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The detailed understanding of in situ biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in porous aquifers requires knowledge on biogeochemical gradients, the distribution of individual redox species and microorganisms. The generally limited spatial resolution of conventional monitoring wells, however, hampers appropriate characterization of small-scale gradients and thus localization of the relevant processes. Groundwater sampling across a BTEX plume in a sandy aquifer by means of a novel high-resolution multi-level well (HR-MLW) is presented here. The presence of distinct and steep biogeochemical gradients is demonstrated in the centimeter and decimeter scale, which could not be resolved with a conventional multi-level well. The thin BTEX plume with a vertical extension of only 80 cm exhibited a decline of contaminant concentrations by two orders of magnitude within a few centimeters in the upper and lower fringe zone. The small-scale distribution of sulfate, sulfide and Fe(II) in relation to the contaminants and elevated δ34S and δ18O values of groundwater sulfate strongly indicated sulfate and iron reduction to be the dominant redox processes involved in biodegradation. High microbial activities and biomass especially at the plume fringes and the slope of chemical gradients supported the concept that the latter are regulated by microbial processes and transverse dispersion, i.e. vertical mixing of electron donors and acceptors. Transverse dispersion therefore was suggested to be a driving factor controlling biodegradation in porous aquifers, but not exclusively limiting natural attenuation processes at this site. Broad overlapping zones of electron donors and electron acceptors point towards additional factors limiting anaerobic biodegradation in situ. The identification of small-scale gradients substantially contributed to a better understanding of biodegradation processes and hence is a prerequisite for the development of reliable predictive mathematical models and future remediation strategies.  相似文献   
The hafnium isotope composition of Pacific Ocean water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first Hf isotope data for seawater are reported for a series of stations in the Northwestern Pacific and define a range from εHf = 3.5 ± 1.4 to 8.6 ± 1.6. Most samples have values within error of the average of εHf = 5.9, but significant variations are found in intermediate waters at a depth of 600 m, as well as in deep waters. The Nd and Hf isotope compositions of the deep waters fall within the range of values found for surfaces of hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts in the region, confirming that Hf in the Fe-Mn crusts has been derived from the overlying water column, which thus provide an archive of past seawater compositions. Although the seawater samples are generally close to the global εNd-εHf correlation obtained from ferromanganese crusts, there are significant deviations from this correlation indicating that there is some additional decoupling between Nd and Hf isotope signals, most likely caused by local water mass mixing and differences in residence times. This is not resolved in the crust samples, which integrate seawater signals over 104 years. The combined use of these two isotope systems in seawater therefore provides an additional dimension for tracing water masses in the oceans. Studies of the distribution of oceanic Hf isotope compositions that have been confined to deep water and boundary waters, as recorded in seafloor ferromanganese crusts, can now be extended and aimed at characterising the entire present-day water column. Average Hf concentrations measured in this study are somewhat lower than previously reported, suggesting a shorter residence time for Hf in the global oceans, although the uncertainty in the extent of Hf removal from the water column during estuarine mixing as well as a lack of data on hydrothermal and dust inputs remains a limit on how well the residence time can be defined.  相似文献   
The drag coefficient (C d) and heat transfer coefficient (C h) with the bulk transfer scheme are usually used to calculate the momentum and heat fluxes in meteorological models.The aerodynamic roughness length (z 0m) and thermal roughness length (z 0h) are two crucial parameters for bulk transfer equations.To improve the meteorological models,the seasonal and interannual variations of z 0m,z 0h,coefficient kB 1,C d,and C h were investigated based on eddy covariance data over different grazed semiarid grasslands of Inner Mongolia during the growing seasons (May to September) from 2005 to 2008.For an ungrazed Leymus chinensis grassland (ungrazed since 1979),z 0m and z 0h had significant seasonal and interannual variations.z 0m was affected by the amount and distribution of rainfall.kB 1 exhibited a relatively negative variation compared with z 0h,which indicates that the seasonal variation of z 0h cannot be described by kB 1.To parameterize z 0m and z 0h,the linear regressions between ln(z 0m),ln(z 0h),and the leaf area index (LAI) were performed with R 2 =0.71 and 0.83.The monthly average kB 1 was found to decrease linearly with LAI.The four-year averaged values of C d and C h were 4.5×10 3 and 3.9×10 3,respectively.The monthly average C d only varied by 8% while the variation of C h was 18%,which reflects the different impacts of dead vegetation on momentum and heat transfer at this natural grassland.Moreover,with the removal of vegetation cover,grazing intensities reduced z 0m,z 0h,C d,and C h.  相似文献   
Bettina Schaefli 《水文研究》2016,30(22):4019-4035
