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结合黔西地区煤层群赋存的地质特点和钻井难点,从工程实际和储层保护出发,分析了现有煤层气参数井、预探井井身结构的地质适应性,划分出4种地层(含煤体)结构条件;提出了不同条件下设计与施工优化的4类8种配套井身结构变化形式,并对其优缺点和适用范围进行了分析评价,以期为复杂地质条件下煤层气探井的井身结构设计提供新的思路。  相似文献   
Surveys were conducted in four seasons in the eastern Beibu Gulf from July 2006 to November 2007,to determine the ichthyoplankton composition,abundance,as well as environmental factors impacted on their spatiotemporal distributions.The fish eggs and larvae were sorted from 303 zooplankton quantitative samples,in which at least 1 order,60 families,31 genera and 61 species of fish eggs and larvae were identified.The species number was highest in summer whereas lowest in winter.With the most abundant fish egg (the average density was 2.41 ind./m 3),spring was the main spawning season,while the greatest mean density of fish larva was 1.35 ind./m 3 in summer.In the whole year around,fish eggs had the trends to aggregate in the nearshore of Guangxi coast,fish larvae were more abundant in the northern water.Relationships between fish eggs and larvae abundance and environmental factors were analyzed by using the Yield-Density model.The spatiotemporal distribution of ichthyoplankton in eastern Beibu Gulf was closely related to the Chl a concentration,and the optimal temperature,salinity and Chl a were 19.4-21.7 C,31.8-33.1 and 1.5-4.8 mg/m 3,respectively.Additionally,the distribution of fish larvae could be effected by ocean currents in summer and autumn.  相似文献   
湘西保靖县塘口湾水库岩溶渗漏分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
库区可能渗漏的岩溶形态,特别是岩溶负向形态的观测、钻孔和跨孔电磁波透视及CT层析成像揭示,库区的岩溶渗漏途径有所不同。根据控岩断裂的分布、岩溶发育强度和渗漏途径的变化特征,归纳为3种岩溶渗漏类型(方式): 断裂裂隙间溶裂系统(缝)渗漏,多发生在页岩与碳酸盐岩界面附近;小型溶隙(缝)孔洞渗漏,集中在500m 高程段上下;洞穴复合系统渗漏,主要在510m 高程上下。库区岩溶渗漏严重性由下而上增强。   相似文献   
大地电磁三维正演并行算法研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
大地电磁法三维正演算法计算量大,用传统的串行程序计算相当耗时。而三维正演是逐个频率按顺序计算的,并行性好,适合并行运算。结合MPI自身的优越性,在深入分析大地电磁三维正演串行程序实现流程的基础上,确定了并行计算的思路,实现了三维正演的并行计算。通过三个理论模型对实现的三维正演并行程序进行了试算,分析对比了在多种情况下程序的执行效率。测试结果表明,所实现的三维正演并行程序运行结果正确,效率提高明显。此思路可为解决其它地球物理超大计算量问题所借鉴。  相似文献   
对华北地区石炭-二叠系、下第三系、中上元古界沉积物和油样的低环萜烷参数用因子分析方法进行油源对比,表明石炭-二叠系部分样品与该区轻质油的关系密切。进一步分析这套地层的有机地球化学特征后,提出壳质组含量和成熟度是决定石炭-二叠系能否生成轻质油的主要因素,并提出该区煤系地层生成轻质油的成熟度下限是镜质组反射率R0为1.1%。  相似文献   
Input determination has a great influence on the performance of artificial neural network (ANN) rainfall–runoff models. To improve the performance of ANN models, a systematic approach to the input determination for ANN models is proposed. In the proposed approach, the irrelevant inputs are removed. Then an adequate ANN model, which only includes highly relevant inputs, is constructed. Unlike the trial‐and‐error procedure, the proposed approach is more systematic and avoids unnecessary trials. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an application to actual typhoon events is presented. The results show that the proposed ANN model, which is constructed by the proposed approach, has advantages over those obtained by the trial‐and‐error procedure. The proposed ANN model has a simpler architecture, needs less training time, and performs better. The proposed ANN model is recommended as an alternative to existing rainfall–runoff ANN models. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
试论生态旅游的生态化道路--以自然生态旅游区为例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
生态旅游已成为当今世界旅游发展的潮流。然而,在生态旅游开发过程中,存在着众多的。非生态化”现象,尤其是在自然生态旅游区。分析当前自然生态旅游区旅游开发和建设中的“非生态化”现象,主要包括盲目开发,自然景观破坏严重;游客严重超载,生态环境受破坏;人造景观和设施泛滥,景观污染和趋同现象严重;管理和文明建设落后,文化景观功能退化或受损等。运用景观生态学原理和生态安全理论等,从景观功能分区、旅游生态管理容量、景观结构生态设计、景观生态安全格局构建、生态教育等方面提出自然生态旅游区的生态化道路。  相似文献   
The most fundamental character of lunar soil is its high concentrations of solar-wind-implanted elements, and the concentrations and behavior of the noble gases He, Ne, Ar, and Xe, which provide unique and extensive information about a broad range of fundamental problems. In this paper, the authors studied the forming mechanism of lunar regolith, and proposed that most of the noble gases in lunar regolith come from the solar wind. Meteoroid bombardment controls the maturity of lunar soil, with the degree of maturation decreasing with grain size; the concentrations of the noble gases would be of slight variation with the depth of lunar soil but tend to decrease with grain size. In addition, the concentrations of noble gases in lunar soil also show a close relationship with its mineral and chemical compositions. The utilization prospects of the noble gas ^3He in lunar regolith will be further discussed.  相似文献   
本文通过微观、超微观变形特征的研究,论述了颍(上)凤(台)区推覆构造是在近南北向挤压应力作用下形成的以脆性变形为主的中浅层次的上叠式推覆构造,它发生于印支末期,强烈推覆期为燕山早期,而燕山晚期—喜山早期为推覆终止和改造期。利用位错密度、亚颗粒大小等进行古构造应力的计算,说明了颍凤区推覆构造是在高应力、高应变速率的构造环境中形成和发展的。  相似文献   
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