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More than 30 organic contaminants were detected in shallow groundwaters at Wuhan, the largest city in central China. Seriously contaminated groundwaters were from densely populated, industrial and commercial areas. Abnormal concentrations were found in groundwater from Hankou, downtown Wuhan: trimethylbenzene up to 29 μg/L, tetramethylbenzene up to 866 μg/L, and trichloroethene up to 9.5 μg/L. Benzene, Toluene, Ethylene and Xylene (BTEX) contamination of groundwater is serious and widespread at Wuhan, ranging between 0.14 and 25.0 μg/L. Considering the hydrogeological conditions of most Chinese cities, DRAMIC, a modified version of the widely used DRASTIC model, was proposed by the authors for assessing vulnerability of groundwater to contamination. The factors D, R, A and I in DRAMIC model are the same as in DRASTIC. The factor topography is ignored. The factor soil media is substituted by a new factor aquifer thickness (M) and the factor hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer by a new factor impact of contaminant (C). The equation for determining the DRAMIC Index is: DRAMIC = 5D R + 3R R + 4A R + 2M R + 5I R + 1C R. The calculated DRAMIC Index can be used to identify areas that are more likely to be susceptible to groundwater contamination relative to each other. The higher the DRAMIC Index is, the greater the groundwater pollution potential. Applying DRAMIC, a GIS-based vulnerability map for Wuhan city was prepared. Interestingly, places such as downtown Hankou, where enhanced concentrations of BTEX have been detected, correspond quite well with those with higher DRAMIC ratings.  相似文献   
Winter seabird distribution and abundance off south-western Greenland, 1999   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
South-western Greenland constitutes an internationally important wintering area for many seabird species. Several species of management concern have a predominantly near-coastal distribution, though available information about seabird numbers is mostly confined to offshore waters. Here we report on extensive aerial surveys conducted in March 1999, covering the coastal waters (up to 15-20 km from the mainland coast) and fjords of south-west Greenland. The most widespread and numerous species were estimated as 463 000 common eiders ( Somateria mollissima ), 153000 king eiders ( S. spectabilis ), 125000 thick-billed murres ( Uria lomvia ), 94 000 long-tailed ducks ( Clangula hyemails ), and 12 000 black guillemots ( Cepphus grylle ). A total of 19 bird species were recorded. The estimates for common eider and long-tailed duck approximately represent the entire winter population in south-western Greenland while estimates for the other species represent only an unknown proportion since their distribution continues further offshore. Waters around Nuuk and within the Julianehåbsbugten (Julianehåb Bay) area were identified as areas of high seabird density. A large proportion of the common eider population was aggregated in the fjord systems (22%), calling attention to the importance of fjords for this species. In contrast, pelagic seabird species appear to be absent from the fjords. The large winter population of common eider reveals the importance of south-western Greenland as a key wintering area for the eastern Canadian breeding population. The western Greenland breeding population is the only other contributor, probably amounting to no more than 15 000 pairs.  相似文献   
武汉市区第四系含水层地下水有机污染敏感性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在详细调查武汉市水文地质条件和地下水污染现状的基础上,获得了高精度的武汉市水环境中微量有机污染物的组成数据。所检测出的有机组分达30余种,以苯及相关苯系物为主,污染程度较高的地下水主要分布在人口密集区和工业,商业区,应用改进的DRASTIC模型-地下水污染敏感性评价模型,在GIS平台上,编制了武汉市区地下水污染敏感性分区图。根据其评价结果,建议集中对那些敏感性相对较高的区域采取有效的环保措施,开发利用时应作出风险评价。  相似文献   
Groundwater in the semiarid Rioverde basin in the northern part of Mexico was investigated with respect to major and minor elements including arsenic, as well as As(III) and As(V). The total arsenic concentrations varied from less than 5 to 50 g/L. The in situ arsenic determination method produced reliable results with deviations from -5.6 to 2.2 g/L compared to laboratory HGAAS. Since arsenic and barium were found to be inversely correlated, it was suspected that precipitation of barium arsenate controlled arsenic solubility. Thermodynamically modeling by means of PHREEQC indicated that BaHAsO4·H2O (not BaAsO4) might be a limiting phase, however only at higher concentrations than those determined in this study. Increased arsenic groundwater concentrations were found with lacustrine sediments and decreased concentrations with fluvial Quaternary sediments. Increased total arsenic concentrations correlate with increased As(III) concentrations in the groundwater of the lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   
