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Glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, are undergoing rapid retreat, in large part due to climate change. These changes are significantly altering water availability in the region and pose critical risks to local populations that are highly dependent on these resources for livelihoods. We examine these issues through an interdisciplinary and linked evaluation of hydrological change and livelihood vulnerability in the Yanamarey watershed. Physical observations of the Yanamarey glacier show acceleration in frontal retreat at a rate of 8 m decade???1 since 1970, accompanied by total volume loss on the order of 0.022 km3. Hydrological and hydrochemical analyses document a possible transformation of stream flow over the past decade as the seasonal storage capacity of the glacier has degraded. Recent stream discharge measurements from the proglacial lake below the glacier are more coincident with the highly variable seasonal precipitation than they were during the 1998?C1999 hydrological year. Local household perceptions of glacier recession and seasonal hydrological variability agree with this trend, which is increasing human vulnerability in the watershed. Household case-study survey results demonstrate that shifting water resources, increasing weather extremes and climate-related threats to tourism are all new vectors of vulnerability for household livelihoods.  相似文献   
The influence of roughness on the hydro-mechanical behavior of rock discontinuities has long been recognized. As a result, several definitions and measures of roughness have been developed. According to the ISRM (Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech Abstr 15(6):319–368, 1978), discontinuity roughness comprises large-scale (waviness) and small-scale (unevenness) components. However, the division between these scales is not clear and most investigations of surface roughness have been restricted to small fracture surfaces (<1 m2). Hence, the large-scale components of roughness are often neglected. Furthermore, these investigations typically define roughness using two-dimensional profiles rather than three-dimensional surfaces, which can lead to biased estimates of roughness. These limitations have led to some contradictory findings regarding roughness scale dependency (scale effects). This paper aims to provide some explanation of these contradictory findings. Through the in situ digitization and analysis of two adjacent large-scale (~2 × 3 m2 and ~2 × 2 m2) migmatitic-gneiss fracture surfaces, the influence of sample size on roughness estimates are investigated. In addition, the influence of measurement resolution on roughness estimates is investigated by digitizing small-scale (100 × 100 mm2) samples from the same fracture with varying resolution. The findings show roughness to increase as a function of the sampling window size, in contrast to what is commonly assumed. That is, the combined waviness and unevenness of a discontinuity relative to its mean plane increases with scale. Compared to the sampling window size, the resolution of surface measurements is shown to have a far greater influence on roughness estimates. This influence of measurement resolution may explain some of the contradictory roughness scale relationships that have been published previously. It is important to note that the observed decrease in shear strength with increasing scale, as observed in many prior studies, is not being questioned; rather, a clarification of the role of roughness in this phenomenon is sought.  相似文献   
Intertidal zones by definition are exposed to air at low tide, and the exposure duration can be weeks (e.g. during neap tides) depending on water level and bed elevation. Here we investigated the effect of varying exposure duration (6 h to 10 days) on intertidal mudflat erosion (measured using the EROMES device), where the effects of water content and biofilm biomass (using chlorophyll-a content as a proxy, Chl-a μg g−1) were taken into account. Sediments were collected between spring and summer (in October 2018, January 2019 and February 2019) from an intertidal site in the Firth of Thames, New Zealand. Longer exposure duration resulted in more stable sediments [higher erosion threshold (Ƭcr, N m−2) and lower erosion rate (ER, g m−2 s−1)]. After 10 days, exposure increased Ƭcr by 1.7 to 4.4 times and decreased ER by 11.6 to 21.5 times compared with 6 h of exposure. Chl-a and water content changed with exposure duration and were significantly correlated with changes in Ƭcr and ER. The stability of sediments after two re-submersion periods following exposure was also examined and showed that the stabilizing effect of exposure persisted even though water content had increased to non-exposure levels. Re-submersion was associated with an increase in Chl-a content, which likely counteracted the destabilizing influence of increased water content. A site-specific model, which included the interplay between evaporation and biofilm biomass, was developed to predict water content as a function of exposure duration. The modelled water content (WMod.) explained 98% of the observed variation in water content (WObs.). These results highlight how the exposure period can cause subtle changes to erosion regimes of sediments. An understanding of these effects (e.g. in sediment transport modelling) is critical to predicting the resilience of intertidal zones into the future, when sea-level rise is believed to exacerbate erosion in low-lying areas. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Studies of soil productivity must compensate for the effects of temporal trends in order to examine the pattern of crop yields along spatial gradients. An analysis of the published yield estimates for 30 soils in 233 counties, however, did not find consistent yield increases over the past three decades. On the contrary, the yield estimates for many soils were markedly uniform since 1972. The uniformity appears to have two causes: the acknowledged difficulty of making yield estimates in a time of increasing variability in soil and crop management, both within and between regions, and surveyors' awareness of data stored in a national soils data base. The effect is to cast doubt on soil productivity data reported in county soil surveys published between 1973 and 1988.  相似文献   
