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The aim of the article is to analyse challenges facing the commercial production of historical beers, which are ‘extinct’ beers. The concept of ‘fictive terroir’ is introduced to emphasize these challenges. The author addresses the following questions: What kind of knowledge is needed to produce historical beers? How can this knowledge be acquired? How can it be used commercially in craft breweries? The studied case is Vossaøl, a craft beer imitation of a beer produced in the early 19th century. The data were obtained from written sources and interviews with local home brewers and brewers at Voss Brewery in Norway. The study revealed the need to reconstruct the terroir in the early 19th century. Additionally, Voss Brewery had to acquire knowledge about how to process and combine the ingredients, which included the traditional yeast (kveik). Involving traditional home brewers was crucial to determine how ingredients could be combined to produce Vossaøl. The author concludes that a synthetic knowledge base was a useful point of departure in this respect. Participation in the traditional culture of brewing proved an important means when working with this knowledge base. The results are interesting in the broader context of the reconstruction of beverages and food.  相似文献   
Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits contain variable amounts of gold, both in terms of average grade and total gold content, with some VMS deposits hosting world-class gold mines with more than 100?t Au. Previous studies have identified gold-rich VMS as having an average gold grade, expressed in g/t, exceeding the total abundance of base metals, expressed in wt.%. However, statistically meaningful criteria for the identification of truly anomalous deposits have not been established. This paper presents a more extensive analysis of gold grades and tonnages of 513 VMS deposits worldwide, revealing a number of important features in the distribution of the data. A large proportion of deposits are characterized by a relatively low gold grade (<2?g/t), with a gradual decrease in frequency towards maximum gold grades, defining a log-normal distribution. In the analysis presented in this paper, the geometric mean and geometric standard deviation appear to be the simplest metric for identifying subclasses of VMS deposits based on gold grade, especially when comparing deposits within individual belts and districts. The geometric mean gold grade of 513 VMS deposits worldwide is 0.76?g/t; the geometric standard deviation is +2.70?g/t Au. In this analysis, deposits with more than 3.46?g/t Au (geometric mean plus one geometric standard deviation) are considered auriferous. The geometric mean gold content is 4.7?t Au, with a geometric standard deviation of +26.3?t Au. Deposits containing 31?t Au or more (geometric mean plus one geometric standard deviation) are also considered to be anomalous in terms of gold content, irrespective of the gold grade. Deposits with more than 3.46?g/t Au and 31?t Au are considered gold-rich VMS. A large proportion of the total gold hosted in VMS worldwide is found in a relatively small number of such deposits. The identification of these truly anomalous systems helps shed light on the geological parameters that control unusual enrichment of gold in VMS. At the district scale, the gold-rich deposits occupy a stratigraphic position and volcanic setting that commonly differs from other deposits of the district possibly due to a step change in the geodynamic and magmatic evolution of local volcanic complexes. The gold-rich VMS are commonly associated with transitional to calc-alkaline intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks, which may reflect a particularly fertile geodynamic setting and/or timing (e.g., early arc rifting or rifting front). At the deposit scale, uncommon alteration assemblages (e.g., advanced argillic, aluminous, strongly siliceous, or potassium feldspar alteration) and trace element signatures may be recognized (e.g., Au?CAg?CAs?CSb ± Bi?CHg?CTe), suggesting a direct magmatic input in some systems.  相似文献   
