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申元村  程维明 《地理研究》2019,38(2):348-356
地球表层是人类生存的家园,地表形态直接或间接影响人类生活、生产和社会经济活动。地貌学和生态学是与人类关系密切的学科。自然实体与人文实体都依附于地表,研究生态与地貌关系的科学便统称为生态地貌学,直接影响人类生存选址、生存保障、生产方向、产业布局、交通、城乡建设等,因此,生态地貌学是保障人类生存与社会经济可持续协调发展的基础性与应用性极强的学科,是国家实现生态文明战略的基础性学科。生态地貌学研究生态与地貌两者相互作用形成的生态地貌综合实体,学科体系包含地貌基础学科、生态基础学科及其相互作用形成的生态地貌学科。生态地貌学科下又包含生态地貌区划学、生态地貌类型学、生态地貌资源学、生态地貌岩态学、生态地貌遥感与GIS技术、生态地貌管理与规划等分支学科,是目前仍然属于探索性的学科。生态地貌结构可表达为:由地貌与生物成分、类型、区域组合、数量构成及其空间排列组合方式。从生态地貌结构理论出发,对其功能进行系统梳理,主要可以归纳为区域结构、类型结构、资源结构、岩态结构等多种类型。不同结构类型具有不同的功能,主要功能有提升中国自然地理区划质量与空间定位功能、生态评估与生态设计功能、土地利用评估与利用结构调整功能、地质地貌灾害成因和防灾减灾对策功能等。故该研究意在实现生态地貌功能间协调、高效可持续,通过对各功能进行整合,形成功能体系,并从调控管理上提出了提升功能能力的设计路径。  相似文献   
针对目前贫困分布研究以大尺度为主而缺乏对小尺度的关注和致贫因素分析忽略个体效应或背景效应的不足,基于空间贫困视角,以乌蒙山片区为研究区域、贫困村为研究对象,运用空间点模式分析方法探究贫困村空间分布特征,并设计多层线性回归模型从贫困村和县域两个层面综合定量剖析贫困影响因素。研究发现:① 贫困村的空间聚集特征较为明显,总体分布呈现大分散小集中、散点-极核-轴带-团块并存的空间格局。② 贫困村的贫困程度受多层因素的显著影响。其中,村级影响因素为:人口密度、通路率、劳动力比例、遭受自然灾害频次、安全饮用水比例;县级影响因素为:人均地方生产总值、高中阶段毛入学率、植被覆盖率。③ 农村贫困来源于贫困村与县域的双重作用。因此在精准扶贫工作中,政府及相关部门可针对不同尺度对象有针对性地施策,合理配置扶贫资金。  相似文献   
居民幸福感研究日益受到重视,以往研究多是从自然环境、社会人文环境和城市化进程等方面探讨大尺度空间环境因素对城市居民幸福感的影响。结合乡村旅游的角度探讨城市居民幸福感的影响研究,目前还较少。运用SEM分析方法,探究处于多维压力之下的城市居民旅游者如何通过前往乡村进行旅游休闲活动提升幸福感,进行模型构建与分析,结果显示:① 压力源对调适策略有显著正向影响,对休闲参与不显著,但不同群体影响差异显著,压力调适对休闲参与有显著正向影响;② 休闲参与对心流体验和幸福感具有显著正向关系,且心流体验对幸福感具有显著正向影响;③ 心流体验对休闲效益具有正向显著影响,且休闲效益对幸福感具有正向显著影响;④ 心流体验在休闲参与对幸福感、休闲效益在心流体验对幸福感均具有显著中介效应;⑤ 旅游者不同背景变项在压力调适、休闲参与及幸福感等分别呈现不同程度的显著差异。  相似文献   
Clibanarius , a genus of hermit crabs, is one of the most diverse genera within Diogenidae. However, studies on the phylogeny within Clibanarius is very limited. We reconstruct the molecular phylogeny of the genus Clibanarius based on two mitochondrial (16S rRNA and COI) and two nuclear protein-coding (NaK and PEPCK) genes using a multigene phylogenetic approach. Eleven selected Clibanarius species from the Indo-West Pacifi c are analyzed and the Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses produced identical results in topology. Results suggest that C . rutilus and C . infraspinatus are more closely related to each other than to C . snelliusi , and C . striolatus shows a close relationship to C . longitarsus . The close association of C . merguiensis with C . englaucus and C . humilis is strongly supported by the divergence of C . virescens from them. Our phylogenetic results contradict the morphological classifi cation scheme proposed for Clibanarius and indicate that the relative length of dactyls and propodi is not phylogenetically signifi cant in Clibanarius . In addition, we speculate that the morphological characteristic of the median cleft of the telson might be phylogenetically important for Clibanarius .  相似文献   
Reservoir impoundment changes original fluvial habitats into lentic environments. Fish species adapted to lentic habitats may take the advantage of such habitat changes and show typical life history traits might facilitate the population increase. Siniperca kneri rarely occurred in fishery landing in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) area before its impoundment in 2003, but it is now a dominant species. In this study, a total of 438 females of S . kneri were collected monthly during September 2012 through January 2014 using gill nets in the TGR. The age, growth, and reproductive biology were then investigated, and compared with other S . kneri populations. The standard length at age 1 was 149.9 mm in the TGR, which is larger than the three compared populations (i.e., Sandaohe Reservoir, Xinfengjiang Reservoir, and North River), but smaller than one (the Guishi Reservoir). The youngest mature female in the TGR was age 1, which is younger than that of the two compared populations (i.e., Xinfengjiang Reservoir and the North River). The relative fecundity in the TGR was 140 eggs/g, which is higher than that of the only available compared population (Xinfengjiang Reservoir, 96 eggs/g). Our results demonstrated that S . kneri in the TGR tended to have faster growth in the first year, a younger age at first maturation, and higher reproductive eff ort. We suggest that such opportunistic-tended life history traits might facilitate rapid increase of the population.  相似文献   
