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The Lajeado Group in the Ribeira Belt,southeastern Brazil,corresponds to an open-sea carbonate platform,comprised of seven overlapping siliciclastic and carbonatic formations,intruded in its upper portion by the Apiai Gabbro.These rocks have a Neoproterozoic tectonometamorphic overprint related to arc magmatism and the Brasiliano collisional orogeny.Geochronological constraints are given by new UPb SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS data for Lajeado Group detrital zircons and for magmatic zircons from the Apiai Gabbro.The youngest detrital zircons in the Lajeado Group are 1400-1200 Ma,and constrain its maximum age of deposition to be 1200 Ma,whereas the 877 ± 8 Ma age for magmatic zircons in the Apiai Gabbro give the minimum age.Detritus source areas are mainly Paleoproterozoic(2200-1800 Ma)with some Archean and Mesoproterozoic contribution(1500-1200 Ma),with distal or tectonic stable cratonic character.The Lajeado Group should be a Stenian-Tonian carbonate platform passive margin of a continent at this time,namely the Columbia/Nuna or the Rodinia.The Apiai Gabbro displays similar age to other intrusive basic rocks in the Lajeado and Itaiacoca groups and represents tholeiitic MORB-like magmatism that we relate to the initial break-up of a Mesoproterozoic continent and the formation of the Brasiliano oceans. 相似文献
中国西部元古代蓝片岩带——世界上保存最好的前寒武纪蓝片岩 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
阿克苏附近所发现的元古界阿克苏群为一完整的蓝片岩-绿片岩系列,我们通过野外调查肯定了这一认识,并认为它是高压-温相的变质块体,长40km,宽约2.5km.该变质岩由强烈片理化的绿泥石-黑硬绿泥石石墨片岩、黑硬绿泥石-多硅白云母片岩、绿片岩、蓝片岩及少量石英岩、变铁质岩组成.原岩包活泥质岩、砂岩、基性玻屑凝灰岩、块状熔岩、枕状熔岩及少量深海沉积物.蓝片岩的矿物组合:青铝闪石-绿帘石-绿泥石-钠长石-石英-阳起石.阿克苏群为世界上真正的前震旦纪蓝片岩之一,其变质年龄至少有800Ma. 相似文献
柴达木盆地北缘鱼卡地区中侏罗统石门沟组含煤段中发育有油页岩、煤、碳质泥岩和泥岩等富有机质细粒沉积.为了研究其沉积有机相的类型及煤和油页岩形成的控制因素,本文通过岩心观察、工业分析结合有机地球化学测试分析等方法将含煤段细粒沉积物划分为了类型A(三角洲平原沉积环境)、B(三角洲前缘-浅湖沉积环境)、C1(湖沼非油页岩亚相)及C2(湖沼油页岩亚相)四种类型,其中类型C1沉积物中发育煤,类型C2中发育油页岩,且煤较油页岩具有更高的含油率、水分、挥发分以及发热量值.有机质类型特征方面,沉积有机相类型A、B及C1沉积物有机质类型均为Ⅱ2-Ⅲ型、有机质来源均以陆源和混合来源两种有机质来源为主,而类型C2中主要为Ⅱ2型,以混合有机质来源为主;类型A及C2其沉积物有机质均处于未成熟阶段,而类型B和C1中有机质均处于未成熟-低成熟阶段;有机质保存条件方面,类型A沉积物主要形成于缺氧的淡水环境,类型B主要形成于贫氧-缺氧的淡水-半咸水环境,类型C1形成于贫氧-缺氧的淡水-半咸水环境,而类型C2则主要形成于缺氧的淡水-半咸水环境.其中类型B较类型A,类型C2较类型C1,其沉积物均形成于更为还原且盐度更高的水体环境中.石门沟组含煤段是煤和油页岩的形成层位,稳定的沉积环境、丰富的湖泊有机质来源、良好的保存条件及较少的陆源碎屑的稀释共同促进了类型C2中油页岩的形成,而丰富的陆源植物供给及良好的保存条件则促进了类型C1中煤层的形成. 相似文献
Zoya A. Bessudnova 《《幕》》2008,31(3):368-369
