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Several occurrences of gold-bearing quartz veins are situated along the east–northeast-trending Barramiya–Um Salatit ophiolitic belt in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt. In the Barramiya mine, gold mineralization within carbonaceous, listvenized serpentinite and adjacent to post-tectonic granite stocks points toward a significant role of listvenitization in the ore genesis. The mineralization is related to quartz and quartz–carbonate lodes in silicified/carbonatized wallrocks. Ore minerals, disseminated in the quartz veins and adjacent wallrocks are mainly arsenopyrite, pyrite and trace amounts of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, pyrrhotite, galena, gersdorffite and gold. Partial to complete replacement of arsenopyrite by pyrite and/or marcasite is common. Other secondary phases include covellite and goethite. Native gold and gold–silver alloy occur as tiny grains along micro-fractures in the quartz veins. However, the bulk mineralization can be attributed to auriferous arsenopyrite and arsenic-bearing pyrite (with hundreds of ppms of refractory Au), as evident by electron microprobe and LA-ICP-MS analyses.The mineralized quartz veins are characterized by abundant carbonic (CO2 ± CH4 ± H2O) and aqueous-carbonic (H2O–NaCl–CO2 ± CH4) inclusions along intragranular trails, whereas aqueous inclusions (H2O–NaCl ± CO2) are common in secondary sites. Based on the fluid inclusions data combined with thermometry of the auriferous arsenopyrite, the pressure–temperature conditions of the Barramiya gold mineralization range from 1.3 to 2.4 kbar at 325–370 °C, consistent with mesothermal conditions. Based on the measured δ34S values of pyrite and arsenopyrite intimately associated with gold, the calculated δ34SΣs values suggest that circulating magmatic, dilute aqueous-carbonic fluids leached gold and isotopically light sulfur from the ophiolitic sequence. As the ore fluids infiltrated into the sheared listvenite rocks, a sharp decrease in the fluid fO2 via interaction with the carbonaceous wallrocks triggered gold deposition in structurally favorable sites.  相似文献   
Abstract— –The Monturaqui impact crater (350–370 m in diameter and 0.1 Ma old), located in a remote area in northern Chile, was surveyed in December 2003 with detailed geophysics (gravity and magnetics), topography, petrophysics, and geology. The geology of the Monturaqui area is characterized by a basement of Paleozoic granites overlain by Pliocene ignimbrite units. No impact breccia was found in the area. The granites are the main lithology affected by the impact. Although the granite samples analyzed did not show evidence of shock metamorphism, quartz, and to a lesser extent feldspar and biotite grains from impactite samples exhibit different degrees of shock, ranging from planar microdeformation and cleavage to the development of intense planar deformation features (PDFs) and diaplectic glasses in some grains. The differential GPS survey allowed the creation of a detailed digital elevation model of the crater. Its dimensions are 370 m along the east‐west direction, 350 m along the north‐south direction, and ~~34 m deep. The crater exhibits a circular morphology with a preferred northwest‐southeast elongation that coincides with the steepest slopes (~~35°) on the southeast edge. The newly acquired gravity data shows a negative anomaly of ~~1 mGal at the center and allowed the creation of a 3‐D model with a RMS error of <0.1 mGal, which supports the predictions of a fracturing‐induced low‐density granitic layer on top of the unfractured basement.  相似文献   
多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱(MC-ICP-MS)的广泛应用使过渡金属元素同位素地球化学的研究近年来获得蓬勃发展.利用元素双稀释剂法对钼同位素值进行校正,目前可以获得±0.1‰(2σ)的测试精度.自然界中钼同位素分馏δ98/95Mo可达~3‰,其分馏机制与环境的氧化-还原状态有关.在氧化环境下钼以MoO2/4-的形式与锰...  相似文献   
We report the occurrence of garnierite (a general term referring to Ni-Mg bearing hydrous silicates in laterites) from the crater-facies Tokapal kimberlite of the Bastar craton, Central India. Garnierite occurs as discrete ovoid or amoeboid segregations (up to 200 mm) or as veinlets with up to 18.1 wt% NiO and high iron contents (up to 36.2 wt% FeOT). Chemical composition of the garnierite implies its derivation from a magnesium-rich protolith. Extensive lateritisation of the large crater-facies (~2.5 km diameter) saucer-shaped kimberlite under tropical weathering conditions, aided by suitable topography, drainage and favourable structural set-up, are the factors inferred to be responsible for the formation of garnierite in the Tokapal system. As lateritic nickel ores constitute significant resources for nickel exploration, the perspective of the Tokapal kimberlite as a nickel prospect needs to be investigated.  相似文献   
