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With the recent extension of K-Ar dating methods within the Upper Pleistocene time, the use of new standards is recommended to allow calibration and inter-laboratory comparisons. For this purpose, two pure microlitic groundmass reference materials were prepared from trachy-basaltic lavas: Trachyte (MDO-G) from Mont Dore, Puy de Sancy, Massif Central is around 250 000 years old; the second Trachyte (ISH-G) from the Isle of Ischia, Gulf of Naples (Italy), is historical: Arso flow erupted on Christmas 1301 - January 1302 AD.  相似文献   
The volume variation as a function of pressure along the jadeite–aegirine solid solution was determined at room temperature up to pressures between 6.5 and 9.7 GPa by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The unit-cell volumes collected at room pressure for the different compositions indicate a slight deviation from linearity along the join. The pressure–volume data have been fitted using a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (BM3-EoS). The bulk modulus, K T0, varies from 134.0(7) GPa for pure jadeite to 116.1(5) GPa for pure aegirine. Its evolution with composition along the join is not linear and can be described by the following second order polynomial:
The value of the first pressure derivative K′ is close to 4 for all the samples investigated and can be used in a BM3-EoS to determine the volume variations of these pyroxenes up to 7–10 GPa. Along the join the highest compressibility among the crystallographic directions is always observed along a, however, the compression along b is the most affected by compositional changes. The strain ellipsoid analysis indicates that the major compression occurs on the (0 1 0) plane along a direction at about 145° to the c axis (from c to a). The anisotropy of the compression increases with increasing the aegirine component, as confirmed by the analysis of both the axial compressibility and the strain tensor.  相似文献   
Three hypogenic caves within the Naica mine of Mexico (Cueva de los CristalesCLC, Ojo de la ReinaOR, and Cueva de las VelasCLV) host spectacular gypsum crystals up to 11 m in length. These caves are close to another shallow cave of the area (Cueva de las EspadasCLE), with which they cover a 160 m-deep vertical section of the local drainage basin. Similar to other hypogenic caves, all these caves lack a direct connection with the land surface and should be unrelated with climate.A record of multi-technique fluid inclusion data and pollen spectra from cave and mine gypsum indicates surprisingly that climatic changes occurring at Naica could have controlled fluid composition in these caves, and hence crystal growth. Microthermometry and LA-ICP-Mass Spectrometry of fluid inclusions indicate that the shallow, chemically peculiar, saline fluid (up to 7.7 eq. wt.%NaCl) of CLE could have formed from evaporation, during a dry and hot climatic period. The fluid of the deep caves was instead of low salinity (~ 3.5 eq. wt.% NaCl) and chemically homogeneous, and was poorly affected by evaporation. We propose that mixing of these two fluids, generated at different depths of the Naica drainage basin, determined the stable supersaturation conditions for the gigantic gypsum crystals to grow. Fluid mixing was controlled by the hydraulic communication between CLE and the other deep caves, and must have taken place during cycles of warm-dry and fresh-wet climatic periods, which are known to have occurred in the region. Pollen grains from a 35 ka-old gypsum crystal of CLC corresponds to a fairly homogenous catchment basin made of a mixed broadleaf wet forest, which suggests precipitation during a fresh-wet climatic period and confirms our interpretation of the fluid inclusion data.The unusual combination of geological and geochemical factors of Naica suggests that other hypogenic caves found elsewhere may not host similar crystals. However, this work shows that fluid inclusions and pollen spectra represent a useful tool for cave studies in general, and if used in future studies might be essential to unravel the mechanisms of hypogenic deposition.  相似文献   
Computer-assisted Image Analysis can be succesfully used to derive quantitative information about grain-size distribution, particle shape and fabric on both consolidated and unconsolidated solid aggregates. We have developed a new analytical method that provides a series of quantitative textural parameters from whatever particulate deposits by combining commercial image acquisition system with devoted C-software. After exhaustive tests of the method, we applied it to a widespread Quaternary ignimbrite formation in central Italy (the Orvieto-Bagnoregio formation). The results suggest some new aspects of emplacement mechanisms of ignimbrites: (1) elongated particles shows variable degrees of flow-related preferred orientation both on horizontal and vertical planes; (2) vertical variations of flow-related preferred particle orientations follow a “zig-zag” pattern that we interpret to result from deposition by progressive aggradation during the passage of a particulate flow. The filling up of paleovalleys by means of progressive aggradation proceeds flank to flank due to alternating flow directions, induced by the already deposited material; (3) the occurrence of vertically spaced peaks on the strength of clast orientation suggests the existence of discrete depositional units deposited by aggradation from an unsteady but persisting flow. Strong fabrics are inferred to result from the high amount of shear stress imparted to particles at the depositional boundary layer, which at the same time can be responsible for the development of the basal inversely graded layer. Image analysis can also provide useful indications of paleoflow directions, paleotopographic details and ignimbrite source areas.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe des Ultrarot-Absorptionsschreibers wurden Tagesgänge des CO2-Gehaltes in verschiedenen Höhen über einem Weizenfeld registriert. Während sich nachts durch die Atmung der Vegetation CO2 am Boden anreichert, verarmt die bodennahe Luftschicht tagsüber infolge der Assimilation an CO2. Das CO2-Gefälle wechselt demnach zweimal täglich (morgens und abends) sein Vorzeichen. Infolge größerer Turbulenz ist das Gefälle bei Tag kleiner als bei Nacht; nach Multiplikation mit der Windgeschwindigkeit als Relativmaß des Austausches ergeben sich aber glaubhafte Relativwerte für den vertikalen CO2-Strom und damit für die Kohlenstoffbindung und-entbindung durch die Pflanzendecke.
Summary With the help of an infrared absorption-recorder the daily variation of CO2 content in different heights above a wheat field has been recorded. During the night the CO2 content is accumulated at the plant level by respiration, during the day diminished by photosynthesis. The CO2 gradient thus changes its sign (+ or –) twice a day in the morning and evening. The CO2 gradient is smaller during the day than in the night due to the stronger turbulence of the air. In multiplying gradients with wind velocities (used as a measure for the eddy exchange) one gets reasonable relative values for the vertical CO2-stream, and thus also for photosynthesis and respiration of vegetation.

