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The absorption properties of the water vapor continuum and a number of weak bands for H2O, O2, CO2, CO, N2O, CH4, and O3 in the solar spectrum are incorporated into the Fu-Liou radiation parameterization program by using the correlated k-distribution method (CKD) for the sorting of absorption lines. The overlap absorption of the H2O lines and the H2O continuum (2500-14500 cm-1) are treated by taking the two gases as a single-mixture gas in transmittance calculations. Furthermore, in order to optimize the computation efforts, CO2 and CH4 in the spectral region 2850-5250 cm-1 are taken as a new single-mixture gas as well. For overlap involving other absorption lines in the Fu-Liou spectral bands, the authors adopt the multiplication rule for transmittance computations under which the absorption spectra for two gases are assumed to be uncorrelated. Compared to the line-by-line (LBL) computation, it is shown that the errors in fluxes introduced by these two approaches within the context of the CKD method are small and less than 0.48% for the H2O line and continuum in the 2500-14500 cm-1 solar spectral region, -1% for H2O (line) H2O (continuum) CO2 CH4 in the spectral region 2850-5250 cm-1, and -1.5% for H2O (line) H2O (continuum) O2 in the 7700-14500 cm-1 spectral region. Analysis also demonstrates that the multiplication rule over a spectral interval as wide as 6800 cm-1 can produce acceptable errors with a maximum percentage value of about 2% in reference to the LBL calculation. Addition of the preceding gases increases the absorption of solar radiation under all sky conditions. For clear sky, the increase in instantaneous solar absorption is about 9%-13% (~12 W m~2) among which the H2O continuum produces the largest increase, while the contributions from O2 and CO2 rank second and third, respectively. In cloudy sky, the addition of absorption amounts to about 6-9 W m-2. The new, improved program with the incorporation of the preceding gases produces a smaller solar absorption in clouds due to the reduced solar flux reaching the cloud top.  相似文献   
展望未来十年或更远一些的观测系统时,有两种可能的发展趋势。一是使用新技术进行各种测定,并且能做到目前尚不能完成的定量测定。新的数据可能会改变气象部门的情况,受影响最大的是分析人员和预报员,他们将使用新数据进行业务工作,同时,目前的建立在原来概念上的观测体系必将发生相应的变化。这对另一种发展趋势提出了要求,这种发展趋势是对现存观测体系进行合理改革,使得它们在新条件下有效工作。本文认为,常规观测系统的作用不会有大的变化,仍然是必要的,但需要控制它们的费用。  相似文献   
1.引言人们认为工业活动对全球气候的影响主要是二氧化碳的温室效应。近来,已经提出在北半球观测到的可能是由于人类活动产生的较高的臭氧浓度会造成气候增温0.2 K(Fishman等,1979)。而且,在气候-化学耦合  相似文献   
一、前言根据《清洁空气法修正案》中“防止空气质量严重恶化”条款的规定,在一些重大的排放设施建成以前,要履行排放量批准手续,即对这些设施的大气质量影响作出预评价,因此,对大气质量模拟模式提出了更高要求。为了在模式的使用方面做到较为统一,1978  相似文献   
1.引言利用卫星云图监视热带风暴差不多有20年的历史了。1963年首次提出利用云图确定风暴强度的方法,当时是根据风暴云的形状以及它的云带和眼的外貌来确定强度。六十年代后期开始,一天已有几次的云图用来观察热带气旋,极轨卫星上的红外探测设备开始提供昼夜的观测,而早期的地球静止卫星提供白天时刻的连续监视,用卫星云图分析其强度。但是风暴云的特征与它的强度之间的关系,随时间有很大的变化,而且其特征的短时间的波动很大,有时足以模糊风暴发展的总趋势。单用一张云图做分析时,往往会使强度估计产生很大的误差。为了解决这个问题,提出了根据一系列云图特征,而不是仅仅依靠一张云图特征来估计每天强度的技术。  相似文献   
The methane emission flux from rice paddies was simultaneously measured with automatic and manual methods in the suburban of Suzhou. Both methods were based on the static chamber/ GC-FID techniques. Detail analysis of the experimental results indicates: a) The data of methane emission measured with the automatic method is reliable. b) About 11 or 19 o’clock of local time is recommended as the optimum sampling time for the manual spot measurement of methane emission from rice paddies. The methane emission fluxes measured by manual sampling at local time other than the optimum time have to be corrected. The correction coefficient may be determined by automatic and continuous measurement. c) In order to get a more accurate result, an empirical correction factor, such as 18%, is recommended to correct the seasonally total amount of measured methane emission by enlarging the au-tomatically measured data or reducing the manually measured ones.  相似文献   
