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多道瞬态瑞雷波法在探测煤矿采空区中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采空区探测是工程建筑和煤矿生产中亟待解决的问题。常规物探方法在对落后的“房—柱”式开采技术造成的面积较小、埋深较浅的采空区进行探测时存在漏报或误报的情况。根据采空区的地球物理特征,探讨多道瞬态瑞雷波技术的探测机理,并通过勘探实例阐述了该方法在浅层煤矿采空区探测中的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   
主要从3个方面介绍了2000年6月日本东京举行的第六届西太平洋地球物理会议的情况;(1)有关合成孔径雷达干涉测量(INSAR)技术的发展;(2)有关重力场测量技术的发展;(3)有关GPS测量技术的发展。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONIn recent years, the concePt of long-term sustained use of reservoirs has been addressed because areservoir is very much considered to be a nonrenewable resource (Morris and Fan, l998). Technically,many options for reservoir sedAnentation control can be utlized to pursue the sustainable develoPment ofwater resources. In general, reduction of incoming sedimen yields from watersheds is often emPloyedin conjunction with hydraulic methods such as flushing or density currnt vot…  相似文献   
祁连山北坡中部气候特征及垂直气候带的划分   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
通过对祁连山北坡中部气候特征,森林植被类型和土壤类型的定位预测研究,对祁连山北坡中部森林生态系统的主要气象要素垂直分布特征进行分析,应用气候指标和生物学原理,将祁连山林区按不同海拔高度划分为:1.山地荒漠草原气候带;2.山地草原气候带;3.山地森林草原气候带;4.亚高山灌丛草甸气候带;5.高山亚冰雪稀疏植被气候带;进而提出了合理开发祁连山山地气候资源,以促进当地经济发展。  相似文献   
太白山土壤特性及氧化铁发生学特征   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
随海拔的降低,秦岭北坡中山区森林土壤因温度、降水和植被类型的变化存在很大差异:高海拔地区发育的酸性湿润雏形土酸度较高,有机质含量十分丰富;与之相比,低海拔地区发育的简育湿润淋溶土有机质含量下降,但结构复杂,土壤具有粘化层。较高的有机质含量和特殊的有机质组成促进了纯针叶林土壤中硅酸盐矿物的溶解,释放出氧化铁并使之螯迁至土壤B层富集。环境因素决定了土壤酸度、有机质等特性,也影响土壤氧化铁的组成和分布。土壤粘粒含量与土体游离氧化铁含量显著相关,剖面铁的游离度与氧化铁全量无关,只与土壤发育程度有关。太白山北坡中山区土壤处于脱盐基富硅铝化的风化发育阶段  相似文献   
兰坪——思茅盆地石盐矿床盐矿物包裹体特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
石盐矿床在蒸发沉积过程中经受环境变化而被改造,兰坪-思茅盆地石盐矿床石盐矿物流体包裹体特征及测温数据证明,该区地壳在喜山期一直处于活动状态,在石盐的成矿、成矿期后都迭加了火山以及构造-热作用。  相似文献   
煤矸石的危害与防治   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
山东省煤炭资源丰富,开采历史悠久,在数10年的开采过程中,引发了诸多环境地质问题,煤矸石危害是其中之一.境内各煤矿矸石堆存量达6651万m3,占地37900hm2.侵占大量耕地、林地、居民地和工矿用地,破坏地质地貌景观.矸石堆单体过大,形成矸石山,已引发渣石流和坍塌事故.1980年以来,因此致死19人,伤多人.浸溶试验结果表明,矸石淋滤液中SO42-、F-、Mo、Se、总硬度、pH等成份或指标偏高,甚至超过<地面水环境质量标准>(GB3838-88)中的Ⅲ类水标准,局部已对水环境构成污染.煤矸石有害可溶物因地质条件、浸泡时间、堆放时间不同而变化,风化、侵蚀可导致有害可溶物的增加.莱芜煤田矸石堆附近土壤中的硫、氟、汞等成份比对照点偏高,但低于山东省土壤成份背景值.对莱芜煤田煤矸石抽样监测,其放射性低于国家<放射性防护规定>(GBJ8-74)的标准.矸石堆露天堆放过程中,粉尘及自燃产生的气体,污染大气环境.淄博矿区岭子煤矿矸石堆附近因此形成酸雨."以防为主,综合利用"是矸石危害防治的原则,煤矸石中含有煤粉、黄铁矿、高岭石等,检选这些有用矿产,具有可观的经济效益,同时可防止矸石自燃和淋滤液污染,文中对其反应过程做了分析.  相似文献   
在叠前深度偏移和非零炮检距声波方程正演计算过程中包含了大量的可并行计算的成分。作者在本文中提出叠前正演模拟与偏移的网络并行计算算法,并基于TCP/IP协议,将该算法设计成网络并行处理程序,极大地提高了计算效率。实际运算结果证明,本文提出的并行算法和技术路线是切实可行的。  相似文献   
Abstract: 3–D velocity images of the crust beneath the northern margin of the North China Plate have been constructed using P-wave travel time residuals of the latest earthquakes, with the data supplied by Chinese seismic networks.
The seismic image results indicate that there is a lateral heterogeneity in the crust beneath the northern part of the North China block. The velocity images of the upper crust show features closely related to the tectonic features on the surface. It can be seen from these velocity images of the vertical sections, and from the horizontal slice images at depths of 11 and 16 km that there exist East-West and North-East structures. The images indicate that the juncture zone of basin–and–range terrain is between the blue-colored high–velocity block corresponding to the Yanshan mountain range that developed during the Yanshan period in northwest Beijing and the green low-velocity area corresponding to the North China basin in southeast Beijing (Fig. 5). The juncture zone between high-velocity and low–velocity, and EW and NE fault zones have significant ore-control effects. From the chart of epicenters in the northern region of North China, we find that the epicenters of earthquakes are almost entirely distributed within the NE strip. Almost all major earthquakes took place in the transition strip between the high and low-velocity zones in the crust. The distribution of epicenters also reflects the strikes of known NE–faults. From the image sections along the latitude, we find that in the area between 114.0 E –118.0 E , there is a blue high-velocity block standing upright from the Moho to the upper crust (Fig. 6), from which can be deduced that some materials such as magma moved upward from the upper mantle during the history of its geological development.  相似文献   
StudyofCurieisothermalsurfaceinSichuanBasinandtheseismicareaonitswesternmar┐ginXIANZHANG(张先),XI-FENGHU(虎喜凤),JING-XIUSHEN(沈京秀...  相似文献   
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