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Marianne Holmer Ole Pedersen Dorte Krause-Jensen Birgit Olesen Malene Hedegrd Petersen Stephanie Schopmeyer Marguerite Koch Bente Aa. Lomstein Henning S. Jensen 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2009,85(2):319-326
Sulfur and oxygen dynamics in the seagrasses Thalassia testudinum and Syringodium filiforme and their sediments were studied in the US Virgin Islands (USVI) in order to explore sulfide intrusion into tropical seagrasses. Four study sites were selected based on the iron concentration in sediments and on proximity to anthropogenic nutrient sources. Meadow characteristics (shoot density, above- and below-ground biomass, nutrient content) were sampled along with sediment biogeochemistry. Sulfide intrusion was high in T. testudinum, as up to 96% of total sulfur in the plant was derived from sediment-derived sulfides. The sulfide intrusion was negatively correlated to the turnover of sulfides in the sediments regulated by both plant parameters and sediment sulfur pools. Sediment iron content played an indirect role by affecting sulfide turnover rates. Leaf production was negatively correlated with sulfide intrusion suggesting that active growth reduced sulfide intrusion. Sulfide intrusion was lower in S. filiforme (up to 44%) compared to T. testudinum consistent with a higher internal nighttime oxygen concentrations found for S. filiforme. When S. filiforme can take advantage of its ability to maintain high internal oxygen concentrations, as was the case on the USVI, it could increase its success in colonizing unvegetated disturbed sediments with potentially high sulfide concentrations. 相似文献
Early fill of the Western Irish Namurian Basin: a complex relationship between turbidites and deltas 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The Western Irish Namurian Basin developed in Early Carboniferous times as a result of extension across the Shannon Lineament which probably coincides with the lapetus Suture. During the late Dinantian, axial areas of the NE-SW elongate trough became deep, whilst shallow-water limestones were deposited on the flanks. This bathymetry persisted into the Namurian when carbonate deposition ceased. In axial areas, a relatively thick mudstone succession spans earliest Namurian to Chokierian whilst on the northwestern marginal shelf, a thin, condensed Namurian mudstone sequence, in which pre-Chokierian sediments are apparently absent, rests unconformably on the Dinantian. From late Chokierian to early Kinderscoutian, the basin was filled by sand-dominated clastic sediments. Sand deposition began in the axial area with deposition of a thick turbidite sequence, the Ross Formation, which is largely equivalent to the condensed mudstone succession on the flanks. Turbidity currents flowed mainly axially towards the north-east and deposited a sequence lacking well-defined patterns of vertical bed-thickness change. Channels and slide sheets occur towards the top of the formation. The turbidite system seems to have lacked well-defined lobes and stable distributary channels. Overlying the Ross Formation, the Gull Island Formation shows a decreasing incidence of turbidite sandstones at the expense of increasing siltstones. This formation is characterized by major slides and slumps interbedded with undisturbed strata. In the flanking areas of the basin, the formation is thinner, has only a few turbidites in the sequence above the condensed mudstones and contains only one slide sheet. Overall the formation is interpreted as the deposit of a major prograding slope, the lower part representing a ramp upon which turbidites were deposited, the upper part a highly unstable muddy slope lacking any conspicuous feeder channels through which sand might have been transferred to deeper water. Progradation of the slope appears to have been increasingly from the northwestern flank of the trough which is similar to the direction deduced for the overlying deltaic Tullig cyclothem which completes the initial basin fill. Whilst several features of the succession can be explained by envisaging the whole sequence as the product of one linked depositional system, the shifting directions of palaeocurrents and palaeoslope raise problems. The switch from axial to lateral supply casts doubt on the strict application of Walther's Law to the total sequence and seems to demand large avulsive shifts of the delta system on the shelf area to the west. 相似文献
Rutger de Wit Lucas J. Stal Bente Aa. Lomstein Rodney A. Herbert Hans van Gemerden Pierluigi Viaroli Victor-Ugo Cecherelli Francisco Rodríguez-Valera Marco Bartoli Gianmarco Giordani Roberta Azzoni Bart Schaub David T. Welsh Andrew Donnelly Ana Cifuentes Josefa Antn Kai Finster Lise B. Nielsen Anne-Grethe Underlien Pedersen Anne Turi Neubauer Marina A. Colangelo Sander K. Heijs 《Continental Shelf Research》2001,21(18-19)
“Buffer capacities” has been defined in ecology as a holistic concept (e.g., Integration of Ecosystem Theories: A Pattern, second ed. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1997, 388pp), but we show that it can also be worked out in mechanistic studies. Our mechanistic approach highlights that “buffering capacities” can be depleted progressively, and, therefore, we make a distinction between current and potential “buffering capacities”. We have applied this concept to understand the limited “local stability” in seagrass ecosystems and their vulnerability towards structural changes into macro-algal dominated communities. We explored the following processes and studied how they confer buffering capacities to the seagrass ecosystem: (i) net autotrophy is persistent in Zostera noltii meadows where plant assimilation acts as a sink for nutrients, this contrasted with the Ulva system that shifted back and forth between net autotrophy and net heterotrophy; (ii) the Z. noltii ecosystem possesses a certain albeit rather limited capacity to modify the balance between nitrogen fixation and denitrification, i.e., it was found that in situ nitrogen fixation always exceeded denitrification; (iii) the nitrogen demand of organoheterotrophic bacteria in the sediment results in nitrogen retention of N in the sediment and hence a buffer against release of nitrogen compounds from sediments, (iv) habitat diversification in seagrass meadows provides shelter for meiofauna and hence buffering against adverse conditions, (v) sedimentary iron provides a buffer against noxious sulfide (note: bacterial sulfide production is enhanced in anoxic sediment niches by increased organic matter loading). On the other hand, in the coastal system we studied, sedimentary iron appears less important as a redox-coupled buffer system against phosphate loading. This is because most inorganic phosphate is bound to calcium rather than to iron. In addition, our studies have highlighted the importance of plant–microbe interactions in the seagrass meadows. 相似文献
Summary Experimental investigations on the Cu-Fe-substitution and the formation of a solid solution series in the system CuS2-FeS2 were carried out under hydrothermal conditions up to 350°C and 3 kb and by means of a piston cylinder apparatus at higher temperatures and pressures up to 900°C and 45 kb. Under dry conditions at 440°C and above 17 kb the system was found to be binary with a miscibility gap between an iron-rich phase near the FeS2 end-member and a coexisting copper-rich phase being the solvus composition of a homogeneity region from 75 to 100 mole% CuS2. This solvus of the copper rich phase was found to be almost independent of temperature and pressure up to 45 kb and 700°C. The solubility of CuS2 in FeS2 at 45 kb increases from 0.6 mole% at 700°C to 4.5 mole% at 900°C. Under hydrothermal conditions up to 3 kbars the solvus of metastable (Cu, Fe)S2 is strongly dependent on pressure only in the Cu-rich part of the system.
