Zusammenfassung The Lower Devonian of the Rhine Schist Massif is characterized by a fine detrital sedimentation which reflects a coastal plain environment located between the Old Red Sandstone continent in the N and the marine Bohemian Facies in the SE. Mineralisations are located within these coastal-plain sediments, especially in fractured horizons topped by pelitic and floored by sandy sediments of Sieg Emsian age. The mineralised localities occur in three zones: the districts of Bensberg, Eitorf and Mayen. The Lüderich locality (Bensberg) is the most important having approximately one million tons of Zn and Pb metal. It is localised within a zone having marked sedimentary characteristics since the Siegenian. Mineralisation occurs as penecontemporaneous lenses, fracture fillings etc, formed at abnormal contacts between lithological units having different competance during Siegenian and Lower Emsian deformation. However, locally there is lateral transition between the upper units of the sandy channel series and the lower units of the pelitic swamp facies. Vertical extension of mineralisations is strictly limited to the tectonic contact zone between the Odenspiel Sandstone and the Bensberg pelites. Study of mineralisations at various levels (mapping, morphology, structure, paragenetic and geochemical) leads to the formulation of a genetic model requiring complex fracturation at the contact between contrasting lithologies and preferential drainage through these fractured zones; metals are trapped on the sandstone floor, the pelitic roof trapping the vadose hydrothermal solutions. These basic controls seem to apply throughout the Bensberg, Eitorf and Mayen districts. On a more regional scale the age variations of the gangue sediments reflects a lateral displacement of red/grey facies limits due to coastal evolution. Thus one may demonstrate a type of mineral occurrence whose model may be that of epigenetic reconcentration within fractures affecting syngenetic geochemical anomalies.Zusammenfassung Das Unterdevon des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges wird durch eine feinkörnige detritische Sedimentation gekennzeichnet. Die Verteilung dieser detritischen Sedimente widerspiegelt eine flache Küstenlandschaft zwischen dem Kontinent des Unterrotliegenden im Norden und des Meeres mit der Böhmischen Fazies im Südosten. In diesen Schichten befinden sich gangförmige Vererzungen, die in Bruchzonen auftreten, die ein pelitisches Hangendes und ein sandsteinreiches Liegendes vom Siegen-Ems Alter haben. Die Lagerstätten kommen in drei Bezirken vor: Der Bensberger Bezirk, der Bezirk Eitorf und der Bezirk Mayen. Die Lagerstätte Lüderich (Bensberger Revier) ist die größte (ungefähr eine Million Tonnen Metall Zink+Blei). Sie befindet sich in einer Zone, in der schon in der Siegen-Stufe bemerkenswerte sedimentäre Strukturen auftreten. Die Vererzung tritt als penekonkordante Linsen, Gänge, Stockwerke in tektonischen Kontaktzonen auf. Diese Kontaktzonen befinden sich zwischen 2 verschiedenen sedimentären Einheiten, deren Gesteinseigenschaften sehr verschieden sind. Es handelt sich um Pelite mit Sandstein-Einschaltungen einerseits, die zur unteren Emsstufe gehören sollen und um fluviatile Sandsteine andererseits, die zur oberen Siegenstufe gehören sollen. Lokal ist ein lateraler Übergang durch Faziesänderung von den oberen Sandsteinen in die unteren Pelitschichten jedoch nicht unmöglich. Die Sandsteine vertreten einen fluviatilen Sedimentationsbereich, die Pelite einen sumpfigen Sedimentationsbereich. Die Vererzung (mit einer vertikalen Ausdehnung ungefähr von 300 m) tritt nur im Bereich der Kontaktzone zwischen den Odenspieler Sandsteinen und den Peliten der Unteren Bensberger Schichten auf. Die Resultate der Kartographie, der morphologischen Studie der Erzkörper, der Struktur und der Paragenese führen zu einem genetischen Modell. Dabei spielt die Anwesenheit einer Bruchstruktur an der Grenze zwischen 2 Bereichen mit verschiedenen lithologischen Eigenschaften eine Hauptrolle für die Konzentration der im Hangenden fein verteilten Metalle. Die hydrothermalen Lösungen kommen demnach nicht von der Teufe, sondern aus dem Nebengestein. Im ganzen Bensberger Erzrevier wie in der Gegend von Eitorf und in der Gegend von Mayen finden wir dieselben Leitfäden für die Vererzung in den Lagerstätten und Vorkommen. Beobachtet man die ganze Provinz, dann merkt man, daß die Altersverschiedenheiten in den Nebengesteinen der verschiedenen Lagerstätten eine geographische Wanderung der Faziesgrenze zwischen rot und grau in dieser küstennahen Ebene Widerspiegeln. Die verschiedenen Vorkommen und Lagerstätten treten immer in unmittelbarer Nähe dieser Grenze auf. Die Eigenschaften dieser Lagerstätten weisen auf eine Bildung durch eine epigenetische Umlagerung in eine gangförmige Bruchstruktur hin. 相似文献
