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An analysis was performed on 29,574 densities derived from the drag of 10 satellites to determine simultaneously the parameters of the solar-activity effect in the thermosphere on the one hand, and the amplitude and shape of the diurnal-variation curve on the other. This paper reports on the study of the diurnal variation only.Although a considerable amount of smoothing is inherent in the drag method, it seemed useful to see whether we could detect any change in the shape of the diurnal-variation curve with height, latitude and solar activity. None was detected: the curve remains remarkably stable, symmetric, with a maximum at 14 hr 20 min L.S.T. and a minimum at 2 hr 20 min L.S.T. A systematic variation of the temperature range with height is observed when static models are used to derive it. 相似文献
Special line shapes are derived fro the λ 1356 Å () transition of atomic oxygen from metastable () time-of-flight spectra produced by electron impact dissociative excitation of O2, CO2, CO, and NO, and they are compared with the broadened λ 1304 A resonance line shapes deduced by Poland and Lawrence (1973) from atomic oxygen absorption studies. The non-thermal line shapes for both airglow emission features are shown to have an effective width comparable to a 60,000 K thermal doppler line shape for an electron impact energy of 100eV. The variation of the effective line width with electron-impact energy from threshold to 300 eV is given. Since the effective line width of the resonance radiation produced by dissociative excitation is very large compared with the doppler absorption widths of the ambient O atoms at normal exospheric temperatures, the anomalously broadened resonance lines will propagate through a planetary atmosphere as though they were optically thin. Thus, electron-impact dissociation of CO and CO2 will contribute to the observed optically thin component of the λ 1304 Å emission in the upper atmospheres of Venus and Mars. However, the process cannot account for more than 10% of the observed optically thin emission because of the small magnitude of the excitation cross-section and the comparatively high-energy threshold for the process. The possibility that the source of the kinetically energetic ) atoms is the dissociative recombination of vibrationally excited CO2+ ions is discussed. 相似文献
The flow of plasma on the sunward side of a comet is investigated by means of an axialsymmetric model based on hydrodynamics modified by source terms. The model assumes a given curvature of the isobaric surfaces, which corresponds to paraboloids around the nucleus of the comet. The flow on the axis can be represented by a solution of a system of seven ordinary differential equations (respectively five in case of pure photo-ionization). The flow pattern always contains a widely detached bow shock and a contact discontinuity separating a cavity with purely cometary plasma from the transition region containing also solar wind ions. The model is applied to the special case where the cometary gas is ionized by the solar UV radiation only. Numerical solutions are integrated for five levels of production of neutral gas by the comet and for seven typical situations in the undisturbed solar wind. The results imply standoff distances of the stagnation point from the nucleus of the order of 10 000 km or more, and distances of the bow shock of the order of 106–107 km. 相似文献
This paper reports laboratory investigations on the absorption spectrum of SiC particles in the 10 μm region. The particles had a mean diameter of 0.31 μm. Our experimental results indicate that a large part of the infrared excess observed in carbon stars may be caused by SiC. 相似文献
C. LANA C. R. SOUZA FILHO Y. R. MARANGONI E. YOKOYAMA R. I. F. TRINDADE E. TOHVER W. U. REIMOLD 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2008,43(4):701-716
Abstract— The 40 km wide Araguainha structure in central Brazil is a shallowly eroded impact crater that presents unique insights into the final stages of complex crater formation. The dominant structural features preserved at Araguainha relate directly to the centripetal movement of the target rocks during the collapse of the transient cavity. Slumping of the transient cavity walls resulted in inward‐verging inclined folds and a km‐scale anticline in the outer ring of the structure. The folding stage was followed by radial and concentric faulting, with downward displacement of kilometer‐scale blocks around the crater rim. The central uplift records evidence for km‐scale upward movement of crystalline basement rocks from the transient cavity floor, and lateral moment of sedimentary target rocks detached from the cavity walls. Much of the structural grain in the central uplift relates to structural stacking of km‐scale thrust sheets of sedimentary strata onto the core of crystalline basement rocks. Outward‐plunging radial folds indicate tangential oblate shortening of the strata during the imbrication of the thrust sheets. Each individual sheet records an early stage of folding and thickening due to non‐coaxial strains, shortly before sheet imbrication. We attribute this folding and thickening phase to the kilometer‐scale inward movement of the target strata from the transient cavity walls to the central uplift. The outer parts of the central uplift record additional outward movement of the target rocks, possibly related to the collapse of the central uplift. An inner ring structure at 10–12 km from the crater center marks the extent of the deformation related to the outward movement of the target rocks. 相似文献