前言我们在澳大利亚工作的目的是检验苏联迭层石分类及其分带方案(Scheme)的可靠性。我们发现他们的分类,如在别处讨论过的一样,在我们的迭层石中一般是可应用的。我们尽可能广泛地获得了迭层石在地理和时代(temporal)上分布范围的资料。普里斯(1971)对阿得累德(Adelaide)地槽前寒武纪和寒武纪迭层石作了详细的地层和岩相研究。沃尔特(1970,1972)研究了阿马德斯(Amadeus)、乔治纳(Georgina)、麦卡阿瑟  相似文献   
Phycoerythrin (PE) is one of the most important proteins involved in light capturing during photosynthesis in red algae. Its potential biological activities had gained wide concerns. In the present study, tumor cytotoxic and hydroxyl radical assay were preformed to detect the bioactivity of recombinant PE. Recombinant plasmids pGEX-PE and pBGL were transformed into E.coli BL21 to make two recombinant strains BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL). PE expressing in BEX (pGEX-PE) was validated by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analysis. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that the PE-GST fusion protein was mostly inclusion bod- ies. Specific expression of PE was confirmed by Western blotting analysis. The recombinant E. coli BEX (pGEX-PE) cells were col- lected and sonicated. The supernatants were reserved for the tumor cytotoxic experiments. The result of tumor cytotoxic assay indi- cated that the supernatants containing PE had the activity of inhibiting the growth of Hela cells and with the increase of protein con- centration, the inhibiting rate increased from 37.31% to 63.26%, which showed significant difference from the control. Hydroxyl radical scavenging effect was tested with supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates treated with sonication and heating. For the sonication samples, the scavenging rates of the supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates were significantly higher than the negative control BL21(pGEX-4T) (P<0.02), and the scavenging rates increased slowly following the increase of the protein content. For the heating samples, except for the 0.2 mg mL-1 BGL (pBGL) products, the scavenging effects of the supernatants of BEX (pGEX-PE) and BGL (pBGL) cell lysates were stronger than that of negative control BL21(pGEX-4T). However, the effect intensity was not positively correlated with the increase of the protein concentration. Though a partially de- creased hydroxyl radical scavenging activity was led by heating, the biological activity was still retained and conspicuous. This re- search showed that phycoerythrin protein expressing in E. coli has the potential medical and sanitarian value.  相似文献   
A Metallogenic Model of Gold Deposits of the Jiaodong Granite-Greenstone Belt   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
An analysis of trace elements and isotopic geochemistry suggest that the ore-forming materials of gold deposits in the Jiaodong granite-greenstone belt have multiple sources, especially the mantle source. Seismic wave, magnetic and gravity fields show that the crust-mantle structure and its coupling mechanism are the fundamental dynamic causes for the exchange and accumulation of materials and energy in the metallogenic system. Considering the evolution history of the structural setting, the tectono-metallogenic dynamics model of the area can be summarized as follows: (1) occurrence of the greenstone belt during the Archean-Proterozoic-the embryonic form of Au-source system; (2) stable tectonic setting in the Paleozoic-an intermittence in gold mineralization; (3) intensive activation and reformation of the greenstone belt in the Mesozoic-tectono-mineralization and tectono-diagensis; (4) posthumous structural activity in the Cenozoic-destruction of orebodies in the later stage. In the middle and late Ind  相似文献   
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