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SeaMARC II side-scan images, bathymetry, and single-channel seismic reflection data along the southern Peru—northern Chile forearc area between 16° and 23° S reveal a complex region of morpho-structural, submarine drainage and depression patterns. In the subducting plate area, the NW—SE trending primary normal fault system represented by trench-paralleled scarps was incipiently formed as the Nazca Plate was bent in the outer edge and further intensified as the plate approached the trench. The NE—SW trending secondary normal fault system that consists of discontinuous and smaller faults, usually intersect the primary trench-paralleled fault system. Similar to the Nazca Plate, the overriding continental plate also shows two major NW—SE and NE—SW trending fault systems represented by fault scarps or narrow elongated depressions.The submarine drainage systems represented by a series of canyon and channel courses appear to be partly controlled by the faults and exhibit a pattern similar to the onshore drainage which flows into the central region of the coastal area. Two large depressions occurring along the middle—upper slope areas of the continental margin are recognized as collapse and slump that perhaps are a major result of increased slope gradient. The subsidence of the forearc area in the southern Peru—northern Chile Continental Margin is indicated by: a) drainage systems flowing into the central region, b) the slope collapse and slumps heading to the central region, c) the deepening of the trench and inclining of the lower slope terrace to the central region, and d) submerging of the upper-slope ridge and the Peru—Chile Coast Range off the Arica Bight area.The subsidence of the forearc area in the southern Perunorthern Chile margin is probably attributed to a subduction erosion which causes wearing away and removal of the rock and sedimentary masses of the overriding plate as the Nazca Plate subducts under the South American Plate.  相似文献   
Based on the recent research results on dry and wet deposition of nutrient elements and sulphate,we estimate the atmospheric flux of nutrient elements and sulphate to the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea in each season.The results suggest that the concentrations of nutrient elements and sulphate in aerosol and precipitation show an apparent seasonal cycle with the maximum values in winter and the minimum values in summer.Depositions of nitrate and sulphate are dominated by wet deposition,while the deposition for phosphate is mainly dry deposition.Moreover,compared with the riverine inputs,the atmospheric deposition may be the main source of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea.  相似文献   
夏季南海上层环流动力机制的数值研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过利用一个分区性的正压-斜压衔接模式来探讨夏季南海的上层环流特征及其动力机制,结果表明:夏季期间,由于风生环流的不稳定性促使在东沙群岛附近的气旋涡的强度及位置发生变化,并间接导致黑潮侵入南海北部的程度变化以及气旋涡南侧的反气旋式环流、西沙群岛西南侧的气旋涡的强度和范围出现波动现象;在南海南部的北向西边界流由于离岸的西南季风所驱动在中南半岛中部沿岸脱离岸线往东北方向的流动,导致沿岸的水体大量流失而在沿岸形成一支南向补偿流并在西沙群岛西南侧诱生一气旋涡,而上述的离岸西边界流则作顺时针方向流动,从而在南海南部形成反气旋式大环流;在南沙海槽附近出现的局地气旋涡和万安滩附近的气旋涡分别受β效应、底形效应的作用而形成.  相似文献   
In seven cruises on benthic organisms in the nearshore waters(>50 m) to the west of the Taiwan Strait(23°20''-25°54''N,117°11''-119°58''E) in 1961-1964,altogether 189 stations of quantitative grabbing and 33 stations of qualitative trawling were made.