U–Pb Sensitive High‐Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) dating of zircon in combination with (U–Th)/He dating of zircon and apatite is applied to constrain the emplacement and exhumation history of the youngest granitic rocks in the Western Carpathians collected in the Central Slovakian Neovolcanic Field. Two samples of diorite from the locality Banky, and granodiorite from Banská Hodru?a yield the U–Pb zircon concordia ages of 15.21 ±0.19 Ma and 12.92 ±0.27 Ma, respectively, recording the time of zircon crystallization and the intrusions’ emplacement. Zircon (U–Th)/He ages of 14.70 ±0.94 (Banky) and 12.65 ±0.61 Ma (Banská Hodru?a), and apatite (U–Th)/He ages of 14.45 ±0.70 Ma (diorite) and 12.26 ±0.77 Ma (granodiorite) are less than 1 Myr younger than the corresponding zircon U–Pb ages. For both diorite and granodiorite rocks their chronological data thus document a simple cooling process from magmatic crystallization/solidification temperatures to near‐surface temperatures in the Middle Miocene, without subsequent reheating. Geospeedometry data suggest for rapid cooling at an average rate of 678 ±158 °C/Myr, and the exhumation rate of 5 mm/year corresponding to active tectonic‐forced exhumation. The quick cooling is interpreted to record the exhumation of the studied granitic rocks complex that closely followed its emplacement, and was likely accompanied by a drop in the paleo‐geothermal gradient due to cessation of volcanic activity in the area.  相似文献   
Résumé Les observations de deux stations situées à l'entrée de la vallée du Rhône et à l'intérieur de celle-ci permettent de déterminer dans une certaine mesure comment l'air froid pénètre dans cette longue vallée des Alpes suisses. L'accès se fait beaucoup plus souvent par-dessus les montagnes de l'Ouest ou du Nord que par le chenal de la vallée seulement.
Summary The observations of two stations at the entrance and in the interior of the Rhône valley allow to a certain degree to determine how cold air penetrates this long extended valley of the Swiss Alps. The influx of air takes much more frequently place over the mountains in the West and North than through the trough of the valley.

Zusammenfassung Die Beobachtungen von zwei Stationen, die am Eingang und im Inneren des Rhonetals gelegen sind, erlauben einigermaßen festzustellen, wie die Kaltluft in dieses langgestreckte Tal der Schweizeralpen eindringt. Dabei erfolgt der Luftzustrom viel häufiger über die Berge im W und N als ausschließlich durch die Talrinne.

Avec 1 Figure  相似文献   
Summary The spectral analysis of samples of beating-type pc3 pulsations, recorded at the Budkov Observatory during the summer months of 1968 and 1969 was carried out in the frequency interval10 mHz100 mHz. The average limits of the pulsation frequency range are roughly20 mHz60 mHz. The centre of the occurrence frequency graphs for both components is at the frequency fg 41 mHz. The analysis of three separated daily intervals showed a very slight tendency to a systematic decrease in the frequency of the centre from the morning to the afternoon. The study of the sense of rotation of the pulsation disturbance vector in the (X, Y)-plane showed an overall predominancy of L over R-types during daytime, particularly during the morning.  相似文献   
Model parameterization through adjustment to field data is a crucial step in the modeling and the understanding of the drainage network response to tectonic or climatic perturbations. Using as a test case a data set of 18 knickpoints that materialize the migration of a 0.7-Ma-old erosion wave in the Ourthe catchment of northern Ardennes (western Europe), we explore the impact of various data fitting on the calibration of the stream power model of river incision, from which a simple knickpoint celerity equation is derived. Our results show that statistical least squares adjustments (or misfit functions) based either on the stream-wise distances between observed and modeled knickpoint positions at time t or on differences between observed and modeled time at the actual knickpoint locations yield significantly different values for the m and K parameters of the model. As there is no physical reason to prefer one of these approaches, an intermediate least-rectangles adjustment might at first glance appear as the best compromise. However, the statistics of the analysis of 200 sets of synthetic knickpoints generated in the Ourthe catchment indicate that the time-based adjustment is the most capable of getting close to the true parameter values. Moreover, this fitting method leads in all cases to an m value lower than that obtained from the classical distance adjustment (for example, 0.75 against 0.86 for the real case of the Ourthe catchment), corresponding to an increase in the non-linear character of the dependence of knickpoint celerity on discharge.  相似文献   
