ZusammenfassungStabilität einer Rutschscholle unter Einstau Die Elta, linker Seitenzufluß der Donau auf der Höhe Tuttlingen, sollte an der topografisch günstigsten Stelle zur Errichtung eines 12 Mio m3 großen Speichers abgesperrt werden. Die geologische Vorerkundung ergab Hinweise auf eine erfolgte Rutschung größerer Kubatur im linken Hangbereich. Die danach angesetzte Erkundung zeigte, daß eine Scholle aus Gesteinen des Weißen Jura unter Ausbildung einer Gleitfläche auf dem unterlagernden Braunen Jura abgeglitten war. Mit dem Teileinstau dieser Hangpartie mußte befürchtet werden, daß die Scholle erneut in Bewegung geraten und in das Becken gleiten würde (Vergleichssituation zu Vajont). Die bodenmechanische Berechnung ergab für den Lastfall der schnellen Senkung des Beckenspiegels eine nicht ausreichende Standsicherheit der Scholle, weshalb die Sperrstelle aufgegeben werden mußte.
SummaryStability of a Rock Slide in a Reservoir The Elta, left tributory river of the upper Danube should have been dammed up at the topographically most suitable location in order to erect a reservoir for water supply of 12 mio. m3 in volume. Since the topography of the valley part in consideration showed some peculiarities, a more detailed geological survey was undertaken. Due to geo-morphological aspects on the left slope part of the valley expecially in the area of the dam abutment in prospection a former landslide was indicated. More detailed ascertainments showed that a stratum of malm had performed a slideway on the dogger yielding the actual morphological position.In projecting the basin it had to be taken into consideration the possibility of a renewed sliding expecially in the state of lowering the water table (comparative situation to Vajont).Indeed the soil mechanical safety determination of the slope part in consideration verified a not sufficient stability in the state of repeated sudden drow down of the water table in the basin. Due to this result one had to renounce on the realization of the project.
RésuméStabilité d'un éboulement dans un bassin On devait construire un barrage sur la Elta (affluent gauche du Danube, à la hauteur de Tuttlingen), à l'endroit le plus favorable du point de vue topographique, afin de créer un réservoir de 12 Mio. m3. Le sondage géologique préalable a fourni des indications au sujet d'un glissement de cubage assez important, s'étant produit dans la région pentue gauche.Le sondage effectué par la suite montra qu'une masse de pierres du Jura Blanc s'était détachée en ferment une surface glissante sur le Jura Brun qui se trouve à la base. Avec le remplissage du bassin partiel il était à craindre que la masse ne se mît de nouveau en mouvement et ne glissât dans le bassin (Situation comparable à Vajont).Les calculs de la mécanique du sol n'ont pas révélé une sécurité suffisant de la stabilité de la masse, dans le cas d'une baisse rapide du niveau du bassin, c'est pourquoi on a dû renoncer à un barrage à cet endroit.
Sudden avulsions, unexpected channel migrations and backfilling phenomena are autogenic phenomena that can considerably change the propagation patterns of sediment-laden flows on alluvial fans. Once the initial and boundary conditions of the hazard scenario with a given return period are determined, the assessment of the associated exposed areas is based on one numerical, essentially deterministic, process simulation which may not adequately capture the underlying process variability. We generated sediment-laden flows on an experimental alluvial fan by following a “similarity-of-process concept”. Specifically, we considered a convexly shaped alluvial fan model layout featuring a curved guiding channel. As loading conditions, we defined a reference, an increased and a reduced level for the released water volume and the predisposed solid fraction, respectively. Further, we imposed two different stream power regimes and accomplished, for each factor combination, eight experimental runs. The associated exposure areas were recorded by video and mapped in a GIS. We then analysed exposure data and determined exposure probability maps superposing the footprints of the eight repetitions associated with each experimental loading condition. The patterns of exposure referred to the specific loading conditions showed a noticeable variability related to the main effects of the total event volume, the solid fraction, the interactions between them, and the imposed stream power in the feeding channel. Our research suggests that adopting a probabilistic notion of exposure in risk assessment and mitigation is advisable. Further, a major challenge consists in adapting numerical codes to better reflect the stochastics of process propagation for more reliable flood hazard assessments.
