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The Moselle river flows in the north-east of France, from Vosges Mountains to neighboring countries Luxembourg and Germany. One of its tributaries, the Fensch river, drains a highly industrialized watershed, strongly impacted by mining, smelting and surfacing activities. The objective of this work, part of a general research program on Moselle watershed (Zone Atelier Moselle) was to assess the impact of the polluted Fensch river on the global quality of the Moselle river. For that purpose, water, sediments and suspended particulate matter were sampled in both rivers, upstream and downstream the junction. Four main sampling campaigns were carried out, in winter during a flood event and in spring at low water level. On a first step, mineralogical analyses (XRD and FTIR) and chemical analyses (ICP-MS, ICP-AES), were performed on sediments, suspended particulate matters and filtered waters. Major and trace elements concentrations were obtained on two different granulometric fractions (0–2 mm and 0–50 μm) revealing the enrichment in heavy metals of fine particles. From one collecting campaign to another, seasonal variations could be evidenced on suspended matter composition even though major minerals (calcite, quartz and kaolinite) were always present. Furthermore, spatial variations were evidenced for Fensch and Moselle downstream sediments. Thus, very fine-grained sediments, poorly crystallized, displaying at the same time higher metal concentrations and higher organic matter content than in Fensch river material, were collected downstream, in a low hydrodynamic conditions zone, assumed as a preferential sedimentary zone or even as a placer. Strong correlations could be revealed between iron content and contaminant concentrations, confirming the origin of polluted material.  相似文献   
Caledonian eclogite-facies metamorphism partially reworking Grenvillian granulite-facies anorthosite allows us to study the processes of garnet reequilibration at high pressure and to reconstruct the evolution of the unit near metamorphic peak conditions. Our results indicate that eclogite-facies metamorphism happened in two successive phases: first, inherited granulitic garnet was fractured and reequilibrated from their boundaries (crystal or fracture rims); then eclogite-facies minerals were crystallised in the fractures as overgrowths on inherited garnets. The reequilibration of inherited garnets is achieved through Fe2+Mg−1 exchange, whereas eclogite-facies garnets crystallised during the subsequent phase are notably richer in Ca than un- and re-equilibrated granulitic garnet. Pseudosection construction shows that this lack in Ca reequilibration cannot be related to variations in thermodynamic conditions (a H2O, reacting system composition) between the two phases. From the compilation of the available data, the reequilibration of granulitic garnet seems to be controlled by the inefficient intra- and inter-granular transport properties of Ca compared to Fe2+ and Mg. While these kinetic factors confine garnet reequilibration to Fe2+Mg−1 exchange, the extent of reequilibration along this exchange vector is controlled by partitioning with adjacent omphacite. On the contrary to the diffusional reequilibration of granulitic garnet that lasted for several My according to our modelling of the diffusional relaxation, the strong compositional gradients between eclogite-facies and reequilibrated garnets, which are almost unaffected by diffusional reequilibration, provide evidence that rapid exhumation followed the crystallisation of eclogite-facies minerals. We propose that the movement reversal itself, from burial to exhumation, and associated deformation and fluid flow, triggered this crystallisation event. The resulting evolution near metamorphic peak conditions is therefore strongly asymmetrical: on the one hand, the prograde diffusional relaxation profiles indicate slow movement during the last stages of burial, whereas the unaffected retrograde overgrowth indicates fast exhumation rates.  相似文献   
Some signed measures in turbulence are found to be sign-singular, that is their sign reverses continuously on arbitrary finer scales with a reduction of the cancellation between positive and negative contributions. The strength of the singularity is characterized by a scaling exponent , the cancellation exponent. In the present study by using some turbulent samples of the velocity field obtained from spacecraft measurements in the interplanetary medium, we show that sign-singularity is present everywhere in low-frequency turbulent samples. The cancellation exponent can be related to the characteristic scaling laws of turbulence. Differences in the values of , calculated in both high- and low-speed streams, allow us to outline some physical differences in the samples with different velocities.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Dendrochronologie arbeitet mit der Jahresschichtung des Holzes. Der Zuwachs gleichzeitig wachsender Hölzer ist ähnlich. Diese Forschungsrichtung braucht viel Material zur Herstellung typischer Mittelkurven. Mit Hilfe der Überbrückungsmethode kommt man örtlich sehr weit zurück. Schwierigkeiten liegen in der gesetzmäßigen Abnahme der Ähnlichkeit von Jahresringkurven mit der Entfernung voneinander. Neben einer absoluten Chronologie sind in Deutschland relative Chronologien aus Jungsteinzeit und Bronzezeit erarbeitet worden. Die Dendrochronologie kann gewisse Aussagen über Klimaschwankungen machen.  相似文献   