针对传统三维碎片拼接匹配过程中依赖单一特征及存在误差累积的问题,提出了一种运用鱼群算法的全局最优匹配方法。该方法先对碎片点云数据进行多特征提取,结合纹理、专家经验信息对混合在一起的多种类型碎片进行粗糙集分类,之后采用鱼群算法的最优解求得最佳匹配方案。实例验证所提全局匹配方法具有能力强、与初始位置无关及较强的稳健性等特点,为三维碎片的全局匹配提供了一种有效的解决方案。  相似文献   
北极地区地缘关系研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文检索了科学引文索引(Web of Science)和中国知网(CNKI)中北极地区地缘关系的相关文献,借助CiteSpace文献分析软件的关键词共现分析功能,系统综述了2000年以来国内外关于北极地区地缘关系的研究重点。从研究内容上看,国外研究主要关注主权政治、航道利用、资源管理和原住民权益等主体性议题,而国内则着重关注地缘政治、航道交通、资源经济和地区治理等参与性议题。就研究方法上看,国内外研究中定性与定量方法兼具,但仍以定性方法和描述性方法为主。随着北极地区的发展,研究方法和研究视角有待丰富,研究领域和研究深度亟需进一步拓展和加强。北极地区具有重要的战略意义,未来应结合现代技术,借鉴国际上的地区发展理论,开展北极地区的可持续发展研究和中国参与研究,并构建新时代北极地区地缘环境理论。  相似文献   
利用DEM提取坡度具有明显的尺度依赖性,探求DEM在不同尺度下表现出的规律关系,建立多尺度变换模型,以实现不同尺度间的转换是地形分析研究的热点和难点。本文阐释了DEM表面与地表粗糙度分形维数值的地学意义及内在关系,并利用分形对象的自相似性原理,建立了一种基于DEM分形特征的坡度尺度变换模型。选取四川丘陵地区某小流域为研究区,进行坡度尺度变换实验和误差分析,结果表明该模型能有效实现坡度尺度变换:在非平坦地区(坡度>1°)一般重采样方法变换得到的坡度误差为该方法的1.86倍;从信息熵理论分析,经该方法转换后的坡度信息得到了显著恢复。对于无1︰1万及以上精度地形数据的西南山区,利用该方法获取高精度坡度数据具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
Hyporheic zone(HZ) influences hydraulic and biogeochemical processes in and alongside streams, therefore, investigating the controlling geographic factors is beneficial for understanding the hydrological processes in HZ. Slack water pool (SWP) is an essential micro-topographic structure that has an impact on surface water and groundwater interactions in the HZ during and after high flows. However, only a few studies investigate HZ surface water and groundwater exchange in the SWP. This study used the thermal method to estimate the HZ water exchange in the SWP in a segment of the Weihe River in China during the winter season. The findings show that on the flow-direction parallel to the stream, river recharge dominates the HZ water exchange, while on the opposing flow-direction bank groundwater discharge dominates the water exchange. The water exchange in the opposing flow-direction bank is about 1.6 times of that in the flow-direction bank. The HZ water exchange is not only controlled by flow velocity but also the location and shape of the SWP. Great water exchange amount corresponds to the shape with more deformation. The maximum water exchange within the SWP is close to the river bank where the edge is relatively high. This study provides some guidelines for water resources management during flooding events.  相似文献   
Can deserts be transformed into resources, into assets, and further into cash? It is necessary to scientifically assess desert ecological assets and incorporate them into the national economic accounting system and the current evaluation system for socio-economic development. This study will provide a scientific basis and robust data for establishing a target system that is compatible with both ecological civilization and an associated reward and punishment mechanism, as well as for designing and implementing effective compensation policies for desert ecosystems. This paper first defines desert ecological assets, and then develops a framework for assessing them based on the evaluation of desert ecological resources and desert ecosystem services. This framework paves the foundation for quantitatively assessing desert ecological assets and preparing balance sheets of desert ecological assets. Finally, this paper analyzes current policies relating to desert ecological compensation, discusses how to design compensation policies based on assessment of desert ecological assets, and puts forward suggestions for improving current policies.  相似文献   
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