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结合在实际工作中的体会,提出和讨论了“地球深部包体与成矿关系”这一有意义的研究方向及其先导性科学问题。地球深部包体中镍、金、钼、钨等成矿元素的含量是不均一的,镍和金在地幔岩包体中含量最高,钼在玄武岩及镁铁质麻粒岩包体中最高,而钨在长英质麻粒岩和花岗岩类包体中含量最高。这些反映岩石圈和软流圈以及岩石圈的不同层次中镍、金、钼、钨等成矿元素的含量不均一,分别提供了地壳中镍、金、钼、钨矿床的初始物质来源。这一认识可能给镍、金、钼、钨等金属矿床和矿床集中区的战略预测提供一些新思路。  相似文献   
以位于秦岭—大别造山带之北、华北陆块南部、地跨华北陆块稳定块体、陆块南部边缘变形带的南华北盆地为研究对象,通过对研究区42条不同时代的野外剖面详细观测,运用层序地层学理论,把南华北盆地作为一个整体系统,对青白口系—侏罗系层序界面特征及时空分布规律进行了系统分析,共识别出了8种类型层序界面的物质表现形式,分别是不整合面、渣状层、古喀斯特作用面、冲刷侵蚀面、超覆面、岩性岩相转换面、最大海泛面、最大湖泛面。并重点讨论了各类型界面的时空分布特征。结果表明:在时间演化上,从早到晚由海相—海陆过渡相—陆相,层序界面经历了海相沉积不整合、古喀斯特作用面、渣状层到陆相不整合面、冲刷侵蚀面等;在空间上,同一层序界面在不同相带表现形式不同,同一种类型的界面可在不同相带出现,但不同相带表现特征有一定差异性。  相似文献   
为了提高采收率,降低开发风险,以滩海地区某油田为研究对象,结合地质、测井、地震等资料,对该油藏进行实时跟踪地质特征综合研究。应用地质建模、随钻测井、地质导向等技术,建立了精细的三维地质导向模型,并根据随钻测井数据和综合地质信息,实时验证构造和储集层信息,对导向模型不断校正,使模型与实钻结果一致,还以该模型为基础,优化水平井钻井的前进轨迹。结果表明,此种方法的应用降低了海上油田开发风险,能取得良好的开发效果。  相似文献   
吉林省集安沿江一带多金属成矿地质背景及找矿方向   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
集安沿江构造.岩浆岩带沿鸭绿江断裂带展布,主体由鸭绿江深断裂和与之平行的一系列次一级的北东向断裂构造构成,在带内还发育有北西向、近南北向断裂,目前带内已发现金、铅锌矿床(点)及多金属矿床(点)多处,展示出良好的找矿前景。  相似文献   
川西低孔低渗储层参数评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
程洪亮  胡华伟 《世界地质》2010,29(3):459-465
川西Y地区低孔低渗储层具有物性差、岩性多变、储集空间类型多样和孔隙结构复杂等特征,传统的储层参数测井评价方法在多方面受到限制,储层参数测井评价已经成为制约储层测井评价的主要因素。通过储层基本特征分析,基于储层物性、孔隙结构特征及概率理论,形成了一套系统的储层参数评价方法。实际应用表明,该套方法不仅大大提高了低孔低渗储层参数评价可靠性,而且扩大了模型的应用范围。  相似文献   
2010年7月27日凌晨4时许,四川省汉源县万工乡二蛮山发生大规模滑坡,约48×104m3的强风化玄武岩体,在前期降雨的影响下高位高速滑出,随即解体转化为碎屑流,沿沟谷高速运动,沿途不断携卷和铲刮堆积于沟床及两侧斜坡的表层松散物质,使滑体的体积和含水量不断增大。当运动到沟谷中段时,因沟道在此向右偏转,在强大的惯性力作用下,部分碎屑流体冲向左岸斜坡,将居住于此的双合村一组5户村民房屋掩埋,造成20人失踪;另一部分碎屑流体继续沿沟谷高速运动近1.4km才最终停止。约30m in后,堆积于沟谷中段深切沟道内的滑坡堆积物,在重力作用下再次启动,形成二次滑坡。二次滑坡缓慢蠕滑流动数小时,最终到达万工新集镇,将部分房屋推倒掩埋,造成92户房屋受损、1500人被迫紧急转移。本文在对灾害现场进行详细地质调查的基础上,结合现场测绘、颗分试验、航拍等手段,对二蛮山滑坡体的基本特征进行了较深入的调查研究,对滑坡发生及成灾原因进行了初步分析。结果表明,滑源区相对突出的地形条件、风化破碎的玄武岩体和有利的结构面组合是滑坡发生的基本条件;前期降雨期间爆发的泥石流对滑源区坡脚的掏蚀、强降雨的饱水加载作用以及雨水沿陡倾张裂结构面的下渗软化作用,是诱发滑坡发生的直接原因。二蛮山沟谷原为一高频泥石流沟,滑坡发生前并无明显的滑坡迹象,滑坡的发生表现出极强的隐蔽性和突发性以及高位高速远程运动和危害巨大的特点,同时,主滑坡发生后在短时间内滑坡区再次启动发生二次滑坡,这些现象和特点具有特殊性,也具有典型性,值得深入研究。  相似文献   
通过对冀北滦平盆地下白垩统西瓜园组沉积地层的实地考察,发现盆地内发育丰富的重力驱动作用沉积物。文中描述西瓜园组发育的滑动和滑塌现象,指出露头剖面中存在的挤压变形现象并非构造成因,而是由于滑动块体和滑塌块体前端的挤压应力环境造成的。在介绍西瓜园组重力流沉积发育环境的基础上,对露头中存在的若干重力流沉积进行了描述,并使用砂质碎屑流这一概念对这些现象进行了较为合理的成因解释。通过对滑动和滑塌(重力块体运动)和砂质碎屑流—浊流(重力流)沉积物研究,结合前人对该地区冲积扇—扇三角洲的研究成果,认为重力驱动作用是滦平盆地下白垩统西瓜园组沉积时期主要的搬运机制。  相似文献   
影响国际矿产资源开发的主要因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程春 《地质与勘探》2010,46(1):128-131
影响中国企业开发国际矿产资源的主要因素包括项目所在国资源/储量标准、法律法规、许可获得、地方关系等。国际矿产资源开发项目所在国的社会制度和文化等与中国有很大的差异,决定了这些因素也与中国有很大的不同之处,研究和熟悉这些因素,有利于中国企业成功开发海外矿产资源。本文通过对这些因素的分析,提出国际资源开发中需要注意的一些事项和建议。  相似文献   
Geochemical profiles of sediment cores from two oligotrophic lakes (Elk and Mullett) in northern Lower Michigan were studied to examine the response and recovery of watersheds to large-scale logging that occurred between 1850 and 1920. Specific questions addressed were: can the impact of extensive clear-cutting of forests be recognized in the sediment-chemical chronologies, can states of system stability be identified prior to the logging, and are there indications that the systems are recovering and possibly returning to a stable state? To answer these questions, elements were put into four groups as proxies for watershed runoff or export (e.g., Al, Mg), pollution (e.g., Pb, Cu), redox (e.g., Fe, As), and productivity (e.g., Ca, P). It was observed that vertical patterns