Doppler tracking of an interplanetary spacecraft near solar conjunction is strongly affected by the plasma in the solar corona, the main competitive contribution in measurements of the gravitational deflection of light rays. With the simultaneous availability of carriers in X band and Ka band for interplanetary communications, the plasma contribution to the corona can be accurately eliminated and measured. If, as in the Cassini mission, three different observables are available, this can be done in two ways: one deals with the total plasma content in the electric approximation, even in the ionosphere and interplanetary space; another is limited to the corona, but has access to subtler effects, like the magnetic correction to the refractive index. This technique will allow important progress in the radio investigation of the solar corona.  相似文献   
Fifteen seismic reflection lines from AGIP surveys, in and around the Campanian Plain and Mt. Somma–Vesuvius (south Italy) have been interpreted. The attention has been focused to the horizon pertinent to the top of the Mesozoic carbonate sequence and the Quaternary faults dissecting it. As a matter of fact, both are very important elements for understanding the origin of the volcanic activity in the area, that often in the past, has been the topic of debates not supported by reliable data. In the study area, referring to the depth of the carbonate basement, comparison between the result achieved by the seismic prospecting and previous gravity studies has been made. It shows coherence in some areas but large discrepancy within others. Near the town of S. Anastasia, the gravity and seismic depth estimates differ as much as 1000 m or more. Furthermore, the seismic data show that the source of the greatest volcanic eruption in the area (the so-called ‘Campanian Ignimbrite') is probably not located in the Acerra depression, as suggested by other authors. A main NE–SW fault directed toward Vesuvius, considered as playing a primary role on volcanogenetic processes and previously recognised only offshore by marine seismic survey, has been now identified also inland using this new seismic information. The results presented here strengthen the hypothesis that Mt. Vesuvius is located at the crossing point of two regional Quaternary sets of fault heading NW–SE and NE–SW.  相似文献   
The basement of northern Nicaragua is still a great problem stratigraphically. Enclosed tuffits (mainly basic, partly also intermediate to acid) appear of importance for both petrology and sedimentology. Not in the least they are guide horizons for a more accurate mapping. The vast regional distribution, commonly proved yet, suggests that the composition of the basement is considerably uniform and it seems that they do not belong to different periods and formations. Structurally the region is exceedingly complicated. The folding direction as regards plication and overthrusts is mainly to the North, but partly also to the East. Probably the “Totogalpa formation” (fanglomerates, conglomerates and sandstones, mainly reddish) which follows disconformably over the basement, already indicated, belongs to the sequence of tertiary tuffites, agglomerates, lavas etc. as they conformably form a formation of uniform composition. The relation of basement to lower Cretaceous (marine Albian; “Metapan”), which follows immediately to the south, is less clear. The lower Cretacious shows intensive and complicated folding at Siuna and it appears almost unmetamorphosed (? basement in a wider sense). The marine sediments (upper Cretacious - Miocene) of South Nicaragua are orogenetically only slightly efected (folding direction to E-N). To the North follows a thick serie of Tertiary and Quarternary volcanites (initially mainly submarinal, later on continental). Together with the NW/SE lineaments (Nicaragua depression, lines of volcanoes, coast line in the SW etc.) also NS directed ones clearly appear (coastline in the East). This direction can be found e. g. in the “granite ridge of Susucayan” and the accompanying faults in the vicinity. These latter structures may have taken an active part in the development of the flexured border of the Nicaraguan depression NW of Managua.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Einleitend wird auf die vielfältige Problematik des Hunsrückschiefers hingewiesen. Hinsichtlich der Petro-Fazies ergibt sich ein Vorwalten der feinsandigen Komponente mit einem Feldspaltgehalt von durchschnittlich 10–13%. Die. Ergebnisse spektroskopischer und autoradiographischer Untersuchungen werden mitgeteilt. Die Mächtigkeit scheint in der SE-Eifel am größten zu sein und zum SE-Rand des Schiefergebirges hin ständig abzunehmen. Die Bio-Fazies wird vor allem hinsichtlich der sehr häufigen Fress-Bauten und Kriechspuren von Würmern behandelt, welche ein reiches Bodenleben im Hunsrückschiefer-Meer beweisen. Die Ansicht, daß der Hunsrückschiefer hauptsächlich aus Sedimenten eines Flach- und Wattenmeeres besteht, wurde bestätigt.  相似文献   
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