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The concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC‐11, CFC‐12 and CFC‐113) and tritium (3H) content in groundwater were used to date groundwater age, delineate groundwater flow systems and estimate flow velocity in the Hohhot basin. The estimated young groundwater age is fallen in the bracket of 21 ~ 50 a and indicates the presence of two different age profiles and flow systems in the shallow groundwater system. Older age waters occur under the topographically low areas, where the aquifer is double‐layer aquifer system consisting of shallow unconfined‐semi‐confined aquifer and deep confined aquifer. This reflects long flow paths associated with regional flow. Groundwater (range from 21 to 34 years) in the north piedmont and east hilly areas, where the aquifer is a single‐layer aquifer consisting of alluvial fans, are typically younger than those in the low areas. The combination of CFCs dating with hydrogeological information indicates that both local and regional flow systems are present at the basin. The regional groundwater flow mainly flows from the north and east to the southwest, the local groundwater flow system occurs nearby the Hohhot city. The mean regional groundwater flow velocity of the shallow groundwater is estimated about 0.73 km/a. These findings can aid in refining hydrogeological conceptual model of the study area. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
空间信息共享一直以来阻碍着GIS的发展,元数据是解决其共享的技术手段之一。本文在分析元数据和元数据管理存在问题的基础上提出了建立元数据库管理元数据,详细分析了元数据库中元数据定义、元数据查询和元数据编辑这三大管理模块,最后在信息共享平台中,对外建立统一的元数据库访问接口,对内建立针对每个数据源的数据访问引擎,实现实现多源异构分布的空间数据的集成。  相似文献   
Cao  Huairen  Lei  Yan  Wang  Xiaoyu  Guo  Xuelian 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2021,66(3):313-331
Journal of Paleolimnology - The Songliao Basin, northeast China, possesses an excellent Cretaceous lake sediment record that provides an opportunity to investigate Cretaceous terrestrial climate...  相似文献   
天津市湿地环境变迁及成因分析   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
应用3S技术对天津湿地环境进行调查,结合地面采集的历史和现状数据,全面分析了天津湿地环境变迁的自然和人为因素。近一个世纪以来,天津湿地持续减少,天然湿地丧失殆尽,人为因素影响是天津湿地环境变迁的主要原因。城市拓展、经济开发对湿地的占用以及水环境污染是目前湿地面临的主要威胁。保护天津湿地要从搞好城市土地利用规划、调整产业结构、控制水污染、加强湿地保护区管理、尽快制定湿地保护法等方面入手。、  相似文献   
相位解缠是利用干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)进行DEM提取和微小地表形变测量的关键技术之一.常规的卡尔曼滤波相位解缠算法在地形平坦区域可以获得可靠的结果,但是在地形起伏较大的区域却容易产生误差的传递,致使其结果无法准确反演地表形变信息.为此,提出了一种基于DEM的SAR干涉图卡尔曼滤波相位解缠算法.该算法借助美国航天飞机测绘任务(SRTM)获得的DEM信息指导SAR干涉图解缠,以提高解缠的速度和精度.通过与常规卡尔曼滤波解缠算法的结果比较分析表明,利用SRTM DEM地形信息指导卡尔曼滤波相位解缠尤其能够提高低相干区域相位的解缠精度.  相似文献   
根据台州市地理市情普查生产实践,基于普查成果内容,设计满足区域经济社会发展需求的统计分析评价主题及指标体系;以城市救灾避灾场所资源配置为案例,结合相关数据,利用叠加分析、可达性分析等模型深度挖掘国情信息,统计分析救灾避灾场所的步行可达性与服务范围,对社会民生工程救灾避灾场所的资源配置提出优化的建议。  相似文献   
大陆地质与大陆构造和大陆动力学   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
当代地球科学发展的新需求与板块构造对大陆地质的深化研究,使大陆问题成为21世纪地学发展的前沿研究领域、热点和关键。文中在提出“大陆动力学”研究20多年后的今天,进行关于大陆研究的新思考,从讨论厘定大陆研究的有关争议概念、大陆的基本问题、中国大陆构造的典型实例以及与世界同类范例的简要对比出发,综合概括了大陆地质与大陆构造和大陆动力学研究的关键科学问题与进一步探索研究的思考课题。提出了在大陆研究中,在进一步精确深化板块构造对大陆的研究的同时,应突出加强大陆构造中有无非板块构造动力及其远程效应的大陆内的、在深部动力学与陆块间差异非均衡背景下由陆内陆块间相互作用导致的真正陆内构造及其动力学问题的研究,以便为深化发展板块构造、认知大陆、探索大陆动力学、构建包括板块构造在内新的行星地球构造观作出努力与探索。  相似文献   
山东胶东半岛地区断裂最新活动性研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
山东胶东半岛地区发育有北北东-北东向和北西西向两组断裂,前者分属蓬莱-栖霞断裂系和即墨-牟平断裂带,为半岛的主体断裂构造;后者分布在半岛北缘及其北侧海域,由多条断裂组成。实地调查表明,断层在第四纪期间是活动的,控制着附近山地和盆地的构造演化与地貌发育,最新活动主要发生在第四纪早期,垂直活动幅度可达百米以上;第四纪晚期,断裂活动性迅速减弱,甚至停止,但依然发现北北东-北东向断裂的多个局部段落还在活动,明显地错断了晚更新世地层,垂直断距最大为10m左右。  相似文献   