Osumilite-(Mg), the Mg-dominant analogue of osumilite, has been approved by the CNMNC IMA as a new mineral species. The holotype sample has been found at Bellerberg, Eifel volcanic area, Germany. Fluorophlogopite, sanidine, cordierite, mullite, sillimanite, topaz, pseudobrookite and hematite are associated minerals. Osumilite-(Mg) occurs as short prismatic or thick tabular hexagonal crystals reaching 0.5 × 1 mm in size in the cavities in basaltic volcanic glasses at their contact with thermally metamorphosed xenoliths of pelitic rocks. The mineral is brittle, with Mohs’ hardness 6.5. Cleavage was not observed. Color is blue to brown. D meas = 2.59(1), D calc = 2.595 g/cm3. No bands corresponding to H2O and OH-groups are in the IR spectrum. Osumilite-(Mg) is uniaxial (+), ω = 1.539(2), ? = 1.547(2). The chemical composition (electron microprobe, average of 5 point analyses, wt %) is: 0.08 Na2O, 3.41 K2O, 0.04 CaO, 7.98 MgO, 0.28 MnO, 21.57 Al2O3, 3.59 Fe2O3, 62.33 SiO2, total 99.28. The empirical formula is: (K0.72Na0.03Ca0.01)(Mg1.97Mn0.04)[Al4.21Fe 0.45 3+ Si10.32]O30. The simplified formula is: KMg2Al3(Al2Si10)O10. The crystal structure was refined on a single crystal, R = 0.0294. Osumilite-(Mg) is hexagonal, space group P6/mcc; a = 10.0959(1), c = 14.3282(2)Å, V = 1264.79(6) Å3, Z = 2. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, Å I %) (hkl)] are: 7.21 (37) (002), 5.064 (85) (110), 4.137 (45) (112), 3.736 (43) (202), 3.234 (100) (211), 2.932 (42) (114), 2.767 (51) (204). A type specimen is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, registration number 4174/1.  相似文献   
A new mineral, hillesheimite, has been found in the Graulai basaltic quarry, near the town of Hillesheim, the Eifel Mountains, Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany. It occurs in the late assemblage comprising nepheline, augite, fluorapatite, magnetite, perovskite, priderite, götzenite, lamprophyllite-group minerals, and åkermanite. Colorless flattened crystals of hillesheimite reaching 0.2 × 1 × 1.5 mm in size and aggregates of the crystals occur in miarolitic cavities in alkali basalt. The mineral is brittle, with Mohs’ hard-ness 4. Cleavage is perfect parallel to (010) and distinct on (100) and (001). D calc = 2.174 g/cm3, D meas = 2.16(1) g/cm3. IR spectrum is given. Hillesheimite is biaxial (?), α = 1.496(2), β = 1.498(2), γ = 1.499(2), 2V meas = 80°. The chemical composition (electron microprobe, mean of 4 point analyses, H2O determined from structural data, wt %) is as follows: 0.24 Na2O, 4.15 K2O, 2.14 MgO, 2.90 CaO, 2.20 BaO, 2.41 FeO, 15.54 Al2O3, 52.94 SiO2, 19.14 H2O, total is 101.65. The empirical formula is: K0.96Na0.08Ba0.16Ca0.56Mg0.58Fe 0.37 2+ [Si9.62Al3.32O23(OH)6][(OH)0.82(H2O)0.18] · 8H2O. The crystal structure has been determined from X-ray single-crystal diffraction data, R = 0.1735. Hillesheimite is orthorhombic, space group Pmmn, the unit-cell dimensions are: a = 6.979(11), b = 37.1815(18), c = 6.5296(15) Å; V=1694(3) Å3, Z = 2. The crystal structure is based on the block [(Si,Al)13O25(OH)4] consisting of three single tetrahedral layers linked via common vertices and is topologically identical to the triple layers in günterblassite and umbrianite. The strong reflections [d Å (I %)] in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are: 6.857(58), 6.545(100), 6.284(53), 4.787(96), 4.499(59), 3.065(86), 2.958(62), 2.767(62). The mineral was named after its type locality. Type specimens are deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, registration number 4174/1.  相似文献   
Glacial landscapes of the Land of Great Masurian Lakes and Suwa?ki Lakelands in northeast Poland are characterized by very high abundance of lakes. These two areas were surveyed for lakes containing laminated sediments. Using bathymetry as a criterion, 60 small, deep lakes, representing preferred conditions for formation and preservation of lacustrine non-glacial varves, were selected for gravity coring. We found laminated sediments in 24 of the lakes, 15 in the Land of Great Masurian Lakes and 9 in the Suwa?ki Lakeland. Seven of these 24 sediment records were laminated in the topmost part only. Analysis of lake morphometric variables showed that the relation between surface area and maximum water depth can be used to identify lakes with laminated sediments. Most of the newly discovered lakes with laminated deposits have surface areas ≤0.3 km2 and maximum depths of 15–35 m. Multivariate statistical analysis (Linear Discriminant Analysis) of the lake dataset identified the morphological features of lake basins and their catchments that largely control preservation of laminated sediments. Microscopic and geochemical analyses revealed a biogenic (carbonaceous) type of lamination typical for lakes in northeast Poland. Such lakes are characterized by a spring-summer lamina that is rich in calcium carbonate and an autumn-winter lamina composed of organic and minerogenic detritus. This pattern may be modified by multiple periods of calcite deposition during a single year or substantial contribution of clastic material. Laminations and high sedimentation rates offer the possibility of high-resolution investigation of past climate and environmental changes through application of myriad biological, isotopic and geochemical proxies.  相似文献   
