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La Soufrière of Guadeloupe is a dangerous volcano characterized over the last decade by moderate seismic and fumarolic unrest. In the last 15,000 years it has experienced phreatic and magmatic eruptions and unusually numerous flank collapse events sometimes associated with a magmatic eruption. We propose a new age of 1530 A.D. and a new eruptive scenario for the last magmatic eruption on the basis of a novel statistical analysis of radiocarbon age dates, and new field and geochemical data. This eruption is the only magmatic eruption likely to have occurred in Guadeloupe during the last 1400 years. The eruption mainly involved an andesitic magma which, in the first phase of the eruption, partially mixed with a slightly more differentiated magma stored in a small and shallow magma chamber. Ascent of magma to the surface generated a partial collapse of the hydrothermally altered edifice that increased the magma discharge and led to a sub-plinian phase with scoria fallout and column-collapse pyroclastic flows followed by near-vent pyroclastic scoria fountains. The eruption ended with growth of a lava dome. Our revised interpretation of the last magmatic eruption of La Soufrière constitutes the most likely key to a future magmatic eruption scenario for this volcano which displays strong evidence of unrest since 1992.  相似文献   
The Souss Basin in SW Morocco is filled by Pliocene–Quaternary fluvial, fluvio-lacustrine and aeolian sediments, representing an excellent archive of palaeohydrology, palaeoclimate and the effects of crustal deformation. In general these sediments indicate stream-dominated alluvial systems, influenced by fluctuations in climate (humidity/aridity). Lakes developed within the basin around the Pliocene–Pleistocene transition and persisted into the Early Pleistocene. During this early period, relatively humid conditions are indicated by the dominance of coarse-grained sedimentation in the upper reaches of fluvial systems, the existence of large lakes and the considerable sediment thicknesses in the centre of the basin. Uplift of the surrounding mountain ranges contributed to piedmont formation by providing large amounts of coarse-grained material that accumulated at the lowland margin. Climatic deterioration in the Middle Pleistocene was accompanied by progressively more irregular and disrupted fluvial regimes. These trends were evident in the Late Pleistocene and became clearer after the mid-Holocene, with aeolian activity becoming the dominant sedimentary agent. Differences between upstream and downstream depositional regimes became marked: while coarse-grained sedimentation has characterized the upper reaches of wadi catchments, fine-grained sedimentation has prevailed downstream. Hiatuses in sedimentation throughout the Pliocene and Quaternary are marked by palaeosol horizons interbedded within the sedimentary sequences, indicating alternate vegetated (stable) and unvegetated (unstable/active) phases (biostasy and ‘rhexistasy’).  相似文献   
A vertical profile of maximum horizontal principal stress, SHmax, orientation to 5 km depth was obtained beneath the Swiss city of Basel from observations of wellbore failure derived from ultrasonic televiewer images obtained in two 1 km distant near-vertical boreholes: a 2755 m exploration well (OT2) imaged from 2550 m to 2753 m across the granitic basement-sediment interface at 2649 m; and a 5 km deep borehole (BS1) imaged entirely within the granite from 2569 m to 4992 m. Stress-related wellbore failure in the form of breakouts or drilling-induced tension fractures (DITFs) occurs throughout the depth range of the logs with breakouts predominant. Within the granite, DITFs are intermittently present, and breakouts more or less continuously present over all but the uppermost 100 m where they are sparse. The mean SHmax orientations from DITFs is 151 ± 13° whereas breakouts yield 143 ± 14°, the combined value weighted for frequency of occurrence being N144°E ± 14°. No marked depth dependence in mean SHmax orientation averaged over several hundred meters depth intervals is evident. This mean SHmax orientation for the granite is consistent with the results of the inversion of populations of focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes occurring between depths of 10–15 km within regions immediately to the north and south of Basel, and with the T-axis of events occurring within the reservoir (Deichmann and Ernst, this volume). DITFs and breakouts identified in OT2 above and below the sediment-basement interface suggest that a change in SHmax orientation to N115°E ± 12° within the Rotliegendes sandstone occurs near its interface with the basement. The origin of the 20–30° change is uncertain, as is its lateral extent. The logs do not extend higher than 80 m above the interface, and so the data do not define whether a further change in stress orientation occurs at the evaporites. Near-surface measurements taken within 50 km of Basel suggest a mean orientation of N–S, albeit with large variability, as do the orientation of hydrofractures at depths up to 850 m within and above the evaporite layers and an active salt diapir, also within 50 km of Basel. Thus, the available evidence supports the notion that the orientation of SHmax above the evaporites is on average more N–S oriented and thus differs from the NW–SE inferred for the basement from the BS1/OS2 wellbore failure data and the earthquake data. Changes in stress orientation with depth can have significant practical consequences for the development of an EGS reservoir, and serve to emphasise the importance of obtaining estimates from within the target rock mass.  相似文献   
The Western Pyrenees presents a diffuse and moderate ( M ≤ 5.7) instrumental seismicity. It nevertheless historically suffered from strong earthquakes (I = IX MSK). The seismic sources of these events are not yet clearly identified. We focus on the Arudy (1980) epicentral area ( M = 5.1) and propose here the reactivation of early Cretaceous normal faults of the Iberian margin as a potential source. The late Cretaceous inversion of this basin, first in a left-lateral strike-slip mode and then in a more frontal convergence, resulted in a pop-up geometry. This flower structure attests of the presence of a deep crustal discontinuity.