Synseismic loading to very high stresses (>0.5 GPa) and subsequent creep during stress relaxation in the uppermost plastosphere at temperatures of ca. 300–350 °C, near the lower tip of an inferred once seismically active crustal scale fault, was proposed based on peculiar microstructures identified in rocks exposed over >100 km2 in the Sesia Zone, European Western Alps. Here we discuss the conspicuous and highly heterogeneous microstructural record of quartz in disseminated small-scale shear zones. Sub-basal deformation lamellae and arrays of elongate subgrains on the TEM-scale indicate an early stage of glide-controlled deformation at high stresses. Distributed brittle failure is indicated by healed microcracks. Very fine-grained recrystallised aggregates with a pronounced crystallographic preferred orientation reflect intense plastic flow by dislocation creep. Locally, a fine-grained foam microstructure indicates a final stage of static grain growth at low differential stress. For the previously inferred peak stresses of about 0.5 GPa and given temperatures, initial strain rates on the order of 10−10 s−1 are predicted by available flow laws for dislocation creep of quartz. We emphasise the importance of short-term non-steady state deformation in the uppermost plastosphere underlying seismically active upper crust. The related heterogeneous record of quartz is governed by the local stress history at constant temperature. 相似文献
A high-resolution pollen record from Lake Teletskoye documents the climate-related vegetation history of the northern Altai Mountain region during the last millennium. Siberian pine taiga with Scots pine, fir, spruce, and birch dominated the vegetation between ca. AD 1050 and 1100. The climate was similar to modern. In the beginning of the 12th century, birch and shrub alder increased. Lowered pollen concentrations and simultaneous peaks in herbs (especially Artemisia and Poaceae), ferns, and charcoal fragments point to colder and more arid climate conditions than before, with frequent fire events. Around AD 1200, regional climate became warmer and more humid than present, as revealed by an increase of Siberian pine and decreases of dry herb taxa and charcoal contents. Climatic conditions were rather stable until ca. AD 1410. An increase of Artemisia pollen may reflect slightly drier climate conditions between AD 1410 and 1560. Increases in Alnus, Betula, Artemisia, and Chenopodiaceae pollen and in charcoal particle contents may reflect further deterioration of climate conditions between AD 1560 and 1810, consistent with the Little Ice Age. After AD 1850 the vegetation gradually approached the modern one, in conjunction with ongoing climate warming. 相似文献
A map-view palinspastic restoration of tectonic units in the Alps, Carpathians and Dinarides reveals the plate tectonic configuration before the onset of Miocene to recent deformations. Estimates of shortening and extension from the entire orogenic system allow for a semi-quantitative restoration of translations and rotations of tectonic units during the last 20 Ma. Our restoration yielded the following results: (1) The Balaton Fault and its eastern extension along the northern margin of the Mid-Hungarian Fault Zone align with the Periadriatic Fault, a geometry that allows for the eastward lateral extrusion of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian (ALCAPA) Mega-Unit. The Mid-Hungarian Fault Zone accommodated simultaneous strike-perpendicular shortening and strike-slip movements, concomitant with strike-parallel extension. (2) The Mid-Hungarian Fault Zone is also the locus of a former plate boundary transforming opposed subduction polarities between Alps (including Western Carpathians) and Dinarides. (3) The ALCAPA Mega-Unit was affected by 290 km extension and fits into an area W of present-day Budapest in its restored position, while the Tisza-Dacia Mega-Unit was affected by up to 180 km extension during its emplacement into the Carpathian embayment. (4) The external Dinarides experienced Neogene shortening of over 200 km in the south, contemporaneous with dextral wrench movements in the internal Dinarides and the easterly adjacent Carpatho-Balkan orogen. (5) N–S convergence between the European and Adriatic plates amounts to some 200 km at a longitude of 14° E, in line with post-20 Ma subduction of Adriatic lithosphere underneath the Eastern Alps, corroborating the discussion of results based on high-resolution teleseismic tomography.The displacement of the Adriatic Plate indenter led to a change in subduction polarity along a transect through the easternmost Alps and to substantial Neogene shortening in the eastern Southern Alps and external Dinarides. While we confirm that slab-pull and rollback of oceanic lithosphere subducted beneath the Carpathians triggered back-arc extension in the Pannonian Basin and much of the concomitant folding and thrusting in the Carpathians, we propose that the rotational displacement of this indenter provided a second important driving force for the severe Neogene modifications of the Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaridic orogenic system. 相似文献
We re-evaluate the cycling of molybdenum (Mo) and rhenium (Re) in the near-surface environment. World river average Mo and Re concentrations, initially based on a handful of rivers, are calculated using 38 rivers representing five continents, and 11 of 19 large-scale drainage regions. Our new river concentration estimates are 8.0 nmol kg−1 (Mo), and 16.5 pmol kg−1 (Re, natural + anthropogenic). The linear relationship of dissolved Re and in global rivers (R2 = 0.76) indicates labile continental Re is predominantly hosted within sulfide minerals and reduced sediments; it also provides a means of correcting for the anthropogenic contribution of Re to world rivers using independent estimates of anthropogenic sulfate. Approximately 30% of Re in global rivers is anthropogenic, yielding a pre-anthropogenic world river average of 11.2 pmol Re kg−1. The potential for anthropogenic contribution is also seen in the non-negligible Re concentrations in precipitation (0.03-5.9 pmol kg−1), and the nmol kg−1 level Re concentrations of mine waters. The linear Mo- relationship (R2 = 0.69) indicates that the predominant source of Mo to rivers is the weathering of pyrite. An anthropogenic Mo correction was not done as anthropogenically-influenced samples do not display the unambiguous metal enrichment observed for Re. Metal concentrations in high temperature hydrothermal fluids from the Manus Basin indicate that calculated end-member fluids (i.e. Mg-free) yield negative Mo and Re concentrations, showing that Mo and Re can be removed more quickly than Mg during recharge. High temperature hydrothermal fluids are unimportant sinks relative to their river sources 0.4% (Mo), and 0.1% (pre-anthropogenic Re). We calculate new seawater response times of 4.4 × 105 yr (τMo) and 1.3 × 105 yr (τRe, pre-anthropogenic). 相似文献