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Seeking to establish whether active-region upflow material contributes to the slow solar wind, we examine in detail the plasma upflows from Active Region (AR) 10978, which crossed the Sun’s disc in the interval 8 to 16 December 2007 during Carrington rotation (CR) 2064. In previous work, using data from the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer, upflow velocity evolution was extensively studied as the region crossed the disc, while a linear force-free-field magnetic extrapolation was used to confirm aspects of the velocity evolution and to establish the presence of quasi-separatrix layers at the upflow source areas. The plasma properties, temperature, density, and first ionisation potential bias [FIP-bias] were measured with the spectrometer during the disc passage of the active region. Global potential-field source-surface (PFSS) models showed that AR 10978 was completely covered by the closed field of a helmet streamer that is part of the streamer belt. Therefore it is not clear how any of the upflowing AR-associated plasma could reach the source surface at 2.5 R and contribute to the slow solar wind. However, a detailed examination of solar-wind in-situ data obtained by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft at the L1 point shows that increases in O7+/O6+, C6+/C5+, and Fe/O – a FIP-bias proxy – are present before the heliospheric current-sheet crossing. These increases, along with an accompanying reduction in proton velocity and an increase in density are characteristic of both AR and slow-solar-wind plasma. Finally, we describe a two-step reconnection process by which some of the upflowing plasma from the AR might reach the heliosphere.  相似文献   
Der Einfluß der Rotationsverdunklung schnell rotierender Sterne wird einer Neudiskussion unterzogen. Dafür werden filterphotometrische Helligkeiten vom Satelliten ANS herangezogen. Von schwach verfärbten B Sternen (E(B - V) 0.1 mag) wurden die Helligkeiten vom Einfluß der interstellaren Extinktion befreit. Die Verleilung der Sterne im Rotationsgeschwindigkeits-Farbenindex-Diagramm weist eine Streuung auf, die den Betrag der photometrischen Fehler übersteigt. Die Lage der Sterne im Rotationsgeschwindigkeits-Farbenindex-Diagramm befindet sich in qualitativer Übereinstimmung mit entsprechenden theoretischen Resultaten. Bei der Diskussion von individuell abweichenden Verläufen der interstellaren Extinktion vom durchschnittlichen Extinktionsgesetz sollte der Einfluß der Rotationsverdunklung als eine mögliche Quelle für die Abweichungen in Betracht gezogen und geprüft werden.  相似文献   
Four spectrograms of the cepheid Geminorum at different phases have been analysed for the determination of the abundances of various elements. The analysis shows that the atmosphere of Gem has an essentially solar composition.  相似文献   
A new method for deriving statistical parallaxes is proposed. The method uses the symmetry in the distribution of the Z-component of the stellar space velocity vectors. It should be suited to derive the statistical parallaxes of stars of population II, for which the usual method fails.  相似文献   
On 11 September 1973 a peculiar prominence was observed. The prominence displayed strong ( 50km s–1) systematic motions toward and away from the observer. The unusual spectrographic appearance of the prominence might have been due to downflowing material lifted into the corona during an earlier coronal transient.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
This paper describes Skylab/ATM observations of the events associated with a disappearing filament near the center of the solar disk on January 18, 1974. As the filament disappeared, the nearby coronal plasma was heated to a temperature in excess of 6 × 106K. A change in the pattern of coronal emission occurred during the 11/3 hr period that the soft X-ray flux was increasing. This change seemed to consist of the formation and apparent expansion of a loop-like coronal structure which remained visible until its passage around the west limb several days later. The time history of the X-ray and microwave radio flux displayed the well-known gradual-rise-and-fall (GRF) signature, suggesting that this January 18 event may have properties characteristic of a wide class of X-ray and radio events.In pursuit of this idea, we examined other spatially-resolved Skylab/ATM observations of long-duration X-ray events to see what characteristics they may have in common. Nineteen similar long-lived SOLRAD X-ray events having either the GRF or post-burst radio classification occurred during the nine-month Skylab mission. Sixteen of these occurred during HAO/ATM coronagraph observations, and 7 of these 16 events occurred during observations with both the NRL/ATM slitless spectrograph and the MSFC-A/ATM X-ray telescope. The tabulation of these events suggests that all long-lived SOLRAD X-ray bursts involve