Altogether 392 species of benthic organisms have been identified.The composition was dominated by nearshore shallow water species,with tropical and subtropical species absolutely dominant.The total average of biomass was 38.0 g/m2 and average density,116.0 ind./m2.The communities of benthic organisms in the area can be classified into five communities namely,(1) Amphiura sp.-Acaudina molpadioides Community;(2) Protankyra asymmetrica-Arnphioplus pracstans-Murex trapa Community;(3) Modiolus meicalfei-Phyllophorus liuwutiensis-Armandia letocirris-Nephtys sinensis Community;(4) Branchiostoma belcheri-Solenr oseomaculatus-Marphysa sinensis- Onuphis eremita Community;(5) Iconomtra japonica-Barbatia decussata Community.  相似文献   
Odanam Satoe, a subtidal, tide-dominated sand body in the Yellow Sea, Korea, is linear in plan and asymmetrical in cross-section. It consists of fine- to medium-grained, well-sorted subangular sand. Bedforms consist of high-amplitude (1–2 m) sandwaves on the lower flanks of the gentler-sloping bar surface, and medium-amplitude (0.5-1 m) sandwaves on the sand body trough adjoining the steeper face, the bar crest and shallower parts of the gently sloping bar surface. Bedforms are absent on the relatively steeper bar surface, which is characterized by 2° slopes. Bedform orientation on the gentler slope is oblique by 30° to the bar crest, parallel to the sand-body crest on the crest itself, and opposite to the steeper sand-body face in the trough below the steeper slope of the bar.Bottom current velocity data show that tidal currents are semi-rotary with a flood time—velocity asymmetry over the gentler slope, and ebb time—velocity asymmetry over the steeper slope during most of the tidal cycle. Tidal-current flow parallels bar elongation over the steeper slope, whereas over the gentler slope, tidal-current flow is directed at 30° to the bar crest and changes to normal to the crest one hour prior to low tide. Bedform orientation mapped with side-scan sonar shows agreement with these flow directions.Sand dispersal around the sand body is controlled by time—velocity asymmetry and partial rotary flow directions of tidal currents. This circulation causes not only a trapezoidal mode of grain dispersal, but also westerly migration of the sand body documented from comparative bathymetric surveys in 1964 and 1980.  相似文献   
A general method for representing the flow properties in the three-dimensional boundary layers around ship hulls of arbitrary shape is described. It makes use of an efficient two-point finite-diffirence schem to solve the boundary-layer equations and includes an algebraic eddy-viscosity representaion of the Reynolds-stress ternsor. The numericzal method contains novel and desirable features and allows the calculation of flows in which the circumferential velocity component contains regions of flow reversal across the boundary layer. The inviscid pressure distribution is determined with the Douglas-Neumann method which, if necessary, can conveniently allow for the boundary-layer displacement surface. To allow its application to ships, and particularly to those with double-elliptic and flat-bottomed hulls, a non-orthogonal coordinate system has been developed and is shown to be economical, precise and comparatively easy to use. Present calculations relate to zero Froude number but they can be extended to include the effects of a water wave and local regions of flow separation which may stem from bulbous-bow geometries.  相似文献   
The summer distributions of planktonic microbial communities (heterotrophic and phtosynthetic bacteria, phtosynthetic and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliate plankton, and microphytoplankton) were compared between inner and outer areas of Lake Sihwa, divided by an artificial breakwater, located on the western coast of Korea, in September 2003. The semienclosed, inner area was characterized by hyposaline surface water (<17 psu), and by low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (avg. 0.4 mg L1) and high concentrations of inorganic nutrients (nitrogenous nutrients >36 μM, phosphate <4 μM) in the bottom layer. Higher densities of heterotrophic bacteria and nanoflagellates also occurred in the inner area than did in the outer area, while microphytoplankton (mainly diatoms) occurred abundantly in the outer area. A tiny tintinnid ciliate, Tintinnopsis nana, bloomed into more than 106 cells L1 at the surface layer of the inner area, while its abundance was much lower (103-104 cells L1) in the outer area of the breakwater. Ciliate abundance was highly correlated with heterotrophic bacteria (r = 0.886, p < 0.001) and heterotrophic flagellates (r = 0.962, p < 0.001), indicating that rich food availability may have led to theT. nana bloom. These results suggest that the breakwater causes the eutrophic environment in artificial lakes with limited flushing of enriched water and develops into abundant bacteria, nanoflagellates, and ciliates.  相似文献   
应用多年的实测资料 ,分析了曹娥江河口高水位成因 ,结果表明 ,曹娥江河口洪水位具有山溪性和可冲性的特点 ,人类活动对高水位有较大影响。应用统计分析法和成因分析法推求 1 %设计高水位 ,讨论了成因分析法中上、下边界条件的选取 ,其选取原则对其他潮汐河口确定设计高水位具有借鉴意义  相似文献   
砂石土指第四纪堆积的泥、土、砂,为一种极为重要的资源。我国具有丰富的海洋砂石土资源。以广东海域为例,通过资料的综合分析,探讨了海岸砂石土资源的重要作用,并提出其开采应注意的问题。  相似文献   
作者对引进的红罗非鱼进行了生物学特性、繁殖育种及海水驯养等方面的试验研究,结果得出:①亲鱼的怀卵量与体长呈正相关(关系式为:Y=124.78L—588.8),在北方地区每年产卵3—4次,产卵量为怀卵量的1/2;②水温25—30℃,11—18d受精卵孵出鱼苗;③红罗非鱼不仅可在淡水中生存,且在自然海水和半咸水中均能生存,是海水养殖的优良品种;④红罗非鱼同虾混养,可提高鱼虾成活率,增大养成规格。  相似文献   
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