Discharge simulation from snow‐dominated catchments seems to be an easy task. Any spatially explicit precipitation–runoff model coupled to a temperature‐index snow model generally yields simulations that mimic well the observed daily discharges. The robustness of such models is, however, questionable: in the presence of strong annual discharge cycles, small model residuals do not guarantee high explanatory power of the underlying model. This paper proposes a methodology for snow hydrological model identification within a limits‐of‐acceptability framework, where acceptable model simulations are the ones that reproduce a set of signatures within an a priori specified range. The signatures proposed here namely include the relationship between the air temperature regime and the discharge regime, a new snow hydrology signature that can be readily transferred to other Alpine settings. The discriminatory power of all analysed signatures is assessed with a new measure of their discriminatory power in the model prediction domain. The value of the proposed snow hydrology signatures and of the limits‐of‐acceptability approach is demonstrated for the Dischma river in Switzerland, whose discharge shows a strong temporal variability of hydrologic forcing conditions over the last 30 years. The signature‐based model identification for this case study leads to the surprising conclusion that the observed discharge data contains a multi‐year period that cannot be reproduced with the model at hand. This model‐data mismatch might well result from a yet to be identified problem with the discharge observations, which would have been difficult to detect in a classical residual‐based model identification approach. Overall, the detailed results for this case study underline the robustness of the limits‐of‐acceptability approach in the presence of error‐prone observations if it is applied in combination with relatively robust signatures. Future work will show whether snow hydrology signatures and their limits‐of‐acceptability can be regionalized to ungauged catchments, which would make this model selection approach particularly powerful for Alpine environments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Carnivore conservationists agree that addressing the socioeconomic needs of people is critical to human-carnivore conflict mitigation. We therefore welcome studies that encompass complex social and cultural factors that affect the severity of human-carnivore conflict on Namibian farmlands. However, we contend that the recent study by Rust et al. (2016 Rust, N. A., J. Tzanopoulos, T. Humle, and D. C. MacMillan. 2016. Why has human–carnivore conflict not been resolved in Namibia? Society &; Natural Resources 29 (9):107994. doi:10.1080/08941920.2016.1150544[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) was poorly designed, used inappropriate sampling methods, lacked quantitative information on their qualitative results, and ultimately produced unsupported conclusions about the role of historic apartheid and current racism in exacerbating human-carnivore conflict in Namibia. We outline our concerns regarding the methods used, and demonstrate that the conclusions drawn by Rust et al. were not supported by their data.  相似文献   
The influence of the northern Atlantic and tropical monsoonal systems, as recorded by the River Nile, on the climate variability of the southeastern Mediterranean was studied in two cores taken by the R/V Marion Dufresne: one core taken SE of Cyprus representing the northern Levantine Basin (core 9501, 980 m water depth) and the other located ˜380 km further south, represents the southeastern Levantine Basin in an area influenced by the River Nile plume (core 9509, 884 m water depth). The study was performed at relatively high resolution using several proxies: δ18O of Globigerinoides ruber, sediment characteristics and index colour parameters in core sections representing the last 86 ka. A low-resolution alkenone sea surface temperature record was also measured. The time frame in both cores was mostly constrained by ‘wiggle’ matching with the nearby well-dated δ18O and δ13C record of the Soreq Cave, which is mainly influenced by the eastern Mediterranean water vapor. The sedimentary record of the southern core is strongly influenced by the River Nile contribution throughout the last 86 ka, as evidenced by the higher sedimentation rates compared with the northern core (20 cm/ka vs. 5 cm/ka), continuously darker sediment colour, and higher TOC values (0.6–0.9 vs. 0.25 wt% not including sapropels). During sapropels S1 and S3, present in both cores, the influence of the River Nile became more widespread, reaching as far as Cyprus. Yet, the influence of the River Nile remained stronger in the south, as evident by the higher TOC values in the southern core throughout the entire 90 ka period and the longer duration of S1 in the southern core. An anomalous low δ18O interval that is not recorded in western Mediterranean occurred between 58 and 49 ka in the Levantine Basin and is more developed in the northern core. This period correlates with D-O interstadial 14 and maximum northern hemisphere insolation during the lastglacial cycle, suggesting that the warming mainly impacted the northern Levant.The Eastern Mediterranean Sea and land area was considerably warmer than the western Mediterranean throughout the LGM – Holocene transition, and the δ18OG. ruber drop of 4.5‰ is significantly greater than the 3‰ shift found for the western Mediterranean δ18OG. bulloides, both differences reflecting an increased continental effect from the western to eastern Mediterranean. Comparison between the marine and the land δ18O records suggests that the origin of rain over the land is composed of mixed signal from the southern and northern Levantine Basin. The study of Δδ18Osea–land variations demonstrates that various factors have influenced the sea–land relationship during the last 90 ka. The ‘amount effect’ has an important influence on rainfall δ18O during interglacial periods (particularly sapropel periods), whereas during glacial periods, increased land distances and elevation differences arising from decrease in sea level may have brought about decrease in δ18O of rainfall due to Rayleigh distillation processes. These influences were superimposed on those of sea surface water δ18O changes brought about by continental ice melting, and the strong effects felt in the southern Levantine Basin of the high River Nile input during periods of enhanced monsoonal activity.  相似文献   
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