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The average Mo content of more than one hundred rock samples from the Precambrian basement of the Colorado Mineral Belt corresponds well to the global molybdenum content of crustal rocks of 1.0 ppm. There are no indications of a regional geochemical molybdenum anomaly in that part of the crust or upper mantle.  相似文献   
Concentrations of total hydrocarbons within the boiling point range of the alkanes n-C14 and n-C32 were determined in oysters, Pinctada margaratifera, from coastal waters of Kuwait. Levels of petroleum-derived hydrocarbons were highest in an area adjacent to the major oil loading facilities. Whether the use of dispersants to treat minor spills increases levels of incorporation of petroleum compounds into the food webs could not be concluded from the data of this study. Levels of total petroleum-type hydrocarbons in the oysters at this site were equivalent to those in mussels, Mytilus sp., from harbours, bays and urban coastal areas of California. The Kuwaiti oysters lacked a C28 pentacyclic triterpane that was present in extracts of mussels from southern California that had been recently exposed to a minor spill or to a natural seepage. Levels of DDE and PCB were comparable to those in relatively unpolluted areas of North America.  相似文献   
For marine logistics and maintenance of extensive and expensive marine engineering projects in the coastal zone, it is essential that institutions provide the public with relevant information in an easily understandable yet comprehensive manner over the web. A perennial challenge, however, has been the development of spatio-temporal (four-dimensional (4D)) geo-visualization algorithms to enable the integration of time-varying geo-information in map-based visualizations on the Internet. In this paper, we address the challenge of visualizing marine spatial data in web-based applications through a 4D visualization concept, focusing on usability criteria, performance parameters, the required implementation effort, and delivering a breath of spatial information that supports decision-making on multiple levels. We used Web Graphic Library (WebGL) to validate our concept through a prototypical implementation. In our technology evaluation, WebGL proved highly suitable for the development of interactive, responsive, efficient, and mobile web-based Geographic Information applications, including 2D, 3D, and 4D (spatiotemporal) content. During our research, we identified a number of open research questions, including mapping graphic variables to thematic expressivity, representation of the time dimension in 4D systems, generic temporal generalization, and integration of (pseudo-)photorealistic illustrations in web-based geo-visualization systems.  相似文献   

In the long term, any definition of adequacy consistent with UNFCCC Article 2 will require increased mitigation efforts from almost all countries. Therefore, an expansion of emission limitation commitments will form a central element of any future architecture of the climate regime. This expansion has two elements: deepening of quantitative commitments for Annex B countries and the adoption of commitments for those countries outside of the current limitation regime. This article seeks to provide a more analytical basis for further differentiation among non-Annex I countries. To be both fair and reflective of national circumstances, it is based on the criteria of responsibility, capability and potential to mitigate. Altogether, non-Annex I countries were differentiated in four groups, each including countries with similar national circumstances: newly industrialized countries (NICs), rapidly industrializing countries (RIDCs), ‘other developing countries’, and least developed countries (LDCs). Based on the same criteria that were used for differentiating among non-Annex I countries, a set of decision rules was developed to assign mitigation and financial transfer commitments to each group of countries (including Annex I countries). Applying these decision rules results in (strict) reduction commitments for Annex I countries, but also implies quantifiable mitigation obligations for NICs and RIDCs, assisted by financial transfers from the North. Other developing countries are obliged to take qualitative commitments, but quantifiable mitigation commitments for these countries and the LDC group would be not justifiable. As national circumstances in countries evolve over time, the composition of the groups will change according to agreed triggers.  相似文献   
According to the current paradigm of modern climatology and oceanography, the global ocean thermohaline circulation works as the so-called “global ocean salinity conveyor belt” – a system of currents connecting different ocean basins and most notably – the northern North Atlantic and northern North Pacific Oceans – the most distant regions of the world ocean. It is shown here that a slight disparity in freshwater redistribution between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans can be sufficient for building up and maintaining a global conveyor-type ocean thermohaline circulation. On the other hand, relatively small changes in this disparity leading to change in sea surface salinity contrasts between and in the north-south within the northern parts of these two oceans can easily change the conveyor.  相似文献   