Eocene shales metamorphosed by a naturally ignited coal seam in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming record a continuum of mineralogic and textural changes from relatively unaltered shale to melt developed during pyrometamorphism. Samples collected along a section 2 m in length, corresponding to a temperature range of approximately 1300°C, were examined optically and by XRD, SEM, and STEM. The low temperature samples are comprised primarily of silt-sized quartz, K-feldspar, and minor amounts of other detrital minerals in a continuous matrix of illite/smectite (I/S). Delamination of phyllosilicates due to dehydroxylation occurs early in the sequence with curling of individual layers from rim to core. Within one-half meter of melted areas, phyllosilicates have undergone an essentially isochemical reconstitution with nucleation and growth of mullite crystals with maximum diameters of 50 nm, randomly distributed within a non-crystalline phase that replaces I/S. Large detrital grains remain for the most part unaffected except for the inversion of quartz to tridymite/cristobalite. Within 1 mm of the solid/melt interface, the mullitebearing clay mineral matrix is essentially homogeneous in composition with obscure grain boundaries, caused by apparent homogenization of poorly crystalline material. This material is similar in composition to parent clays and acts as a matrix to angular, remnant tridymite/cristobalite grains. Rounded, smaller silica grains have reaction rims with the non-crystalline matrix; K-feldspar is no longer present (apparently reacted with the matrix) and the matrix contains abundant pore space due to shrinkage upon dehydroxylation. As isolated pods of paralava (glass) or fractures are approached, Fe–Ti–Al oxides become abundant. Vesicular glass is separated from clinker by a well-defined interface and contains numerous phenocrysts. XRF analyses and reduced area rastering using EDS imply enrichment of the melt phase in Fe, Ca, Mg and Mn, apparently due to vapor transport from other layers lower in the sedimentary sequence.Contribution No. 490, the Mineralogical Laboratory, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Michigan  相似文献   
Sediment-based reconstructions of late-Quaternary lake levels provide direct evidence of hydrologic responses to climate change, but many studies only provide approximate lake-elevation curves. Here, we demonstrate a new method for producing quantitative time series of lake elevation based on the facies and elevations of multiple cores collected from a lake's margin. The approach determines the facies represented in each core using diagnostic data, such as sand content, and then compares the results across cores to determine the elevation of the littoral zone over time. By applying the approach computationally, decisions are made systematically and iteratively using different facies classification schemes to evaluate the associated uncertainty. After evaluating our assumptions using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), we quantify past lake-elevation changes, precipitation minus evapotranspiration (ΔP−ET), and uncertainty in both at Lake of the Woods and Little Windy Hill Pond, Wyoming. The well-correlated (r = 0.802 ± 0.002) reconstructions indicate that water levels at both lakes fell at > 11,300, 8000–5500, and 4700–1600 cal yr BP when ΔP − ET decreased to − 50 to − 250 mm/yr. Differences between the reconstructions are typically small (10 ± 24 mm/yr since 7000 cal yr BP), and the similarity indicates that our reconstruction method can produce statistically comparable paleohydrologic datasets across networks of sites.  相似文献   
Basalt recovered beneath Jurassic sediments in the western Atlantic at Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 100 and 105 of leg 11 has petrographic features characteristic of water-quenched basalt extruded along modern ocean ridges. Site 100 basalt appears to represent two or three massive cooling units, and an extrusive emplacement is probable. Site 105 basalt is less altered and appears to be a compositionally homogeneous pillow lava sequence related to a single eruptive episode.Although the leg 11 basalts are much more closely related in time to the Triassic lavas and intrusives of eastern continental North America, their geochemical features are closely comparable to those of modern Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts unrelated to postulated mantle plume activity. Projection of leg 11 sites back along accepted spreading flow lines to their presumed points of origin shows that these origins are also outside the influence of modern plume activity. Thus, these oldest Atlantic seafloor basalts provide no information on the time of initiation of these plumes. The Triassic continental diabases show north to south compositional variations in Rb, Ba, La, and Sr which lie within the range of plume-related basalt on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (20 °–40 °N). This suggests that these diabases had mantle sources similar in composition to those beneath the present Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Plumes related to deep mantle sources may have contributed to the LIL-element enrichment in the Triassic diabase and may alos have been instrumental in initiating the rifting of the North Atlantic. Systematically high values for K and Sr87/Sr86 in the Triassic diabases may reflect superimposed effects of crustal contamination in the Triassic magmas.Contribution Number 3953 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  相似文献   
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