An annual cycle of an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) is presented. The winter and summer zonal averages of the atmospheric fields are compared with an observed climatology. The main features of the observed seasonal means are well reproduced by the model. One of the main discrepancies is that the simulated atmosphere is too cold, particularly in its upper part. Some other discrepancies might be explained by the interannual variability. The AGCM surface fluxes are directly compared to climatological estimates. On the other hand, the calculation of meridional heat transport by the ocean, inferred from the simulated energy budget, can be compared to transport induced from climatologies. The main result of this double comparison is that AGCM fluxes generally are within the range of climatological estimates. The main deficiency of the model is poor partitioning between solar and non-solar heat fluxes in the tropical belt. The meridional heat transport also reveals a significant energy-loss by the Northern Hemisphere ocean north of 45° N. The possible implications of model surface flux deficiencies on coupling with an oceanic model are discussed.This paper was presented at the International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, held in Hamburg 11–15 September 1989 under the auspices of the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is Dr. L. Dümenil 相似文献
A hard solar X-ray burst was observed by J-P. Legrand on 18 September 1963, 13:56 UT, at balloon altitude. It lasted a few minutes; a steep increase was followed by an exponential decay. During its declining phase a weak radio burst was observed on 3 and 10 cm, not on longer wavelengths.Maximum radio intensity occurred two minutes after that of the X-ray burst. The X-ray and radio bursts ended almost simultaneously. Optically a small shortlived (some minutes) flare point occurred simultaneously with the X-ray burst in a magnetically interesting part of the active region of September 1963. The X-burst photons seem to have had an energy of about 0.5 MeV. The burst was therefore of a fairly rare type, since very few other bursts with similar photon energies have been detected up to now.It is suggested that a mass of gas, magnetically confined to a volume of about 5·1025 cm3 in the low corona, containing about 3·1035 electrons was accelerated to energies of about 0.5 MeV. The gas gradually expanded, partly also to higher levels. The gyro-synchrotron radiation, emitted by the plasma became observable after about two minutes. At the lower radio frequencies the radiation was absorbed by overlying undisturbed coronal matter. Quantitative computations justify this model. A detailed summary of the events, and some numerical data are given in the concluding Section 8 and in Table V. 相似文献
In the presence of a strong m = 2 component in a rotating galaxy, the phase-space structure near corotation is shaped to a large extent by the invariant manifolds of the short-period family of unstable periodic orbits terminating at L 1 or L 2. The main effect of these manifolds is to create robust phase correlations among a number of chaotic orbits large enough to support a spiral density wave outside corotation. The phenomenon is described theoretically by soliton-like solutions of a Sine–Gordon equation. Numerical examples are given in an N -body simulation of a barred spiral galaxy. In these examples, we demonstrate how the projection of unstable manifolds in configuration space reproduces essentially the entire observed bar–spiral pattern. 相似文献