Inadequate knowledge exists on the distribution of soil moisture and shallow groundwater in intensively cultivated inland valley wetlands in tropical environments, which are required for determining the hydrological regime. This study investigated the spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture along 4 hydrological positions segmented as riparian zone, valley bottom, fringe, and valley slope in an agriculturally used inland valley wetland in Central Uganda. The determined hydrological regimes of the defined hydrological positions are based on soil moisture deficit calculated from the depth to the groundwater table. For that, the accuracy and reliability of satellite‐derived surface models, SRTM‐30m and TanDEM‐X‐12m, for mapping microscale topography and hydrological regimes are evaluated against a 5‐m digital elevation model (DEM) derived from field measurements. Soil moisture and depth to groundwater table were measured using frequency domain reflectometry sensors and piezometers installed along the hydrological positions, respectively. Results showed that spatial and temporal variability in soil moisture increased significantly (p < .05) towards the riparian zone; however, no significant difference was observed between the valley bottom and riparian zone. The distribution of soil hydrological regimes, saturated, near‐saturated, and nonsaturated regimes does not correlate with the hydrological positions. This is due to high spatial and temporal variability in depth to groundwater and soil moisture content across the valley. Precipitation strongly controlled the temporal variability, whereas microscale topography, soil properties, distance from the stream, anthropogenic factors, and land use controlled the spatial variability in the inland valley. TanDEM‐X DEM reasonably mapped the microscale topography and thus soil hydrological regimes relative to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM. The findings of the study contribute to improved understanding of the distribution of hydrological regimes in an inland valley wetland, which is required for a better agricultural water management planning.  相似文献   
Ten new focal mechanisms are derived for earthquakes in southern Central America and its adjacent regions. These are combined with a study of seismicity and data of previous workers to delineate the position and nature of the plate boundaries in this complex region.The Middle America subduction zone may be divided into four or five distinct seismic segments. The plate boundary between North America and the Caribbean near the trench might be located more towards the south than previously suspected. Subduction has basically stopped south of the underthrusting Cocos Ridge. There is not much evidence for a seismically active strike-slip fault south of Panama, but its existence cannot be ruled out. More activity reveals the zone north of Panama which is identified as a subduction zone with normal fault events. Shallow seismicity induced by the interaction of the Nazca plate extends from the Colombia-Panama border south along the Pacific coast to meet a high-angle continental thrust fault system. Subduction with a pronounced slab starts only south of that point near a hot region which offsets the seismic trend at the trench. The Carnegie Ridge and/or the change of direction of subduction in Ecuador produce a highly active zone of seismicity mainly at the depth of 200 km. The area in the Pacific displays a termination of activity at a propagating rift west of the Galapagos Islands. The main eastern boundary of the Cocos plate, the Panama Fracture Zone, is offset towards the west at the southern end of the Malpelo Ridge. Its northern end consists of two active branches as defined by large earthquakes. A strike-slip mechanism near the southeastern flank of the Cocos Ridge was previously believed to be the site of an extended fracture zone. This paper proposes submarine volcanic activity as an alternative explanation.  相似文献   
Understanding the Unique Spectral Signature of Winter Rape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Driven by significant technological developments in the hyperspectral imaging, material mapping using reference spectra has received renewed interest of the remote sensing community. The applicability of reference spectral signatures in image classification depends mainly on the material type and its spectral signature behaviour. Identification and spectral characterization of materials which exhibit unique spectral behaviour is the first step in this approach. Consequently there have been active researches for the identification of surface materials which exhibit unique spectral signatures. The uniqueness of reflectance signature of winter rape relative to its co-occurring crop species was reported in this study. Reflectance spectral libraries constructed from field spectral reflectance measurements