Falling stage systems tract(FSST)is an offlap strata with strong relationship with hydrocarbon exploration,which is driven by relative lake-level fall and developed above the highstand systems tract and below the lowstand systems tract of a new sequence. It has no relationship with sediment supply. Based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology,3D seismic data,drilling core data,and well-logging data were comprehensively analyzed. The study showed that the FSST strata was formed in the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation in the Laizhouwan sag. The FSST can be divided into three units,namely as units P1,P2,and P3 from bottom to top. The P1 is the first unit of progradation downlap the bottom of the FSST. The top of the unit P3 is a sequence boundary exhibits subaerial unconformity. The seismic profile along the source direction is characterized by the low-angle oblique progradation reflection that downstream the center of lake basin from west to east. Incised valleys developed on the top of the FSST perpendicular to the source direction. Gamma-ray logging response is manifested by a series of funnel-shaped complex,indicating that the sedimentary response of the FSST was a cycle of coarsening-upward parasequence sets. Comprehensive studies on core interpretation and well-logging analysis showed that the FSST was a fluvial-delta sedimentary system with slumped fan deposits associated with the delta front. Consequently,the FSST is a common result of relative dry climate and falling of lake level,considering regional tectonic evolution,sediment supply,and paleo-climate change. The discovery of the FSST in the Laizhouwan sag has an important geological significance for the sedimentological interpretation,and it offers a guidance for further oil exploration in the study area. In addition,it also serves as a significant reference for future research on the FSST development and exploration in the continental lacustrine rift basin.  相似文献   
Coastal dunes are a common geomorphic type in sandy coastal zones. They are a record of the coupled evolutionary processes of the wind and ocean waves. Many coastal dune fields have developed on the east coast of Fujian China and now occur as widespread typical coastal aeolian sand landforms on the Liuao Peninsula, Gulei Peninsula and Dongshan Island, but it is difficult to evaluate the dynamic geomorphologic process of sandy coast due to the lack of systematic and accurate chronological data. In this study, we selected the Hutoushan (HTS) aeolian dune on the Liuao Peninsula as the research object. Optical dating and grain-size analysis were applied to sand samples from the aeolian sequence of a profile of the HTS dune. The results show that the ages of seven samples of this profile were in the range of 37.8–0.19 ka from 4.0 to 0.2 m deep. These correspond to the Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3), abrupt climatic change events of 4.2 and 1.1 ka and the Little Ice Age (LIA), respectively. These samples displayed evidence of a longer-term climate trend in this area. The period of formation of this coastal aeolian dune corresponds to a cold and arid climate associated with the East Asia Winter Monsoon (EAWM). Periods of dune fixation and rubification are evidence of a hot and humid climate. Mobilization and stabilization of the aeolian dune is an important characteristic of the coastal evolution in South China since the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   
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