The present-day geodynamic arrangement suggests that this accident is reactivated in a right lateral mode. This reactivation leads to a strain partitioning between the deep discontinuity that accommodates the lateral component of the motion and shallow thrusts, rooted on this discontinuity. These thrusts accommodate the shortening component of the strain. The distribution of the instrumental seismicity fits well the structural model of the Arudy basin. Whatever the compressive regional context, the structural behaviour of the system explains too the extensive stress tensor determined for the Arudy crisis if we interpret it in terms of strain ellipsoid. Indeed numerical modelling has shown that this concomitant activity of strike-slip and thrust faulting results in an extensive component that can rise 50 per cent of the finite strain.
We identify too a 25–30 km long potential seismic source for the Arudy area. The size of the structure and its potential reactivation in a strike-slip mode suggest that a maximum earthquake magnitude of ∼6.5 could be expected. The extrapolation of this model at the scale of the Western Pyrenees allows to propose other potential sources for major regional historical earthquakes.  相似文献   
In this paper we analyze the scale of the DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) solutions with respect to DORIS extension of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) for Precise Orbit Determination DPOD2014. The main goal is to explain the scale inconsistencies and to find the optimal solution reaching low-biased and consistent scale time series. Our analysis profits from 4 different strategies based only on the Geodetic Observatory Pecný analysis center solution, using DORIS exchange format data 2.2. A difference in the sequence of the solutions directly corresponds to one of the changes in the solution settings: data elevation dependent weighting, application of data validity indicators and application of phase center - reference point correction. We process multi-satellite and single-satellite solutions for the time period 2011.0–2017.0. Our analysis examines scale inconsistency issues in 2011/2012 and in 2015. The scale increment in 2011/2012 is explained as a result of the concurrence of changes in satellite constellation and change in the provider data validity standards for Cryosat-2 and Jason-2 satellites. The scale increment in 2015 is explained as the effect of change in the standards for phase center - reference center corrections for Saral, Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 satellites. Moreover, comparing the solutions with and without elevation dependent data downweighting using the same elevation cutoff (10°), we found a significant reduction of scale bias and scale variation applying the data downweighting. The data downweighting improved also the station positioning repeatability. We demonstrate that the solution, which is completely free from the additional data associated with observations in DORIS exchange format 2.2 and includes the data downweighting law, eventuates in a consistent scale time series with the lowest offset with respect to DPOD2014 (version 1.0) (12.7 ± 2.3 mm for 2011.0–2017.0). The only remaining scale issue is the part of 2011/2012 increment of around 5 mm, explained by a change in the DORIS satellite constellation.  相似文献   
Résumé On développe une méthode basée sur le dénombrement des jours de pluite communs à deux stations données et sur l'écart avec leur probabilité. Une formule simple définit l'indice de similitude de deux régimes pluviaux, indice qui peut varier de –1 à +1 et qui caractérise la plus ou moins grande similitude des distributions chronologiques de la pluie en deux endroits quelconques. L'application de la méthode conduit à établir une loi de décroissance de l'indice avec la distance séparant les stations comparées. Dans la région alpine cette loi présente une anomalie résultant de l'effet orographique.