Résumé La variation diurne de la teneur de l'air en CO2 a été mesurée à différentes hauteurs au-dessus d'un champ de froment à l'aide d'un appareil enregistreur de l'absorption à l'infra-rouge. Tandis que cette teneur augmente de nuit au voisinage du sol par la respiration végétale, elle diminue au cours du jour par suite de l'assimilation. Le gradient vertical de la teneur en CO2 change par conséquent de signe deux fois par jour, le matin et le soir; il est plus faible de jour à cause de la turbulence accrue que de nuit. Après multiplication par la vitesse du vent, mesure relative de l'échange turbulent, on obtient des valeurs relatives mais vraisemblables du courant vertical de CO2 et par conséquent de la fixation et de la libération du carbone par la végétation.

Mit 7 Textabbildungen.

Nach einem am 15. Oktober 1951 auf der Meteorologentagung in Bad Kissingen gehaltenen Vortrag.  相似文献   
Corner-point gridding is widely used in reservoir and basin modeling but generally yields approximations in the representation of geological interfaces. This paper introduces an indirect method to generate a hex-dominant mesh conformal to 3D geological surfaces and well paths suitable for finite-element and control-volume finite-element simulations. By indirect, we mean that the method first generates an unstructured tetrahedral mesh whose tetrahedra are then merged into primitives (hexahedra, prisms, and pyramids). More specifically, we focus on determining the optimal set of primitives that can be recombined from a given tetrahedral mesh. First, we detect in the tetrahedral mesh all the feasible volumetric primitives using a pattern-matching algorithm (Meshkat and Talmor Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 49(1-2), 17–30 2000) that we re-visit and extend with configurations that account for degenerated tetrahedra (slivers). Then, we observe that selecting the optimal set of primitives among the feasible ones can be formalized as a maximum weighted independent set problem (Bomze et al. 1999), known to be \(\mathcal {N}\mathcal {P}\)-Complete. We propose several heuristic optimizations to find a reasonable set of primitives in a practical time. All the tetrahedra of each selected primitive are then merged to build the final unstructured hex-dominant mesh. This method is demonstrated on 3D geological models including a faulted and folded model and a discrete fracture network.  相似文献   
The core of the turbidity maximum zone in the Saint-Lawrence Estuary is located in the North Channel and oscillates in front of the large (3×106 m2) intertidal flats and marshes of Cap Tourmente. It is shown that seasonal fluctuations in the intensity and the position of this core are mainly determined by suspended sediment exchanges between the channel and the marshes. Fine sediments, most of them found 20 km downstream in the channel off Cap Maillard in late winter and early spring, are advected upstream over the flats during the summer months by the tide. The deposition, favored by marsh plant growth, reaches 5×105 metric tons in three months. A period of intense erosion, at a mean rate of 4,500 metric tons per tide, coincides with the destruction of the plant cover by migratory geese. The material removed fills up the Chenal de l’Île d’Orléans upstream and is flushed back into the water column during the next spring freshette. This rotating seasonal sediment circulation, although very localized, exerts a major influence on the distribution and storage time of suspended particles in the upper estuary.  相似文献   
Surveys in Geophysics - Over the last 15 years, the satellite constellation of the global positioning system (GPS) has been modernized for more precise applications, with the introduction...  相似文献   
Elemental and isotopic compositions of organic matter in surficial sediments from five transects across Lagoa do Caçó (Brazil) were analyzed to identify the depth-related processes that affect the production and deposition of sedimentary organic matter in this shallow tropical lake. Each of four transverse transects began at a margin dominated by aquatic macrophytes (Eleocharis), crossed the central deep part of the lake, and terminated in the opposite, macrophyte-dominated margin. In each transect, TOC concentrations, C/N ratios, and δ13C values decreased between 0 and 4 m, whereas δ15N values increased. The variables remained stable in sediment from 4 m water depth to the center of the lake at 10 m. The depth-related patterns reflect differences in both the delivery and the deposition of organic matter in the lake. Organic matter is produced in abundance in the marginal area by emersed and submerged macrophyte vegetation that diminishes with depth and disappears at 4 meters. After the disappearance of macrophytes, organic matter is produced at low rates principally by open-lake phytoplankton. Drawdown of dissolved oxygen is high in the lake margins, but it is low in the oligotrophic open waters of the lake. Preservation of organic matter is consequently better in sediments of the lake margins than in deep waters. The depth-related pattern of organic matter delivery and deposition in the sediments of Lagoa do Caçó, in which water levels are sensitive to groundwater fluctuations, shows that the elemental and isotopic compositions of sediment organic matter can provide a record of changes in the paleohydrology of this and other similar shallow lake systems.  相似文献   
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