Surface complexation models (SCMs) are widely utilized as a tool to study the mobility of radionuclide to the environment. In this study, two SCMs, electrostatic (ES) and non-electrostatic (NES) models are employed in order to simulate the sorption behavior of U(VI) on quartz in the absence of Mg, Ca, and Sr and ES model in the presence of alkaline earth metals. The surface reaction constants (log K) for ES and NES models were fitted to experimental data by coupling PEST with PHREEQC. The SCM prediction of U(VI) sorption on quartz in the absence of alkaline earth metals is in good agreement with the experimental data in the pH range 6.5–9. The estimated log K values are sensitive to both ES and NES model calculations. In U(VI)-Mg-quartz, U(VI)-Ca-quartz, and U(VI)-Sr-quartz systems, only the ES model shows the general trend of the experimental data. The estimated log K values are sensitive with respect to the surface reactions. Hence, the ES model is more suitable for model calculations of the U(VI)-Mg-quartz, U(VI)-Ca-quartz, and U(VI)-Sr-quartz systems.  相似文献   
The Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment (CIPS) is one of three instruments aboard the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere spacecraft. CIPS provides panoramic ultraviolet images of the atmosphere over a wide range of scattering angles in order to determine the presence of polar mesospheric clouds, measure their spatial morphology, and constrain the parameters of cloud particle size distribution. The AIM science objectives motivate the CIPS measurement approach and drive the instrument requirements and design, leading to a configuration of four wide-angle cameras arrayed in a ‘+’ arrangement that covers a 120° (along orbit track)×80° (across orbit track) field of view. CIPS began routine operations on May 24, 4 weeks after AIM was launched. It measures scattered radiances from PMCs near 83 km altitude to derive cloud morphology and particle size information by recording multiple exposures of individual clouds to derive PMC scattering phase functions and detect nadir horizontal spatial scales to approximately 3 km. This paper describes the instrument design, its prelaunch characterization and calibration, and flight operations. Flight observations and calibration activities confirm performance inferred during ground test, verifying that CIPS exceeds its measurement requirements and goals. These results are illustrated with example flight images that demonstrate the instrument measurement performance.  相似文献   
The Raman frequencies of quartz are used to evaluate deviatoric stresses in rocksalt-structure media in diamond-anvil cell experiments to pressures up to 20 GPa. The piezospectroscopic effect in quartz is modeled by first-principles calculations. Non-hydrostatic stresses measured in halogen salts give yield strength estimates of 3 GPa in the B1 structure (NaCl), and 4.5 GPa for the B2 structure (KCl and KBr). Raman measurements in MgO show that the yield strength is reached at around 6 ± 1 GPa. Measurements on quartz alone indicate similar yield strength. The estimated yield strength in MgO is thus likely a lower bound, in consistency with former radial X-ray diffraction measurements that gave a yield strength of 8 ± 1 GPa, and lower-pressure large-volume press experiments indicating a yield strength of 6 GPa at 5 GPa. Former values of the yield strength below 2 GPa determined by pressure gradient measurements were underestimated due to unverified assumptions in boundary conditions. The yield strength increases with increasing coordination of ionic solids, likely contributing to increase viscosity at phase transitions near the upper–lower mantle boundary.  相似文献   
The recharge processes in the overexploited aquifer of the Silao Romita basin, central Mexico, were investigated by means of gaseous tracers (chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs) and radioactive isotopes (C-14, tritium). CFC concentrations varied between 0.06 and 12 pmol/l (CFC-11), 0.03 and 1.7 pmol/l (CFC-12), and <0.01 and 0.23 pmol/l (CFC-113). CFC concentrations are controlled by irrigation return flow which became apparent by the comparison with tritium. Tritium activities ranged from 0 to 3.5 TU. The calculated mean residence times of 70 to more than 300 years are considerably lower than the ages estimated based on the CFCs data. These data showed that CFCs were not appropriate for groundwater dating in this particular area but the CFCs were suitable as a qualitative measure of the magnitude of irrigation return flow which proved to be a significant source of recharge in the irrigated areas. Radiocarbon activities were in the range of 6–109 pmC. Carbon-13 values varied between –11.9 and –7.2‰ VPDB. Modelling of carbon isotopes with NETPATH along a plausible flow path reveals considerable influences of exchange with soil CO2 and carbonate dissolution. Radiocarbon data indicate, at least in one case, the existence of groundwaters with residence times of more than 10,000 years.  相似文献   
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