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Using both empirical and numerical ensemble approaches this study focuses on the Mediterranean/West African relationship in northern summer. Statistical analyses utilize skin temperature, sea surface temperature, in situ and satellite rainfall, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) observations and reanalyzed data winds and specific humidity on isobaric surfaces. Numerical investigations are based on a large set of sensitivity experiments performed on four atmospheric general circulation models (AGCM): ARPEGE-Climat3, ECHAM4, LMDZ4 and UCLA7.3. Model outputs are compared to observations, discussed model by model and with an ensemble (multi-model) approach. As in previous studies the anomalous Mediterranean warm events are associated with specific impacts over the African monsoon region, i.e., a more intense monsoon, enhanced flux convergence and ascendances around the ITCZ, a strengthening of low level moisture advection and a more northward location of ascending motion in West Africa. The results show also new features (1) thermal variability observed in the two Mediterranean basins has unalike impacts, i.e. the western Mediterranean covaries with convection in Gulf of Guinea, while the eastern Mediterranean can be interpreted as Sahelian thermal-forcing; (2) although observations show symmetry between warming and cooling, modelling evidences only support the eastern warming influence; (3) anomalous East warm situations are associated with a more northward migration of the monsoon system accompanied by enhanced southwertely flow and weakened northeasterly climatological wind; (4) the multi-model response shows that anomalous East warm surface temperatures generate an enhancement of the overturning circulation in low and high levels, an increase in TEJ (Tropical Eeasterly Jet) and a decrease in AEJ (African Eeasterly Jet).  相似文献   
The work of searching, recovering and quality control of ancient sea-level measurements at Brest is presented. This work enables us to complete a study carried out by Cartwright in 1972, which showed a decrease in the tidal M2 semi-diurnal amplitude of 1% per century. After including these ancient data, as well as the last four decades of observations in the analysis, our results show an increase of the amplitude of M2 after 1960 and a decrease before 1880, suggesting a long-period oscillation rather than a steady secular trend. To cite this article: N. Pouvreau et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
The crater lake of Kawah Ijen volcano contains extremely low pH (<0.4) waters with high SO4 (70000 mg/kg), Cl (21000 mg/kg), F (1500 mg/kg), Al (5000 mg/kg), Fe (2000 mg/kg) and trace metal (Cu 0.5, Zn 4, Pb 3 mg/kg) contents. These brines seep outward through the western crater rim and reappear on the other side as streamlets, which form the headwaters of the Banyupahit stream. The Banyupahit first mixes with fresh rivers and thermal springs in the Ijen caldera and then irrigates a coastal agricultural plain which is 30 km from the summit crater.We discuss the downstream composition changes affecting the Banyupahit waters by using stable isotope, chemical and mineralogical data collected from sites along the stream length. The saturation of the stream waters with respect to minerals was evaluated with SOLVEQ and WATEQ4F and compared with the geochemical observations. An aluminous mineralogy (alunogen, pickeringite, tamarugite and kalinite) develops in the upper part of the Banyupahit due to concentration of the headwaters by evaporation. Downstream attenuation of dissolved element concentrations results principally from dilution and from mineral precipitation. The stream pH changes from 0 at the source to >4 close to the mouth. The δD and δ18O values and the relative SO4–Cl–F contents of the Banyupahit waters indicate that the tributaries are mostly meteoric. Dissolved SO4 in the acidic stream come only from the crater lake seepages and are not involved later in microbially mediated reactions, as shown by their δ34S and δ18O values. Re-equilibration of the stream SO4 oxygen-isotope composition with H2O from tributaries does not occur.Calcium, SiO2, Al, Fe, K and SO4 behave non-conservatively in the stream waters. Gypsum, silica (amorphous or poorly ordered), a basic aluminum hydroxysulfate (basaluminite?), K-jarosite and amorphous ferric hydroxide may exert a solubility control on these elements along the entire stream length, or in certain stream sections, consistent with the thermochemical model results. Downstream concentration trends and mineral saturation levels suggest that precipitation of Sr-, Pb-rich barite and celestite consume Ba, Sr and Pb, whereas dissolved Cu, Pb and Zn may adsorb onto solid particles, especially after the junctions of the acidic stream with non-acidic rivers. We calculated that significant fluxes of SO4, F, Cl, Al, SiO2, Ti, Mn and Cu may reach the irrigation system, possibly causing serious environmental impacts such as soil acidification and induration.  相似文献   
U-series systematics as well as Sr isotopes were measured on young seamount lavas from the Pitcairn hotspot collected during the Polynaut cruise. The combined U-series and Sr isotope data reveal typical mixing relationships between two endmembers. One typical ‘plume’ endmember with radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr and relatively low 230Th/238U and a ‘lithosphere’ endmember with less radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr and relatively larger 230Th/238U. Remarkably, all the lavas, except for a few arguably older samples, are characterized by 226Ra deficits relative to 230Th. On the basis of water content and trace element systematics, we argue that this is due to melting in the presence of phlogopite, which is only stable at lithosphere temperatures. A melting model including the diffusive exchange of elements among phlogopite, garnet and melt is used to constrain melting conditions of the lithosphere. These unusual 226Ra–230Th signatures can be explained by relatively slow melting rates at low matrix porosity. Our model also demonstrates that the effective partitioning behavior is dependent on the melting rate. A simple thermal model for lithosphere heating and melting is in good agreement with predicted melting rates.  相似文献   
