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成果的有效应用服务是城市地质调查工作的核心驱动力,城市地质数据集作为城市地质调查工作的核心成果,是决定城市地质调查研究成果应用服务有效性的关键。中国地质调查局部署开展丹阳小城镇地质环境综合调查试点,本次共完成遥感解译1 047 km2(3期数据),调查点767个,钻探115个,累计钻探进尺8 720 m(其中第四系孔915 m,水文孔2 366 m,工程孔5 439 m),采集第四纪地质样品2 904组,地下水样品240组,原状土样1 108组,土壤样2 482组,地下水位统测点70个,抽水试验18组等。查清了丹阳市水文地质、工程地质、地质灾害等分布规律,并围绕丹阳市规划建设对地质工作的实际需求,对各类调查原始数据进行了专项加工,建立了数据集,为丹阳市规划建设提供了良好的支撑服务。文章对数据来源、数据收集方法、处理技术等方面进行了整理和归纳,形成了小城镇地质调查应用服务地质数据集的构建方法,为今后小城镇地质调查和数据集处理及应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Karst rocky desertification is a process of land degradation involving serious soil erosion, extensive exposure of basement rocks. It leads to drastic decrease in soil productivity and formation of a desert-like landscape. In this regard, changes in climatic conditions are the main origin of the soils degradation. Indeed, soils subjected to successive dry/wet cycling processes caused by climate change develop swelling and shrinkage deformations which can modify their water retention properties, thus inducing the degradation of soil–water capacity. The ecological characteristics of cultivation soils in karst areas, Southwest of China, are extremely easy to be affected by external environmental factors due to its shallow bedding and low vegetation coverage. Based on the analysis of the climate (precipitation) of this region during the past decades, an experimental study has been conducted on a cultivated soil obtained from the typical karst area in southwestern China. Firstly, the soil–water properties have been investigated. The measured soil–water retention curve shows that the air-entry value of the soil is between 50 and 60 kPa, while the residual saturation is about 12%. Based on the experimental results, three identifiable stages of de-saturation have been defined. Secondly, a special apparatus was developed to investigate the volume change behavior of the soil with controlled suction cycles. The vapor equilibrium technique was used for the suction control. The obtained results show that under the effect of dry/wet cycles, (1) the void ratio of the cultivated soil is continuously decreasing, leading to a gradual soil compaction. (2) The permeability decreases, giving rise to a deterioration of water transfer ability as well as a deterioration of soil–water retention capacity. It is then obvious that the long-term dry/wet cycling process caused by the climate change induce a continuously compaction and degradation of the cultivated soil in karst rocky desertification areas.  相似文献   
什统萤石矿床位于海南省白沙拗陷带与五指山隆起的接触部位,是以断裂控矿为主的大型萤石矿床,其容矿构造为NE向张扭性断裂,成矿围岩为二长花岗岩和结晶灰岩.笔者以现场地质事实为依据,细致地研究该区的矿床地质特征,为今后的萤石矿床地质探矿提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
笔者自行培育的美国红鱼苗体长25~30mm.1996年6月上、中旬到当年12月中旬.其个体的平均重量分别达到了750g和800g,生长速度优于我国其他养殖鱼种。  相似文献   
SubunitcompositionandchromophorecontentofR-phycocyaninandallophycocyaninfromPorphyrahaitanensis¥GaoHongfeng;CaoWendaandJiMing...  相似文献   
EH-4系统观测资料的非远区场校正研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
EH-4系统实测的卡尼亚视电阻率在非远区场时应作必要的校正。基于导出的EH-4系统的卡尼亚电阻率ρxy和ρyx的表达式,采用多项式分段逼近的方法,建立EH-4系统测深数据的全频域的视电阻率算法。根据建立的算法对均匀大地、二层大地和三层大地模型的EH-4系统测深数据进行非远区场校正的结果表明:均匀大地时,全频域的视电阻率与真电阻率吻合很好,D型、K型和Q型断面的视电阻率曲线与MT法的接近,G型、H型和A型的视电阻率曲线得到很大改善。  相似文献   
松辽盆地是上叠于海西褶皱带基底之上的中新生代陆相沉积盆地。舍伯吐地区位于松辽盆地西南部,区内上第三系松散堆积层赋存有3层稳定的砂体。砂体中均发育有不同规模的区域性层间氧化带。经钻探揭露,榆树屯地段Ⅱ层砂体的层间氧化-还原过渡带比较典型,并有铀和钼的次生富集,这一发现为松辽盆地找矿工作的突破展现了良好的前景。  相似文献   
The Xiashu Loess, in comparison to the well-studied loess sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), provides a good opportunity for studying East Asian monsoon variations from a southern China perspective. Here we present a study of the iron oxide mineralogy of the Xiashu Loess using integrated geochemical and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) measurements as well as magnetic data. Our results show that the free iron oxide (Fed) to total iron (Fet) ratio (Fed/Fet), hematite (Hm) to goethite (Gt) ratio (Hm/Gt) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) to magnetic susceptibility (χ) ratio (SIRM/χ) all indicate particularly strong summer monsoons during the formation of paleosols PS5 and PS4 (equivalent to Marine Isotope Stage 13 and 11, respectively). However, magnetic susceptibility and Fed/Fet are not consistently reliable indicators of summer monsoon intensity for the whole section. Our results indicate that a multi-proxy approach can give a more reliable summer monsoon intensity reconstruction. The summer monsoon shows a cooling trend and a declining of precipitation from 0.5 to ~0.3 Ma, after which it becomes warmer and wetter towards the top of paleosol PS1 (equivalent to MIS 5). However, PS1 was formed under a relatively cooler temperature and wetter soil conditions in comparison to PS5 and PS4. Such supra-orbital variations in the East Asian summer monsoon superimposed on the effects of glacial–interglacial cycles in southern China are also reflected in the 0.4–0.5 Ma cycle of marine carbon isotopes in the global ocean, possibly indicating a strong link between terrestrial weathering and the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   
大庙斜长岩的40Ar/39Ar年龄测定呈现出一条典型的马鞍型年龄谱,在中温阶段有二个明显的坪年龄1656±15 Ma和1029±7 Ma,结合其构造位置和全球斜长岩分布来看,它们分别代表了侵位年龄和后期热扰动的时代。密云奥长环斑花岗岩中角闪石的40Ar/39Ar坪年龄为1716±21 Ma。两者时空上密切相关,代表了裂谷作用初期非造山环境中双模式岩浆作用产物。斜长岩类和苏长岩之间稀土配分模式的相似性表明,它们明显为同一成因的岩浆分异系列的产物。  相似文献   
通过对手术切除的37例胃癌患者的离体标本的自体荧光光谱检测,显示308nm,337nm激发光谱均呈双主峰结构,双主峰的比值均能区分胃癌与正常胃壁(P<0.001).分别用308nm,337nm激发荧光光谱单因素分析诊断胃癌的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值分别为88.8%,86.8%,86.4%和80.1%,72.1%,67.5%.对308nm及337nm激发荧光光谱双因素分析,癌诊断的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值分别为94.4%,92.1%,91.9%,其诊断正确符合率明显高于单因素分析的结果.研究表明,以308nm及337nm双波长激发检测胃壁浆膜,双因素判别算法可较好地区分胃癌,这种方法有望成为手术中快速识别胃癌在胃壁的浸润范围的有效方法.  相似文献   
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