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Suevites are impact breccias with a montmorillonitic matrix that contains shocked and unshocked mineral and rock fragments from the crystalline basement, glass inclusions and a small amount of sedimentary clasts. Data are given of the modal composition of fall-out suevites (deposited at isolated points around the crater) and crater suevite (forming a layer below post-impact lake sediments in the crater cavity). Fall-out suevites contain aerodynamically shaped bombs which are absent in crater suevite. Taking into account not only large glass fragments and bombs, but also the finer fractions, the glass content of fall-out and crater suevites amounts to 47 and 29 vol%, respectively. Crystalline clasts in suevites consist of all igneous and metamorphic rock types that constitute the local basement which consists of an upper layer of igneous rocks (mainly granites) and a lower series of gneisses and amphibolite. Based on a collection of 1 200 clasts from 13 suevite occurrences the average crystalline clast population of suevites was determined. Suevites contain on the average 46 % igneous and 54 % metamorphic clasts. In constrast, weakly shocked and unshocked crystalline ejecta of the Ries structure consist of 82 % igneous and 18 % metamorphic rocks. From 138 analyses of crystalline rock samples average compositions of the major rock types were calculated. Comparison of these averages with the average glass composition leads to the conclusion that suevite glasses were formed by shock melting of gneisses in deeper levels of the basement. Suevite matrices consist in most cases of 80 to 90 % montmorillonite, in special cases of celadonite. Chemical analyses are given of some matrices and montmorillonite formulas calculated. It is supposed that montmorillonite was formed by early hydrothermal alteration of rock flour or fine glass particles. In the latter case the original glass content of suevites was higher than at present. Of all ejecta from the Ries crater only crystalline rocks contained in suevites occur in all stages of shock metamorphism up to complete fusion. The overwhelming majority of the ejecta from the sedimentary sequence (about 580 m) show no indications of shock pressures above 10 GPa. The same holds true for crystalline megablocks and breccias around the crater which consist mainly of granites from upper levels of the basement. We assume that the Ries impact can be approximated by a deep-burst model: The projectile penetrated through the sedimentary cover into the basement in such a way that the highest pressures and temperatures developed within the gneiss complex below the upper, predominately granitic layer and that rocks of the sedimentary sequence experienced weak shock compression. Numerical data are given for such a model of the Ries impact on transient crater geometry and volumes of vaporized, melted, shocked and excavated rocks. Fall-out suevites are supposed to have been lifted from the central zone by an expanding plume of vaporized rocks and deposited as fluidized turbulent masses outside the crater whereas the main mass of crater suevite was not removed from the crater cavity.  相似文献   
From photographic recordings of some hundred bright Ca+-network cells on the solar disk we find evidence for a smaller size of polar cells as compared to equatorial cells by a factor of about 0.9. We do not find an indication of a dependence of the structure of the cells on the heliographic position.  相似文献   
A commercial version of the prototype New Zealand narrowband interference filter instrument has been run at Garmisch-Partenkirchen since autumn 1977. The vicinity of the Dobson stations Hohenpeissenberg and Arosa permitted a check of the filter instrument's utility, reliability and long-term stability in total ozone measurement by (i) station to station-or short-range intercomparisons of daily means and (ii) a several days' direct intercomparison at Arosa in spring 1978.The regression analysis with the Hohenpeissenberg data-covering the five month autumn-winter 1977/78 period with highly variable ozone-shows that the filter instrument's direct-sun modeX AD total ozone values were systematically too low by a conversion factor of 0.93. The excellent proportionality between the instruments is indicated by the standard deviation of only 1,3%. The (–7.0±1.3%) bias perfectly agrees with the result reported byBasher [1] for a similar, yet direct, intercomparison.During the direct Arosa intercomparison the filter instrument also tracked down short-time variations in a remarkable, though biased, parallelism with the Dobson instruments, and theX AD daily means fit well into the prognostic relationship derived from the preceding autumn-winter short-range intercomparison.A creeping deterioration of the characteristics of the 305.5 nm double filter then prevented any furtherX AD total ozone intercomparison. No final decision is possible whether this behaviour after a half year's run is typical or just an unusual exception. The otherwise excellent long-term stability is demonstrated by the comparison of theX CD daily means with the HohenpeissenbergX AD data for a 1 1/2 year's period (autumn 1977–spring 1979), resulting in the same bias relationship as for theX AD total ozone measurements.  相似文献   