collected over five agricultural crops (alfalfa, winter barley, winter rape, winter rye, and winter wheat) during four subsequent growing seasons were classified by the linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Further, the reference field spectral database was used for the spectral feature fitting and classification of a historical HyMAP airborne hyperspectral imagery acquired at a separate site, by spectral library search. Results indicate the existence of a meaningful spectral matching between image and field spectra for winter rape and demonstrate the potential for transferring spectral library for hyperspectral image classification. The observed consistency in the discrimination of winter rape demonstrates experimentally the fundamental principle of remote sensing which suggests the theoretical existence of unique spectral signatures for materials which can be incorporated as reference spectral signatures for hyperspectral image classification.  相似文献   
Amphibole + phlogopite + diopside bearing veins are observed in a large number of upper mantle xenoliths, but the composition of the melt that forms them is poorly constrained. Recent data from the Heldburg Phonolite, Central Germany, has shown that phonolite melt will react with olivine and orthopyroxene xenocrysts to form reaction rims of amphibole + phlogopite + diopside at mid-lower crustal pressures. This is the first example of where a melt has reacted with peridotite to form the mineralogy of the metasomatic veins. It is therefore necessary to explore whether a phonolite melt could be the parent melt that forms amphibole + phlogopite + diopside metasomatic veins. Experimental reactions between single crystals of olivine and orthopyroxene with phonolite melt were conducted at upper mantle conditions of 1.0–1.5 GPa and 900–1,000 °C. Melt water contents were varied from anhydrous to >12 wt. H2O. Olivine reacts to form phlogopite reaction rims with overgrowths of diopside <1,000 °C or rims of secondary olivine >1,000 °C. Orthopyroxene reacts to form amphibole with epitaxial diopside overgrowths <1,000 °C. No reaction rims form when the bulk melt H2O is lower than ~3.8 wt%. Pressure has little effect over the small range tested. These experiments reproduce reaction rims on olivine and orthopyroxene observed in the Heldburg Phonolite, Central Germany, and suggest that a relatively narrow range of temperatures and melt water contents is required for rim formation. The compositions of rim amphibole, phlogopite and diopside from the experiments have very similar compositions to those from Heldburg but do not match those from metasomatic veins. Phenocrysts from Heldburg are similar to the metasomatic veins, suggesting that a phonolite could potentially form the veins if vein formation is dominated by crystallization rather than reaction and replacement of wall rock phases.  相似文献   
Foram determinadas as composições químicas e as idades Rb–Sr de mica branca, feldspato potássico e de rochas totais das mineralizações de esmeraldas de Capoeirana e Belmont, de pegmatitos sem esmeraldas e dos gnaisses Borrachudos, Monlevade e Guanhães da região de Nova Era–Itabira–Ferros (Minas Gerais, Brazil). Os gnaisses graníticos Borrachudos, os gnaisses bandados Monlevade, seus respectivos pegmatitos e veios/schlieren pegmatóides, e os gnaisses Guanhães, adquiriram suas texturas e composições mineralógicas atuais há cerca de 1.9 Ga no contexto do evento Transamazônico.As rochas regionais encaixantes típicas das ocorrências de esmeraldas são os gnaisses Monlevade que pertencem a uma sequência metavulcano-sedimentar de tipo greenstone belt. O evento principal de formação de esmeraldas em Belmont e Capoeirana foi uma reação metassomática dos pegmatitos anatéticos ricos em Be com rochas ultrabásicas ricas em Cr durante o evento Transamazônico em torno de 1.9 Ga. Em Capoeirana nesse contexto os pegmatitos com feldspato potássico ricos em Be foram transformados em rochas de plagioclasio–quartzo. As idades Rb–Sr de cerca de 480 Ma de minerais das mineralizações de esmeralda resultaram da reequilibração de biotitas e feldspatos Transamazônicos durante o evento Brasiliano.Os pegmatitos não-metamórficos e sem esmeralda da região estudada foram formados no evento Brasiliano há 477±14 Ma. O grau de diferenciação dos pegmatitos, estudado em diagramas indicadores específicos como por exemplo Cs vs. K/Rb de micas brancas e feldspatos potássicos, varia desde pegmatitos cerámicos até muscovita-pegmatitos, à pegmatitos de metais raros e até berilíferos. Alguns dos pegmatitos apresentam marcante diferenciação interna.
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Seleniferous minerals of palladium and platinum from ouro preto-bearing mineralisation in Brazil
Alexandre Raphael Cabrala, b, , and Bernd Lehmanna
aInstitut für Mineralogie und Mineralische Rohstoffe, Technische Universität Clausthal, Adolph-Roemer-Str. 2A, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, GermanybDepartment of Geology: Exploration Geology, Rhodes University, PO Box 94, Grahamstown, 6140 South Africa  相似文献   
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