The Souss Basin in SW Morocco is filled by Pliocene–Quaternary fluvial, fluvio-lacustrine and aeolian sediments, representing an excellent archive of palaeohydrology, palaeoclimate and the effects of crustal deformation. In general these sediments indicate stream-dominated alluvial systems, influenced by fluctuations in climate (humidity/aridity). Lakes developed within the basin around the Pliocene–Pleistocene transition and persisted into the Early Pleistocene. During this early period, relatively humid conditions are indicated by the dominance of coarse-grained sedimentation in the upper reaches of fluvial systems, the existence of large lakes and the considerable sediment thicknesses in the centre of the basin. Uplift of the surrounding mountain ranges contributed to piedmont formation by providing large amounts of coarse-grained material that accumulated at the lowland margin. Climatic deterioration in the Middle Pleistocene was accompanied by progressively more irregular and disrupted fluvial regimes. These trends were evident in the Late Pleistocene and became clearer after the mid-Holocene, with aeolian activity becoming the dominant sedimentary agent. Differences between upstream and downstream depositional regimes became marked: while coarse-grained sedimentation has characterized the upper reaches of wadi catchments, fine-grained sedimentation has prevailed downstream. Hiatuses in sedimentation throughout the Pliocene and Quaternary are marked by palaeosol horizons interbedded within the sedimentary sequences, indicating alternate vegetated (stable) and unvegetated (unstable/active) phases (biostasy and ‘rhexistasy’).  相似文献   
Résumé On développe une méthode basée sur le dénombrement des jours de pluite communs à deux stations données et sur l'écart avec leur probabilité. Une formule simple définit l'indice de similitude de deux régimes pluviaux, indice qui peut varier de –1 à +1 et qui caractérise la plus ou moins grande similitude des distributions chronologiques de la pluie en deux endroits quelconques. L'application de la méthode conduit à établir une loi de décroissance de l'indice avec la distance séparant les stations comparées. Dans la région alpine cette loi présente une anomalie résultant de l'effet orographique.
Summary A method of obtaining a synoptic view of the distribution of precipitation (rain- and snowfall) is developed. It is based on the number of days on which precipitation occurs at both of two places more or less distant from each other. A mathematical definition is given of an index of similarity, which latter varies between –1 and +1. These, limiting, figures signify in the case of –1 that precipitation is least likely to occur on any one day at both of two different places, in the case of +1 that it is most likely to occur, and that when the index of similarity is 0 no relation at all can be established for the likelihood of precipitation at both places on the same day. The index shows a sharp decline as the distance between places increases. In general it shows less relationship in regard to the simultaneous occurrence of rain-and snowfall between places lying on opposite sides of the Alps than between places on the same side, showing once more how the Alps act as a weather partition. The results, based on observations at 9 places in Switzerland and 8 in other European countries, are valid for the Temperate Zone; for other climatic regions they may be different.

Zusammenfassung Von der Anzahl der gleichzeitigen Niederschlagstage an zwei Beobachtungsstationen und von der Abweichung ihrer Wahrscheinlichkeit ausgehend, wird eine Methode zum Vergleiche der Niederschlagstypen im synoptischen Sinne entwickelt. Der sogenannte Ähnlichkeitsindex, der zwischen –1 und +1 variieren kann, wird mathematisch definiert. Je nach dem Wert desselben ist die zeitliche Verteilung der Niederschlagstage an zwei Orten gleich (+1), indifferent (0) oder entgegengesetzt (–1). Bei der Anwendung der Methode tritt eine gesetzmäßige Abnahme des Index mit der Entfernung auf. Ein entgegengesetztes Verhalten des Ähnlichkeitsindex beiderseits der Alpen veranschaulicht die Rolle, welche die Alpen bekanntlich als Wetterscheide spielen.
The H N method, employed for studies in neutron transport theory, is used to establish numerical results basic to the vector equation describing the transfer of polarized light in a Rayleigh scattering atmosphere with true absorption. The method has been applied to the classical Milne problem. The exit distribution is defined as a series in powers of the zenith observation angle. The numerical results are computed and compared with exact values obtained using the exit distribution in terms of the H-matrix. The numerical results are in good agreement with previously published findings.  相似文献   
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