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Predicting population- and ecosystem-level benefits of habitat restoration minimally requires an understanding of the link between the trophic ecology of a species and their use of a habitat. This study combined novel, non-lethal natural tracers of trophic ecology with acoustic tagging techniques to examine spatial and temporal patterns of habitat use of spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus on Half Moon Reef (HMR), a recently restored oyster reef in Matagorda Bay, Texas. Forty-one spotted seatrout (408?±?25 mm total length) were captured at HMR, surgically implanted with acoustic transmitters, and monitored by an array of underwater listening stations from December 2015 to August 2016. Patterns of presence-absence on HMR were strongly influenced by water temperature, and to a lesser extent, salinity and tidal height. Overall, spotted seatrout residency to HMR was low, with fish being present on the reef 24% of days. When present, individual fish exhibited strong site-attachment to small portions of the reef. Residency to HMR increased significantly with size, while scale stable isotope analysis revealed fish exhibiting high residency to HMR occupied significantly smaller isotopic niches. If indeed smaller fish with decreased residency rely upon a wider range of prey items across multiple habitats than larger, more resident individuals, restored oyster reef habitat may be expected to primarily benefit larger spotted seatrout.  相似文献   
The Sierra Madre Occidental of northwestern Mexico is the biggest silicic large igneous province of the Cenozoic, yet very little is known about its geology due to difficulties of access to much of this region. This study presents geologic maps and two new U-Pb zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ages from the Cerocahui basin, a previously unmapped and undated ~25 km-long by ~12 km-wide half-graben along the western edge of the relatively unextended core of the northern Sierra Madre Occidental silicic large igneous province. Five stratigraphic units are defined in the study area: (1) undated welded to non-welded silicic ignimbrites that underlie the rocks of the Cerocahui basin, likely correlative to Oligocene-age ignimbrites to the east and west; (2) the ca. 27.5–26 Ma Bahuichivo volcanics, comprising mafic-intermediate lavas and subvolcanic intrusions in the Cerocahui basin; (3) alluvial fan deposits and interbedded distal non-welded silicic ignimbrites of the Cerocahui clastic unit; (4) basalt lavas erupted into the Cerocahui basin following alluvial deposition; and (5) silicic hypabyssal intrusions emplaced along the eastern margin of the basin and to a lesser degree within the basin deposits.

The main geologic structures in the Cerocahui basin and surrounding region are NNW-trending normal faults, with the basin bounded on the east by the syndepositional W-dipping Bahuichivo–Bachamichi and Pañales faults. Evidence of syndepositional extension in the half-graben (e.g. fanning dips, unconformities, coarsening of clastic deposits toward basin-bounding faults) indicates that normal faulting was active during deposition in the Cerocahui basin (Bahuichivo volcanics, Cerocahui clastic unit, and basalt lavas), and may have been active earlier based on regional correlations.

The rocks in the Cerocahui basin and adjacent areas record: (1) the eruption of silicic outflow ignimbrite sheets, likely erupted from caldera sources to the east during the early Oligocene pulse of the mid-Cenozoic ignimbrite flare-up, mostly prior to synextensional deposition in the Cerocahui basin (pre-27.5 Ma); (2) synextensional late Oligocene mafic-intermediate composition magmatism and alluvial fan sedimentation (ca. 27.5–24.5 Ma), which occurred during the lull between the Early Oligocene and early Miocene pulses of the ignimbrite flare-up; and (3) post-extensional emplacement of silicic hypabyssal intrusions along pre-existing normal faults, likely during the early Miocene pulse of the ignimbrite flare-up (younger than ca. 24.5 Ma). The timing of extensional faulting and magmatism in the Cerocahui basin and surrounding area generally coincides with previous models of regional-scale middle Eocene to early Miocene southwestward migration of active volcanism and crustal extension in the northern Sierra Madre Occidental controlled by post-late Eocene (ca. 40 Ma) rollback/fallback of the subducted Farallon slab.  相似文献   
Detection and measurement of atmospheric water vapor in the deep jovian atmosphere using microwave radiometry has been discussed extensively by Janssen et al. (Janssen, M.A., Hofstadter, M.D., Gulkis, S., Ingersoll, A.P., Allison, M., Bolton, S.J., Levin, S.M., Kamp, L.W. [2005]. Icarus 173 (2), 447-453.) and de Pater et al. (de Pater, I., Deboer, D., Marley, M., Freedman, R., Young, R. [2005]. Icarus 173 (2), 425-447). The NASA Juno mission will include a six-channel microwave radiometer system (MWR) operating in the 1.3-50 cm wavelength range in order to retrieve water vapor abundances from the microwave signature of Jupiter (see, e.g., Matousek, S. [2005]. The Juno new frontiers mission. Tech. Rep. IAC-05-A3.2.A.04, California Institute of Technology). In order to accurately interpret data from such observations, nearly 2000 laboratory measurements of the microwave opacity of H2O vapor in a H2/He atmosphere have been conducted in the 5-21 cm wavelength range (1.4-6 GHz) at pressures from 30 mbars to 101 bars and at temperatures from 330 to 525 K. The mole fraction of H2O (at maximum pressure) ranged from 0.19% to 3.6% with some additional measurements of pure H2O. These results have enabled development of the first model for the opacity of gaseous H2O in a H2/He atmosphere under jovian conditions developed from actual laboratory data. The new model is based on a terrestrial model of Rosenkranz et al. (Rosenkranz, P.W. [1998]. Radio Science 33, 919-928), with substantial modifications to reflect the effects of jovian conditions. The new model for water vapor opacity dramatically outperforms previous models and will provide reliable results for temperatures from 300 to 525 K, at pressures up to 100 bars and at frequencies up to 6 GHz. These results will significantly reduce the uncertainties in the retrieval of jovian atmospheric water vapor abundances from the microwave radiometric measurements from the upcoming NASA Juno mission, as well as provide a clearer understanding of the role deep atmospheric water vapor may play in the decimeter-wavelength spectrum of Saturn.  相似文献   
