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为查清山西省阳泉地区旅游地质资源分布状况,方便当地政府掌握区内旅游地质资源现状,为地质公园开发、保护与发展规划提供决策依据,山西省自然资源厅(原山西省国土资源厅)于2018年开展了“山西省阳泉地区旅游地质资源调查”项目,基于三维可视化遥感影像,采用目视解译方法,并结合已有地质资料和野外调查数据,获取了阳泉旅游地质资源分布信息。在阳泉中东部圈定了一条呈月牙形的旅游地质资源密集分布带,该分布带西起盂县藏山,向南东过平定玉皇洞,终至平定县娘子关,分布在碳酸盐岩区,集山地地貌景观、岩溶地貌景观和泉域地貌景观于一体,是我国北方地区规模较大、较为典型的碳酸盐岩地貌、岩溶地貌和泉域地貌出露区,在区域上连片分布,具有较高的开发潜力。建议在“藏山旅游区—岩溶地貌景区—娘子关旅游区”范围申请建立北方碳酸盐岩景观多成因类型地质公园。 相似文献
人类活动对1961~2016年长江流域降水变化的可能影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
人类活动造成的温室气体浓度增加对气候变化的加剧做出了贡献,降水作为重要的气象要素和水循环组成部分,人类活动对其时空变化特征的影响也是当下研究的重要课题。本文以长江流域为例,利用1961~2016年CN05.1逐日降水数据和20世纪气候检测归因计划(C20C+D&A Project)中CAM5.1-1degree模式的逐日降水结果,分析了人类活动对长江流域年降水量及三个极端降水指数时空变化的影响。结果表明:包含人类活动及自然强迫因素的现实情景(All-Hist)的模拟结果与观测结果较为相近。All-Hist情景下的多试验集合平均结果对长江流域降水的模拟能力较为可靠。通过对比两种情景下模拟的长江流域降水量时空变化特征发现:考虑人类活动影响后,长江流域平均降水相对于仅考虑自然强迫情景下时呈现减少趋势,且减少趋势随时间推移加剧;极端降水受人类活动的影响随时间呈现出的增加趋势有所削弱;对平均降水及极端降水变化趋势的影响存在空间差异性,其中受人类活动影响最严重的是上游中部、东南部及中下游东南部地区,均呈现减少趋势;但在长江上游西南部极端降水受人类活动影响显著增加,需要加强该区域洪涝预防工作。另外,人类活动对平均降水的减少贡献最大的时段为2000~2009年,影响最明显季节为秋冬两季;人类活动对极端降水的影响与降水的极端程度成正相关,降水极端性越强,受人类活动影响的变化程度更大,且空间分布上的差异性也更加显著。 相似文献
水对不同岩石声波速度影响的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过分析不同成因类型岩石的声波速度,提出了水对不同岩石声波速度的影响,从岩石孔隙及隐微裂隙的发育程度及岩石的水理性质解释了在水的作用下岩石声波变化规律,利用这些规律可以初步判断岩石的隐微裂隙发育程度及水理性质。 相似文献
Influence of the Asian-Pacific Oscillation on Spring Precipitation over Central Eastern China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The linkage between the Asian-Pacific oscillation(APO)and the precipitation over central eastern China in spring is preliminarily addressed by use of the observed data.Results show that they correlate very well,with the positive(negative)phase of APO tending to increase(decrease)the precipitation over central eastern China.Such a relationship can be explained by the atmospheric circulation changes over Asia and the North Pacific in association with the anomalous APO.A positive phase of APO,characterized by a positive anomaly over Asia and a negative anomaly over the North Pacific in the upper-tropospheric temperature,corresponds to decreased low-level geopotential height(H)and increased high-level H over Asia,and these effects are concurrent with increased low-level H and decreased high-level H over the North Pacific.Meanwhile,an anticyclonic circulation anomaly in the upper troposphere and a cyclonic circulation anomaly in the lower troposphere are introduced in East Asia,and the low-level southerly wind is strengthened over central eastern China.These changes provide advantageous conditions for enhanced precipitation over central eastern China.The situation is reversed in the negative phase of APO,leading to reduced precipitation in this region. 相似文献
Significantly different peak pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions (18–26 kbar and 630–760°C versus 29–37 kbar and 750–940°C) have previously been published for eclogite and related metabasites from the south-eastern flank of the Pohorje Mountains in Slovenia. These rocks can show a bimodal distribution of chromium in the rock-forming minerals, particularly garnet, the role of which in their metamorphic evolution is unclear. Therefore, we studied an eclogite and a related rock with clinopyroxene containing only 17 mol% jadeite + acmite (sample 18Ca35a). KαCr intensity maps of garnet particularly in sample 18Ca35a show a sharp irregular boundary between the core (Gt1) and the mantle (Gt2). Gt1 of millimetre-sized garnet in this rock is nearly Cr-free and unzoned, whereas Gt2 is of different composition (0.22 wt.% Cr2O3) and slightly zoned. Nearly Cr-free amphibole, (clino)zoisite, kyanite and staurolite inclusions are present in Gt1. The matrix consists of garnet and Cr-bearing clinopyroxene, (clino)zoisite and amphibole. Thermodynamic modelling suggests peak P–T conditions of 22.5 ± 2 kbar at 710 ± 25°C (Gt1) and 23 ± 2 kbar at 700 ± 25°C (Gt2) in both samples. We interpret these findings to suggest that olivine- and hornblende-bearing gabbros with some chromite experienced early metamorphism in the eclogite facies, when Gt1 formed. The rock was subsequently exhumed and cooled leading to significant garnet corrosion. A second stage of metamorphism, recognized by mappable Cr contents in garnet, led to the growth of Gt2 and other Cr-bearing minerals at the expense of chromite relics, which survived stage I. The peak P–T conditions of stage II are compatible with those previously derived by same authors and support the view that probably no ultrahigh-pressure eclogite exists in the Pohorje Mountains. We relate the two metamorphic events to the Cretaceous and Palaeogene high-pressure events recently reported from micaschists of the Pohorje Mountains. 相似文献
The changes of plasmalemma permeability and some primary inorganic ions of Antarctic ice microalgae ( Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L) in the low-temperature stress were examined. The plasmalemma of 1CE-L could maintain the stability at the freezing condition of -6 ℃. That signifies that it could maintain the proper function of plasmalemma and stability of the intracellular environment during sea ice formation. The function of inorganic ions on low-temperature adaptation of ICE-L was investigated by using the X-ray microanalysis method. Low temperature (0 - -6 ℃ ) induces Ca^2 + concentration increment of cytoplasm, but after 24 h the content decrease quickly to normal value. As a matter of fact, Ca^2 + plays an important role as the second messenger in the low temperature adaptation of ICE-L. In addition, low temperature also influences on the other primary inorganic ions transfer and the cell maintains activity by keeping ratio balance among different ions. Above all, it is necessary for Antarctic ice microalgae to survive and breed by maintaining the stability of K^ + content and the balance of Na^ +/Cl^ -. 相似文献