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The Neem tree, the oil of which has a long history of pesticide, fertilizer and medicinal use in India, has been studied extensively for its organic compounds. Here we present a physical, mineralogical and geochemical database resulting from the analyses of two Neem soil profiles (epipedons) in India. Neem tree derivatives are used in the manufacture of a variety of products, from anti‐bacterial drugs and insecticides to fertilizers and animal feeds. A preliminary geochemical and mineralogical analysis of Neem soils is made to explore the potential for chemical links between Neem tree derivatives and soils. Physical soil characteristics, including colour, texture and clay mineralogy, suggest the two pedons formed under different hydrological regimes, and hence, are products of different leaching environments, one well‐drained site, the other poorly drained. Geochemically, the two Neem soils exhibit similarities, with elevated concentrations of Th and rare earth elements. These elements are of interest because of their association with phosphates, especially monazite and apatite, and the potential link to fertilizer derivatives. Higher concentrations of trace elements in the soils may be linked to nutritional derivatives and to cell growth in the Neem tree.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The Eridanos fluvio‐deltaic system, draining most of north‐western Europe, developed during the Late Cenozoic as a result of simultaneous uplift of the Fennoscandian shield and accelerated subsidence in the North Sea Basin. This seismo‐stratigraphic study aims to reconstruct the large‐scale depositional architecture of the deltaic portion of the basin fill and relate it to external controls. A total of 27 units have been recognized. They comprise over 62×103 km3 in the Southern North Sea Basin alone, and have an average delta surface area of 28×103 km2, which suggests that the size of the drainage area was about 1.1×106 km2. Water depth in the depocentre is seen to decrease systematically over time. This trend is interrupted by a deepening phase between 6.5 and 4.5 Ma that can be correlated with the simultaneous occurrence of increased uplift of the Fennoscandian shield, increased subsidence of the Southern North Sea Basin, and a long‐term eustatic highstand. All these observations point to a tectonic control on long‐term average rates of accommodation and supply. Controls on short‐term variations are inferred from variations in rates of sediment supply and bifurcation of the delta channel network. Both rates were initially low under warm, moist, relatively stable climate conditions. The straight wave‐dominated delta front gradually developed into a lobate fluvial‐dominated delta front. Two high‐amplitude sea‐level falls affected the Pliocene units, which are characterized by widespread delta‐front failures. Changes in relative sea level and climate became more frequent from the late Pliocene onward, as the system experienced the effects of glacial–interglacial transitions. Peaks in sedimentation and bifurcation rates were coeval with cold (glacial) conditions. The positive correlation between rates of supply and bifurcation on the one hand, and climate proxies (pollen and δ18O records) on the other hand is highly significant. The evidence presented in this study convincingly demonstrates the control of climate on time‐averaged sediment supply and channel‐network characteristics, despite the expected nonuniformity and time lags in system response. The presence of a clearly discernible climate signal in time‐averaged sediment supply illustrates the usefulness of integrated seismo‐stratigraphic studies for basin‐wide analysis of delta evolution on geological time scales.  相似文献   
This paper reports a first estimate of the Holocene lake sediment carbon pool in Alberta, Canada. The organic matter content of lake sediment does not appear to depend strongly on lake size or other limnological parameters, allowing a simple first estimate in which we assume all Alberta lake sediment to have the same organic matter content. Alberta lake sediments sequester about 15 g C m-2 yr-1, for a provincial total of 0.23 Tg C yr-1, or 2.3 Pg C over the Holocene. Alberta lakes may represent as much as 1/1700 of total global, annual permanent carbon sequestration.  相似文献   
This paper investigates allocation of energy to mechanisms that generate and preserve architectural forms (i.e. developmental stability, complexity of branching patterns) and productivity (growth and reproduction) in response to environmental disturbances (i.e. grazing and resource availability). The statistical error in translational symmetry was used to detect random intra-individual variability during development. This can be thought of as a measure of developmental instability caused by stress. Additionally, we use changes in fractal complexity and shoot distribution of branch structures as an alternate indicator of stress. These methods were applied to Anthyllis cytisoides L., a semi-arid environment shrub, to ascertain the effect of grazing and slope exposure on developmental traits in a 2×2 factorial design. The results show that A. cytisoides maintains developmental stability at the expense of productivity. Anthyllis cytisoides was developmentally more stable when grazed and when on south-facing, as opposed to north-facing slopes. On the contrary, shoot length, leaf area, fractal dimension and reproductive-to-vegetative allocation ratio were larger in north- than in south-facing slopes. As a consequence, under extreme xeric conditions, shrub mortality increased in north-facing slopes, especially when not grazed. The removal of transpiring area and the reduction of plant competition favoured developmental stability and survival in grazed plants. Differences between grazed and ungrazed plants were most evident in more mesic (north-facing) areas.  相似文献   
A numerical model has been developed for the simulation of turbidity currents driven by nonuniform, non cohesive sediment and flowing over a complex three dimensional submarine topography. The model is based on an alternative approach known as Cellular Automata paradigm. The model is validated by comparing a simulation with a reported field-scale event. The chosen case is a turbidity current which occurred in Capbreton Canyon and was initiated by a storm in December 1999. Using data from recent oceanographic cruises, the deposit of the event has been precisely described, which constrain values of model parameters. The model simulates the 1999 turbidity current over the actual canyon topography and related turbidite using three different types of particle. The model successfully simulates areas of erosion and deposition in the canyon. It predicts the vertical and longitudinal grain size evolution, and shows that the fining-up sequence can be deposited by several phases of deposition and erosion related to the current energetic variation during its evolution. This result could explain the presence of intrabed contacts or the frequent lack of facies in Bouma sequences.  相似文献   
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