Many studies show that seagrass δ15N ratios increase with the amount of urbanization in coastal watersheds. However, there is little information on the relationship between urbanization and seagrass δ15N ratios on a global scale. We performed a meta-analysis on seagrass samples from 79 independent locations to test if seagrass δ15N ratios correlate with patterns of population density and fertilizer use within a radius of 10–200 km around the sample locations. Our results show that seagrass δ15N ratios are more influenced by intergeneric and latitudinal differences than the degree of urbanization or the amount of fertilizer used in nearby watersheds. The positive correlation between seagrass δ15N ratios and latitude hints at an underlying pattern in discrimination or a latitudinal gradient in the 15N isotopic signature of nitrogen assimilated by the plants. The actual mechanisms responsible for the correlation between δ15N and latitude remain unknown.  相似文献   
Subsurface geophysical surveys were carried out using a large range of methods in an unconfined sandstone aquifer in semiarid south-western Niger for improving both the conceptual model of water flow through the unsaturated zone and the parameterization of numerical a groundwater model of the aquifer. Methods included: electromagnetic mapping, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), resistivity logging, time domain electromagnetic sounding (TDEM), and magnetic resonance sounding (MRS). Analyses of electrical conductivities, complemented by geochemical measurements, allowed us to identify preferential pathways for infiltration and drainage beneath gullies and alluvial fans. The mean water content estimated by MRS (13%) was used for computing the regional groundwater recharge from long-term change in the water table. The ranges in permeability and water content obtained with MRS allowed a reduction of the degree of freedom of aquifer parameters used in groundwater modelling.  相似文献   
We have combined metal-silicate partitioning data from the literature with new experimental results at 1.5-8 GPa and 1480-2000 °C to parameterize the effects of pressure, temperature and composition on the partitioning of V, Cr and Nb between liquid Fe metal (with low S and C content) and silicate melt.Using information from the steelmaking literature to correct for interactions in the metal phase, we find that, for peridotitic silicate melts, metal-silicate partition coefficients are given by:
Ectomycorrhiza-forming fungi (EMF) alter the nutrient-acquisition capabilities of vascular plants, and may play an important role in mineral weathering and the partitioning of products of weathering in soils under nutrient-limited conditions. In this study, we isolated the weathering function of Suillus tomentosus in liquid-cultures with biotite micas incubated at room temperature. We hypothesized that the fungus would accelerate weathering by hyphal attachment to biotite surfaces and transmission of nutrient cations via direct exchange into the fungal biomass. We combined a mass-balance approach with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to estimate weathering rates and study dissolution features on biotite surfaces. Weathering of biotite flakes was about 2-3 orders of magnitude faster in shaken liquid-cultures with fungus compared to shaken controls without fungus, but with added inorganic acids. Adding fungus in nonshaken cultures caused a higher dissolution rate than in inorganic pH controls without fungus, but it was not significantly faster than organic pH controls without fungus. The K+, Mg2+ and Fe2+ from biotite were preferentially partitioned into fungal biomass in the shaken cultures, while in the nonshaken cultures, K+ and Mg2+ was lost from biomass and Fe2+ bioaccumulated much less. Fungal hyphae attached to biotite surfaces, but no significant surface changes were detected by SEM. When cultures were shaken, the AFM images of basal planes appeared to be rougher and had abundant dissolution channels, but such channel development was minor in nonshaken conditions. Even under shaken conditions the channels only accounted for only 1/100 of the total dissolution rate of 2.7 × 10−10 mol of biotite m−2 s−1. The results suggest that fungal weathering predominantly occurred not by attachment and direct transfer of nutrients via hyphae, but because of the acidification of the bulk liquid by organic acids, fungal respiration (CO2), and complexation of cations which accelerated dissolution of biotite. Results further suggest that both carbohydrate source (abundant here) and a host with which nutrients are exchanged (missing here) may be required for EMF to exert an important weathering effect in soils. Unsaturated conditions and physical dispersal of nutrient-rich minerals in soils may also confer a benefit for hyphal growth and attachment, and promote the attachment-mediated weathering which has been observed elsewhere on soil mineral surfaces.  相似文献   
Recent findings on the distribution of methylated mercury (MeHgT) in waters have highlighted the importance of organic carbon remineralization on the production of these compounds in the open ocean. Here, we present the first time-series (20 monthly samplings between July 2007 and May 2009) of high-resolution vertical profiles (10-12 depths in a 2350 m water column) of MeHgT distributions in an open ocean environment, the Ligurian Sea (North-western Mediterranean Sea). Concentrations varied within the sub-picomolar range (general mean: 0.30 ± 0.17 pmol L−1, n = 214) with the lowest values at the surface, increasing with depth up to the oxygen minimum zone, and decreasing slowly at greater depth. Concentrations in the surface waters never exceeded 0.15 pmol L−1, while the highest concentrations (up to 0.82 pmol L−1) were associated to the hypoxycline during the autumn bloom. A detailed vertical MeHgT profile reveals a “double-peak” pattern, coincidental with the two microbial layers described by Tanaka and Rassoulzadegan (2002), the so-called “microbial food web” in the euphotic zone (<100 m) and the “microbial loop” in the aphotic zone (>100 m). Temporal variations in the MeHgT abundance and distribution in the water column were linked to seasonality. The highest MeHgT concentrations were found in the oxygen minimum zone during the period of stratification, and coincide with the greatest abundance of nano- and picophytoplankton (cyanobacteria, nanoflagellates, etc.) in the euphotic layer. None of our deep MeHgT measurements (∼100 m above the sea bottom) revealed a significant sedimentary source of MeHgT. We explored the correlation between MeHgT concentrations and the apparent oxygen utilization, a proxy of organic matter remineralization, over the study period. Results of this study strengthen the hypothesis that net mercury methylation in the open ocean occurs in the water column, is linked to organic matter regeneration, and is promoted by the presence of small-sized nano- and picophytoplankton, that dominate under oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   
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