transients in the outer corona and that at least two-thirds of the bursts involve either the eruption or major activation of a prominence. Also, these observations indicate that long-lived SOLARD events are characterized by the appearance of new loops of emission in the lower corona during the declining phase of the X-ray emission. However, sometimes these loops disappear after the X-ray event (like the post-flare loops associated with a sporadic coronal condensation), and sometimes the loops remain indefinitely (like the emission from a permanent coronal condensation).Visiting Scientist, Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Ariz. 85726, U.S.A. operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.Presently located at NASA/MSFC, Space Sciences Laboratory, Marshall Space Flight Center, Ala. 35812, U. S.A.  相似文献   
Data from the two HEOS satellites obtained during the period December 1968 to August 1974 are used to investigate the large-scale properties of the interplanetary magnetic field.The sector structure has been deduced from the observed times of sector boundary crossings which are tabulated. A two-sector pattern existed throughout most of the period with occasional intervals of 2–3 months duration in which four sectors appeared. The variation of the dominant sector polarity with heliographic latitude showed a reversal in sense during 1971 at the time of the reported reversal in the Sun's polar field. A statistical analysis of the change in polarity distribution with latitude suggests that at Earth's orbit the sector boundaries are inclined to the solar equator on average at an angle of 12 deg.No evidence was found in the HEOS measurements of the north-south field component to confirm the systematic latitude-dependent deviation of the plasma flow away from the solar equatorial plane suggested by several analyses of data from previous spacecraft. The mean field magnitude and the average amplitude of the directional fluctuations appeared to be independent of heliographic latitude within the ±7.3° range explored.  相似文献   
Rb, Sr and87Sr/86Sr have been determined for fragments of matrix and clasts from three of the hand-specimens of Boulder 1, 72275, 72255, and 72215. Total-rock and certain plagioclase samples from a crushed norite clast (Civet Cat) define an age of 4.17±0.05AE (2σ) for the pre-Serenitatis igneous differentiation of the norite. Pyroxene and other mineral separates were affected by a later event at about 3.9±0.1AE. An unshocked clast of pigeonite basalt has a well-fitted mineral isochron of 4.01±0.04AE. Samples of the competent breccia matrix comparatively rich in small clasts of highly radiogenic microgranite define a mixing line equivalent to 4.03±0.03AE, which denotes the age of the microgranite. Other samples of the matrix dominated by small anorthosite clasts define a 4.4AE mixing-line and demonstrate that Sr isotope equilibration between plagioclase and matrix did not occur during the high-temperature event that indurated the matrix.  相似文献   
Results of analysis of about 150 autocorrelation functions are presented for the period from about 2300 hr on 5 October to about 1200 hr on 7 October 1967. A large percentage concentration of helium ions are observed. It reaches a value as high as 50 per cent with a maximum at around 800 km. Downward heat fluxes deduced from the temperature variations yield a value of about 2–2.5 × 109 eV cm?2 sec?1 during the period 1200–1600 hr and a value of about 1.5 × 108 eV cm?2 sec?1 during the period 0100–0400 hr at night. These agree well with other measurements. The O+ ions are found not to be in diffusive equilibrium, and from the O+ fluxes and the electron density profiles, the O+ drift velocity has been estimated. It is found that the speed can be as high as 1–5 × 103 cm sec?1 even at altitudes as high as 700 km.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a method for computing the equilibrium structures and various physical parameters of a primary component of the binary system assuming that the primary is more massive than the secondary and is rotating differentially according to the law of the w2 = b0 + b1 × s2 + b2 × s4, w being the angular velocity of rotation of a fluid element distant s from the axis of rotation and b0, b1, b2 suitably chosen numerical constants. This method utilizes the averaging approach of Kippenhahn and Thomas (1997) and the concept of Roche equipotentials in a manner earlier used by Mohan et al. (1997) to incorporate the effects of rotation and tidal distortions on the equilibrium structures of certain rotationally and tidally distorted stellar models. The use of the method has been illustrated by applying it to obtain the structures and some observable parameters of certain differentially rotating and tidally distorted binary systems whose primary component is assumed to be a white dwarf star.  相似文献   
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