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Dynamic responses under the excitation of pulse sequences   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
This paper studies the dynamic responses of SDOF system under pulse-dominant excitations. The purpose of the study is to prepare for scrutiny of some near-field pulse-dominant ground motions and their potential to cause structural damage. Extending the single pulse dynamics, we consider the effect of pulse sequences. This kind of excitation was particularly obvious in some of previous earthquakes such as Northridge (1994) and Chi-Chi (1995). Based on the duration,peak and rise and decay era of the main pulse as well as its relationship with the predecessor and successor pulses, we propose a classification for the pulse sequences. Consequent studies have been carried out for acceleration, velocity and displacement response spectra of the main pulse with either a predecessor or a successor pulse. The analysis also includes general response behaviors in different fundamental period segments and special aspects of response at certain points (e.g., the corresponding peak points).  相似文献   
llNTRODUCTIONIrrigationisimp0rtanttof00dpr0ducti0nthr0ughoutthew0rld.Irrigati0nisused0naboutl5theworld'scropland(KendalIandPimentel,l994)and5%ofthew0rld'sfoodproductionland,whichincludesrangelandandpermanentcr0pland(FAO,l998).However,irrigatedlandproducesmorethan30%ofthew0rld'sf0od(Tribe,1994),whichis2l/2timesasmuchperunitareacomparedt0n0n-irrigatedproducti0n(KendallandPimentel,1994).IntheUnitedStates,approximatelyl5theharvestedcr0plandisirrigated,butalmost40thet0talcr0pvalue…  相似文献   
The Kunming Lake, with an area of 324 sq. kin. during its flood water time, is the largest lake in Eastern Yunnan. More than twenty streams from the surrounding mountains empty into the lake which is drained by the TangLang River to the upper Yangtze. Around the Kunming Lake is an extensive  相似文献   
A global forecast model is used to examine various sensitivities of numerical predictions of three extreme winter storms that occurred near the eastern continental margin of North America: the Ohio Valley blizzard of January 1978, the New England blizzard of February 1978, and the Mid-Atlantic cyclone of February 1979. While medium-resolution simulations capture much of the intensification, the forecasts of the precise timing and intensity levels suffer from various degrees of error. The coastal cyclones show a 5-10 hPa dependence on the western North Atlantic sea surface temperature, which is varied within a range (± 2.5℃) compatible with interannual fluctuations. The associated vertical velocities and precipitation rates show proportionately stronger dependences on the ocean temperature perturbations. The Ohio Valley blizzard, which intensified along a track 700-800 km from the coast, shows little sensitivity to ocean temperature. The effect of a shift of - 10?latitude in the position of the snow bo  相似文献   
三维变形必定与斜向板块汇聚有关,三维变形通常也引起反块边缘处收缩和横推分量之间的变形的分块,转换挤压和转换拉张的走滑分块运动学模式确定了3 个关键参数之间的准确关系。对两个构造环境的应用证实这个参数存在明显的一致性,同时还表明这两个地区的变形应用走滑分块转换挤压这一模式是很有效的。  相似文献   
引言赞比亚的祖母绿矿床位于世界闻名的铜带西南附近。该矿床靠近卡富布(Kafubu)河(卡富埃河的支流),常称之为卡富布祖母绿矿田。这是世界上最近发现的祖母绿矿田,尽管产量已达值得注意的比例,但其开发仍处于极初步阶段。目前,矿山开采全部限于小而分散的巷道和少量矿井。1928年在米库(Miku)首次发现了绿柱石,1931年经短期调查加以否定,四十~五十年代又作了一些工作,直至1974年以后陆续找到了卡马干加(Kamakanga)、比  相似文献   
引言尽管格林维尔地质省的高级变质岩内一般尚未听说有著名的重要矿床,但属于格林维尔超群的范围内部却赋存有纽约州巴尔马特-爱德华兹地区的大量块状闪锌矿,还有魁北克西南部和安大略东部相似格林维尔岩层中的许多小型锌矿和多金属矿。本文目的在叙述那些位于渥太华以北100km 魁北克省马尼沃基-格雷斯菲尔德(Maniwaki-Grace-tield)地区的格林维尔型锌矿产地和伴生的铁建造。在该区发现巴尔马特-爱德华兹规  相似文献   
Hydrographic data collected during the cruise HIDROPRESTIGE were combined with meteorological and dynamic data provided by remote sensors and drifting/moored buoys, to describe the surface circulation of the Northern Iberian basin in March-April 2003. Sea surface winds transported the floating Prestige oil slicks from the sinking area to the continental slope off the Rías Baixas in 1/2 month: the surface current intensity was 2% of the wind intensity and it was rotated clockwise 5 degrees from the wind direction. Mesoscale cyclonic and anticyclonic structures west of 10 degrees W increased the residence time of oil patches in the Northern Iberian basin, as compared with the expected southwards flow of the Iberian current (IC). On the other hand, the Iberian poleward current (IPC) formed a marked surface front with coastal waters, preventing the entry of fuel oil into the rías. PAHs in the surface layer during the cruise were <0.5 microgL(-1), except in the Galicia bank (approximately 1 microg L(-1); where the Prestige tanker was still leaking) and the vicinity of Cape Fisterra (approximately 1.5 microg L(-1); where the convergence front between the IPC and coastal waters vanished).  相似文献   
Concentrations of selected heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni and Fe) in surface sediments from nine sites in western Xiamen Bay and its vicinity were studied in order to understand current metal contamination due to urbanization and economic development in Xiamen, China. The sediment samples were collected in December 2004 and July 2005 respectively in order to examine temporal variations. In this study, we found that heavy metal concentrations in surface sediments sampled in the western Xiamen Bay and adjacent Maluan Bay and Yuandang Lagoon varied from 19 to 97mg kg(-1) for Cu, 45 to 60mg kg(-1) for Pb, 65 to 223mg kg(-1) for Zn, 0.11 to 1.01mg kg(-1) for Cd, 37 to 134mg kg(-1) for Cr, 25 to 65mg kg(-1) for Ni and 3.08 to 4.81% for Fe. Although all metal concentrations in sediments meets Chinese National Standard Criteria for Marine Sediment Quality, both metal enrichment factors (EF) and geoaccumulation index (I(geo)) show that Pb contamination exists in the entire study area and contamination of other metals are also present in some locations depending on the sources, of which sewage outlets and commercial ports are the main sources of contaminants to the area. This study shows that using the sediment quality standard criteria only to assess sediments cannot properly reflect sediment contamination. A multiple approaches should be applied for the sediment quality assessment.  相似文献   
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