W2分离到菌株较少,分别为9株和10株,而弱光区样品W3分离到菌株较多,为53株。研究结果为进一步研究放线菌与洞穴碳酸盐矿物相互作用的潜在关系奠定了基础。   相似文献   
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