Some recent developments made during the European Union 6th Framework Integrated Project FUNMIG in the understanding and prediction of behaviour in ternary systems of radionuclides, humic substances and mineral surfaces are described. These developments are placed in the context of the existing literature. The aim is to describe the current understanding of humic substance mediated radionuclide transport as it may be applied to calculations in support of Radiological Performance Assessment. Some improvements in experimental techniques that provide the raw data to calibrate metal ion binding models are explained. The various metal ion binding models that are available are described and contrasted, before the recent development of ternary system models, in particular the Ligand Charge Distribution model that can predict metal ion and humic substance behaviour in ternary systems. The kinetic effects in ternary systems are described along with the models that are used to describe them. Finally, the remaining challenges in making predictions of radionuclide transport for the Radiological Performance Assessment of radioactive waste repositories are discussed.  相似文献   
The Middle Shoalhaven Plain is a large, tray‐like depression bounded in the west by the Mulwaree fault and in the east by cliffed Permian sediments. The plain is probably Mesozoic in origin and was partially alluviated during the Early to mid‐Eocene. Much of the plain and sediments were covered by basalts during the Late Eocene. This was followed by an episode of deep weathering, which culminated in the formation of widespread bauxitic and lateritic crusts and manganocrete and silcrete during the mid‐Tertiary. A second minor weathering event is recorded during the latest Tertiary to Early Pleistocene. Two new basalt dates are consistent with earlier ones at about 43 Ma. Palaeomagnetism shows bauxites and ferricretes to be mid‐Tertiary.  相似文献   
A small‐scale experiment was done to test the feasibility of thermally marking hatchery‐reared rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) fry that are released into rivers and impoundments in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Fry of rainbow trout were exposed to two different 48‐h thermal cycles each of a cold and warm water period. One thermal regime consisted of a cold water period during which the temperature was reduced from 14 to 8°C for 18 h followed by a return to 14°C for 30 h. For the second thermal treatment, water temperature was reduced to 4°C for 10 h followed by a period of 38 h at 14°C. Thermal cycles were repeated 4 and 8 times for each thermal regime, respectively. Following a growth period after treatment, obvious marks were visible on all treated otoliths as distinct from control otoliths. The 10°C differential treatment created the most visible patterns and growth of these fish was not significantly different from control fish. This marking method could be applied to normal hatchery practices to evaluate the effectiveness of large‐scale rainbow trout stockings in NSW.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the behavior of katabatic flow induced by an idealized, thermally inhomogeneous surface; a strip of surface cooling that has a finite width in the along-slope direction and is infinitely long in the cross-slope direction. Numerical simulations using the Boussinesq equations of motion and the thermodynamic energy equation are performed for various slope angles and strip lengths. The underlying dynamical processes in the katabatic jet and the near environment are explored by considering the along-slope momentum balance after a steady state has been achieved. The inhomogeneous nature of the surface forcing also induces a response in the environment that extends very far away from the sloped surface. Nearly horizontal jets close to the vertical heights of both sides of the cold strip are observed in the environment. A horizontal vorticity analysis is performed on these horizontal jets to ascertain their dynamical structure.  相似文献   
The storms usually associated with rill development in nature are seldom prolonged, so development is often interrupted by interstorm disturbances, e.g. weathering or tillage. In laboratory simulated rainfall experiments, active rill development can be prolonged, and under these conditions typically passes through a period of intense incision, channel extension and bifurcation before reaching quasi‐stable conditions in which little form change occurs. This paper presents laboratory experiments with coarse textured soils under simulated rainfall which show how channel adjustment processes contribute to the evolution of quasi‐stability. Newly incised rills were stabilized for detailed study of links between rill configuration and flow energy. On a loamy sand, adjustment towards equilibrium occurred due to channel widening and meandering, whereas on a sandy loam, mobile knickpoints and chutes, pulsations in flow width and flow depth and changes in stream power and sediment discharge occurred as the channel adjusted towards equilibrium. The tendency of rill systems towards quasi‐stability is shown by changes in stream power values which show short‐lived minima. Differences in energy dissipation in stabilized rills indicate that minimization of energy dissipation was reached locally between knickpoints and at the downstream ends of rills. In the absence of energy gradients in knickpoints and chutes, stabilized rill sections tended toward equilibrium by establishing uniform energy expenditure. The study confirmed that energy dissipation increased with flow aspect ratio. In stabilized rills, flow acceleration reduced energy dissipation on the loamy sand but not on the sandy loam. On both soils flow deceleration tended to increase energy dissipation. Understanding how rill systems evolve towards stability is essential in order to predict how interruptions between storms may affect long‐term rill dynamics. This is essential if event‐based physical models are to become effective in predicting sediment transport on rilled hillslopes under changing weather and climatic conditions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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