With 4 Figures 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Stabilität der CuS2-FeS2 Mischreihe des Pyrit-Typs Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Cu-Fe-Substitution und zur Bildung einer festen Lösung im System CuS2-FeS2 wurden mit der Hydrothermalsynthese bis 350°C und 3 kb und mit der Stempelzylindermethode bis 900°C und 45 kb durchgeführt. Unter trockenen Bedingungen bei 440°C und oberhalb 17 kb ist dieses System binär und weist eine Mischungslücke zwischen einer eisenreichen Phase nahe dem FeS2 Endglied und einer koexistierenden kupferreichen Phase mit der Solvuszusammensetzung eines Homogenitätsbereiches zwischen 75 und 100 mol% CuS2 auf. Dieser Solvus der kupferreichen Phase wurde bis 45 kb und 700°C nahezu druck- und temperaturunabhängig gefunden. Demgegenüber nimmt die Löslichkeit von CuS2 in FeS2 bei 45 kb von 0.6 mol% bei 700°C auf 4.5 mol% bei 900°C zu. Der Solvus der metastabilen (Cu, Fe)S2-Phasen, die bislang nur unter hydrothermalen Bedingungen synthetisiert werden können, zeigte bis 3 kbar nur im kupferreichen Teil des Systems eine starke Druckabhängigkeit.
With 4 Figures 相似文献
K. Bente 《Mineralium Deposita》1982,17(1):119-131
Bismuthinites and (so far as present) coexisting pyrites and/or chalcopyrites from about 50 sulfide bearing deposits were analysed S-isotopically. The natural occurrences data are genetically interpreted and compared with experimental S-isotopic fractionation values between the correspondent synthetic phases. The practicability of the bismuthinite/pyrite and bismuthinite/chalcopyrite sulfur-isotope geothermometer is discussed using results of paragenetic, petrological and fluid inclusion studies. The S-isotope fractionation of some emplectite-chalcopyrite occurrences are treated analogously on the base of theoretical fractionation calculations. 相似文献
Matthias Heuer Alexandra L. Huber Geoffrey D. Bromiley Karl Thomas Fehr Klaus Bente 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》2005,32(8-9):552-563
Clinopyroxenes of the solid solution series hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)–petedunnite (CaZnSi2O6) were synthesized at temperatures of 825–1200°C and pressures of 0.5–2.5 GPa. Compositions were determined by electron microprobe analysis. Selected crystals were investigated by means of single crystal diffraction and structure refinement and the structural distortion was studied depending on the substitution of iron by zinc on the octahedral M1 site. It is shown that the coordination of the M1 site has the most significant effect on M–O bond lengths, with changes on the other sites accommodating this distortion. The mean quadratic elongation and the octahedral angle variance as quantitative measures of the distortion of the coordination polyhedron were correlated with former results of 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy at 298 K. The results presented now complete an earlier work on synthetic, crystalline powders of the same material and deliver exact structural data that were not possible to obtain by Rietveld refinements on powder data. 相似文献
Hanna Hadler Andreas Vött Timo Willershäuser Dennis Wilken Ruth Blankenfeldt Claus von Carnap-Bornheim Kurt Emde Peter Fischer Ulf Ickerodt Stefanie Klooß Bente Majchczack Lea Obrocki Wolfgang Rabbel 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2021,46(15):3228-3251
In ad 1362, a major storm surge drowned wide areas of cultivated medieval marshland along the north-western coast of Germany and turned them into tidal flats. This study presents a new methodological approach for the reconstruction of changing coastal landscapes developed from a study site in the Wadden Sea of North Frisia. Initially, we deciphered long-term as well as event-related short-term geomorphological changes, using a geoscientific standard approach of vibracoring, analyses of sedimentary, geochemical and microfaunal palaeoenvironmental parameters and radiocarbon dating. In a next step, Direct Push (DP)-based Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) and the Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) were applied at vibracore locations to obtain in situ high-resolution stratigraphic data. In a last step, multivariate linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was successfully applied to efficiently identify different sedimentary facies (e.g., fossil marsh or tidal flat deposits) from the CPT and HPT test dataset, to map the facies' lateral distribution, also in comparison to reflection seismic measurements and test their potential to interpolate the borehole and CPT/HPT data. The training dataset acquired for the key site from coring and DP sensing finally allows an automated facies classification of CPT/HPT data obtained elsewhere within the study area. The new methodological approach allowed a detailed reconstruction of the local coastal landscape development in the interplay of natural marsh formation, medieval land reclamation and storm surge-related land losses. 相似文献