of all proxies were influenced by logging and the early increases in concentration of pollution proxies were due to increased watershed export, not pollution. System stability might be recognized by relatively symmetrical vertical patterns among all of the proxies or secular changes of slowly increasing or decreasing vertical concentration trajectories. Some pre-logging trajectories were punctuated by episodes of slightly elevated concentrations that appear to be related to comparatively warmer periods during the Little Ice Age. Iron and Mn enrichments caused by increased watershed runoff might be misinterpreted as paleo-redox horizons. Results are interpreted to indicate that (1) reference conditions may be better defined as the temporal trends among proxy groups and not individual concentrations, (2) simply assuming pre-1800 conditions as a reference may not be appropriate, (3) inter-proxy group comparisons are needed to help for interpretations of intra-proxy group patterns, (4) the possible regime shift identified here might be expected for other ecosystems because of the intensity of human disturbances and secular changes, and (5) without consideration of a possible regime shift, recovery from logging is estimated to be on the order of 75–130 a, but shorter if regime shifts are considered.  相似文献   
Trace metal cycling in natural waters is highly influenced by the amount and type of dissolved organic C (DOC). Although determining individual species of DOC is unrealistic, there has been success in classifying DOC by determining operationally defined fractions. However, current fractionation schemes do not allow for the simultaneous quantification of associated trace metals. Using operational classifications, a scheme was developed to fractionate DOC based on a set of seven solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges. The cartridges isolated fractions based on a range of specific mechanisms thought to be responsible for DOC aggregation in solution, as well as molecular weight. The method was evaluated to determine if it can identify differences in DOC characteristics, including differences in Cu–DOC complexation. Results are that: (1) cartridge blanks were low for both DOC and Cu, (2) differences are observed in the distribution of DOC amongst the fractions from various sources that are consistent with what is known about the DOC materials and the mechanisms operative for each cartridge, (3) when present as a free cation, Cu was not retained by non-cationic cartridges allowing the method to be used to assess Cu binding, (4) the capability of the method to provide quantitative assessment of Cu–DOC complexation was demonstrated for a variety of DOC standards, (5) Cu was found to preferentially bind with high molecular weight fractions of DOC, and (6) estimated partitioning coefficients and conditional binding constants for Cu were similar to those reported elsewhere. The method developed describes DOC characteristics based on specific bonding mechanisms (hydrogen, donor–acceptor, London dispersion, and ionic bonding) while simultaneously quantifying Cu–DOC complexation. The method provides researchers a means of describing not only the extent of DOC complexation but also how that complex will be behave in natural waters.  相似文献   
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