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We present the analysis of a multi-azimuth vertical seismic profiling data set that has been acquired in a tight gas field with the objective of characterizing fracture distributions using seismic anisotropy. We investigate different measurements of anisotropy, which are shear-wave splitting, P-wave traveltime anisotropy and azimuthal amplitude variation with offset. We find that for our field case shear-wave splitting is the most robust measure of azimuthal anisotropy, which is clearly observed over two distinct intervals in the target. We compare the results of the vertical seismic profiling analysis with other borehole data from the same well. Cross-dipole sonic and Formation MicroImager data from the reservoir section suggest that no open fractures intersect the well or are present within half a metre of the borehole wall. Furthermore, a detailed dispersion analysis of the sonic scanner data provides no indication of stress-induced seismic anisotropy along the logged borehole section. We therefore explain the azimuthal anisotropy measured in the vertical seismic profiling data with a model that contains discrete fracture corridors, which do not intersect the well itself but lie within the vertical seismic profiling investigation radius. We show that such a model can reproduce some basic characteristics of azimuthal anisotropy observed in the vertical seismic profiling data. The model is also consistent with well test data that suggest the presence of a fracture corridor away from the well. With this study we demonstrate the necessity of integrating different data types that investigate different scales of rock volume and can provide complementary information for understanding the characteristics of fracture networks in the subsurface.  相似文献   
Lascar Volcano (Atacama, Chile) erupted on 18–20 April 1993. Several sub-Plinian explosions occurred, and some were mushroom-shaped. The highest column rose up to 23 km. Ash clouds crossed South America eastwards. Dacite pumice falls made of blocks and ashes were deposited on the flanks of the volcano as a result of collapsed columns. The pumice contains phenocrysts of plagioclase, enstatite, augite, biotite, magnetite and ilmenite and small crystals of apatite. The 1992 previous andesite dome inside the crater was destroyed. Banded blocks resulting from mingling of the dacitic pumice and andesite from the dome are found in the pumice flow. Both the lava dome and the pumice are representative of the Lascar high-K magma unit. Dacitic pumice is a product of crystal fractionation of the andesitic magma.  相似文献   
We have made numerical experiments of the collisional and gravitational interaction of a planetesimal swarm in the early Solar System. In particular we study the dynamical evolution of an initial population of kilometer-size planetesimals subject to collisions (accretion, rebound, cratering, and catastrophic fragmentation). This study is based on a Monte-Carlo statistical method and provides the mass and velocity distributions of the planetesimal swarm as a function of time as well as their distribution in heliocentric distance. Several experiments have been performed and three of them are presented here. They simulate the accretional growth of numerous planetesimals in the absence (or presence) of gaseous drag, with (or without) one larger embryo among them, and with (or without) a size gradient. The results show that (i) for a population of planetesimals submitted to a negative gradient in size as the heliocentric distance increases, the outer planetesimals spiral toward the Sun faster than inner ones, leading after some time to an accumulation of bodies inside the cloud which allows the formation of an embryo; (ii) the growth of one embryo among a population of planetesimals is accelerated by the presence of gas and is warranted as long as its feeding zone is fed by the inward flow of planetesimals due to gas drag. These results offer some complementary new insights in the understanding of the accretional formation of 4–5 terrestrial planets instead of the numerous Moon-size planets generally found in numerical experiments.  相似文献   
We present observations of a mass ejection that was observed by five different instruments along its way from the solar surface to more than 100 solar radii. The instruments involved are the ground-based H coronagraph at Wrocaw, the white-light SOLWIND coronagraph on board the P78-1 satellite, zodiacal light photometers of the HELIOS B spacecraft, in situ plasma detectors and magnetometers on board the HELIOS B spacecraft, and interplanetary scintillation measurements on the ground. By using a CAT-scan analysis of the images obtained by the SOLWIND coronagraph near the Earth and HELIOS B photometers placed at 0.3 AU perpendicular to the Earth-Sun line, we have been able to get a three-dimensional density reconstruction of the mass ejection and fit the best velocity curve for its propagation. Although problems exist in smoothly joining the height-time curves (for instance, we had to reduce the brightness of the SOLWIND data by more than a factor of two to make the data sets agree photometrically), both this analysis and direct measurements by the other experiments clearly indicate higher speeds at greater distances from the Sun. The plasma acceleration in this case was obviously not limited only to distances within 3 R 0 , as is usually the case, but continued beyond the outer limit of the coronagraph view at 8 R 0 .The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Surface properties, especially albedo, and aspect are widely accepted as strong influences on the surface