We report on simultaneous optical and infrared observations of the Halley Family comet 8P/Tuttle performed with the ESO Very Large Telescope. Such multi-wavelength and coordinated observations are a good example of what can be done to support space missions. From high resolution optical spectroscopy of the CN (0,0) 388 nm and NH2 (0,9,0) 610 nm bands using UVES at UT2 we determined 12C/13C = 90 ± 10 and 14N/15N = 150 ± 20 in CN and we derived a nuclear spin temperature of NH3 of 29 ± 1 K. These values are similar to those found in Oort-Cloud and Jupiter Family comets. From low resolution long slit spectroscopy with FORS1 at UT2 we determined the CN, C3 and C2 production rates and the parent and daughter scale lengths up to 5.2 105 km tailward. From high resolution IR spectroscopy with CRIRES at UT1 we measured simultaneously the production rates and mixing ratios of H2O, HCN, C2H2, CH4, C2H6, and CH3OH.  相似文献   
The Upper Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and active faults of the Gulf of İzmit were investigated by means of high-resolution shallow seismic profiling data in the source region of 1999 İzmit earthquake. High-resolution seismic reflection data correlated with borehole data indicate that the stratigraphy of İzmit Bay consists of three distinct depositional sequences formed in response to middle Pleistocene-Holocene sea-level changes. Reflector R, separating the pre-Holocene sequences (1 and 2) from the Holocene sequence (3), represents an erosional unconformity produced by the subaerial fluvial erosion of the continental shelves at the time of the last glacial maximum. Occasional, anomalous reflections (acoustic turbidity) observed within the Holocene sequence are interpreted as gas accumulations. The maximum thickness of the Holocene sediments is found to be about 25 m. The isopach map of Holocene sediment implies that the thickness of the Holocene decreases from the east towards the central and western basins of İzmit Bay. Two distinct fault systems are interpreted in İzmit Bay. The main fault system extending roughly in an E-W direction along the Gulf of İzmit is an active right lateral strike slip fault with a normal component. The secondary faults are normal faults striking in different directions and these are identified as being both active and inactive. In addition, prominent compressive features are identified in the seismic cross-sections of some profiles acquired to the east of Hersek Peninsula where the focal mechanisms of the aftershocks of the 1999 İzmit earthquake also reveal predominantly reverse faulting mechanisms, as identified by a local dense seismic network.  相似文献   
近年来,从古地貌-沉积组合与油藏关系的角度进行油气远景评价成为研究热点。针对古地貌的复原研究,提出一种建立三维古地貌模型的方法,将二维平面古地理图通过对资料的整理、挖掘与转换,并结合GIS技术生成了三维立体模型,补充了区域地形地貌的相关信息。利用该方法,建立了青藏高原油气资源潜力最大的区域——羌塘地体在三叠纪和侏罗纪的一系列三维古地貌模型,进而对其古环境和演化过程进行分析,这对于该区域的沉积矿产资源的预测与评价有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
Early Cretaceous sandstones and shales from the Thakkhola region (Chukh and Tangbe Formations) were deposited on the subsiding northern (Tethyan) margin of Gondwana; current directions indicate a source area to the south. Whereas the Berriasian Chukh Formation is dominated by quartz arenites, volcaniclastic sandstones and minor conglomerates dominate the Tangbe Formation of Valanginian to Aptian age. Upsection, the composition of the volcaniclastic components changes from mainly basaltic to dominantly dacitic/rhyolitic. Magmatism was preceded and accompanied by strong uplift in the source area of the Chukh and Tangbe clastics, resulting in the erosion of probably more than several hundred meters of pre-Cretaceous sedimentary, metamorphic and plutonic rocks. A geochemical whole rock analysis of basaltic pebble fragments shows their alkaline character and suggests a within-plate geotectonic setting for the volcanic source. This volcanotectonic event is probably related to rifting between Australia and Greater India, where seafloor spreading began in late Valanginian/Hauterivian times.  相似文献   
Between November 15 and 30, 1985, an international mesoscale transport experiment was performed on the Swiss Plain. Seven meteorological groups from Denmark, Germany, Italy and Switzerland measured diffusion properties of near neutral planetary boundary layers during six completely overcast days: four Bise (north-east wind) situations, one transitional situation and one west-wind situation. Diffusion was measured using SF6 as tracer, which was released at the meteotower of the Gösgen nuclear power plant at 6 m above ground level. One hundred automatic samplers plus a mobile gas chromatograph were used to measure the concentration fields at distances up to 90 km downwind. Meteorological parameters were observed using radar-tracked constant-level balloons, tethered balloon soundings, sonic anemometers, an acoustic sounder and several meteorological ground stations, including a 110 m mast. All data were collected on a magnetic tape with free access to interested persons.The aim of the experiments was to obtain knowledge about the general nature of the turbulence, advection and atmospheric dispersion during neutral weak-wind situations over complex terrain. The collected data set will be useful for testing mesoscale transport and diffusion models. The results clearly show the channelling effect of the Jura mountains and the hilly prealpine region. An interesting result is that the SF6 plumes showed intensive horizontal spread but only limited diffusion in the vertical direction.  相似文献   
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