In 2006, the Moscow publishing house Nauka (Science) published a 246-page book by Zoya A. Bessudnova entitled Geological Research at the Natural History. Museum of Moscow University, 1759-1930 as No. 32 in its series "Sketches on the History of Geological Knowledge'. The author is a geologist and Senior Researcher in the Department for the History of Geology of the Vernadsky State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a member of the International Commission on the History of Geological Sci- ences (INHIGEO). 相似文献
密坑山锡矿田位于江西省会昌县西南约40km处。该区为一晚中生代破火山,火山岩为上侏罗统鸡笼嶂组流纹质凝灰熔岩及火山碎屑岩,火山口周围环状及放射状断裂发育,火山口中心为浅成相的密坑山似斑状钾长花岗岩中央岩株侵入体所充填。上世纪80年代以来,在该岩体与流纹质凝灰熔岩的内外接触带相继发现了岩背、淘锡坝、苦竹岽、矿背、上湾等一批大、中型锡多金属矿床或矿点,表明这一岩体对成矿具有重要的制约作用。 相似文献
辉石巨晶中的硫化物及其成因 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
我国一些地区玄武岩辉石巨晶中的硫化物球泡(0.02-0.05mm)呈点阵式、散布式、定向带状或微裂隙羽状分布。硫化矿物组合是磁黄铁矿-镍黄铁矿-黄铜矿,其中以磁黄铁矿为主(~90%)。根据硫化物的规则排布以及高温矿物组合推测点阵式、散布式硫化物形成于地幔。是由溶解了~1%S的硅酸盐熔体在减压上升过程中析出过饱和的硫所致。 相似文献
B. C. Burchfiel 《沉积与特提斯地质》2004,24(4):89-95
新技术应用到地学领域所获取的新的科学数据有助于我们加深对地质过程的理解。同时,我们解释地质过程的研究方法也受到新技术资料的挑战,从而迫使我们用新的或不同的方法来研究这些地质过程。在此.我想对某些资料进行讨论,这些都是热门的研究领域。当然.作为一个野外地质工作者,我的理解有限。工作的确尚在进行之中,其潜在的结果将促使我们通过新方法着眼于浅部地壳结构及其与深部岩石圈过程的关系。 相似文献
Oleg G. Safonov Elizaveta I. Kovaleva Svetlana A. Kosova H.M. Rajesh Georgy A. Belyanin Maria A. Golunova Dirk D. Van Reenen 《地学前缘(英文版)》2012,3(6):829-841
Reaction textures and fluid inclusions in the~2.0 Ga pyroxene-bearing dehydration zones within the Sand River biotite-hornblende orthogneisses(Central Zone of the Limpopo Complex) suggest that the formation of these zones is a result of close interplay between dehydration process along ductile shear zones triggered by H2O-CO2-salt fluids at 750—800℃and 5.5—6.2 kbar.partial melting,and later exsolution of residual brine and H2O-CO2 fluids during melt crystallization at 650—700℃.These processes caused local variations of water and alkali activity in the fluids,resulting in various mineral assemblages within the dehydration zone.The petrological observations are substantiated by experiments on the interaction of the Sand River gneiss with the H2O-CO-2-(K,Na)Cl fluids at 750 and 800℃and 5.5 kbar.It follows that the interaction of biotite-amphibole gneiss with H2O-CO2-(K.Na)Cl fluids is accompanied by partial melting at 750—800℃.Orthopyroxene-bearing assemblages are characteristic for temperature 800℃and are stable in equilibrium with fluids with low salt concentrations,while salt-rich fluids produce clinopyroxene-bearing assemblages.These observations arc in good agreement with the petrological data on the dehydration zones within the Sand River orthoeneisses. 相似文献
近东西走向的天山造山带位于中亚造山带或阿尔泰构造拼贴体的最南端,是哈萨克斯坦和塔里木板块的汇聚地带,也是一个重要的铜一金等多金属成矿带[1].天山造山带是在古生代由塔里木和西伯利亚板块之间的古亚洲洋的消减闭合,塔里木、准噶尔、哈萨克斯坦等板块的俯冲-碰撞-增生所形成[2]. 相似文献