thermal response of building stone to insolation. However, the influence that adjacent areas of stone with very different surface properties may have on the thermal response of a patch of stonework, and the ways in which spatial variation in thermal characteristics might enhance stone decay has received relatively little attention. This paper examines the differential thermal response of granite used in construction that results from the presence of dark coloured micro-granular enclaves within a leucocratic host. Surface temperatures and temperature differences between enclaves exhibiting mico-spalling, enclaves with no spalling and the surrounding stone were measured for different aspects and seasons on a 20th century building in Madrid. These data were used to calculate a number of “indices” related to short-term temperature cycling and temperature gradients that have the theoretical capability of generating irreversible deformation of the stone. These indices suggest that micro-spalling of enclaves, compared to a lack of similar decay on the host-rock, is related to their differential thermal response to insolation, most importantly the lower albedo and thermal conductivity values of the enclaves. However, these factors are not sufficient on their own to trigger spalling, and breakdown was only observed where enclaves also experienced repeated, short-term surface temperature cycling caused by, for example, temporary shading by adjacent vegetation. These rapid temperature reversals are identified as a key contributory factor to the thermally driven decay observed on some of the enclaves.  相似文献   
Sixty samples were collected in June 1996 at regular intervals within the Seine estuary in France in order to study the arsenic (As) behavior in response to climatic and hydrologic conditions leading to major events in chlorophyll activity, anoxia, turbidity, and salinity. It was determined that arsenate (As5, 15–23 nM) is still the dominant chemical form of dissolved As in the upper, estuary. A concentration of up to 37 nM was observed in the high turbidity zone at the freshwater-seawater interface, presumably a result of pumping and remineralization of plankton particles that develop at salinities >10. The formation of arsenite (As3) was related to two processes: anoxia in the upper estuary and primary production in the superoxygenated, lower estuary. Dimethyl arsenic (DMA) concentrations (0 to 2.2 nM) were not directly correlated with chlorophyll content, but rather with oxygenation rates. Monomethyl arsenic (MMA) concentrations were low. Dissolved organoarsenic concentrations refractory to the formation of volatile hydrides showed high concentrations in the river estuary (1 to 6 nM), and their degradation was probably the cause of DMA and MMA and ultimately of the recycling of dissolved inorganic As. The remineralization of particulate arsenic (AsP) in the high turbidity zone at the freshwater-seawater interface, was apparent once AsP concentrations were normalized with respect to aluminium. This remineralization process, even though it does not exclude the possibility of intra-estuarine As inputs, could account for a major part of the high dissolved total As concentration observed in this specific zone, both in the Seine and other estuaries.  相似文献   
New palaeomagnetic analyses have been carried out in the Kerguelen Islands on 32 lava flows of well-established age (20–22 Ma). Combined with previous studies, they yield a reliable pole for the Lower Miocene for the Antarctic plate: N = 59 flows. 349.9°E, 83.5°S, A95= 6.1°. A reversal sequence reversed-normal has been identified in the Port Jeanne d'Arc section.  相似文献   
Scheelite-bearing calc-silicate gneisses (CSG) oceur in the Montagne Noire within a series of dominant micaschists. Detailed petrographical and mineralogical studies reveal three successive stages of metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration: (1) stage 1, a regional metamorphism at 550°C and 4.5 kb where no mineralization is formed; (2) stage 2a, a hydrothermal alteration at 500 to 450°C and 4 to 3 kb which is characterized by an intense sericitization of feldpars and deposition of Sn in Sn-bearing cale-silicates; and (3) stage 2b, a hydrothermal alteration characterized by the crystallization of idocrasegrossular in CSG with concomittant precipitation of scheelite. Tungsten was transported through the micaschist environment and deposited as scheelite only in the CSG of stage 2b at relatively low pressures. To characterize the mechanism of tungsten transport, tungsten speciation at high P-T and scheelite solubility in aqueous solations buffered by the CSG and by the micaschists assemblages were calculated. It was found that H2WO 0 4 , HWO - 4 and WO 2- 4 are the dominant tungsten aqueous species in H2O–NaCl (one molal) solutions at 500°C and 2–4 kb. Calculations also indicate that scheelite deposition is controlled by decreasing pressure and increasing activity of aqueous calcium in this system. This is consistent with the petrographical and mineralogical observations. The consequences of the presence of volatiles (N2, CH4, CO2) in the regional fluids were examined by determining the effect of N2 on tungsten speciation and scheelite solubility. The addition of N2 (up to 10 mol%) to the mineralizing fluids results in a marked increase in H2WO 0 4 and HWO - 4 concentrations relative to WO 2- 4 and in a large decrease of scheelite solubility. This mechanism favours scheelite precipitation and accounts for the commonly observed association of W (and Sn) deposits with graphitic series generating mixed volatiles fluids.  相似文献   
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