Georeferenced user-generated datasets like those extracted from Twitter are increasingly gaining the interest of spatial analysts. Such datasets oftentimes reflect a wide array of real-world phenomena. However, each of these phenomena takes place at a certain spatial scale. Therefore, user-generated datasets are of multiscale nature. Such datasets cannot be properly dealt with using the most common analysis methods, because these are typically designed for single-scale datasets where all observations are expected to reflect one single phenomenon (e.g., crime incidents). In this paper, we focus on the popular local G statistics. We propose a modified scale-sensitive version of a local G statistic. Furthermore, our approach comprises an alternative neighbourhood definition that enables to extract certain scales of interest. We compared our method with the original one on a real-world Twitter dataset. Our experiments show that our approach is able to better detect spatial autocorrelation at specific scales, as opposed to the original method. Based on the findings of our research, we identified a number of scale-related issues that our approach is able to overcome. Thus, we demonstrate the multiscale suitability of the proposed solution.  相似文献   
A multi‐channel, high‐resolution seismic reflection survey using a Micro‐GI airgun was carried out in the framework of the Russian‐German project PLOT (Paleolimnological Transect) on Lake Levinson‐Lessing, Taymyr Peninsula, in 2016. In total, ~70 km of seismic reflection profiles revealed in unprecedented detail the glacial and postglacial sedimentary infill of the lake basin. Five main seismic units have been recognized and interpreted as glacial (Unit V), subglacial and proglacial (Unit IV), marine (Unit III), fluvial‐lacustrine (Unit II) and lacustrine (Unit I) sediments. Of particular significance are imbricated, south‐orientated structures present in the southernmost part of the lake basin within Unit V and a large topographic ridge recognized in front of those structures. We interpret these structures as push moraines and an end moraine, respectively, left by the glacier after its retreat. The depositional pattern of the units above the moraines documents past lake‐level fluctuations. We interpret Unit IV, Unit III and Unit I as highstand deposits, and Unit II as lowstand deposits. Gas‐charged sediments dominate the northern part of the lake basin, whilst they occur only sporadically and in limited spatial extent in the central and southern parts of the lake. In the latter areas, the seismic and echo‐sounder data suggest recent tectonic activity. Our study contributes to the reconstruction of environmental conditions in the Taymyr Peninsula directly following the Early Weichselian deglaciation and shows that deep tectonic lake basins affected by several glaciations can preserve important palaeoenvironmental records, which contributes significantly to our understanding of palaeoenvironmental changes in the Taymyr Peninsula and the central Russian Arctic.  相似文献   
Lake Ladoga in northwestern Russia is Europe's largest lake. The postglacial history of the Ladoga basin is for the first time documented continuously with high temporal resolution in the upper 13.3 m of a sediment core (Co1309) from the northwestern part of the lake. We applied a multiproxy approach including radiographic imaging, (bio‐)geochemical and granulometric analyses. Age control was established combining radiocarbon dating with varve chronology, the latter anchored to a correlated radiocarbon age from a lake close by. The age‐depth model reveals the onset of glacial varve sedimentation at 13 910±140 cal. a BP, when Lake Ladoga was part of the Baltic Ice Lake. Linear extrapolation of published retreat rates of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet provides a formation age of the Luga moraine close to Lake Ladoga's southern shore of 14.5–15.9 cal. ka BP, older than previously assumed. Varve sedimentation covers the Bølling/Allerød interstadial, the Younger Dryas stadial and the Early Holocene. Varve‐thickness variations, conjoined with grain‐size and geochemical variations, inform about the relative position of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and the climate during the deglaciation phase. The upper limit of the varved succession marks the change from glaciolacustrine to normal lacustrine sedimentation and post‐dates the drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake as well as the formation of the Salpausselkä II moraine north of Lake Ladoga, by c. 250 years. The Holocene sediment record is divided into three periods in the following order: (i) a lower transition zone between the Holocene boundary and c. 9.5 cal. ka BP, characterized by mostly massive sediments with low organic content, (ii) a phase with increased organic content from c. 9.5 to 4.5 cal. ka BP corresponding to the Holocene Thermal Maximum, and (iii) a phase with relatively stable sedimentation in a lacustrine environment from c. 4.5 cal. ka BP until present.  相似文献   
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