A geothermometric technique based on equilibria between coexisting plagioclase and alkali feldspar was applied to quartzo-feldspathic granulites from Salvador, BA, Brazil. The conditions of metamorphism were determined to be in the range 750 ° C–800 ° C, 4–8 Kb, by comparison with experimental data on the stabilities of sapphirine, phlogopite and other minerals occurring in the associated rocks. Selected feldspar data gives temperatures near, but slightly below, this range. Several variants of the Wood and Banno model, as well as an empirical two-pyroxene geothermometer, were also tested and found to give temperatures which were apparently 50 °–100 ° high. The solubility of Al2O3 in orthopyroxene indicates temperatures which are about 200 ° to high, suggesting that Fe in the natural assemblages significantly changes relationships observed experimentally in MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 systems. 相似文献
Portions of the Gunflint Iron Formation, originally a ferruginoussediment, were metamorphosed by the intrusion of the DuluthComplex to assemblages containing: pigeonite (Wo10En24Fs66)+olivine(Fo13Fa37)+Fe-Ti oxide (Mt62Usp34Hc4)+plagioclase (An94Ab6)+vapor+augite (Wo40En20Fs40) or cummingtonite Fe/(Fe+Mg) {smalltilde} 0.69; quartz was present but probably was not in equilibriumwith olivine. Comparison with synthetic phase-equilibrium studiesindicate conditions of initial recrystallization of T 800 °C,Ptotal 2kb, fo2 slightly below that of the pure fayalite-magnetite-quartzassemblage, and PH2O < Ptotal. During the slow cooling process following initial recrystallization,the phases present underwent a complex series of exsolution,inversion, oxidation, and hydration reactions. Pigeonite initiallyexsolved augite along (001), then inverted to orthopyroxene,which then exsolved augite along (100). The augite exsolvedonly pigeonite on (001) during its cooling history. The Fe-Tioxide for the most part oxidized to an intergrowth of magnetiteand ilmenite, although unoxidized portions later exsolved ulvöspinel.Cummingtonite exsolved actinolite, forming irregular patchesof the latter. Olivine, orthopyroxene, and augite reacted withplagioclase to form retrograde amphiboles. Orthopyroxene had difficulty nucleating during this slow coolingprocess, forming only at widely spaced points in mosaics ofprimary pigeonite grains, and never nucleating within primaryaugite grains. The resulting orthopyroxene grains are much largerthan the original pigeonite grains. 相似文献
Chemical compositions of melilitee and titaniferous pyroxenes in calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions in carbonaceous chondrites are consistent with their origin as hightemperature condensates from a gas of solar composition. Thermodynamic calculations indicate that the highest temperature minerals equilibrated with the gas at temperatures in excess of 1400°K. The lack of evidence for direct condensation of gas to liquid enables us to set an upper limit to the pressure when the inclusions formed which may be as low as 2.2 × 10?3atm. Glasses, which are commonly found in chondrules, are interpreted as quench products of liquids formed by secondary reheating of primary solid condensates. The high-temperature inclusions constitute evidence that accretion of grains to cm-sized objects occurred at a very early stage in the evolution of the solar nebula. 相似文献
Technetium isotopes 97Tc, 98Tc and 99Tc decay to 97Mo, 98Ru and 99Ru, with half-lives of 2.6 My, 4.1 My, and 0.21 My respectively. If there were early solar system processes that resulted in significant fractionation of Tc from the daughter elements, decay of extant Tc could have led to the creation of Mo and Ru isotopic heterogeneities. To assess the potential of metallic core crystallization to fractionate these elements, we examine the partitioning behavior of Tc relative to Re, Mo and Ru in the Fe-Ni-S system between solid metal and liquid metal alloy. The experimental evidence shows that Tc behaves more like the modestly compatible siderophile element Ru than the more highly compatible siderophile element Re, and that Tc is substantially more compatible than Mo. We also demonstrate a pressure effect in the partitioning of Mo during the crystallization of Fe-Ni-S melts. For a sulfur concentration in the liquid fraction of the core of 10 wt% (16.3 at%), the Jones and Malvin (1990) parameter is −ln(1-2 × 1.09 × 0.163) ≅ 0.44, which yields: D(Re) ≅ 4.1; D(Ru) ≅ 2.3; D(Tc) ≅ 1.7; D(Mo)Lo-P ≅ 1.0;.and D(Mo)Hi-P ≅ 0.5. Our results suggest that detectable Tc-induced isotopic anomalies (≥0.1 ε unit) in Ru and Mo could only be produced by unrealistically extreme degrees of crystallization of metal during asteroidal core fractionation, regardless of the time scales and initial Tc abundances involved. 相似文献