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Kaolinite claystones that are similar in structure, texture and composition to the kaolin tonsteins of Western Europe, and to some of the flint clays of North America, are associated with the Wongawilli Seam in the southern part of the Sydney Basin, where they form thin persistent bands within the coal and somewhat thicker deposits immediately overlying the seam. The thin bands within the coal are fine grained and consist of brecciated to pelletal clasts composed of well‐ordered kaolinite set in a matrix of similar composition. The thicker deposits overlying the seam are much coarser grained and appear restricted in occurrence to the basin margins. They contain a predominance of oolites with kaolinite clasts bonded by a relatively sparse matrix and in places, remarkable ‘outgrowths’ of vermicular kaolinite. The origin of the deposits is discussed, and it is concluded that most of the unusual features of these claystones can be ascribed to a fluvial environment.  相似文献   
Finely divided samples of the Messel shale that had first been extracted with organic solvents were subjected to pyrolysis at 330°C for 3 days in the presence of excess water or heavy water and also with added pure organic substances. About 8% of the organic carbon was converted into an assemblage of saturated hydrocarbons that closely resembled petroleum hydrocarbons. No olefins were observed in the products. When the reaction was performed in heavy water, extensive deuteration occurred. The extent of substitution and the position of heavy hydrogen in a variety of hydrocarbon structural types were measured by mass spectrometry. A control experiment in which a saturated hydrocarbon was added showed that this deuterium substitution was not due to simple homogeneous exchange.A mechanism for the production of polydeuterated hydrocarbons is advanced, based on a model wherein the molecular fossils that are chemically bonded into kerogen matrix are released as free radicals. During the subsequent chain reactions, migration of olefinic bonds in intermediates and attack by deuterium free radicals result in multiple deuteration with retention of the carbon skeleton of the molecular fossil.  相似文献   
海底天然气渗漏系统演化特征及对形成水合物的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过天然气沉淀水合物的动力学模拟计算,研究了墨西哥湾GC185区BushHill海底天然气渗漏系统的演化特征及对水合物沉淀的影响。渗漏早期,天然气渗漏速度大(q>18.4kg/m2-a),海底沉积以泥火山为主,渗漏天然气具有与气源天然气几乎一致的组成,形成的水合物具有最重的天然气成分。渗漏晚期,天然气渗漏速度很慢(q<0.55kg/m2-a),在海底附近没有水合物沉淀,主要以冷泉碳酸盐岩发育为主,水合物产于海底之下一定深度的沉积层中。介于二者间的渗漏中期(q:0.55~18.4kg/m2-a),海底发育水合物、自养生物群为特征,渗漏速度控制了水合物和渗漏天然气的组成及沉淀水合物的天然气比例。BushHill渗漏系统近10年的深潜重复采样显示,渗漏天然气和水合物天然气的化学组成在时空上是多变的,相对应的渗漏速度在时间上的变化约为3倍,在空间上的变化近2个数量级。  相似文献   
Previous studies on waters of a streamlet in the Vosges Mountains (Eastern France) have shown that strontium and rare earth elements (REE) mainly originate from preferential dissolution of apatite during weathering. However, stream water REE patterns normalized to apatite are still depleted in the light REE (LREE, La-Sm) pointing to the presence of an additional LREE depleting process. Vegetation samples are strongly enriched in LREE compared to stream water and their Sr and Nd isotopic compositions are comparable with those of apatite and stream water. Thus, the preferential LREE uptake by vegetation might lead to an additional LREE depletion of surface runoff in the forested catchment. Mass balance calculations indicate, that the yearly LREE uptake by vegetation is comparable with the LREE export by the streamlet and, therefore, might be an important factor controlling LREE depletion in river water. This is underlined by the observation that rivers from arctic and boreal regions with sparse vegetation appear to be less depleted in LREE than rivers from tropical environments or boreal environments with a dense vegetation cover.  相似文献   
As a result of careful interpretation of the data of recent seismo-acoustic surveys, two major seismic complexes were identified in the structure of the upper sedimentary section of the north-western slope of Kukuy Griva (ridge). They are composed of several inner seismo-facies, which are very characteristic and separated with well-expressed regional reflector. Seismic and acoustic data revealed evidences of numerous landslide processes which were different in age and peculiarities of manifestation. For the first time, detailed schemes of seismo-facies distribution are compiled for major seismic complexes at the area. The boundary between seismic complexes is dated as 150 thousands years. It is shown that sliding was more intensive during Late Pleistocene and Holocene, reflecting activation of tectonic movements in this part of Baikal rift system.  相似文献   