Summary A method of obtaining a synoptic view of the distribution of precipitation (rain- and snowfall) is developed. It is based on the number of days on which precipitation occurs at both of two places more or less distant from each other. A mathematical definition is given of an index of similarity, which latter varies between –1 and +1. These, limiting, figures signify in the case of –1 that precipitation is least likely to occur on any one day at both of two different places, in the case of +1 that it is most likely to occur, and that when the index of similarity is 0 no relation at all can be established for the likelihood of precipitation at both places on the same day. The index shows a sharp decline as the distance between places increases. In general it shows less relationship in regard to the simultaneous occurrence of rain-and snowfall between places lying on opposite sides of the Alps than between places on the same side, showing once more how the Alps act as a weather partition. The results, based on observations at 9 places in Switzerland and 8 in other European countries, are valid for the Temperate Zone; for other climatic regions they may be different.

Zusammenfassung Von der Anzahl der gleichzeitigen Niederschlagstage an zwei Beobachtungsstationen und von der Abweichung ihrer Wahrscheinlichkeit ausgehend, wird eine Methode zum Vergleiche der Niederschlagstypen im synoptischen Sinne entwickelt. Der sogenannte Ähnlichkeitsindex, der zwischen –1 und +1 variieren kann, wird mathematisch definiert. Je nach dem Wert desselben ist die zeitliche Verteilung der Niederschlagstage an zwei Orten gleich (+1), indifferent (0) oder entgegengesetzt (–1). Bei der Anwendung der Methode tritt eine gesetzmäßige Abnahme des Index mit der Entfernung auf. Ein entgegengesetztes Verhalten des Ähnlichkeitsindex beiderseits der Alpen veranschaulicht die Rolle, welche die Alpen bekanntlich als Wetterscheide spielen.
Structural, petrological and textural studies are combined with phase equilibria modelling of metapelites from different structural levels of the Roc de Frausa Massif in the Eastern Pyrenees. The pre‐Variscan lithological succession is divided into the Upper, Intermediate and Lower series by two orthogneiss sheets and intruded by Variscan igneous rocks. Structural analysis reveals two phases of Variscan deformation. D1 is marked by tight to isoclinal small‐scale folds and an associated flat‐lying foliation (S1) that affects the whole crustal section. D2 structures are characterized by tight upright folds facing to the NW with steep NE–SW axial planes. D2 heterogeneously reworks the D1 fabrics, leading to an almost complete transposition into a sub‐vertical foliation (S2) in the high‐grade metamorphic domain. All structures are affected by late open to tight, steeply inclined south‐verging NW–SE folds (F3) compatible with steep greenschist facies dextral shear zones of probable Alpine age. In the micaschists of the Upper series, andalusite and sillimanite grew during the formation of the S1 foliation indicating heating from 580 to 640 °C associated with an increase in pressure. Subsequent static growth of cordierite points to post‐D1 decompression. In the Intermediate series, a sillimanite–biotite–muscovite‐bearing assemblage that is parallel to the S1 fabric is statically overgrown by cordierite and K‐feldspar. This sequence points to ~1 kbar of post‐D1 decompression at 630–650 °C. The Intermediate series is intruded by a gabbro–diorite stock that has an aureole marked by widespread migmatization. In the aureole, the migmatitic S1 foliation is defined by the assemblage biotite–sillimanite–K‐feldspar–garnet. The microstructural relationships and garnet zoning are compatible with the D1 pressure peak at ~7.5 kbar and ~750 °C. Late‐ to post‐S2 cordierite growth implies that F2 folds and the associated S2 axial planar leucosomes developed during nearly isothermal decompression to <5 kbar. The Lower series migmatites form a composite S1–S2 fabric; the garnet‐bearing assemblage suggests peak P–T conditions of >5 kbar at suprasolidus conditions. Almost complete consumption of garnet and late cordierite growth points to post‐D2 equilibration at <4 kbar and <750 °C. The early metamorphic history associated with the S1 fabric is interpreted as a result of horizontal middle crustal flow associated with progressive heating and possible burial. The upright F2 folding and S2 foliation are associated with a pressure decrease coeval with the intrusion of mafic magma at mid‐crustal levels. The D2 tectono‐metamorphic evolution may be explained by a crustal‐scale doming associated with emplacement of mafic magmas into the core of the dome.  相似文献   
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