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Observed polarization ellipses for fundamental-mode surface waves observed at a digital station in Hawaii deviate from those expected for isotropic models of crust and mantle structure for that region. The anomalous motion occurs as rotations of the ellipse about all three axes in a cartesian corrdinate system. The largest and most consistent deviations occur as anomalous slopes of the ellipse about the horizontal axis transverse to the direction of propagation.The observed orientations and magnitudes of these angles can be explained by models of the upper mantle which contain olivine for which thea-axis dips significantly from the horizontal and which includes a sufficiently thick sedimentary layer (1 km) and a thicker than normal oceanic crust (15 km). The ellipses are also generally inclined from great circle paths about the vertical axis and are tilted about the axis aligned with the propagation direction. Both angles are small and difficult to measure, but the inclination angles are consistent with a model of the upper mantle in which thea-axis of olivine is preferentially oriented in an east-west direction.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Eisengehalt von Andalusiten und Disthenen aus Quarzknauern im Gebiet des Ötztaler—Stubaier Altkristallins wurde regional untersucht. Der Gehalt and Gesamteisen in primären Disthen liegt zwischen 0,17 und 0,22 Gew.% Fe2O3, während primäre Andalusite zwischen 0,26 und 1,93 Gew.% Fe2O3 schwanken. Dieser Unterschied in den Andalusiten wird auf ein wechselndes Angebot von Fe2O3 aus dem Nachbargestein der Knauern zurückgeführt.Ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Eisengehalt der Andalusite und den verschiedenen Umwandlungsstadien Andalusit—Disthen konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden.
On the iron content of alumosilicates in quartz nodules
Summary A determination of the regional distribution of the ironcontent of andalusites and kyanites in quartz-segregations of the Oetztal—Stubai crystalline complex gave values of 0.17–0.22% for the total iron in primary kyanite and 0.26–1.93% in andalusite. This difference is probably due to a variation in the Fe2O3-content in the country rocks of the quartz veins. No relationship between the iron-content in andalusite and the different stages of transformation from andalusite to kyanite could be established.
Frequency distributions and correlations of solar X-ray flare parameters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have determined frequency distributions of flare parameters from over 12000 solar flares recorded with the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS) on the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite. These parameters include the flare duration, the peak counting rate, the peak hard X-ray flux, the total energy in electrons, and the peak energy flux in electrons (the latter two computed assuming a thick-target flare model). The energies were computed above a threshold energy between 25 and 50 keV. All of the distributions can be represented by power laws above the HXRBS sensitivity threshold. Correlations among these parameters are determined from linear regression fits as well as from the slopes of the frequency distributions. Variations of the frequency distributions were investigated with respect to the solar activity cycle.Theoretical models for the frequency distribution of flare parameters depend on the probability of flaring and the temporal evolution of the flare energy build-up. Our results are consistent with stochastic flaring and exponential energy build-up, with an average build-up time constant that is 0.5 times the mean time between flares. The measured distributions of flares are also consistent with predicted distributions of flares from computer simulations of avalanche models that are governed by the principle of self-organized criticality.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es läßt sich zeigen, daß im erzgebirgischen Raum die jungalgonkische Serie des varistischen Sockels von der Petrofazies diskordant geschnitten wird. Im Bereich des erzgebirgischen Kristallins steigt die Amphibolitfazies beulenförmig bis an die Basis des varistischen Sedimenttroges auf. Mit diesem Aufstieg wird eine Granitbildung regionalen und lokalen Charakters als möglich in Verbindung gebracht.
It can be demonstrated that the Upper Algonkian rocks of the Hercynian basement are disconformably cut by the petrofacies of the Erzgebirge. In the environment of crystallin rocks amphibolitic facies ascend to the bottom of the hercynian sedimentary trough. With this rise a granitisation of regional and locally restricted character might seem to be possible.

Résumé On peut montrer que dans la région de l'Erzgebirge les couches de l'Algonkien supérieur du socle hercynien sont recoupées en discordance par le petrofacies. Dans le domaine du cristallin de l'Erzgebirge, le facies amphibolite a la forme d'un dûme atteignant la base de la fosse sédimentaire varisque. On croit pouvoir établir une relation entre la formation de granite à l'échelle régionale et locale et cette montée métamorphique.

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Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Erich Bederke zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
QUEST on DASI is a ground-based, high-sensitivity, high-resolution (ℓmax2500) experiment designed to map CMB polarization at 100 and 150 GHz and to measure the power spectra from E-modes, B-modes from lensing of the CMB, and B-modes from primordial gravitational waves. The experiment comprises a 2.6 m Cassegrain optical system, equipped with an array of 62 polarization-sensitive bolometers (PSBs), located at the South Pole. The instrument is designed to minimize systematic effects; features include differencing of pairs of orthogonal PSBs within a single feed, a rotatable achromatic waveplate, and axisymmetric rotatable optics. In addition the South Pole location allows both repeatable and highly controlled observations. QUEST on DASI will commence operation in early 2005.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Wolkensystematik vorgeschlagen auf Grund der Wolkenform, der struktur — Verband — des Wolkenhimmels und auf Grund der räumlichen Verteilung der Wolken. Jede an einer Einzelwolke selbständig auftretende Form wird als Hauptform bezeichnet und folgende Typen werden genannt: Schicht, Scheier, Faser, Welle, Linse, Balle, Flocke, Haufen (Cumulus) und Dorn. Andere, dem Verfasser bisher unbekannte Formen könnten dazugefügt werden. Zwischen den Hauptformen treten alle möglichen Uebergänge auf, die noch mit der nicht dominierenden Hauptform, Nebenform genannt, charakterisiert werden. Zusätzliche Formen-elemente, die aber nicht selbständig auftreten können, werden Spielformen genannt (Mammatus etc.).Auf die Bedeutung der Verbandsverhältnisse und der räumlichen Anordnung wurde in Beispielen hingewiesen. Die klare Unterscheidung zwischen Form, Verband und Anordnung gestattet, Wolkenbestimmungstabellen zu erstellen.
Summary The author proposes a systematical cloud classification according to their form (shape), their association (structure) and their repartition on the sky. Every form of a single cloud which appears independent of other forms is called main form or main shape. The following forms can be distinguished: layer, wave, lens, veil, thred, bale, flake, cumulus, thorn. Other forms may be added if necessary. All possible combinations of forms are to be found inbetween the main forms, so that there will be a secondary form next to the mainform (e. g. wave-lens). Additional forms which exist only together with main or secondary forms are details (e. g. mammatus). Some examples given in this study show the importance of combination's assembly and their repartitition in space. A clear difference made between the form, association and repartition allows to establish a convenient way of determining the clouds.

Résumé L'auteur propose une classification des nuages d'après leur forme, leur structure (assemblage) et aussi d'après leur répartition dans l'espace. L'allure d'un nuage indépendant donne sa forme principale définie comme suit: couche, voile, veine, vague, lentille, balle, flocon, cumulus et pointe. D'autres formes peuvent être ajoutées. Entre les formes principales se trouvent toutes les combinaisons possibles qui ne sont pas dominantes, elles sont nommées les formes secondaires. Des états supplémentaires qui ne sont pas indépendants, constituent le jeu des formes.
The question of what lies ahead is of particular concern for Latin Americanists. The last decade has witnessed a serious erosion of both the popularity of their specialty, and an equally troublesome reduction in employment opportunities. This paper uses Association of American Geographers (AAG) data bases to document the age-gender structure of contemporary Latin Americanist geographers, and projects likely compositional changes through the end of the century.  相似文献   
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