Anthropogenic pollutants were determined in a dated sediment core, collected from a riparian wetland of the Lippe River (Ruhr district, Germany). The historical trend in heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, organochlorines, polychlorinated biphenyls and linear alkylbenzenes as well as more recent contaminants such as industrial additives, organotins, synthetic musks, methyltriclosan and some other compounds were determined for the time period between 1930 and 1986. Emission sources, information on technical production and usage, as well as on the individual pollution pathways, with appropriate environmental stability, were considered in the interpretation of the sediment contamination over the past 50 years.Contaminants were analysed and interpreted according to two different criteria: (a) the origin of the main contaminants as related to mining and industrial activities as well as municipal sewage and agricultural effluents and (b) the pollution history. Due to a significant appearance of formerly missing contaminants in sediments deposited since 1970, we suggest classifying contaminants as either common (predating 1970) or modern (postdating 1970).In summary, the study provided a comprehensive reconstruction of the pollution history of the Lippe River system. 相似文献
Developing an accurate representation of the rock mass fabric is a key element in rock fall hazard analysis. The orientation, persistence and density of fractures control the volume and shape of unstable blocks or compartments. In this study, the discrete fracture modelling technique and digital photogrammetry were used to accurately depict the fabric. A volume distribution of unstable blocks was derived combining polyhedral modelling and kinematic analyses. For each block size, probabilities of failure and probabilities of propagation were calculated. A complete energy distribution was obtained by considering, for each block size, its occurrence in the rock mass, its probability of falling, its probability to reach a given location, and the resulting distribution of energies at each location. This distribution was then used with an energy–frequency diagram to assess the hazard. 相似文献
In this age of modern biology, aquatic toxicological research has pursued mechanisms of action of toxicants. This has provided potential tools for ecotoxicologic investigations. However, problems of biocomplexity and issues at higher levels of biological organization remain a challenge. In the 1980s and 1990s and continuing to a lesser extent today, organisms residing in highly contaminated field sites or exposed in the laboratory to calibrated concentrations of individual compounds were carefully analyzed for their responses to priority pollutants. Correlation of biochemical and structural analyses in cultured cells and tissues, as well as the in vivo exposures led to the production and application of biomarkers of exposure and effect and to our awareness of genotoxicity and its chronic manifestations, such as neoplasms, in wild fishes. To gain acceptance of these findings in the greater environmental toxicology community, “validation of the model” versus other, better-established often rodent models, was necessary and became a major focus. Resultant biomarkers were applied to heavily contaminated and reference field sites as part of effects assessment and with investigations following large-scale disasters such as oil spills or industrial accidents.
Over the past 15 years, in the laboratory, small aquarium fish models such as medaka (Oryzias latipes), zebrafish (Danio rerio), platyfish (Xiphophorus species), fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), and sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) were increasingly used establishing mechanisms of toxicants. Today, the same organisms provide reliable information at higher levels of biological organization relevant to ecotoxicology. We review studies resolving mechanisms of toxicity and discuss ways to address biocomplexity, mixtures of contaminants, and the need to relate individual level responses to populations and communities. 相似文献
In September 1979, rain-induced complex landslides occurred in two separate localities along the slopes of the Akovolwo Mountains near Jato-Aka in the Kwande Local Government area of Benue State, Nigeria.The two movements developed on bedrock slopes covered by a veneer of colluvium and (or) residuum no more than 1.5 to 2m deep. Each started as a slump and graduated into a debris flow. The slump, extending downhill a short distance away from the head scarp, had been reconstituted into a debris flow as the initial movement (sliding movement) of the soil mass caused remoulding of the saturated moving mass into viscous debris-laden mud. The resulting mass moved partly along a pre-existing mountain stream channel and partly along a fresh channel it cleared in the savanna forest. At the break of slope, the mass of boulders was dumped and a trail of smaller fragments littered the channels towards the Katsina-Ala River. 相似文献