Cosmic ray (CR) fluxes, which penetrate into the Earth??s magnetosphere and atmosphere from the interplanetary space, are an important factor of space weather. The geomagnetic field allows or forbids CR particles to enter into a given point in the magnetosphere depending on their energy. The geomagnetic cutoff rigidity regulates the distribution of CR fluxes in the magnetosphere. The geomagnetic cutoff rigidity (geomagnetic threshold) determination accuracy is closely related to the accuracy of the magnetospheric model used in calculations. Using a method for tracing of charged CR particle trajectories in the magnetic field of a model magnetosphere, we obtained geomagnetic thresholds for two magnetosphere empirical models (Ts01 and Ts04), constructed based on the same initial database. The Ts01 model describes the middle magnetosphere for certain conditions in the solar wind and interplanetary field. The Ts04 model pays the main attention to describing the large-scale evolution of magnetospheric currents during a storm. The theoretically obtained geomagnetic thresholds have been compared with experimental thresholds, calculated using the spectrographic global survey method based on data from the global network of CR stations. The study has been performed for the period of a strong geomagnetic storm that occurred in November 2003.  相似文献   
This paper considers results from isotope-geochronological (K-Ar) studies of the products of Neogene-Quaternary volcanism in the Karacada? area, which is situated within the northern frontal part of the Arabian plate. It was found that magmatic activity has been evolving at this location for at least the last 11–10 Myr and was distinctly discrete in character. Three stages of volcanism have been identified: (I) Early or Miocene, ~11–6.7 Ma; (II) Middle or Pliocene-Early Quaternary, 4–1 Ma; and (III) Late or Late Quaternary, 0.4–0.1 Ma. The most recent manifestations of magmatic activity in the region date back to about 100000 years ago. An analysis of the spatial distribution of volcanic centers of different ages in the Karacada? neovolcanic area shows that the magmatism of that region involved a lateral migration of activity from northwest to southeast along a major regional tectonic fault. The migration was caused by the movement of local tension zones where the lithosphere was thinner and deep-seated mantle magmas were ascending.  相似文献   
This study compares seismic losses considering initial construction costs and direct-repair costs for New Zealand steel moment-resisting frame buildings with friction connections and those with extended bolted-end-plate connections. A total of 12 buildings have been designed and analysed considering both connection types, two building heights (4-storey and 12-storey), and three locations around New Zealand (Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington). It was found that buildings with friction connections required design to a higher design ductility, yet are generally stiffer due to larger beams being required to satisfy higher connection overstrength requirements. This resulted in the frames with friction connections experiencing lower interstorey drifts on most floors but similar peak total floor accelerations, and subsequently incurring lower drift-related seismic repair losses. Frames with friction connections tended to have lower expected net-present-costs within 50 years of the building being in service for shorter buildings and/or if located in regions of high seismicity. None of the frames with friction connections in Auckland showed any benefits due to the low seismicity of the region.  相似文献   
Source mechanism and source parameters of May 28, 1998 earthquake,Egypt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On May 28, 1998, a moderate size earthquake of mb 5.5 occurred offshore the northwestern part of Egypt (latitude 31.45°N and longitude 27.64°E). It was widely felt in the northern part of Egypt. Being the largest well-recorded event in the area for which seismic data from the global digital network are available, it provides an excellent opportunity to study the tectonic process and present day stress field occurring along the offshore Egyptian coast. The source parameters of this event are determined using three different techniques: modeling of surface wave spectral amplitudes, regional waveform inversion, and teleseismic body waveform inversion. The results show a high-angle reverse fault mechanism generally trending NNW–SSE. The P-axis trends ENE–WSW consistently with the prevailed compression stress along the southeastern Hellenic arc and southwestern part of the Cyprean arc. This unexpected mechanism is most probably related to a positive inversion of the NW trending offshore normal faults and confirms an extension of the back thrusting effects towards the African margin. The estimated focal depth ranges from 22 to 25 km, indicating a lower crustal origin earthquake owing to deep-seated tectonics. The source time function indicates a single source with rise time and total rupture duration of 2 and 5 s, respectively. The seismic moment (M o) and the moment magnitude (M w) determined by the three techniques are 1.03 × 1017 Nm, 5.28; 1.24 × 1017 Nm, 5.33; and 1.68 × 1017 Nm, 5.42; respectively. The calculated fault radius, stress drop, and the average dislocation assuming a circular fault model are 7.2 km, 0.63 Mpa, and 0.11 m, respectively.  相似文献   
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