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The method developed by Wen et al. (1988 a) for deriving theoretical wind wave frequency spectrum in deep water is extended to the case of water of finite depth, in which a parameter η=H/d is introduced, where H and d represent the average wave height and water depth respectively. The derived spectra reduce to those in deep water when η=0. The case of η=1/2 corresponds to waves impending to break because of the effect of the bottom. Simplified forms of spectra are given. The theoretical results agree with the observed spectra well.  相似文献   
Theconcentrationanddistributionofdimethylsulfideinthemarineatmosphericboundarylayerneartheequator¥LiXingsheng;LiZhe;F.Parungo...  相似文献   
Planktonic bacteria are abundant in the Chukchi Borderland region. However, little is known about their diversity and the roles of various bacteria in the ocean. Seawater samples were collected from two stations K2S and K4S where sea ice was melting obviously. The analysis of water samples with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that DMSP-degrading bacteria accounted for 13% of the total bacteria at the station K2S. No aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria were detected in both samples. The bacterial communities were characterized by two 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Sequences fell into four major lineages of the domain Bacteria, including Proteobacteria (Alpha, Beta and Gamma subclasses), Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. No significant difference was found between the two clone libraries. SAR11 and Rhodobacteraceae clades of Alphaproteobacteria and Pseudoalteromonas of Gammapro-teobacteria constituted three dominant fractions in the clone libraries. A total of 191 heterotrophic bacterial strains were isolated and 76% showed extracellular proteolytic activity. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the isolates fell into Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. The most common genus in both the bacterial isolates and protease-producing bacteria was Pseudoalteromonas. UniFrac data showed suggestive differences in bacterial communities between the Chukchi Borderland and the northern Bering Sea.  相似文献   
应力扰动影响地震的复发,并对了解地震周期和地震危险性具有重要的作用。加州帕克菲尔德圣安德烈斯断层上的大量重复地震为检查重复事件对中强地震发生的反应提供了难得的机会。使用高分辨率地震台网目录获得的187个M-0.4~1.7级地震重复序列,我们发现重复事件序列的复发时间到接近M4—5地震时缩短了,说明是由大地震触发的。该触发效应在5km左右的距离内最明显,相应的静态同震应力变化为0.6~26.6kPa,并随距离衰减。我们还发现从1993至1998年复发间隔相应地缩短了。这种几年经久不衰复发加速反映了1990年代初断层滑动加速并提高了加载速率。  相似文献   
为了阐明在硬岩中使用迟发多段电雷管爆破效果的提高程度,笔者和某一金屬矿山的工程技术人員,提出用现时生产的电雷管,进行电气爆破方法,并共同进行了試驗工作。試驗是在断面为7.28平方公尺、岩石普氏强度系数为20的四条水平坑道中进行的。在爆破試驗过程中,除了迟发間隔的时間和迟发的段数有所不同外,  相似文献   
无定形氢氧化铝的表面酸度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过酸碱滴定法以及分析反应后的溶液和反应后固体的XRD表征等方法测定了合成氢氧化铝的表面酸度。XRD结果表现出4个宽峰,说明合成产物是无定形的。滴定实验的固体产物的XRD的分析表明,无定形的氢氧化铝在碱性的环境下(pH>10),迅速转化成为结晶的三羟铝石。滴定过程中和反应后的溶液分析计算出无定形氢氧化铝的溶解度,为1010.3。滴定实验中加入的酸或碱与溶解的铝和其表面羟基发生质子化作用或脱质子化作用。表面酸度常数,表面羟基密度和比表面积用FITEQL4.0进行了评价。无定形氢氧化铝的表面酸度@K.FUKUSHI$Research Center for…  相似文献   
这一震,我们看到了太多前所未有……8级大震,撼动了半个亚洲,它震醒了一个伟大的民族,人的价值转换成人的信念、人的力量,不用谈判,海峡东岸的飞机就直飞灾区,全国各地都汇聚起献血的长龙,女警官为遗孤袒露出自己的乳房,侦察兵在大  相似文献   
当2009年元旦来临之际,国务院总理温家宝来到了青岛,看望并慰问广大的干部群众,鼓励大家面对当前的经济困境要坚定信心,迎难而上,创造新业绩.温总理抓住了解决当前中国应对经济衰退问题的核心,抓住了根本.对一个后发的工业化大国而言,战胜当下的经济困难,中国缺少的不是金钱,而是人心.问题的关键在于树立坚定的信心.  相似文献   
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